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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

Page 13

by Shawn Sodman

  Kristieana answers, “I didn't find any more orcneas. I think we'll be safe from an attack for a while. We should probably find the others and discuss what we're going to do next. It's not that late, but I didn't see anything worth traveling to. This city may be the best option for the night.”

  Gelana adds, “And there is that brewery.”

  “We deserve a celebration,” Yentroc says.

  Kristieana warns, “Just be careful how much you drink. Ogre's Mead is the strongest known alcoholic beverage in all of Runefell.”

  “So who's up for a drinking challenge?” Gelana asks with a grin.

  “I am,” Yentroc answers.

  “The strongest alcohol in all of Runefell?” Ja'noa asks. “Sounds like something we might regret in the morning.”

  “I would,” Kel'ana says, “if we weren't in the middle of an orcnea city.”

  Gelana laughs and says, “Fine, you two can be on watch, then. What about you, Rehma?”

  Rehma, looking at the black bead on her necklace, replies, “I don't really feel like celebrating.”

  “Come on,” Gelana says as she puts her arm around Rehma. “Are you still upset about your black bead?”

  Rehma sighs as she starts to head back the way they came. “You don't understand,” she says. “I have never gotten a black bead in my entire life.”

  “Really?” asks Kel'ana. “Never?”

  “No. Never,” Rehma answers as the others start to follow her.

  Yentroc says, “You shouldn't let it get to you. Sooner or later, everyone gets a black bead.”

  “Some of us have a few more than others,” Gelana says. She gives Yentroc a nudge and teases, “Right, Yentroc?”

  Yentroc nudges Gelana back and says, “Stop it.”

  They continue to walk back as Rehma turns and says, “I know, but if we had all just attacked at once, we would have taken the orcneas without any problem.”

  “I agree,” says Ja'noa. “But it would have been much more chaotic and dangerous.”

  “Especially for the children,” Kel'ana adds.

  “Kelik and Ambra shouldn't even be here!” Rehma says. “They should send them back with that gate stone they have.”

  “You're right,” says Kristieana. “They should not be here, but they are, and we do not have a gate stone of our own to return if things get beyond our control.”

  Gelana says, “Ya'leigh and others from her group have done a good job staying back and protecting them. I think it's good to have them for an escape.”

  “Either way,” Rehma says as she starts to walk ahead of the others, “I don't think I deserved the dishonor.”

  Gelana catches up with Rehma and says, “I understand your frustration. Tonight, why don't you just relax and have some Ogre's Mead. I'll even buy.”

  Rehma tries to hold back a smile as she replies, “All right, maybe I'll have one.”

  Chapter 18

  Breaking Point

  To the west of Sheathelm, far above the ground, flies the Sea Griffin. The elven violinist plays her instrument as the magical winds, conjured from her music, continue to push the ship away from the capital city.

  “I hope that storm over Sheathelm passes soon,” Ariella says. “The Red Dawn should be arriving there anytime now.”

  “Yes,” Fidelma replies. “In the meantime, what do you want to do about Fernando?”

  “You told me that you and Samantha did this all the time,” Ariella replies. “Why isn't he breaking?”

  Fidelma walks to the railing and says, “Perhaps it is because you truly would be in danger if he tells you, and he honestly believes that his suffering is worth protecting you.”

  “Don't make him out to be the selfless hero in all this,” Ariella says.

  “I'm not saying that you can't take care of yourself,” replies Fidelma. “All I'm saying is that he believes that your life would be in danger.”

  Ariella sighs and hangs her head as Samantha comes up from below. Samantha sits on a barrel and says, “I don't know what else we can do to him. I've whipped him, caned him, and Annalee has broken nearly every rib. The only thing we haven't done is smash in his pretty face.”

  Fidelma replies, “That's because we don't want to risk damaging his memories.”

  “At this point,” Ariella says as she starts to climb down the stairs, “I'll take the risk.”

  “Wait,” Fidelma calls to her. She follows Ariella to the brig below. When she catches up with her, she says, “Ariella, don't!”

  Hanging from the overhead, with his hands bound to the iron bar, Fernando looks up to see Ariella coming straight for him. “I've had enough of this,” she says. She balls up her fist and delivers a right hook to the side of his face. The impact is solid, and Ariella shakes her hand, as the force also hurt her fist.

  “So now it's your turn?” Fernando asks.

  Ariella grabs his face with her left hand and says, “Up to this point we've only hurt your body. That's about to change. You used your charm to gain my trust, but if I take your handsome looks away, I can make sure you will never do that again. Samantha, lower Fernando down to his knees.” Samantha goes over to the wall where the chain is attached. She unhooks it and kicks the back of Fernando's leg. He falls to his knees, and Samantha reattaches the chain to the hook on the wall. Ariella, still grasping Fernando's face, turns to Annalee and says, “Annalee, I want you to smash Mr. Greythorn's face.”

  Annalee, concerned, questions the captain's orders, “Are you sure?”

  Fidelma interjects, “Ariella, Annalee's fists could kill him.”

  “So?” Ariella replies as she releases his face. “You said he's worth almost as much dead.”

  “I just don't want you to do anything you might regret,” Fidelma says.

  Fernando inquires, “What do you mean, I am worth almost as much dead? Do you plan on returning me to Bastion?”

  Ariella realizes that she just gave up some information that may change how Fernando cooperates. Fidelma also realizes that this will make things more difficult to negotiate with their captive.

  When no one answers Fernando's query, he says, “This is starting to make sense now. After all, Fidelma is a bounty hunter. How much is the bounty up to now?”

  Fidelma answers, “Enough for me to finish paying off my ship.”

  Fernando starts to piece the new information together with what he already knows. He looks at Ariella and asks, “Were you planning on turning me over to Fidelma once I told you what you needed to know?”

  Ariella coldly stares Fernando down and asks, “Are you really surprised? You took my locket so that someone else could steal my father's treasure, just so you could get back your precious family sword. All I have to show for it is an empty chest and an unfinished letter from my mother that doesn't tell me a damned thing. You are already dead to me, Fernando.”

  “Maybe there is a way to salvage this,” Fidelma says. Ariella and Fernando turn their attention to Fidelma as she continues, “Perhaps you can tell us who took the treasure, then maybe there will be enough gold that we won't need the bounty on you.”

  Because Red Beard had mentioned purchasing another ship, Fernando knows full well that most of the gold will already be spent. While Ariella may receive some reward, he doubts that the bounty hunter, Fidelma, would get anything at all.

  “What if I told you everything that I knew,” Fernando says, “but the gold turns out to be already spent?”

  The two captains look at each other and ponder the question. Fidelma says, “Why don't you just tell us and we can worry about that later.”

  Fernando knows that he is as good as dead if the women turn him over to the brothel owners of Bastion. He says, “What if I told you the reason they want me in Bastion is because I helped women escape the brothels?”

  Annalee looks at Ariella desperately. “Captain, if that is true...”

  Ariella looks the Fidelma and asks, “Is he telling the truth?”

  “I can't be certain
,” Fidelma answers. She walks up to Fernando and says to him, “Perhaps if you would let me in your mind, I could tell for sure.”

  Fernando grins and replies, “Nice try, but I don't think so.”

  “Then I believe we are back at the beginning,” Fidelma says. “Fernando refusing to tell us the truth.”

  “Annalee,” Ariella says, “please use your talents and break his nose and jaw.”

  Annalee, unsure of what she should do, steps up to Fernando. She looks at him, and then back at Ariella, and says, “I can't, Captain. I'm sorry. What if he's telling the truth? I don't want to kill him.”

  “Don't believe Fernando's lies,” Ariella advises coldly. “That's what he does best. Just hit his face and not his skull,” Ariella says.

  “With her fists, it won't matter,” Fidelma warns.

  “Fine,” Ariella relents. She glares at Fernando and says, “It looks like your little lies have bought you some time.” Everyone is relieved to hear Ariella back down. Then she says, “When we get back to the Red Dawn I am going to turn you over to Drake and Leon. Then, Mr. Greythorn, you will wish it was Annalee who was doing the hitting.”

  Ariella starts towards the door when Fernando says, “Wait.” Ariella stops and turns to see what Fernando has to say. She looks at him as he says to Annalee, “You have to be the one to do this.”

  Annalee, confused says, “You want me to hit you in the face.”

  “'Want' might not be the right word,” Fernando says, trying to force a smile, “but I would rather it be you than Leon or Drake. They would surely kill me.” He then glances at Ariella and says, “If this is what she wants you to do, then let's just get it over with.”

  The girl with the iron-like fists looks to her captain. Ariella can see the conflict in Annalee's eyes. “It's all right,” Ariella says to her. “You don't have to do it.”

  “We should be able to get back to Sheathelm by morning,” Fidelma says. “Come on, we'll give Fernando a chance to rest.”

  The group turns to leave as Fernando says, “What's the matter, my little friend? Are you getting weak on me? Don't tell me that you are afraid.”

  Annalee faces Fernando once again. “I'm not afraid. I just don't want to hurt you if you really freed women from the Bastion brothels.”

  “I see,” replies Fernando. “Then let me put your mind at ease. I am going to tell you the real reason there is a bounty on me. Then perhaps you will wish to kill me after all.” Now, intrigued by what he has to say, the women wait and listen. Fernando says to Annalee, “You know what I used to do to the women at the brothels?”

  Annalee, uncomfortable with the subject matter, nervously shakes her head and asks, “What?”

  “I would always ask for the new girls,” he says. “The ones that were not very cooperative.” Fernando's story resonates with Annalee who only spent a short time in a Bastion brothel. “I would teach them how to behave and how to make their clients happy.”

  Annalee can feel her anxiety grow. She starts to breathe heavier, and begins clenching her fists. Ariella looks to Fidelma and quietly asks, “What is he doing?”

  “I don't know,” Fidelma replies, “but I certainly don't believe this story.”

  Fernando continues to antagonize the young Annalee. “One day, a young girl refused to listen to me. When I was done with her, she was worthless to the brothel owner. He said that I owed him for a new girl. I refused to pay, and went elsewhere to get my pleasures. Over time, more and more brothel owners said that I owed them money for new girls.”

  “Stop it,” Annalee says. “I don't want to hear any more.”

  Fernando looks her in the eyes and says, “You know what I would do to you right now if I didn't have these chains on me?”

  “Shut up!” Annalee yells.

  Fernando laughs and says, “I would certainly teach you how to respect a man.”

  “No!” Annalee screams. Her left fist strikes Fernando across his right cheek. Then her right impacts with his nose. She can feel Fernando's bones give with each punch. His jaw breaks as she hits him again. It happens so fast that Annalee lands several more blows before anyone has time to react.

  “Anna, stop!” Fidelma yells.

  Samantha grabs Annalee and pulls her back, but the damage has already been done. Fernando is unconscious and his face is battered.

  “I'll take her up top,” Ariella says to Samantha. Annalee doesn't say a word as Ariella takes her arm and leads her out of the brig.

  Fidelma says to her first mate, “Sam, go to my quarters and fetch me two healing potions.”

  “Yes, Captain,” Samantha replies.

  Samantha leaves the room as Fidelma checks on Fernando. She lifts his face that is now covered with blood and says, “Fernando, can you hear me?” When there is no response she places her hand on his chest to feel for his heartbeat.

  Samantha returns with two veils. She hands one to Fidelma and says, “Here.”

  Fidelma takes the potion with one hand and holds Fernando's head back with the other. She pours the healing elixir in his mouth. Fernando coughs, then swallows the liquid. It is hard to tell how much effect the potion had with all the blood covering his face.

  “Can you hear me?” Fidelma asks again.

  Fernando opens his eyes and mutters, “Y-yes...”

  “Good,” says Fidelma. “Now let's get you cleaned up.”

  On the top deck Ariella is with Annalee. She is trying to calm her down. She asks her, “Annalee, are you alright?”

  Annalee nods. “Yes, Captain. I'm sorry.”

  “No need to apologize,” Ariella replies. “I'm the one asked you to hit Fernando in the face.”

  “I just lost control,” says Annalee.

  “I think that's exactly what Fernando wanted,” Ariella says.

  “Everything that he said though,” Annalee says as she wipes away the few tears on her cheek. “That is exactly what they do. They try to teach you to be...”

  “Shh,” Ariella says as she puts her arm around her.

  “Do you think he really did it?” asks Annalee. “I mean, is that really why they want him?”

  “I wish I knew,” Ariella answers. “This has gotten much more complex than I thought it would.”

  Below deck in the brig, Fidelma is wiping the blood from Fernando's face. His eyes are swollen and blackened. His nose still bleeds as well as his lip. Fidelma asks, “Fernando, why did you lie to Annalee? I know that you're not wanted for hurting those girls.”

  Fernando winces in pain as he tries to grin. “I had to get her to hit me. If I did not, Drake and Leon would have done far worse to me.”

  “But if you still don't talk,” Fidelma says. “Then you may still end up facing them.”

  “I did not think about that,” Fernando sighs.

  “I hope all this suffering you are going through is worth it.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  “Did you really help women escape from the brothels at Bastion?”

  “What do your instincts tell you?”

  “My instincts tell me that you were telling the truth, at least about that part.”

  Fernando tries to grin again. “Then your instincts would be correct. I started off purchasing the women from the owners. Some of them were quite expensive, but everyone of them was worth the price I paid for their freedom. After a while, though, the owners began to demand more money than I could raise. Some flatly refused to sell them for any price. I had freed so many women that the ones who were left became too valuable to sell. That is when I started to steal the women in the night. I managed to free a dozen more before the first bounty was posted. I had no choice but to leave Bastion, knowing that if I ever went back I would most likely be killed.” Fernando looks up at the doorway and sees the rest of the crew. “How much of that did you all hear?” he asks.

  “All of it,” Ariella answers.

  “I don't understand,” Annalee sobs. “Why did you lie?”

  Ariella walks in t
he brig and sits down at the table. She says, “Because he figures that if you hit him, then Drake and Leon wouldn't.”

  “I also did not realize how upset I was making you,” Fernando says to Annalee. “You must have been through a lot, and for that I am sorry.”

  “So now what do we do?” Samantha asks. “I assume we are not turning him in for the bounty.”

  Fidelma says, “I have wasted an awful lot of time on him just to get nothing.”

  Ariella sighs and says, “If you can still get the truth from Fernando, I am sure we can come to some agreement of what is fair compensation.”

  “Isn't there another way we can make him tell the truth?” Annalee asks.

  One of the twins, Faye, says, “Yes, there are potions that will make him tell the truth.”

  Fidelma replies, “Yes, the Verity potion, but it is hard to come by. I already checked at Sheathelm. They didn't have any there. If I had leaves from the Verity vine I could make some.”

  “We can get the leaves,” Janette says.

  “You know where to get some?” asks Fidelma.

  “Yes,” Janette replies, “Our friend, Grace, told us once that the Verity vine grows in the valley right outside her village.”

  “Janette and I could pay her a visit and be back within an hour,” Faye says.

  “Excellent,” Fidelma says. “But we should probably wait until morning. It's getting dark.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” Faye replies. “We'll leave in the morning.”

  “I'm sorry we didn't think of it earlier,” Janette says.

  “No matter,” Ariella says, now feeling more optimistic. “As long as this works.”

  “It won't,” Fernando says. “I-I... am—ah—immune to the Verity potion.”

  “That was a terrible lie,” Fidelma laughs. “Don't worry, Fernando, soon this will be over and you will not have to feel guilty at all about telling Ariella anything, because it will not be up to you.”

  Chapter 19


  Deep in the old orcnea territories it is now dark, but within the ruins of Ogre's Mead, a celebration is getting underway inside the brewery. There is plenty of light from the magical glowing stones the group has hung from the beams of wood overhead. A fire blazes under the brewery's main water vat, keeping the entire room warm.


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