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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

Page 3

by Shawn Sodman

Chapter 3

  The Sea Griffin

  Morning is once again upon the seas to the south. Ariella and Annalee are on the deck of the Red Dawn. Above them is Captain Fidelma McMurphy's flying ship, the Sea Griffin. It is a small ship about twenty paces in length with a large balloon overhead instead of sails. The Sea Griffin hovers just over the Red Dawn's masts and is following the same speed and heading.

  Ariella says to Torgus, “You are in charge. Bring the ship to Sheathelm and I will join you there. With all these elven ships, you should have no problem.”

  “Aye, Captain,” Torgus replies. “Be careful.”

  “I will,” Ariella says.

  A rope is lowered from the Sea Griffin. It has several large knots tied at the end to grab onto. Fidelma calls down, “Are you ready to come aboard?”

  “We're ready,” Ariella calls back. She looks at Annalee and says, “I hope you aren't afraid of heights.”

  “Just hold onto the rope, and we'll pull you up,” yells Fidelma. “We have to bring you up one at a time.” Ariella grabs the rope and she quickly pulled up.

  “Good luck, Captain,” Torgus says.

  “You too,” Ariella replies.

  Soon Ariella is alongside the ship. Fidelma greets her and says, “You have to climb the rest of the way over the edge.” There is a wooden ladder before her, and Ariella uses it to climb up and over the rail. Fidelma gives a signal and her crew, three dark haired young women and a tall blonde, the same age as Fidelma, lowers the rope again. A pulley on the side of the ship allows the rope to descend smoothly. “Welcome aboard, Ariella,” Fidelma says with a smile. Soon the rope is lowered, and Annalee holds it tightly. Fidelma motions to the others, and they quickly pull Annalee up.

  Once Annalee is safely aboard, Fidelma says, “Vindalia, take us up.”

  The female elf, named Vindalia, takes out a violin and begins to play. In the very middle of the deck is a brazier. The flames within it begin to grow. Directly above the fire is an opening in the bottom of the enormous balloon overhead. The dark haired elven girl continues to play her violin as the flames begin to cause the ship to rise.

  “She's doing that with her music?” Ariella asks.

  “Yes,” Fidelma answers. “The violin helps her channel her magic. Her name is Vindalia. She was an Amazon of the Silver Moon before leaving them a few years ago. Let me introduce you to the others.” Fidelma walks over to the tallest of her crew. Her long blonde hair is pulled back into a tail. “Ariella, this is my first mate, Samantha, or Sam for short. Sam, this is Ariella Stormrage.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Ariella,” Samantha says as she shakes her hand firmly.

  “Faye, Janette,” Fidelma calls out to the remaining two girls. “Come over here and meet my friend.”

  The two girls come over. As they get closer, Ariella asks, “Are they twins?”

  “Yes,” Fidelma answers. “I would like you to meet Faye and Janette, the Hanolly sisters.” Ariella shakes their hands as Fidelma continues, “They have just signed on for the summer. They have quite a talent, as well. Both study teleportation at Dicean.”

  “That's a hard spell to master,” Ariella says.

  “Individually,” Fidelma explains, “they are average with their spells, but together, they are very powerful.”

  “Really,” Ariella says, sounding impressed. She then says to the girls, “If you two ever want to work for someone else, just let me know.”

  “Very funny,” Fidelma laughs, “but I think they prefer to be safe from pirates high up here.”

  “So how long do you figure it will take to reach Sheathelm?” Ariella asks as she looks down at the Red Dawn, now far below.

  “We should be there by tomorrow evening,” Fidelma replies. She says to Vindalia, “We're high enough. Now let’s get moving.”

  Vindalia stops playing her song for a moment, and the flames in the brazier return to their normal level. She then begins to play a different tune, and a breeze begins to push the Sea Griffin along. The wind becomes gradually stronger and soon they are making good time towards their destination.

  “Is this all of your crew?” asks Annalee.

  “It's just the five of us,” Fidelma answers. “This is an easy ship to maintain as long as you can stay away from thunderclouds. It isn't very big, but it is quite practical for my line of work.”

  Other than the stern of the ship being one step higher than the rest of the deck, the ship is level. Between the wheel of the ship, located on the elevated stern, and the brazier at the center of the ship, there is one stairway leading below deck.

  “So how did you manage to get this ship?” Ariella asks. “I thought only the Goblin Trade Company had flying ships.”

  “I'm the first person that the Goblin Trade Company ever sold one to,” Fidelma answers. “I collected a debt for one of their members, and he said if I ever wanted anything, I should just let him know. I asked him about obtaining a flying ship, and he said he would get back to me. Eventually he came through, but I still owe him a lot for it. Four hundred fifty gold pieces to be exact. The reward for Fernando will finish off my debt and leave a nice bonus for rest for the crew.”

  “Let's just hope we can get to him before he leaves,” Ariella says.

  “Follow me,” Fidelma says as she climbs down the steep stairway. Ariella and Annalee follow her below deck. At the bottom of the stairs, facing the stem of the ship, there is a door to the right. Fidelma opens it and says, “This is where we will hold him for interrogation.”

  The room is similar to the brig on the Red Dawn. There is a rectangular table in the middle with an iron cage along the far wall. To the right of the cell, along the adjacent wall, there is chain that runs up from a hook and through an iron ring mounted to a solid beam along the overhead. The chain is attached to an iron bar that hangs down with shackles on either end. It is used to keep a prisoner on his or her feet while their hands are kept above their heads. Along the wall to the right of the door a cat-o-nine tails is hanging. Next to it are three long bamboo rods.

  “This will do nicely,” Ariella smirks.

  “Yes, I think we will get the answers you are looking for,” Fidelma says. “Now let me show you to your quarters.” They exit the small brig and Fidelma points to her left at a door. It is at the stern of the ship and she says, “Those are my quarters.” Then, pointing to the stem, she says, “Over this way we have the galley and the crew's quarters.” They walk through the small galley and find themselves in a room with two bunk beds along each side. She says, “The girls sleep here, except for Sam. She has her own quarters there.” Fidelma points to the last door at the very stem of the ship. “There are plenty of beds to choose from, so take your pick.”

  “Thank you,” Ariella says as the takes off her backpack and sets it on one of the beds.

  “I have something else to show you,” Fidelma says as she walks back through the galley. Annalee sets her backpack onto another bed, and they follow Fidelma to her quarters. They enter the small room. Inside is a bed along the starboard side, under a large porthole. On the port side is a large desk. The aft of the ship has large portholes along the entire length. Underneath is a table that stretches the width of the ship. It is covered with potted plants. There are herbs, vegetables, fruits, and a few flowers. One pot is full of dark violet daisies like the one in Fidelma's cavalier’s hat.

  “It looks like you have an entire garden down here,” Ariella says.

  “It's the best way to get fresh vegetables,” Fidelma says. “I may not be able to throw lightning bolts, but I can still accelerate plant growth.”

  “I remember that being one of the few spells your parents actually wanted you to learn,” Ariella says as she looks over the small garden.

  “Food is always important,” Fidelma replies.

  “What kind of flower is that?” Annalee asks, referring to the violet daisies.

  “It's called a night daisy,” Fidelma says. “They remind me of home.”
/>   “It's so pretty,” Annalee says.

  “Yes, they are,” Fidelma agrees as she walks over to her desk. “This is what I wanted to show you.” On the desk is a crystal bowl, half full of water. Fidelma takes off a blue crystal necklace from around her neck and places it in the bowl. She dips her fingers in the water and begins to run them around the bowl's edge until it begins to vibrate and emit a high-pitched sound. Fidelma says, “Now we wait a moment for my two former crew members to respond.”

  Ariella and Annalee gather around and watch as an image of two young women appear in the water. It is Lee and Trisha from the King's Shield Inn. They are in their room, and they, too, have a crystal bowl full of water, and have placed a similar necklace inside the water. Lee pulls her blonde hair back so that it doesn't hang down into the water. She speaks into the bowl. “Captain McMurphy, can you hear me?”

  “Yes, I can, Lee,” Fidelma replies. “Is Fernando Greythorn still there?”

  “Yes, Captain,” Lee answers. “He is downstairs right now just sitting at a table, having a drink.”

  “You weren’t joking,” Ariella says. “You really do have an eye on him.”

  “Captain,” Trisha says, “if we can get our hands on some slumber root we could make sure he doesn't leave. We could keep him in our room until you arrive.”

  “The problem is,” Lee continues, “there isn't any here in Sheathelm.”

  “Don't worry about that,” Fidelma says, “I can send the twins with some.”

  “Good,” Trisha replies. “I am sure we can get him to come up to our room for a drink.”

  “Very good,” Fidelma says. “Wait right there, and I'll have the Hanolly sisters get a good look at your room so they can teleport safely to you.” Fidelma rushes to the door and opens it. She calls out for Faye and Janette, and soon they enter Fidelma's quarters. “All right,” she says to them, “I want you two to study this room for a moment, and then I have something you need to take there.”

  “Is this room in Sheathelm?” asks Faye.

  “Yes,” says Fidelma. “It's not too far for you and Janette, is it?”

  “No, ma'am,” answers Faye. “But if it's inside the walls of the city, we won't be able to teleport there. Sheathelm is protected by magic to prevent people from entering through magic gates and teleport spells. Only gate stones will work for entering.”

  Janette says, “We have been to Sheathelm before, Captain. Faye and I can teleport just outside the city and walk from there. We can still teleport back from the Inn.”

  “Good,” says Fidelma. She walks over to her desk and opens a drawer. She takes out a small jar containing pieces of a brown root, hands the jar to Faye, and says, “Take this to Trisha and Lee. Have them contact me once they have secured Mr. Greythorn. Come back after you have gathered your strength.”

  “Yes, Captain,” Faye answers. Faye opens a small pouch on her belt and places the jar inside. She asks Janette, “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” Janette replies. The two hold hands, making a circle, and close their eyes. Seconds later, there is a whoosh of air and a pop as the two disappear.

  “Soon, Ariella,” Fidelma says with a smile, “we will have your information, and I will have my reward.”

  “Good,” Ariella replies, “I can hardly wait to get my hands on him.”

  Chapter 4


  Just outside of Sheathelm, Fay and Janette magically appear. They look around to get their bearings and see the King River between themselves and walls of the city. There is a bridge that leads across to the southern gate. While it is guarded by soldiers with dogs, people are coming and going freely.

  “Come on,” says Faye. “I think I know where to go.”

  In the King's Shield Inn, Lee and Trisha are coming down the stairs from their room. They go about their work washing the tables as they wait for the twins to arrive. When Fay and Janette enter, they approach Trisha, who is behind the counter. Faye says to her, “Fidelma sent this for you.” She takes out the small jar and hands it to Trisha.

  The buxom brunette opens the jar and removes a small piece of the root. “That should be enough,” she says as she seals the jar again and hands it back to Faye. With a mischievous smile, she says, “Now let’s buy Fernando a drink.” Trisha begins to prepare an ale for Fernando, who is sitting at a table on the far side of the room, staring at Ariella's locket. She breaks the slumber root into smaller bits and drops them into the mug. They fall to the bottom of the drink as Trisha walks over to Fernando and places the mug on his table.

  “Ale at this hour?” Fernando asks. “It is not even noon.”

  “You look like you could use it,” Trisha says as she sits next to him. “Are you feeling guilty about something?”

  “As a matter of fact,” Fernando replies, “I am.”

  Across the room Lee continues to clean tables. Faye asks her sister, “Should we head back now?”

  “I need to rest more,” Janette answers as she sits down at a table. “Let's get something to eat.”

  Other than Fernando and the young women, there is no one else around. Lee walks over to the twins to take their order.

  Trisha slides the mug of ale closer to Fernando and asks, “So what's on your mind?”

  “It is nothing I really wish to discuss,” Fernando answers as he picks up the mug.

  “Maybe you could come up to my room,” Trisha says with a grin, “and I can make you feel better.”

  “That is a tempting offer,” Fernando replies as he sets the mug down again without taking a drink, “but I must decline.”

  “What?” Trisha squawks. She is both surprised and slightly offended.

  “I am just not feeling up for romance right now. Lo siento.”

  “Fine,” says Trisha angrily as she storms off.

  A broad-shouldered man enters the inn. He is taller than Drake or Leon, and just as muscular. Lee greets him, “Good morning, Brock.”

  “Good morning to you, sweetie,” Brock replies. He looks around the nearly empty inn as he strokes his chin. Once he spots the twins, Brock begins to walk towards them and says, “Well, what do we have here?”

  “Look at him, Faye,” Janette says, in awe of his size. “He is so tall.”

  The man with short dark hair says, “My name is Brock. What would your names be?”

  Janette looks at the sword at the man's side. She cannot tell if he is a soldier, a guard, or just a rogue traveler. She replies, “I am Janette, and this is my sister Faye.” Faye, much more reserved than her sister, sits quietly looking away.

  “Twins, I see,” Brock says with a smile. “I have not seen you around here before.”

  “We aren't from around here,” Janette replies cheerfully.

  “Well, I could show you two around,” Brock says as Lee brings out the girls' food.

  “Thanks,” Faye replies, “but we're leaving after we eat.”

  Fernando is about to take a drink from the mug when he stops to watch Brock as he interacts with the young women. He sets the ale down once more as Brock stands behind Faye and Janette and places his hands on their shoulders, saying, “Come on. What's the hurry?”

  “I'm sorry,” Janette apologies, “but we really should be going after this.”

  “Fine,” Brock replies, running his hands through their long dark hair. “We can skip over the city tour and go right to my place.”

  Lee returns to the table and says, “Leave the girls alone, Brock.”

  “Aw, come on,” Brock playfully whines as he turns to face Lee. “I'm just trying to have a little fun.” He reaches around and swats Lee on her behind. He turns to the twins again and says with a laugh, “I just want to see just how identical they really are.”

  “I do not believe the ladies are interested, my friend,” Fernando says from the other side of the room.

  Brock turns his attention to Fernando, who is still sitting at his table. Brock starts to make his way over to him when Trisha says, “We d
on't want any trouble, you two.”

  “Oh, he's no trouble,” Brock says as he reaches the table where Fernando is sitting. He looks across the table at Fernando and asks, “What's your name?”

  “My name?” Fernando asks as he calmly stands up. “My name is Fernando Greythorn Hernandez.”

  “Well, Fernando,” Brock says as he cracks his knuckles, “why don't you mind your own business?”

  “When a man does not treat ladies with respect,” Fernando replies as he walks up and stands before Brock, “I make it my business.”

  “I think you've had too much to drink,” Brock says as he picks up the mug of ale that Tricia had given Fernando. He smells the ale before pouring it over Fernando's head.

  “Now,” Fernando says, still calm even as the ale soaks into his clothing, “you are just being rude. I am afraid I am going to have to ask you to leave.”

  “Please, Brock,” Lee begs, “just go.”

  “I'm not going anywhere,” Brock replies as he slams the empty mug on the table, “but he is.”

  Brock reaches for Fernando, but Fernando easily swats his hand away with a parry. Then Fernando slaps the much larger man across the face. “I probably should not have done that,” Fernando says, under his breath.

  Brock lets out a yell and grabs Fernando by his shirt with both hands. He throws Fernando to the ground towards the table where the twins are sitting. Fernando gets to his feet as Brock charges at him. Faye and Janette jump out of the way as Fernando is tackled, and he and Brock both crash through the table.

  “Stop it, Brock!” Lee yells.

  Fernando, wincing in pain, says, “It is alright, Miss. I have him right where I want him.”

  Brock draws back his fist and prepares to hit Fernando in the face. Fernando quickly grabs the metal platter that Lee had brought the twins' food on and blocks the punch. Brock leans back and shakes his hand in pain. Fernando quickly punches him in the face. While Brock is stunned, Fernando hits him on the side of his head with the tray.

  Brock is knocked off of Fernando and as he holds the side of his head he stands up and says, “I have had enough of this.” He draws out his sword.


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