at Y2K party, 212
Kueck, Lynne, 87, 157, 254, 255, 271, 277
LaCroix, Austin, 280
LaCroix, Kate, 280
Lake Los Angeles (California)
Hispanic population in, 131–134, 136, 139
overview of, 9–10
Section 8 housing issue, 140
Steve Sorensen as deputy in, 131–141
town council, 274
Lake Los Angeles News (newspaper), 131, 134, 139
Lamonica, Mark, 278
L’Amour, Louis, 125–127, 200
Lancaster Baptist Church, funeral at, 237–240
Lancaster (California), 9, 33, 83, 129, 136, 185, 220
Lange, Dorothea, 22
La Rue, John, 12
LA Times (newspaper), 42, 44
Latinos Americanos in Acción, 139
Law enforcement, as choice of career, 71–72
Law enforcement museum, 281–282
Law enforcement response to Sorensen shooting, 46–54, 195–196, 221–222. See also Manhunt
LeCorbusier, 43
Leone, Sergio, 197
Lifesavers, 279–280
Lillienfeld, Mark, 249, 250, 268
communication with SWAT, 259
conversation with Kueck, 256–264, 265, 285
Linville, Rande, 107, 108
early life, 98–99
fight with Smallwood’s abusive boyfriend, 108
initial meeting with Chuck Kueck, 96–97
as musician, 178
Little Chief Greenleaf, 143, 144
Lizard People, 142, 143–145
Lizards, Kueck and, 57, 58
Llano (California), 24–25
billboard advertising, 30
Declaration of Principles, 39
demise of, 42–43
home design for, 37, 40–41
recruiting ads, 38–39
utopian community of, 34–43
Llano Colonist (newspaper), 38
Log from the Sea of Cortez (Steinbeck), 92
Logistics, 274–275
The Lonesome Gods (L’Amour), 126–127
Long Beach (California), Kueck in, 59
Los Angeles
lawlessness of early, 12–20
tunnels beneath, 142–145
Los Angeles aqueduct, as escape route, 148–149
Los Angeles County
creation of, 11–12
violence in, 11–20
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Academy, 82, 128
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, creation and early history of, 14–20
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Museum, 281–282
Los Angeles Police Department, 78, 122, 124, 132, 251, 252, 264
Los Angeles Times Magazine, 121
Los Angeles Times (newspaper), 35
Madonna of the Trail, 100–101
Magana, Manuel, 139
conflagration, 267–268
day 1, 46–54
day 2, 65–70, 116–118
day 3, 146–156, 173–174
day 4, 192–200
day 5, 220–223
day 6, 241–246
day 7, 249–271
for Juan Flores, 16–19
reputed sightings of Kueck, 150, 153, 173–174, 199–200
techniques used in Kueck, 147–148
las Manillas, 17
Martha Stewart homes, 33
Martin, Steve, 96
Mar Vista tract, 43–44
Marx Brothers, 216
Massa, Rick, 265
Masterson, Bat, 14
Mavrolas, Connie, 134–135
alliance with Sorensen and Wodetzki, 131, 138–139, 140–141, 274
involvement in defense of Hispanic population, 135–136
police protection for, 235–236
Mesquite, 270
Miner’s Law, 12–13
Mira Loma (California), 129
Mirror gazing, 93
Modells Drugs in Current Use and New Drugs, 91
Modernique Homes, 43–44
Mojave Desert
hermits in, 23–24
High Desert Corridor, 275–276
nocturnal visibility of, 241–242
overview of, 8–10
precautions for living in, 25
squatters in, 22–24
tunnels beneath, 51, 145, 241, 242, 245
See also Antelope Valley
Mojave Desert ground squirrels, 89–90
Mojave greens, 169, 245
Moody, Raymond, 92, 93, 244
Mount Carmel Retreat Center, 66–68, 251
as operation center for manhunt, 68–70
Mr. X, 21–22, 25, 26, 276
Mulholland, William, 150
Murder rate, 19th-century Los Angeles County, 12
Muroc Dry Lake, 184
Murrietta, Joaquin, 16–17
Mustang: The Saga of the Wild Horse in the American West (Stillman), 279
Native Americans
of Antelope Valley, 242–243
in early Los Angeles County history, 13, 15
New Llano (Louisiana), 42
No Doubt, 97
Northern Mojave people, 242
Obama, Barack, 35
Oberman, Barb, 62–64
Oberweber, Dave, 204–205, 206, 209, 213–214, 219
October Sky (film), 187
Oswald’s Revenge, 97, 98
“Ozymandias” (Huxley), 41
Palace Theatre, 215–216
Palmdale, 31
Pathfinders: Overcoming the Crises of Adult Life and Finding Your Own Path to Well-Being (Sheehy), 92
Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets, 205–206, 219
Peacekeeper, 49, 50
Peretti, Frank, 138
Perris (California), 33
Phoenix House, 104
Pissing in the Gene Pool (Rollins), 97–98
Pitchness Detention Center, 129
Planetary and Lunar Nodes (Rudhyar), 92
Plato, 93
Precautions, for desert living, 25
Propster, Steve, 77–78, 79
Psychomanteum, 93
Purcell, Joe, 47, 67, 117, 153, 193
Purpus, Mike, 74
Radio Fundamentals TM 11–455, 91
Ranch Dressing Rod, 102
Rattlesnakes, Kueck and, 23, 27, 194, 230, 254, 283
Read, Nat B., 12
Real estate development, in Antelope Valley, 9–10, 31–34
Recruiting ads, for Llano, 38–39
Rector, Rick, 222–223, 253, 267
Reisner, Marc, 36
Republic (Plato), 93
Resident deputy, 10
Reunions: Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved Ones (Moody), 92, 93
Rik (police dog), 50–51, 253, 266–267, 270
Riverside (California), Chuck Kueck in, 95–98, 105–110, 209–210
Riverside County, pollution of, 103
Rockets, Kueck and, 183–188
Rodney King riots, 122, 267
Rogers, Will, 216
Rolling Stone (magazine), 277
Rollins, Henry, 97–98, 159
Rosamond Dry Lake, 184
Ruiz, Victor, 47–48
Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf (Miller & Mylroie), 91
Sand County Almanac (Leopold), 92
San Fernando Band of Mission Indians, 31
Saudis (Mackey), 91
Schindler, Rudolf, 37
Schlegel, Mark, 200, 253
grunge scene, 203–204
Jello in, 204–211
Second Ring of Power (Castaneda), 92–93
The Second Ring of Power (Castaneda), 243–244
Section 8 housing issue, 140
Sepulveda, Jose, 17, 18
Serrano, 242
Seven American Utopias (Hayden), 40
Shockley, Bernard, 128–129, 266
Short, Martin, 96
br /> Shoshone, 242
Shufelt, G. Warren, 142–143, 144
Sid and Nancy (film), 110
Simons, Elaine, 205–206, 219
Sister Mary Michael, 66, 68–69
Skinheads, Chuck Kueck and, 104–105, 109
Smallwood, Amanda, 99, 101, 108, 178, 190
Smallwood, Chris, 161, 190
early friendship with Chuck Kueck, 95–98
early life, 99–100
fight with mother’s abusive boyfriend, 108
last contact with Jello, 214
as musician, 106–107, 178
Smallwood, Donny, 99
Smallwood, Virginia, 99–100, 215
advice for Don, 178, 189–190
Chuck Kueck and, 102
as “community mom,” 101–102
domestic abuse of, 100, 101, 107–108
Smith, C. T., 174, 222
death of, 273
Kueck’s last stand at home of, 250, 251
Kueck’s visits to, 53–54, 193, 263
Smith, Jedidiah, 45
Smith, Peg-Leg, 13
Snake Fountain, 283
Snakes, 169, 245. See also Rattlesnakes
Socialist Party, 34–35
Socialist utopian community. See Llano (California)
Somewhere in Time (film), 81
Sonora Town, 13
Sorensen, Christine, 83, 167, 168, 170, 172, 236, 238–239, 280, 284
Sorensen, Dixie, 82
Sorensen, Matthew, 172, 238
Sorensen, Rosetta, 72
Sorensen, Stephen (Steve)
advocacy on behalf of Hispanics, 129–130, 131–134, 139, 236
alliance with Wodetzki and Mavrolas, 131, 138–139, 140–141, 274
army career, 79–82
author visit to home of, 163–172, 279, 280–281
characterized as loner, 83
as deputy in Lake Los Angeles, 10, 131–141
early life of, 72–77
enemies, 139, 141
entering sheriff’s department, 82
first assignments as deputy, 128–131
first encounter with Donald Kueck, 111–115, 196
funerals for, 220, 235–240
home of, 164, 165–168, 169–172
initial meeting with Wodetzki, 137–138
intensity and pride of, 75–76
law enforcement response to shooting of, 46–54
lawsuit against locals, 141
as lifeguard, 77–79, 82
marriage, 83
memorial for, 195, 196, 199
relationship with Kueck, 172, 196–198, 199
rescue dogs of, 167, 169
Section 8 housing issue and, 140
shooting of, 28–29
theories concerning death of, 284
visits to Mr. X, 22, 25
visit to Donald Kueck’s property, 21, 25–29
Southern Paiutes, 242
Spanky’s, 94, 97, 106, 188
Special bulletin, on Donald Kueck, 192–193
Special Order 40, 132
Spencer (Captain), 265
Spider holes, 264–265
Spock, Benjamin, 43
Spungeon, Nancy, 210
Squatters, 21–24
St. Teresa, 67
State Route 138, 274
Stefani, Gwen, 97
Stewart, Martha, 33
Storm, Rory, 151, 153
Stringfellow Acid Pits, 103
Suicide by cop, 20, 258–259
Sullivan, Melissa, 48–49, 54
SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics)
closing in on Kueck, 250–254, 264–267
development of, 121–125
history of, 222–223
initial response to Sorensen shooting, 47, 48, 49–51, 53
at Mount Carmel Retreat Center, 69
searching area of Kueck’s last stand, 269–271
Symbionese Liberation Army, 123–125
Tax collection, sheriff and, 14–15
Terrane Vista development, 33
Theodore Payne Wildlife Sanctuary, 150
This Present Darkness (Peretti), 138
Thompson, Mickey, 257
Three Amigos, 96
Three Sisters Buttes, 66, 171–172, 278
Kueck and, 92, 173, 271
Sorensen and, 172
Tongva/Gabrieleno village, 283
Tract housing, 43–44
Trap and trace operation, 147–148, 249–250
Trial (Hayden), 92
Truman, Harry, 101
beneath Los Angeles, 142–145
beneath Mojave Desert, 51, 145, 241, 242, 245
Cu-Chi, 145
Kueck manhunt and, 193–194, 241, 242, 244, 245
Tweaker Highway, 43, 164, 275
Twin Lakes Community Church, 131, 137, 174, 235
Vanyume, 242
Vazquez, Tiburcio, 16–17, 117
Vicious, Sid, 110, 210
Vigilantes, in early Los Angeles County history, 13–14, 16, 18
Virgin Mary, apparition of, 274
Von Braun, Werner, 185, 187
Voodoo Glow Skulls, 97
Wakara, 13
Wambaugh, Joseph, 135
Water, sources of in desert, 151–152
Waters, Frank, 71–72
“Water Use in Desert Operations,” 152
Wayne, John, 276
Welch, Rebecca, 60, 147
adoption of, 61
Kueck’s calls to, 117–118, 154–155, 249–250, 254–256, 259
pilgrimage to site of Jello’s death, 215
receiving news of father’s death, 268
relationship with father, 155–156
reunion with father, 158–162
Western Comrade (magazine), 38
White, Dan, 80–82
Wikipedia, 275
Wild Game (Bergon), 23–24
Williams, Joe, 50–51, 128, 253, 266–267, 270
Willie Boy, 15
Wodetzki, John, 81, 174
alliance with Sorensen and Mavrolas, 131, 138–139, 140–141, 274
initial meeting with Sorensen, 137–138
move to Lake Los Angeles, 136–138
police protection for, 236
Sorensen funeral and, 235, 236–237
Wodetzki, Tish, 137
Worldwide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools, 207
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 37
Yeager, Chuck, 136, 184–185
Y2K party in the desert, 211–213
Zoey (Jello’s girlfriend), 206–208
Zornes, Wesley and Oliver, 38
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