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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

Page 16

by Shawn Sodman

  “Oh, no,” Lyra groans.

  “Shouldn't she receive a black bead for her behavior?” Rehma asks Evelena.

  Evelena answers, “No, Lyra was drunk.”

  “That is no excuse,” replies Rehma.

  Lyra puts her hands over her head and asks, “Was it that bad?”

  Yentroc puts her hand on Lyra's shoulder and says, “No. It wasn't that bad.”

  Rehma shakes her head. “That’s not how you made it sound last night.”

  Evelena says, “Lyra listened to us and stopped when we asked.”

  “So,” Rehma replies. “She is obedient when she's drunk. That doesn't make her actions any less dishonorable.”

  Lyra says to Evelena, “I would understand if you feel the need to give me a black bead.”

  “No one is giving you a bead of dishonor, Lyra,” replies Evelena.

  Rehma grabs her backpack and says to Evelena, “Of course not. It’s only me you want to disgrace.” She walks out of the brewery before Evelena can respond.

  “I'll go talk to her,” Gelana says. Gelana puts on her backpack and follows Rehma.

  Lyra looks at Yentroc and says, “What am I going to do? What do I say to him?”

  “Sven knows you were drunk,” answers Yentroc. “You can just go on like nothing happened. After all, you don't really remember it, anyway.”

  “But I know now,” Lyra says as she picks up her belongings. “Did I really beg him?”

  Yentroc, unsure how to answer her friend, looks to Kristieana. Kristieana says, “Lyra, if you must know, yes, you asked him to kiss you, and you even used the world please.”

  Lyra draws in a deep breath before letting it out with a heavy sigh. “Very well,” she says, “I will just tell Sven the truth.”

  “What do you mean?” Yentroc asks as they start to go outside.

  “Nothing,” Lyra answers shortly as they walk out the door. The sun's light is too bright for Lyra and she covers her eyes. “Ugh,” she moans. “I am never drinking again.”

  As the rest of the group gathers and prepares to continue their journey, Gelana is talking with Rehma a short distance away. “You know,” Gelana says, “You really need to forget about this bead of dishonor. I have never seen you act this way before, and it's not good.”

  Rehma bows her head and says, “I know, you’re right. It's not like I wanted to see Lyra get another black bead, I just feel like Evelena treats me unfairly.”

  “What would you have her do?” Gelana asks. “After all, you did charge an orcnea and left my side just as we were supposed to go in to that building together.”

  “I’m sorry about that,” Rehma replies.

  “I know you may not want to hear this,” Gelana says, “but everything that Evelena and Lyra told you about that fight was true.”

  “What are you talking about?” asks Rehma.

  “You would have been killed if not for Sven,” Gelana explains. “And because you charged in, and Sven went after you, that put him in danger.”

  “It all worked out,” replies Rehma.

  Gelana shakes her head, “We were very fortunate that nothing worse happened. Sven came close to dying, and so did you. All I’m saying is next time, you should not go in alone.”

  Rehma nods. “All right.”

  Gelana smiles and says, “Come on, it looks like everyone is ready to go.”

  Rehma and Gelana catch up to the others as the group begins to head east, out of town. Lyra, walking next to Sven, says, “Sven, I have to talk to you about last night.”

  “Oh?” Sven replies. “What about it?”

  “Whatever happened last night,” she says, “I didn't mean any of it.”

  “Sven understands,” he says, trying not to sound disappointed.

  Lyra says, “I mean, I was drunk, right? I don't even remember what happened.”

  “Of course,” Sven replies, forcing a smile. “Sven is just glad that you are feeling better this morning.”

  “Thank you,” Lyra says as they continue to walk. After a short silence she says, “Did I say anything last night... I mean, we must have been talking. What did we discuss?”

  “We talked about the moonlight,” Sven answers.

  “Did I say or do anything embarrassing?”

  Sven laughs to himself. “No, Lyra. You were perfect lady all evening.”

  “Thank you, Sven,” Lyra says, knowing that he is not telling the truth. Though he is lying, she cannot help but smile because she knows he is doing so to protect her from feeling embarrassed.

  Chapter 22

  Storm Front

  Along the eastern coast, the storms have returned to Sheathelm. This time there is no eye of the storm, and the drake riders have had little luck causing any significant damage to the orcnea fleet within the driving rains.

  Belron and the other riders make one final pass. They all target the same ship with the last of their potions. The orcneas on the deck abandon the ship as the intense flames begin to burn the planks and masts. Before the riders lose sight of their target, Belron looks back to see that the storm's rain has almost completely extinguished their fires.

  In the castle, Arioch and Chance look out from one of the vaulted archways in the atrium. A'ranah Ree is also there along with Serena La'harn and a dozen royal guards. Looking out at the sea, they watch as large waves crash into the docks. Some of the waves are even large enough that their surges make it to the walls of the city.

  Arioch says, “At this rate, the orcneas will bring down the eastern walls without landing so much as a single soldier.”

  Chance, anxiously wanting to help the drake riders, asks, “Are you sure you don't want me to try and help Captain Belron and the others?”

  “No,” Arioch answers. “After what happened the last time you boarded one of those ships, I don't want to risk sending you again.”

  A'ranah adds, “The elven fleet will be here soon enough. You can join them when they arrive. You will be much more useful throwing your fireballs from a safe distance and not having to worry about being attacked by orcneas.”

  “I suppose you are right,” Chance says, looking out into the tempest.

  To the south of the orcnea fleet, the Red Dawn and the elven ships have already entered the storm and are about to encounter the enemy.

  Torgus looks out for any sign of an orcnea ship from the top of the poop deck. Drake and Leon stand at his sides. Eveoh, the elven female from the Silver Tide, is also there.

  Leon pulls his long hair back and rings out the water from the rain. “Do you see them?” he asks the old dwarf.

  “No,” Torgus answers. Lightning flashes just as the Red Dawn crests an enormous wave, and Torgus can see further ahead. “There they are!” he yells. “Everyone, get ready! We'll be engaging them on the starboard side.”

  Drake and Leon hurry down the steps as the Red Dawn begins to descend into the waves’ trough. The men ready crossbows and spears in preparation for their assault on the orcnea ship. As they begin to ascend the next wave, Torgus begins to summon a magical stone to hurl at the enemy.

  Once again, the crew find themselves at the crest of another wave and see that they are closing in on an orcnea ship. The turbulent waters will make targeting difficult, but the men wait patiently for just the right opportunity. Eveoh prepares a large bolt of lightning that she must use two hands to control. She stands ready to release the spell.

  The next few minutes seem like an eternity to Drake and Leon, who cannot wait to face the red creatures once again. Soon the Red Dawn pulls up alongside the unsuspecting ship, and the men are able to take the orcneas by surprise.

  Torgus is the first to attack. He releases his spell at the center mast and yells, “Now!”

  Eveoh throws her bolt of lightning, striking the side of the ship. The impact creates a sizable hole, and she begins to concentrate again to cast another bolt. The rest of the crew fire their crossbows, and the few orcneas on deck go down without a fight. “That was too easy,�
� Leon says, looking at the empty deck of the other ship.

  “You're right,” Drake replies. He draws his sword and adds, “Something's wrong.”

  Before they have any more time to ponder, orcneas rapidly begin to emerge from below deck. With the ships so close together, the orcneas start to board the Red Dawn.

  “They were waiting for us,” Leon says.

  “Defend our ship!” Drake calls to the other men.

  The clash between the orcneas and men begin as Chance makes his way through the storm in eagle form. Soon he finds the elven fleet engaged in battle. Dozens of orcnea and elven ships light up the sky as they pelt each other with various spells. With a banner of Sheathelm tightly grasped in his talons, Chance lands on the deck of the Silver Tide.

  The elves on board aim their spells at Chance as a precaution, until he transforms into his elven form. Chance puts up his hands. “I am here to help.”

  Many of the elves begin to resume their attacks on a distant orcnea ship. Captain Resif approaches Chance. “Welcome aboard Mr. Na'Moon.”

  Though the blowing wind and rain make it difficult to hear each other, Chance nods and replies, “Thank you.” He looks around and asks, “Where can I get the best view for attacking?”

  “The crow’s nest is already full,” Resif replies. “If you have a good grip, you can try the ropes.”

  Chance looks at the ratlines leading up to the main set of sails. He begins to climb as the ship is tossed about in the raging sea. The wind forces Chance to take his time. He finally makes it halfway to the top, and decides he is high enough. Holding onto the ropes with his left hand, Chance begins to cast fireballs with his right. An orcnea ship not far away becomes the new target for the elves aboard the Silver Tide. Chance and the others bombard the enemy with fireballs, lightning bolts, and large spheres of ice and stone.

  The orcneas, however, are not without spell-casters of their own, and return fire with a barrage of spells. Even though the elves are more accustomed to using magic—and many know how to catch and return spells—the orcnea shamans are able to cast enough spells that the elves are not able to defend against them all.

  Lightning bolts from the orcneas impact and splinter some of the deck's boards. Captain Resif stands at the base of the main mast. When a spell comes his way, Resif is quick to catch it and throw it back at the shaman who cast it.

  The Silver Tide inevitably sustains damage, but continues to press the attack. Chance is able to throw one fireball after another, and as each one impacts, they explode, causing more and more damage to the orcnea ship. The orcnea ship tries to close in so that they may engage in melee combat, but the faster elven ship keeps its distance.

  After a few more volleys from the elves, the main mast of the enemy ship falls, and soon the orcnea ship begins to sink.

  On the deck of the Red Dawn, the combat is fierce. An ogre jumps over the railing and onto the ship. Drake rushes toward the behemoth and tries to strike him with his sword. The ogre blocks Drake's blade with an axe made of stone. The large creature then hits Drake in the face with its massive fist. As formidable as Drake is in size, he is no match for the ogre's strength.

  Drake is knocked to the ground. The ogre stands over him and prepares to finish Drake off when Leon thrusts his sword into the giant enemy's back. The ogre, stunned, looks down at the tip of the blade protruding through its chest.

  Leon pulls his sword free, and the ogre falls to the ground. Leon says, “You owe me for that one, Drake.” Leon turns to continue the fight, but the ogre, that he had just impaled, finds enough strength to stand.

  “Watch out!” Drake yells, but his warning is too late. The ogre swings its weapon at the unsuspecting Leon, leaving a broad gash across his entire back. Drake picks up his sword and slashes the ogre from behind. The ogre and Leon both fall.

  “Leon,” Drake calls as he checks on his friend. The battle is winding down now. Drake rolls Leon over so that he can face him. Leon is still alive, but barely. “Stay with me, Leon,” Drake says.

  Leon coughs and winces in pain. “Damn it,” he says angrily, “I should have made sure he was dead.”

  “Don't worry,” Drake replies, “he’s dead now.”

  Leon, looking up at his companion, says, “I can't feel my arms or legs.”

  “Don't try to move,” Drake says, “Torgus will heal you.” Drake looks around, and soon he spots the gray haired dwarf making his way over to them. “Torgus!” he calls. “Hurry, Leon is in trouble.”

  Torgus stands over Leon, and soon his hands glow with the familiar light of the healing spell. He places is hands on Leon and the glow dissipates.

  Drake looks at his friend and asks, “How do you feel?”

  Leon looks up and shakes his head and says, “I don't feel anything.”

  Drake looks at Torgus who shakes his head. “I am sorry, lad,” Torgus says, “The spell worked, but it's not enough.”

  “Well, cast it again,” Drake says.

  Torgus closes his eyes and casts the spell again. The light from Torgus' hands fade and Leon closes his eyes and says, “It's all right, we all have to go sometime.”

  “Your time isn't now,” Drake replies.

  Eveoh comes over and says, “Let me try to help.” She casts a healing spell, but it, too, fails.

  Leon laughs then begins to cough. “It looks like it is my time after all,” he says. “You just make sure that Fernando Greythorn pays for what he has done.”

  “I will,” replies Drake, “I promise.”

  Getting weaker by the moment, Leon turns to the blonde elf and asks, “What is it that you elves say to the dying?”

  Eveoh takes Leon's hand and says, “May the warmth of the light embrace you.”

  “Yes,” Leon says with a smile. He puts his head back and says, “The light... It is... so beautiful.”

  The storm clouds clear away and the sun begins to shine once again as Drake watches Leon let out his last breath. He gently closes his friend's eyes and whispers, “May the warmth of the light embrace you, my friend.”

  Chapter 23


  In the brig of the Sea Griffin, Fernando sits strapped to the chair once again as Ariella and Fidelma enter the room, along with Samantha and Annalee. He smiles at the four women. “For a moment I was getting worried that you had forgotten about me.”

  “You will probably wish that we had,” Fidelma replies. She holds out a small glass vial. “This is going to get us the answers that we’re looking for.”

  “I will not drink that,” he says. Fernando looks at Annalee and adds, “No matter how hard this girl hits me.”

  Samantha is holding a thick piece of rope. She walks behind Fernando and places the rope over his mouth. She then pulls the ends of the rope behind his head and twists them together. Samantha leans down and whispers in his ear, “Let's hear you say something smart now.”

  Fernando shakes his head the best that he can with the rope around it. He clinches his lips tightly together and breathes through his nose. Fidelma looks at Ariella and says, “It looks like Fernando has run out of charming lines.”

  Samantha uses her right hand to twist the ends of the rope tighter. This puts a great deal of pressure on Fernando's face and lips. With her left hand, she pinches his nose so that he can no longer breathe without at least opening his lips.

  Fernando tries to struggle, but soon gasps for air through his teeth. “That's better,” Samantha says. “Now just open the rest of the way and you won’t get hurt any further.”

  Fernando knows that he cannot hold out much longer. He tries to look at Ariella and through his gritted teeth he says, “Please, Ariella, don't do this.”

  Samantha twists the rope once more and pulls back at the same time. The torque from the rope is too much for Fernando's jaw, and finally his mouth is wedged open. Samantha continues to hold Fernando's head back while Fidelma opens the vial. Fidelma says, “I must say, you put up quite a fight, Mr. Greythorn. Now, just give in
and let the truth finally come out.”

  Fidelma slowly pours the contents of the vial into Fernando's mouth. The rope is so thick and far back in his jaw that Fernando cannot stop the liquid from flowing around it and entering his throat. He tries to spit, but the rope also prevents him from using his tongue effectively.

  Fernando coughs and gags before having no other choice than to force down the elixir of Verity, lest he drown from it. He stops struggling as tears roll down his cheeks.

  Samantha releases the pressure from the rope and removes it from Fernando's mouth. Fernando, feeling downtrodden, sits silently looking down at the hardwood floor. “Don't look so sad,” Samantha says. “You lasted longer than anyone I can remember.” She sets the rope down on the table and says, “Of course, I did take it easy on you.”

  The four women wait for Fernando to respond with his usual rapier wit, but he continues to sit in silence, staring at the floor. Ariella looks at Fidelma and asks, “How long will it be before the potion takes effect?”

  Fidelma pulls a chair up next to Fernando and sits down. She politely says, “Fernando, would you please look at me?”

  With the Verity potion already making him more agreeable, Fernando complies with Fidelma's request. Fidelma looks into Fernando's eyes. “I think he’s ready now.”

  “Already?” Ariella asks. “That certainly didn't take long.”

  Fidelma smiles. “It’s a very potent elixir.”

  Fernando holds back a laugh. Fidelma looks at him, perplexed, wondering what it is he finds so amusing. With slurred speech, as if he has been drinking too much, he asks, “Do you want to know what else is very potent?” Before any of the four women can answer, Fernando laughs and says, “Me.”

  Trying not to show her amusement, Samantha says, “Well, it seems that his unrelenting charm seems to be unaffected.”

  Fernando looks at Samantha with a grin. “Admit it, my beautiful blonde darling, you want to be with me.”

  Samantha is taken off guard by the directness of Fernando's advance. She quickly regains her composure and replies, “I most certainly do not.”


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