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Super Mega (Heroes & Harems Book 1)

Page 12

by Nolan Fury





  Surge bucked and convulsed as I lapped at her peach, her warm wetness gushing over my lips. Moans of ecstasy filled the air. She arched her chest and leaned back. A wry smile played on her face as she whispered in Chrome’s ear. “How does my pussy taste?”

  “Sweet,” Chrome said with a twinkle as she sucked Surge’s juices from my shaft.

  I almost popped right then and there. Chrome knew her way around a dick, that was for sure. She licked and sucked and stroked with fervent desire.

  I continue working Surge’s core until she erupted in waves of quivering orgasms. Her thighs tightened and squeezed my head. Her body trembled and shook. Her warm wetness flooded my face. She exhaled with satisfaction and rolled aside.

  Chrome took that as her cue to slide up my body. She wrapped her voluptuous breasts around my thick shaft for a few moments, then continued to slither toward me. My dick pressed against her belly, then she slid up, gliding her lips over me. She crested the top, then eased herself down on my shaft—slow at first as she expanded around my girth. She clenched tight and milked it for all it was worth.

  I caressed her ample breasts and sucked her nipples. I was pretty sure I had died and gone to heaven.

  Chrome rode me like a mechanical bull in a Western bar.

  Surge reached her hand between her legs and played with herself, biting her lip as she watched us in the throes of ecstasy.

  Chrome’s body was slick with sweat. Her breathy moans filled my ears. I rolled her over and took her hard. Our hips crashed into one another’s. I hammered furiously. She arched her chest, pushing her breasts into my face. She clenched down hard, and I couldn’t hold back. I exploded inside her, and I felt a rush of warmth as she joined me in orgasmic ecstasy. Her body twitched as she milked the last drop.

  I collapsed on top of her, completely exhausted. After a moment, I rolled off of her in a state of bliss. I lay in between two gorgeous women. It was surreal.

  Chrome glanced to Surge. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  Surge had a naughty glint in her eyes. “It’s not over yet.”

  She was ready for more.

  At this pace, I was going to be drained dry by morning.


  I woke up the next morning, sure I was going to be back in my bed on Earth.


  Last night was too good to really have happened.

  I peeled my eyes open and wiped the sleep from my lids. On either side of me was a gorgeous naked ass. They both looked divine. My rock hard boner was hungry for breakfast. I was at an all-you-can-eat buffet, and I was deciding where to start.

  Zepha burst into the room, annoyed. “I know you guys had a late one last night, but do you think you want to get your asses out of bed? We’ve got a flight to catch.”

  The girls stirred and pried their eyes open.

  “We need to leave in 20 minutes! Ranger and I are going to grab breakfast downstairs. Meet us there.” Zepha stormed out of the room, but not before she took a healthy look at my package.

  I climbed out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. I took a leak and hopped into the shower and washed last night’s debauchery from my body. If super girls were anything like Earth girls, they were going to take forever in the bathroom, and I wanted to get finished first.

  I toweled off and stepped back into the bedroom. The girls slinked past me and closed the bathroom door behind them. I began to think I was missing out on something, but we didn’t have time for any shenanigans. I grabbed the clothes that I had worn yesterday. The fabric was made of a special polymer that somehow took on the powers of the wearer. It didn’t get dirty. It was impervious to bullets. Plasma rifles had no affect on it. It was as strong, or perhaps stronger, than I was.

  I slipped the suit on and checked my stats.

  [Power: Strength, Energy Manipulation, Metal Manipulation.]

  [Level: 3.]

  Hell yes!

  I had to test out the power I acquired from Chrome. I stared at my right hand and focused my attention. After a moment, my forearm took the shape of a broadsword. Before my eyes, my appendage had transformed into a shiny metallic blade with razor-sharp edges. My eyes lit up with glee, and a wide grin played on my face.

  I sat on the bed and waited for Surge and Chrome. I played with my newfound morphing abilities and changed my hand into a sledgehammer, an axe, and any other melee weapon I could think of.

  Surge and Chrome emerged from the shower with towels draped around their dripping bodies. They slipped into their outfits, and I couldn’t help but appreciate their bouncing breasts. They shimmied their curvaceous hips into the tight formfitting suits, then we strolled down to breakfast.

  The buffet offered a variety of dishes from across the galaxy. There was something that resembled scrambled eggs. They were blue and made from Dovlopian eggs that had been flown in from the Noctami sector. There were strips of orange bacon-like meat. I found something that resembled a muffin. The farther away we got from Earth, the more varied the culinary offerings became.

  I sat down at the table and ate my meal. It wasn’t bad. I had fun with my newfound abilities, turning my finger into a fork and shoveling food into my mouth.

  Chrome rolled her eyes.

  Zepha still had a stern look on her face. She ate her breakfast in silence.

  “Is there something wrong?” I asked.

  “No. Whatever gave you that idea?”

  “I don’t know. You’re not your usual bubbly self.”

  “Well, let me see… Between his snoring and the screams and hollers coming from your room, I didn’t get any sleep last night.”

  “Sorry,” I said, sheepishly.

  Zepha glared at the three of us. “You could at least have a little common decency and be considerate of those around you.”

  Surge and Chrome giggled attempting to cover their embarrassment. Their cheeks flushed red.

  “I wasn’t that loud,” Surge said.

  “Yes you were,” Chrome added.

  They giggled again.

  Zepha stared at them, incredulous. “You two are like high school girls. You act like this is the first time you’ve ever gotten laid.”

  “Last night was definitely a first,” Surge said.

  “We’ll invite you next time so you don’t feel left out,” Chrome said.

  “Who says I feel left out?”

  “It doesn’t need to be said,” Chrome replied. “It’s obvious.”

  Zepha’s eyes narrowed at her. She stacked her silverware on top of her plate and pushed away from the table. She set her tray in the bin and strolled back to the lobby.

  Ranger just shook his head. “This is why I don’t fuck supers. Too much drama.”

  He pushed away from the table and headed into the lobby to meet Zepha. We finished our breakfast and joined them, then headed to the spaceport.

  We didn’t talk much about the implications of the wild night. But it lingered in the back of my mind. I’m sure the girls were thinking about it as well. What exactly did our romp mean? Were we in some kind of relationship, or was it just a night of fun? Did I have two girlfriends now?

  I figured I’d just go with the flow. Whatever they wanted was fine with me. Hell, I never thought I’d have one girlfriend, much less two.

  In the landing bay, DE stood in front of a dilapidated ship. Surge told me later that it was a VXR-9 Phoenix Warbird. The thing had once been a state-of-the-art light combat vessel. Larger than a typical dropship, but smaller than a Corvette Class ship. It weighed in at 294 tons. It was close to 50 years old. A relic of the Draconis war. It resembled a bird of prey with aggressive wings and landing gear like talons. A sharp nosed cockpit, massive thrusters, and heavy armor plating. It was somehow sleek, yet bulky. Panels had been riveted together, and it reminded me of a World War II era bomber.

  DE had a sly grin on his face that attempted to cover his obvious irrit
ation. “Well, you finally made it. Only 15 minutes late.”

  “Sorry,” Zepha said. “These three overslept.”

  DE’s lecherous eyes consumed Chrome and Surge, then flicked to me. “Understandable. I’d be late too,” then he added under his breath, “And so would they, in about a month.”

  “Are you sure this thing will make it as far as Vega station?” Surge asked.

  “She’s in tip top shape. Just had a total overhaul. Did it myself.” A prideful smile curled on his lips. He slapped the hull, and a stray bolt crashed to the tarmac.

  The grin faded from DE’s face. He knelt down and scooped up the part. “That’s extra. We don’t need that.”

  He stuffed it in his pocket.

  Surge’s eyes narrowed at him.

  “I trust this ship with my life. I’ll get you where you’re going. Don’t you worry none. You’re flying with Duane Earl Armstrong. The best pilot in the galaxy.”

  “Which galaxy?” Zepha muttered in a sardonic tone.

  “You’re more than welcome to stay here. But if you want a ride, let’s get to it.”

  There weren’t a lot of options.

  Duane motioned to the ramp and pretended to be a gentleman.

  The ladies started up the ramp, and Duane’s eyes fixed on their assets. I noticed the green crystal that hung around his neck had started to glow the moment we arrived. It suddenly fluctuated in intensity and grew brighter.

  DE’s eyes glanced across the bay to the entrance. His face fell. The color drained from his skin and his eyes bulged like saucers. “Shit!”

  “Is there something wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing I can’t handle,” he said thinly. There was a slight tremor in his voice, and it lacked DE’s usual confidence.

  I glanced to the door—we had unexpected visitors.

  Six of them.

  They didn’t look friendly. There was something different about this gang of men, but I couldn’t quite place it.

  “DE… fancy meeting you here,” the leader of the gang said. “My feelings are hurt. You come to town and you don’t even stop by to see me.”

  He was a tall man with pale skin and long dark hair. His emerald eyes blazed into Duane. A diabolical glimmer flickered in his intense eyes. He looked like a predator that had caught its next meal and was going to play with it before he ate it.

  “You know, tight schedule and all,” DE said.

  “I’m beginning to think we’re not friends anymore. You don’t write, you don’t call, you don’t come by.” His mocking tone turned deadly serious. “I expected a little more courtesy from someone who killed my brother.”

  “So, these guys are friends of yours?” I muttered sarcastically.

  DE grumbled.

  The dark haired man’s eyes flicked to me. “I have no quarrel with you. Leave, and no harm will come to you.”

  I swallowed hard. “Hey guys,” I called to the others in the ship. “You might want to come down here. We’ve got a little bit of a situation.”


  “Who are these assholes?” I asked.

  “Vampires,” Duane said. “But they’re not interested in your blood.”

  “Vampires?” My face wrinkled, perplexed. “How are they walking around in the daylight?”

  The sun shone down through the open top of the bay. I had never encountered a vampire back on Earth. I didn’t think they existed. And like everyone else, I figured a vampire should burn up in the daylight.

  “Like I said, these aren’t ordinary vampires. Don’t buy into that movie bullshit. This is a different dimension. But they’ll sure as hell suck the life out of you.”

  I pulled up a stat screen on the leader.

  [Name: Jacques Géroux.]

  [Nickname: Vice.]

  [Power: Energy Transference.]

  [Level: 16]

  [Special Abilities: Undisclosed.]

  Vice flashed his fangs and snarled at us. He crouched into a combat stance, ready to spring forward. “I gave you fair warning.”

  “If we’re being honest with one another, I should warn you as well. You are about to get your ass handed to you.” Perhaps I was a little optimistic. He was a Level 16 after all. “Whatever your problem is with this guy, you’re going to have to deal with it later. We’ve got somewhere we really need to be. And DE is our ride.”

  My threat didn’t deter him, despite the fact the rest of my gang stood beside me on the tarmac.

  “You should have found other transportation,” Vice growled.

  The gang of vampires surrounded us. Fangs glistened in the light. I quickly scanned the stat screens of the others. Their experience ranged from Level 3 to Level 7.

  This was going to be a tough fight. Between the six of us, I hoped we had enough ability to thwart these goons.

  Duane pulled a dagger from its scabbard and prepared to defend himself. I wondered what the hell a dagger would do against these ass-clowns.

  Géroux charged at me like a snarling beast. The others rushed toward us.

  I formed a ball of energy in my hand and threw it at Vice.

  With lightning fast reflexes, he dodged the blistering ball of energy and streaked toward me. Vice was a barely visible blur, and before I could react, the creature had pounced on me.

  His hand wrapped around my throat, and his sharp nails dug into my flesh. His eyes glowed, and he sucked the life force out of me. A trail of glowing energy flowed from my body. The vampire inhaled it. The air vanished from my lungs, and my strength evaporated. It felt like my body was going to collapse upon itself. It was like he had reached down my throat, grabbed my esophagus, and started to pull.

  Vice was tougher to deal with than I had anticipated.

  My arms and legs were lead weights. My vision blurred, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I couldn’t get this guy off me.

  A ball of energy slammed into Vice and knocked him aside. I didn’t know where the hell the charge came from. My eyes found DE—he had thrown the energy strike. My face twisted with confusion. I didn’t think he was a super.

  I didn’t have time to think about it. I sprang to my feet. Instinctually, I formed a broadsword with my forearm and sliced at Vice when he charged me again.

  The blade cut into his skin and severed bone, hacking off his arm before he could get out of the way. The bloody appendage smacked the tarmac, then disintegrated.

  Vice laughed and shook his stump. Another arm re-grew in its place—though his coat was in desperate need of tailoring, missing a sleeve. He turned toward DE and charged him.

  Chrome morphed into a cage and sealed one of the vampires inside. But it didn’t hold him long. He bent the bars apart and squeezed through.

  Surge had created an energy shield. It held off the vamp attacking her, but the creature slowly pushed his hand through the shield. He drew the energy from Surge’s body into his hand, and her shield flickered.

  I clenched my jaw and balled my fists.

  “Stab him in the heart, kid,” DE shouted. “It’s the only way to kill these bastards!”

  I transformed my arm into a silver spike and sprinted toward the vampire threatening Surge. Anger twisted my face. The veins in my neck bulged. The creep pulled his hand from her energy shield and turned to face me.

  Surge collapsed on the tarmac from the energy drain.

  I was fury.

  I was wrath.

  Nobody fucks with one of my girls.

  I stabbed my spiky arm into the vampire’s chest. Crimson blood spewed from the laceration. The fang-toothed cretin’s eyes bulged. He coughed blood. It spewed from his lips and dribbled down his chin. The look on his face was priceless—he had expected to live forever.

  I drew my spike from his chest, and he collapsed to his knees. An instant later, his body disintegrated into glowing particles. They flowed into my body, and I felt a rush of energy. I wondered if I had leveled up. It seemed I could gain someone’s skill by killing them.

  Vice’s face
tensed. Rage filled his eyes. The death of his comrade came as a complete surprise. Vice backed away from Duane. “This isn’t over yet!”

  His crew withdrew, retreating out of the bay.

  I rushed to Surge and helped her stand. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, just a little woozy,” she said. “Thanks. You saved my ass.”

  “I have a vested interest in your ass.” A warm smile curled on my lips.

  “Good. My ass is just for you.” She gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

  My concerned eyes found Chrome.

  She smiled. “I can see you’re putting my skills to good use.”

  “They're useful for more than just breakfast,” Zepha said snidely.

  “Can we get the hell out of here before something else goes wrong?” Ranger asked.

  “Sorry about that,” DE said.

  I pulled up Duane’s stat screen, but it was blank. How the hell was that possible, I wondered? “Are you a super?”

  He hesitated a moment. “Why don’t we talk about that on the ship? We really should get going.”

  He motioned for us to climb the ramp, then followed behind. Once inside, he pressed a button on the bulkhead, and hydraulics whirred as the ramp raised. It clamored shut and sealed with a hiss.

  “Welcome aboard the SS Savage Storm,” Duane said, beaming with pride. He flashed his pearly whites. “She’s got a small galley, restroom and shower, passenger area, and berthing compartments if you’d like to get some sleep during your journey. Do me a favor and stay away from the engine room and the quantum field generator. There’s a display screen in the passenger compartment. I’ve got plenty of movies and video games to keep you occupied. The cargo hold is also off-limits. Other than that, make yourself at home.”

  A red cat rubbed up against my legs and meowed. Its luminescent green eyes gazed at me. I knelt down and scratched the cat’s chin. She purred, and when I pulled my hand away, she lifted a paw, wanting more.

  “That’s Ruby,” DE said. “I may be the captain, but it’s her ship.”


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