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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

Page 19

by Shawn Sodman

  Chapter 26

  Last Night Watch

  Far to the north, within the plains of the old orcnea territory, the Amazons of the Silver Moon are finishing their dinner and preparing to settle in for the night. They have decided not to set up their tents, and instead have huddled their furs close together.

  Isen, Kristieana, Evelena, and Sven are sitting near the fading fire several paces away from the furs as most of the others prepare to go to sleep.

  “So, are we really turning back in the morning?” Isen asks.

  “Yes,” Evelena answers. “Kristieana was able to confirm that we’re not very far from the capital. It has been mostly rebuilt, and is currently populated. We’ve done all that can be expected of us under the circumstances.”

  “I wonder if that young orcnea was able to get our message to anyone,” Isen muses.

  “If so,” Sven says, “we should see soon enough.”

  Evelena says, “If they send an entire army to deal with us, we’ll have to use that gate stone.”

  “It would be faster than crossing mountains again,” Sven says.

  “True,” agrees Isen.

  Sven raises one of his hands, motioning to the others to be quiet. He turns his head and listens carefully for something. The others listen as well, but no one hears anything out of the ordinary. Sven then says, “I know you are there, Lyra.”

  “How did you know?” Lyra asks as she disengages her spell, becoming visible to everyone. “I was careful this time not to make a sound.”

  “Sven did not hear you,” he laughs. “Sven could smell you. You are upwind.”

  “Oh,” Lyra replies. “So I did well at keeping quiet?”

  “Yes,” Sven says, “now, just be sure to stay downwind, and you will be able to sneak up on anyone.”

  Lyra sits down next to Sven and says, “Good. I’ve been working on walking quietly.”

  Kristieana takes a drink from her mug and Isen asks her, “Can I have some?”

  “Sure,” she answers, handing him the mug.

  “What is it?” he asks as he smells the beverage inside.

  “It's just sponge fruit juice,” she replies.

  Isen takes a drink, then waits a moment to decide if he likes the taste or not. “Oh, that is good,” he says. He takes another drink, but this time he finishes the mug. He hands it back and says, “Thank you.”

  Kristieana grabs the empty mug from Isen and says, “You are such an idiot.” She punches him in the shoulder and gives him a push that knocks him off the rock that he was sitting on.

  Sven chuckles and says, “Sven thinks that you would make good goliath woman, except for one thing.”

  Kristieana puts her mug away. “Except for what?”

  “Among goliaths,” Sven explains, “your aggressive behavior would be mistaken by the men as interest.”

  Lyra looks at Sven and asks, “What does that mean?”

  “It means that goliath women show their interest in men by starting fights with them,” he says.

  Gelana and Rehma join the group. Gelana says, “Amazons can be that way, too.”

  Sven nods and says, “Everyone can be that way sometimes, but for goliaths it is different. For Sven's people, women challenge men to wrestle, and man cannot claim a woman if he cannot make her submit.”

  “That sounds barbaric,” Kristieana says. “The men just claim women by fighting them.”

  “No, no,” says Sven. “It is not like that.” Sven looks around at the others and can see the confusion on their faces. He laughs to himself and says, “Sven should explain goliath courtship from beginning.”

  Gelana sits down. “Well, this should be interesting.”

  Yentroc also joins them and sits on the other side of Lyra. She leans over and says quietly to her, “You may want to pay attention to this.”

  Lyra smiles as she shakes her head. Sven looks around as Rehma makes herself comfortable next to Gelana. Once he has their attention, Sven says, “In goliath custom, it is woman who chooses her mate.”

  Gelana laughs. “That sounds like us Amazons.”

  “Yes,” Sven nods. “But while Amazons fight each other over male, goliath women will challenge male she is interested in to make sure he is strong enough for her.”

  “I understand now,” Kristieana laughs. “They want to make sure the man can handle them.”

  “Yes,” replies Sven.

  “What happens if he wins?” Gelana asks. “Does he have a claim to her after that?”

  “No,” Sven answers. “Woman who loses still makes her own choice. Men must respect her decision even if she changes her mind.”

  Kristieana asks, “What if a man doesn't respect her decision?”

  “Then other men will teach him lesson in respect,” Sven says. “But that does not happen often.”

  “What happens when the man cannot win?” Gelana asks.

  Sven laughs quietly to himself. “Then man cannot have her, and woman will look for another.”

  Lyra takes a moment to work up the courage to ask, “Were you ever challenged by a woman?”

  Sven forces a smile. After a few moments he nods his head and says, “Yes, Sven was challenged once, when he was much younger. Sven was seventeen years of age and girl was same age as Sven.” A silence falls over the group as Sven reflects on Lyra's question. His gaze seems distant.

  Yentroc finally asks, “Did you win?”

  Sven looks down and shakes his head. “No,” he answers. “Sven did not win. As much as Sven tried to escape, she was able to pin Sven to the ground. Her name was Tetyana, and she was strongest of all goliath girls her age.”

  “She must have liked you,” Lyra says, “since she chose you to challenge.”

  Sven smiles and replies, “Yes, she did. At least, until Sven could not win.” He looks down and sighs, “Sven can remember look of disappointment on her face when she realized that Sven could not escape from her hold.” Sven looks up again and no one says a word. He laughs and says, “Sven is not only boy Tetyana beat. There were several others who laughed at Sven, but Tetyana quickly challenged them, and when they could not beat her, either, they no longer laughed at Sven.”

  “She must have been really tough,” Gelana says. “Whatever happened to her?”

  Sven answers, “Shortly after that day, Sven left village. Sven has not seen Tetyana since.”

  “Do you think you could pin her now?” Gelana asks.

  “Of course,” Sven scoffs at the question. “Sven is much stronger than when he left village. She would not be able to pin Sven today.”

  Gelana, curious about the half-giant women, asks, “How strong are goliath women normally?”

  Sven laughs. “Stronger than most human men. If Amazon women were to use a strength spell, they would be as strong as goliath women.”

  Gelana says, “Did you hear that, Lyra? Rehma and I could increase your strength and you could challenge Sven.”

  Lyra shakes her head and replies, “No, I don't want to wrestle anyone.”

  Sven chuckles and says, “It would not be fair fight. Even with your spells, Sven would be too strong.”

  Lyra, trying not to be offended, asks, “Are you sure about that?”

  “Of course,” he answers. “Sven lost to woman years ago, he is much stronger today.”

  “We could find out,” Lyra says, now feeling more up to the challenge.

  “Wait,” Sven says. “A moment ago, you did not want to wrestle. Now, you do?”

  “I don't know,” Lyra replies. “I guess I’m curious about what it would be like to have the strength of a Goliath.”

  Sven nods and says, “Sven understands, but Gelana can make you stronger anytime. You do not need to wrestle Sven to test strength.”

  Gelana teases, “What's wrong, Sven? Are you afraid that I’ll make Lyra too powerful for you?”

  “That is not it,” Sven says. “You could make Lyra strong, yes, but she would still be no match for Sven.”

; “Well, then prove it,” Lyra says, now sounding annoyed.

  Sven looks at Lyra, surprised. “Why is Lyra getting angry with Sven?” he asks. “Sven just does not want to hurt you.”

  Lyra stands up and looks down at Sven, who remains seated. She says, “You know, Sven, there’s a fine line between chivalry and chauvinism. Right now I’m not sure what side of that line you’re on.”

  Sven stands and towers over her. He says, “Sven has great respect for women, and that is why he does not fight them.”

  “You make it sound as if we’re going to hurt each other,” replies Lyra. “That isn't part of your tradition, is it? You don't hurt the women, do you?”

  “No,” Sven answers, “but you are not a goliath woman, you are...” He stops mid-sentence as Lyra stares back at him.

  “I am what?” she asks. “Small? Is that what you were going to say?”

  “Yes,” he answers. “Even with increased strength, you are still small.”

  Lyra, holding back her anger, replies, “I am not as fragile as you think.”

  “Of course not,” Sven says. “I did not mean it that way.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” Lyra asks. “Is Sven of the North afraid to lose to young Amazon girl?” Lyra's sharp comment is accompanied by a grin.

  Sven nods and replies, “If this is what Lyra wishes to do, then Sven will accept challenge, but do not say that Sven did not warn you.”

  Lyra looks at Gelana. “All right, increase my strength.” She walks a few steps away into a flat clearing. Sven takes off his belt and weapons and makes his way to the grassy flat, as well. Lyra looks as eager to begin as Sven looks reluctant.

  Gelana casts a spell, and a red aura envelops Lyra for a moment before it is absorbed into her body. She clenches her fists and says, “I can feel the spell working.”

  Sven stands ready and waits for Lyra to begin while the others gather around. Sven waits for Lyra to make the first move, but instead of coming at Sven, Lyra casts her invisibility spell. Sven laughs and says, “That is not fair. Very few goliaths can use magic.”

  Lyra replies, “I suppose I’m lucky to be an elf, then.” Suddenly, Sven is knocked to the ground. As he rolls to his right side to get up again, he feels Lyra put her arm around his neck. When Lyra becomes visible once more, the others can see her behind Sven with her left arm encircling his neck. Her hands are clasped together, and she pulls her arm tightly like a noose. Her elbow is just underneath his chin, and the back of his head is against her side and chest.

  Sven continues to lie on his side as Lyra shifts her weight around to keep her hold on him. Sven turns his head to Lyra and says, “Lyra has good hold on Sven.”

  She smiles and asks, “Do you surrender?”

  “Yes,” he answers. “Sven surrenders. Lyra wins.”

  Lyra's smile dissipates. She says, “You’re not even trying.”

  “Lyra has Sven at disadvantage,” he replies. “Sven cannot escape.”

  “What happened to all that talk earlier, when you said I would still not be a match for you even with my strength increased?” She squeezes her arm even more tightly into his throat.

  “Sven was wrong,” he says.

  “I don't believe you,” Lyra replies. “Now, try to escape, because I’m not letting you go.”

  “Very well,” he sighs. Sven shifts his weight and sits up. Lyra finds herself trying not to fall off as he begins to stand. With her increased strength, she manages to hang on as Sven lifts her up onto his right shoulder. Sven says, “Even though Lyra is much stronger than she normally is, she still weighs same. Lyra does not have leverage to keep Sven down.” Sven places his left hand on her lower back and his right hand between her shoulders. No matter how hard Lyra tries to hold on, Sven easily pries her free from his neck, and holds her above his head in the air.

  Lyra turns over and grabs hold of Sven's right arm so that she does not fall. Sven places his left hand on her back and quickly, but gently, lays her on the ground. With his right hand pressing down on her chest just below her neck, Sven grabs her wrists with his left hand and holds them together above her head as he straddles her hips.

  It only takes a few seconds, but soon Lyra is pinned to the ground and cannot move. As she struggles, Sven leans down and asks with a grin, “Does Lyra surrender?”

  Lyra tries unsuccessfully to break free again and says, “Not yet.” She uses all her might, but even with Gelana's spell, Lyra is not able to push Sven off of her. Soon her playful spirit wanes and she begins to feel anxiety from being trapped. She orders, “Get off me!”

  Sven, however, does not notice that Lyra is no longer having fun. He smiles and replies, “Not until Lyra surrenders.”

  “Please, get off me,” she gasps. “I can't breathe.”

  Sven quickly releases her and jumps to his feet. Lyra sits up and breathes rapidly. She clutches her chest and begins to cry. Gelana rushes over to Lyra and asks, “Are you all right?”

  Sven, worried, stands back and listens to Lyra as she answers, “I am fine. I just...” she looks up at Sven. She takes a deep breath to calm herself and says, “I just panicked. I couldn't move no matter how hard I tried, and I felt trapped.”

  Sven kneels next to her and says, “Sven is sorry. He should not have agreed to this.”

  “It's not your fault, Sven,” Lyra replies. “I practically forced you into it.” She looks around at her friends and says, “I just thought that I could escape, and when I couldn't, I felt...” She sighs heavily.

  Sven places his hand on her shoulder and says, “You felt helpless and weak.” Lyra looks up at Sven and nods as a tear rolls down her cheek. Sven wipes it away and says, “Lyra is not helpless. If this were real fight, you have spells that you could use if needed. If man was trying to hurt you, you could blind him, or even burn him.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Lyra smiles.

  Sven takes Lyra's hand and stands up. As he pulls her up, he says, “This was very specific contest of strength, and you were going against Sven.” He smiles and continues, “Sven tried to tell you you did not have chance.” Sven and Lyra laugh for a moment, then his tone becomes more solemn as he says, “Man should be able to show woman that he is strong enough for her without making her feel weak. Sven is sorry if he made Lyra feel weak. She is not.”

  “Thank you, Sven,” Lyra replies.

  Sven smiles and says to everyone else who is still gathered around, “All right, it is time we turn in for night and figure out who will be on watch.”

  Day 17

  Chapter 27

  Where Have You Been?

  It is morning in Sheathelm, and Ariella is just waking up in her quarters aboard the Red Dawn. She dresses herself before heading up the steep stairway to the galley, then over to the lounge. As she enters the room, she is greeted by a familiar face.

  “I was beginning to wonder if you were going to sleep all day,” Red Beard says as he looks up from reading Ariella's journal.

  “Father!” she exclaims. Red Beard stands up from the chair at the far side of the table as Ariella rushes over and throws her arms around her adoptive father.

  He embraces her back and says, “Ariella, my dear, I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you too, father,” she sobs into shoulder. She sniffles and wipes her face as she regains her composure. She asks, “Where have you been?”

  “I assume you got the truth out of Mr. Greythorn?” he asks.

  “It took the Verity potion to do it, but yes,” she answers. “Did you know that he’s my brother?”

  “Brother?” he asks, clearly surprised. “I had no idea. Are you certain?”

  “I wasn't at first,” she answers. “I only had his word for it when we found that I could use his enchanted sword.”

  “Aye, that sword of his,” Red Beard nods. “A powerful weapon, but none of us at the time could get it to obey us. That’s how I found Fernando, you know. I saw a poster looking for information about a weapon
that was lost aboard the White Feather. Its description matched perfectly to the sword I found on one of the victims years ago. I never thought to see if you could handle it when you were old enough.”

  “So you didn't know he was my brother, then?” she asks again to confirm.

  “No, sweetheart,” he shakes his head. “I did not.”

  A short silence ensues, and then Ariella says, “I knew you would come if I removed the orbs.”

  “Aye, it was a brilliant move,” Red Beard replies. “But Corthag is no fool. He must have figured out that I am alive and free. At least now he will not be able to find you so easily, and you’ll be safe.”

  Ariella smiles and says, “So, I suppose you will be wanting the Red Dawn back.”

  Red Beards chuckles. “No, my dear. The Red Dawn is all yours. You have done a wonderful job as her captain. I wouldn't think of trying to reclaim her from you.”

  Puzzled, Ariella asks, “So what are you going to do?”

  Stroking the coarse hairs of his long beard, he replies, “I had always thought about captaining a ship that could not only travel the seas, but go beneath the surface as well.”

  Ariella says, “It would make for a great ambushing ship, but why else would you need to go under the water?”

  “It would be harder to find,” he answers. “And if I’m right, Corthag's treasure chest is somewhere at the bottom of the sea. With such a ship, I could search for it.”

  “So you would use it to get revenge on Corthag?”

  “Aye, that I would,” Red Beard affirms. “The cost to building such a ship, though, was quite high. I had enough to start construction a year ago, using what gold I could muster from a few hidden treasures that only I knew about. As the Goblin Trade Company neared completion, I knew I had to get your locket to open my main treasure chest. That’s when I discovered Fernando. I’m sorry I couldn't just tell you, but I was close to finding Corthag, and I didn't want anything to happen to you, or for him to slip away. His trail has since gone cold. I doubt we'll ever see him again.”

  “Good,” Ariella replies. “I’m just glad you’re alive, and that I now have a brother.”

  “I’m glad that you found him,” says Red Beard. They hug tightly once more. He steps back and says, “Well, then, if there is nothing else, I should go say hello to Torgus.”


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