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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

Page 21

by Shawn Sodman

  Kel'ana whispers back, “This is uncomfortable to watch.”

  Isen, unaware of the tension, says to Chance, “When I met her, all I could think about was how you always described the Amazons of the Silver Moon; challenging, strong willed, and quick tempered.” Isen turns to Kristieana and says, “Sorry, but you do have a temper.” Kristieana, absorbed by her own thoughts, pays little attention to Isen's comments. She focuses once again on the conversation as Isen says to Chance, “I couldn't wait to introduce the two of you. Who knows, maybe if things played out differently, the two of you could have met again, and then you would be the one introducing her to me.”

  Chance grins as he continues to look Kristieana in the eyes. He says, “In another time, or in another life, perhaps.” He turns to Isen and pats him on the shoulder. “No matter. Seems that fate has brought the two of you together, and since you both seem to be happy, I am happy for you. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to scout for any orcnea activity.” He turns and takes a few steps into the open and transforms into his eagle form.

  As Chance flies off, Kristieana watches him. A'ranah walks over and says, “Kristieana, while I’m glad that you were with Evelena and the others, it does not change the fact that you did so against the elders’ wishes.”

  Kristieana turns to A'ranah and replies, “I am sorry, Mother Elder, I'll accept whatever amount of dishonor you feel I deserve.”

  Kristieana's eyes glance again to the sky, and A'ranah notices her distraction. A'ranah says, “We can discuss the issue more at a later time, if there is another matter you wish to attend to.”

  Kristieana looks back at A'ranah and asks, “What do you mean?”

  “I mean,” A'ranah says as she looks to Chance flying away, “that if there is a certain matter that needs your attention right now, you are excused to deal with it.”

  A feeling of embarrassment sets into Kristieana. She does not know how, but the leader of the Amazons seems to know that something is going on between her and Chance. She looks at the ground and replies, “Thank you, Mother Elder.” Kristieana turns to Gelana, who is still nearby, and says, “Gelana, can you see to it that my backpack is taken to wherever we will be staying?”

  “Of course,” Gelana answers, pretending that she had not been listening all along.

  Kristieana walks over to Isen, who is talking with King Arioch and Garrin. She says, “Isen, I'll see you soon, I have to say hello to a friend of mine.”

  “All right,” Isen replies.

  Kristieana is relieved that Isen does not ask any more questions. She walks to a clearing and transforms into an eagle. She takes to the sky and climbs higher so that she can see where Chance had flown. Soon she spots him along the beach just as he lands and transforms into his natural elven form. She descends and lands nearby before changing back into her elven form as well.

  Chance stands, facing the sea. The wind and waves are loud enough that he does not hear Kristieana approach. “Chance,” she says. He turns, startled to see her.

  “You do have a way of sneaking up on me.”

  She grabs his arm and turns him to face her directly. “How could you say those things?”

  “What things?”

  “You know full well that our encounter was memorable to me, as well.”

  “Was it really?”

  “Of course it was. How can you even ask that?”

  “Maybe because the very next time that I saw you, it was in the arms of someone else?”

  Kristieana looks down and replies, “I’m sorry, Chance. I never meant for you to find out that way.”

  “It’s not important how I found out,” Chance says as he turns towards the sea again.

  Kristieana sighs. She walks around Chance to look him in eyes. “You're right. I’m sorry.”

  “You know,” he says, shaking his head, “I didn't expect you to wait for me, but I certainly didn't expect this.”

  “Neither did I,” she replies. Kristieana listens to the waves crashing against the rocks on the shore. She says, “You know, I thought of you all the time. What happened with Isen was unexpected.”

  Chance laughs to himself and replies, “It probably was not that unexpected though, was it? After all, I had you in the first night.” No sooner do the words leave his lips than Chance regrets having said them.

  Kristieana strikes him with an open palm to the side of his head. Unlike the more playful slaps that she hit him with at Copper Pass and in the mountains, this is a forceful blow that leaves Chance with a ringing in his ear. “How could you!” she yells. “If that’s all you think of me...”

  She turns to leave, but Chance grabs her arm. She tries to hit him again, but he grabs her wrist and forces her hand down to her side. He then wraps his arms around her so that she cannot strike him again. “Let go of me!” she commands.

  “Not until you hear me out,” he replies. Kristieana struggles for a moment, but soon ceases to try to escape.

  “Well?” she says impatiently. “Tell me whatever it is you have to say.”

  Chance releases her slowly, expecting her to fight or flee. When she does neither, Chance says, “I’m sorry. That was unfair of me to say.”

  Still angry, Kristieana replies, “You don't get to be sorry, Chance, and you don't get to be angry, either. You are the one who left me on that mountain.”

  “I wasn't leaving you. I left to go to war!” he snaps. They stand there without saying another word. The only sound in the air is that of the waves and the occasional gull. Chance finally breaks the silence. “I’m not angry with you for falling for someone else. I know full well what it’s like to have a heart that leaps before the mind is ready. I’m angry with myself for making it that much easier for it to happen. If I had stayed with you longer...”

  “Chance,” she interrupts. “Don't blame yourself.”

  He sighs, “But you’re right. I was the one that left you on that—”

  “I know what I said,” she interrupts. “I'm sorry. Chance, we’re both hurting right now. I didn't mean to blame you.”

  Chance takes her hand and places it on his chest over his heart. She can feel it beating rapidly. He asks her, “Do you remember what I said to you in the Northwind Range?”

  Kristieana nods and answers, “That as long as your heart beats like this for me that you would fight for me.” Kristieana takes Chance’s hand and places it over her heart.

  Chance can feel her heart beating strong and fast as well. He smiles and says, “So there is still something between us.”

  “Yes,” she replies.

  His smile fades and Chance says, “I hope you understand that if Isen were any other man I would keep that promise.”

  “I know,” she smiles.

  “Don't worry,” he says, as he removes his hand from her chest, “I will not make things difficult for the two of you.”

  “Thank you,” Kristieana says as she steps back.

  “Isen is a good man,” Chance says. He laughs and adds, “A bit of a fool at times, but a good man.”

  Kristieana laughs and replies, “Yes, he can be a fool.” She looks to the city of Sheathelm, then back at Chance. “Are we all right?”

  “Yes,” he replies, forcing a smile.

  “We'll always have the Northwind Range to remind us of what we shared,” she says.

  “I know I shall not ever forget,” says Chance.

  “I should be going,” Kristieana says, as she takes a few steps away. “Please, don't ever think that our time together wasn't special to me. It may have been brief, but sometimes the memories of just one day can last a lifetime.”

  Chance nods, then Kristieana transforms into a giant eagle. She flies back to Sheathelm as Chance makes himself comfortable on the ground and listens to the sounds of the sea.

  Chapter 30


  In the present day, somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle, Kel'ana is diving in the clear warm waters of the ocean. With the use of her spells, she can breathe un
derwater without an air tank. She also does not require goggles to see well. Even though she wears flippers, she uses jets of water from her hands to move effortlessly in the aquatic environment.

  A wire basket has been lowered via a cable from the research vessel where Kelik and Yentroc wait patiently. Yentroc's assistant, Sheila, is also there. She says, “How is Danielle able to stay down there for so long?”

  “A lot of training,” Kelik answers. “She is a world-class athlete when it comes to swimming.”

  “I guess so,” replies Sheila.

  Kel'ana surfaces and says, “I think I may have found something important. I already put it in the basket.”

  Yentroc grabs the switch to the hoist and pushes one of the buttons, and the cable soon begins to reel in. “Good work,” Yentroc says. “Any idea what it is?”

  “No,” Kel'ana replies. “Whatever it is, it’s completely covered with coral now.”

  The basket is raised out of the water and inside is a rectangular hunk of coral about the size of a human torso. Sheila asks, “How did you manage to get that in the basket? It's huge.”

  Kel'ana replies, “It's lighter than it looks, and I was underwater.”

  Yentroc says to Sheila, “Why don't you get one of the tables ready?”

  “Yes, ma'am,” she replies.

  Yentroc moves the robotic arm of the hoist over the deck and lowers the basket. Kel'ana climbs up the ladder and onto the ship as Yentroc places her hand on the coral. Yentroc smiles and says, “Kelik, you should feel this.”

  Kelik steps forward and places his hand on what has just been raised from the sea floor. He says, “It's magical, whatever it is.”

  “I know, right?” Kel'ana says excitedly. “When I touched it, I could feel it too. I wonder what's inside.”

  Kelik says, “If Evelena were here, she could tell us just by looking at it.”

  Yentroc says, “Maybe our equipment can give us a clue. Let's carry it into the lab.”

  Kelik and Yentroc each grab an end of the monolithic coral. They carry it into the lab where Sheila was cleaning the gold coins earlier. They set it on a table when they hear a helicopter approach.

  Yentroc quietly says to Kelik, “I think Gelana and Rehma are here.”

  They exit the lab onto the deck and watch as a white helicopter hovers about thirty feet in the air above the water. “What are they doing?” Kel'ana asks.

  A door on the helicopter opens and they see the raven haired Gelana in a swimsuit. She waves to Kelik and the others before diving into the water below.

  “She’s going to kill herself one of these days,” Kelik says.

  Yentroc replies, “I think that’s what she’s hoping for.”

  The helicopter maneuvers itself above the ship's small landing pad before setting down. Gelana climbs up the latter as the blades of the helicopter slow and a tall blonde steps out from the cockpit. The pilot is Rehma, and she is dressed in a business suit. She is wearing a headset that is linked to her cell phone and as she walks towards the others she continues with her call.

  “I don't care about the fees,” Rehma says agitatedly into the microphone of the headset. “I want those applications turned in now. It's just paperwork, and that’s what we pay you to do!”

  “Who is she talking to?” Yentroc asks, Gelana.

  “Her secretary,” she answers. “Rehma has been trying to get our permits in order to explore a Minoan ruin, but her secretary lost the originals.”

  They listen as Rehma says into the phone, “If you can't handle the job, then perhaps you should look for a new one.” Rehma covers the microphone and looks up at the others and says, “Hello, don't worry, this won't take much longer.” She then listens for a moment to the voice on the other side of the phone and asks, “Are you crying?” Rehma covers the microphone again. She shakes her head and mutters, “Men are such babies.”

  Yentroc and Kel'ana laugh as Rehma says into the phone, “Just calm down, Mike. If you can't find the originals, just start them over.” She listens again before saying, “I know it will take all weekend, so you better get started.” Rehma shakes her head again as she listens to the man on the end of the line. “Very good, I'll expect to see the new paperwork on my desk Monday morning. Or your resignation. Your choice. Have a nice weekend.” She hangs up the phone, takes off the headset, and says to others, “Men are so useless in the office.”

  “I feel sorry for Mike,” Gelana laughs.

  Rehma says, “It's his own fault for losing the paperwork.” She turns to Yentroc and asks, “So what did you find that was so important?”

  Yentroc smiles and takes a gold coin from her pocket. She hands it to Rehma and says, “We’ve found ten of these now.”

  Rehma studies the coin. “This is a gold crown of Ravenguard!”

  “No way!” says Gelana. Rehma hands the coin to her. She looks at both sides of the gold coin and studies the markings, a pair of spread wings. “Is there a ship, too?” she asks.

  “We don't know,” Yentroc answers. “Kel'ana just brought up something large, but we have no idea what it is. We do know that it’s magical.”

  Rehma asks, “When will we know more?”

  “We’re going to run some tests and hopefully find out soon,” Yentroc says.

  “In the meantime,” Gelana says with a smile, “I’m going to get some sun.” She turns to Rehma and says, “You should try to relax, too.”

  “I guess so,” she replies.

  Kelik's cell phone rings. The screen reads ‘Nica.’ He looks to Kel'ana and says, “It's Lyra.” He answers the phone. “Hello.”

  Far away in the library, Lyra is in her small private room, “Hello, Kyle. I’m calling about Laura.”

  “Is she all right?” Kelik asks, concerned.

  “She is now,” Lyra replies, “but she just suffered from a horrible headache, the migraine type.”

  “Do you need Danielle and me to return?” Kelik asks, as Kel'ana listens, trying to figure out what he’s talking about.

  “No,” Lyra replies. “I gave her something for the pain, she should be fine. I just thought I would let you know that it started when she was reading from the book.”

  “I understand,” says Kelik. “Thank you for the call.” He hangs up and says to the women, “Lyra says that Laura was suffering from a migraine.”

  “Is she all right?” Rehma asks.

  “Yes,” Kelik answers, “Lyra gave her something for it.”

  Kel'ana says, “Last night, she was able to see the magic writing that Kelik wrote on his business card. She wasn't able to figure out what it said—because it was in Elven—but she could see it.”

  Yentroc says, “That's great! It means her mother was a carrier of the magic gene.”

  Rehma says, “It must have remained dormant until now.”

  “That’s not unusual,” Yentroc says. “I wonder how strong her ability is.”

  “It doesn't matter,” Gelana says coldly.

  “Come on, Gelana,” Rehma says. “You should try to be more positive.”

  “Why?” Gelana snaps. “So I can watch more people that I love grow old and die?”

  Kelik says, “If she has the gene to use magic, she can live a lot longer.”

  Gelana sighs. “That only delays the inevitable.”

  Rehma puts her hand on her friend's shoulder and says, “Gelana, death eventually finds us all. Growing old is only one way to die. You shouldn't distance yourself from them just because that is more likely their fate. They are family.”

  Gelana nods. “I know that they're family.”

  “I think it's time you met them,” Rehma says.

  “I don't know,” replies Gelana. “I don't think it would be a very good idea.”

  Kel'ana says, “You know, Laura is a lot like you, Gelana.”

  Gelana smiles and looks the faces of her friends. “All right, I'll meet them,” she relents. “But not today. Today, I just want to unwind in the sun.”

  Back at the
library, Lyra enters the room where the children have been reading the story of the Third Orcnea War. The pizza that they ordered earlier is gone. Haley and Josh are looking at the old book while Laura is sitting in a chair nearby with her head back and her eyes closed.

  “How are you feeling?” Lyra asks.

  Laura sits up and rubs her temples. “I’m fine now, Aunt Nica. Thank you.”

  Josh shakes Laura's arm and asks, “Can you read more now?”

  “Ugh,” Laura groans. “I feel better, but I don't think I should read for a while.”

  Josh turns to Lyra and with a whining voice, he begs, “Can you read it... PLEASE.”

  Lyra smiles and nods. “I can do that.” She sits at the table and looks at the pages of the ancient account. “Is this where you were?” she asks.

  “Yes,” Laura answers. “Chance and Kristieana just got done talking in Sheathelm.”

  “All right,” Lyra says. “If I remember the story correctly, Chance's woes are just beginning.”

  Chapter 31

  Two Reds

  On the shores, just north of Sheathelm, Chance transforms into an eagle and begins to fly along the coast over the city. He spots the Red Dawn, still docked. As he looks closely, he spots a familiar figure.

  On the poop deck of the Red Dawn, Ariella is looking at the walls of the city. Her father joins her on the high point of the ship and says, “Ariella, I should be going now. I wish you would go back and be safe at Artos.”

  “I know, father,” she replies as she gives him a hug. “But I must help fight the orcneas.”

  “Let the elven fleet handle it.”

  “And run from a fight?” she asks. “That’s not something a Stormrage does.”

  Red Beards laughs. “Aye, we don't. But ya know, Ariella, you are also a Greythorn.”

  Ariella smiles. “I know. They’re not cowards, either.”

  He sighs. “No, they’re not.”

  Ariella walks with Red Beard to the staircase leading down to the quarterdeck. She says, “You just want me to leave because you’re worried.”


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