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After Church: Walking Worthy....After the Benediction! (The Greatest Love Series Book 2)

Page 8

by Genevieve Woods

  let’s think about this.”

  “I am breathing, and think about what? I married a man I know nothing about; he did not clue me in on anything, not his wealth or family. He led me to believe he severed ties with Shayla. I feel like I am his mistress.”

  “You are not his mistress Karen, you are his wife, cut him some slack. You are newly married; you are going to be finding out a lot of things about one another. The money is a mess, but he is making it right. Besides, it could be worse he could be bankrupt with a mountain of debt.” Camille knew that would get a chuckle out of her and it did, Karen actually giggled through her tears. She gently

  stroked her friends back and tried to give her godly advice. “I know this is a shock, but you told me you knew Frankie loved you. Not only that, I see it. Give it some time. You all have the rest of your lives to get to know one another. Can you honestly say he knows everything about you?”

  “No but…”

  “No buts Karen, you have to talk this out with him, hear his complete side of it, and understand why he hadn’t severed all ties to his ex-wife. He wasn’t serious about anyone until you, and you both moved so fast without asking pertinent questions, neither of you have had the time to be completely transparent. He certainly hasn’t had the time to cleanse all of the “Shayla” remnants out of his life, but he appears to be making the effort, which is costing him a pretty dime.”

  Karen was nodding as if she agreed with Camille. She could have been over-reacting, but finding out your husband is not only a mail courier but also an entrepreneur and practically a millionaire, well less three-hundred thousand dollars, was a lot to swallow, let alone digest. Camille had a point. She would get some work done and talk this over with Frankie tonight.

  “You are right Camille; I will get to work. That’s what you pay me for, right? I will talk to Frankie tonight.” Karen stood up and so did Camille and they hugged one another. It wasn’t lost upon Camille that it wasn’t the sisterly hug she daydreamed about.

  “Karen, why don’t you have Frankie drop Nikki off at my house so you can have some alone time with your husband. I have her restrictions list and Epi-pen. We should be fine.”

  “Thank you so much. What would I ever do without you?” Karen’s tears were flowing again, as she squeezed Camille’s hands tightly. With guilt, settling in the pit of her stomach Camille squeezed back and replied, “You don’t have to worry about that, now dry those tears, and let’s make this money.”


  Autumn was begrudgingly packing her suitcases to go on a last minute trip with her twin sister Dawn. She loved her sister, who she shared the exact DNA with, but this running was starting to get to her. They had already lost college credits transferring from school in Atlanta to Memphis. They told their parents it was so they could be near the family with the addition of Nikki and Karen, which was partially true. Adding in the fact that their mother, Shayla, was not taking their father’s new marriage well, it was logical for them to relocate. However, the main reason they left was that Dawn needed to put miles between her and that worthless man, Wilson Buford. He was a basketball star at one of the universities in Atlanta

  and was predicted to be the number one draft pick in the NBA. However, what the NCAA and Wilson’s adoring fans didn’t know was he was an abusive, controlling prick who thought Dawn Marie Jones was his property to control. Autumn only needed to see her sister once with bruises on her body from blows given to her by Wilson. Wilson Buford would not be allowed to take out his “stress of remaining the number one draft pick” on her sister. It was worse when his team lost a game, when he fouled out, or when he didn’t consume most of sport centers highlights. Whatever did not go the Great Wilson’s way she assumed landed on Dawn’s back and just like his jersey colors; they were black and blue. Dawn said she was overreacting and Wilson did not abuse her, but she thought Dawn was just

  covering from him. Now they both were in a hurry to make their flight out of the Memphis International Airport. It was for a girl’s trip Autumn had planned with a few of their friends after overhearing Dawn on the phone with Wilson, who was attempting to come visit this weekend. Autumn was hoping out of sight, out of mind. She knew what she was doing was deceitful, but this was the only way to get Dawn to stay away from that joker. She was a loyal soul much like their mom and she would not end that train wreck of a relationship. So that was why she was stepping in hoping somehow, some way, Wilson Buford would be out of their lives at least for this weekend. Autumn was also making sacrifices to keep her sister out of harm’s way. She had started a romance with Brock Logan, a handsome

  European law student. She was trying to maintain a long distance relationship with him, but she was feeling him pull away. However, her sister’s safety was her first concern, but she was no fool. He would be meeting her on this trip. She had not disclosed to her parents that she was dating outside the African-American race because she felt it was not of importance. If they lasted another month, which would be their one-year anniversary, she would bring him home for dinner, so to speak. She also knew Dawn was going to be furious when she saw Brock.

  Autumn was zipping her bag when Dawn strolled into her room dragging her rolling luggage. She looked at her big sister of three and one-half minutes with a sigh. “I don’t know why we must do this girl trip this weekend. It’s the only weekend Wilson has free for the next six weeks. If I didn’t know better, I would believe you planned this Autumn Jade Jones.”

  “Dawn Marie, please. Why do I have to plan missing that jerk? You should

  be happy you don’t have to endure him.”

  “Why would you say that? He is my man; I love him to pieces.”

  “Why would I say that? Because I’m afraid one day his love is going to

  leave you in pieces.” Dawn threw up her hands in defense.

  “Autumn, I told you what happened, it was an accident, Wilson would never hurt me, so please don’t go there.”

  Autumn turned around with an incredulous look on her face. “Dawn accident or not, it should have never gotten to that point. Besides, we have been in Memphis who knows if it would have happened again if you were in Atlanta. It is hard to abuse someone via Facetime, but knowing that sucker he is probably poking the heck out of you on Facebook.” Dawn laughed out loud.

  “Girl you are crazy. Nobody is being abused or poked anywhere. I told you it was an accident that I caused. Wilson would never intentionally hurt me.”

  “Yeah, right”

  “Why do you act like people can’t change? Look at daddy.”

  “First of all, Daddy never laid a hand on mom or us when he was high. Secondly, you do see another woman is reaping the benefits of dad’s improvement?”

  “Yeah, that hasn’t been lost on me, which is another reason we may not need to leave. Mom is not in a good place, she seems to be plotting and scheming as if

  she may be trying to get back at dad. I don’t know what she is capable of and don’t want her harming Karen or Nikki.”

  “Dawn, Mom is all bark with no bite, she will be okay and we will be back on Tuesday. Let’s get a move on, our dream trip awaits. Do you have our little blue signs?”

  “Yes, they are in my purse.” “Well, let’s do this thang.”


  Karen was home preparing a nice romantic dinner for Frankie of shrimp scampi, flounder, steamed vegetables, and garlic rolls. She had chilled sparkling cider and put on a light jazz mixed with love songs playlist. She had dressed for the occasion in something revealing for her husband and a pair of six-inch, platform, red bottoms she now knew he could afford. After her talk with Camille and gaining a clearer head throughout the workday, she was feeling better about the situation. She had phoned Frankie and told him she was onboard with him giving the money to Shayla to cut the ties. She also asked if Shayla could get her own health insurance, since she had enough money. Karen wanted Shayla out of Frankie’s wallet. Dawn and Autumn were his daughters and she loved them as her ow
n. She would never interfere with him caring for them. Shayla Jones was a

  horse of a different color and she must go. Frankie said he would take care of that, and assured her he was in this with her for life. She took her man at his word. As she tasted her scampi sauce, she thought of all the ways she would be rewarding him. Just as a smirk crossed her face, she heard the garage door lift up. Minutes

  later her dapper husband was walking in the kitchen hugging her from behind and kissing her on the neck.

  “Babe, the food smells good and so do you.”

  Karen giggled as he kissed and nibbled her neck. “Thanks, but you don’t. Go wash up, dinner will be ready in fifteen.” Frankie gave her a lingering kiss on the lips and scampered to shower and change.

  Their romantic dinner started just as Karen had planned. They began by talking about the closure of the joint accounts. Frankie advised Karen she would need to accompany him to the bank to be added to his new accounts, and she readily agreed. Frankie went into depth about his finances. How he had done well in the real estate market, while being a mail courier, and earned a substantial amount of money. He invested well in businesses such as barbershops, clubs, and carwashes. He continued to deliver mail because he loved the job; it was as simple as that. Karen had started feeling a bit like a hypocrite and opened up more to Frankie about her horrid past. Frankie, to her surprise, said he loved her even more for being able to overcome so much.

  After they finished their meal, one of Karen’s favorite songs by Anita Baker came on. It fit Karen’s mood perfectly. She rose from her chair at the table and lip- synced the lyrics to Frankie. Lyrics that told him, he belonged to her, and she

  would always be his. She gave him a dance from her exotic days that would make her a thousand dollars in a night.

  As Karen swayed sensually with the rhythm of the music, Frankie sat staring in awe of his beautiful wife. He thought he was going to lose her to his past just a few hours ago. Now she danced before him all caramel and creamy, he couldn’t wait to devour her. She moved closer and straddled him. Her lip-sync was audible as she quietly sang the words. He had no idea her voice sounded like an angel, but the words she sensually sang in his ear made him know she was a keeper.

  “Tell Shayla something baby, I want you to tell her, you belong to me.” She murmured. Frankie had no choice but to scoop Karen up and head to their bedroom where they were caught up in the rapture of love.

  Anita Baker was still playing through the house audio system afterward. They were snuggling close, watching television and contemplating picking up Nikki, when their bliss came to an end. Frankie had ten missed calls from Shayla and several from both Dawn and Autumn. He knew the girls were out of town on vacation until Tuesday so he did the unthinkable he called Shayla first. Karen got out of bed and began to dress, deciding she would definitely be picking up Nikki. She jerked away as Frankie tried reaching out to her to pull her near.

  Shayla answered on the first ring. “What took you so long to call me back?” “What is it Shayla?”

  “Someone is trying to break into my house!”

  “What do you mean someone is trying to break in.” “Just what I said. Are you going to help me or not?” “Shayla, call 9-1-1, I’m on the way.”

  Frankie ended the call and got out of bed. He called out to Karen.

  “Karen, Shayla is saying someone is trying to break into her house. She could just be tripping. I told her to call 9-1-1. Can we ride through there on our way to get Nikki?”

  How could she say no? He wasn’t excluding her or trying to rescue Shayla

  on his own.

  “Sure but this woman is certifiable, I mean why is something always happening to her?”

  “I don’t know honey; let’s just go so we can go get our baby girl.” “Are Dawn and Autumn on the way?”

  “No, they went on some trip of dreams. You know people be on social media holding those signs up. They joined the young adult version and are out of town.”

  “Well at least they are enjoying themselves and not dealing with their mom. But I know this one thing, something better be happening over there or she may get to see the other side of Karen Locke-Jones.” Frankie didn’t respond as he ushered her out of their home and headed toward Shayla’s.

  Karen opted to stay in Frankie’s silver Tundra while he went to check on Shayla. She thought it was best. She was not feeling very patient and if this was some set up to seduce her husband, the former gang banger in her just may come to surface. She pulled out her phone to check in with Camille, but got no answer. Nikki probably had her in the playroom at Ben’s house. She moved on to Paige. She needed to fill her in on Nikki’s condition and Shayla’s antics. Paige answered

  on the first ring.


  Frankie made it to the entrance of Shayla’s apartment and became nervous as all get out. The door was open and a hole was in place where there once had been a knob, he gave it a gentle push and moved slowly inside. What he found startled him, immediately he was stricken with panic. There were sofa pillows thrown all around the living area, shattered glass from the dining room tables, and

  family pictures were off the wall, broken on the floor. Frankie became sorely afraid of what he might find as he frantically rushed to the back of Shayla’s apartment.

  He called her name repeatedly only to be met by silence as he checked room after room. By the time he made it through the entire apartment, he had only found destruction—no Shayla. He was in a complete frenzy. He searched his mind as he

  scanned the area over, hoping for a clue of what on earth could have happened


  Who would do this to Shayla? He thought. Why? Dear God let her be okay! Frankie’s mind went to Karen, and he now regretted leaving his wife in the car. He began to run to the front of the apartment so he could get back to Karen, and call the police in case Shayla did not get a chance to.

  He did not have to go far, as soon as he opened the door to leave, there were policemen in uniform.

  “Are you Frankie Raymond Jones?” One of them asked.

  “Yes I am.”

  “Frankie Jones, you have been reported for breaking and entering into the home of Shayla Jones and for attempted battery”

  Frankie stood in disbelief Shayla had set him up.


  Karen was in the middle of her telephone conversation with Paige when she saw Frankie being escorted by police in what looked like… handcuffs. She abruptly cut Paige off. They had been on the subject of how Shayla had better be happy that they both were trying to live right or she would be getting her behind whooped and cussed out something proper.

  “Paige, hush…girl they have Frankie in handcuffs. I have to get out and see what is going on!”

  “What, wait? Why would he be in handcuffs? Let me send Kevin down there. Text me the address.” Once she saw the address, Paige knew Kevin was close to the area.

  Karen could not believe her eyes when she saw Shayla on the sidewalk adjacent to where her husband was being detained by the police. Karen had gone over to inquire about what was happening. Frankie and the officers, assured her he was not under arrest, just being questioned. She was headed back to the truck when she spotted Shayla across the parking lot on the sidewalk. Shayla had the audacity to smirk at her. Karen instantly knew she was correct in not wanting to check on this nonsense. This conniving wretch of a woman had lured them into a trap.

  Karen did not just see RED, she saw FIRE. She didn’t take deep breaths, she didn’t count to ten, she didn’t say the serenity prayer like she heard Frankie recite every morning. Instead, she was on Shayla unaware of how she crossed the parking lot undetected by the cops or her husband.

  Before Shayla knew what was coming, she had been hit, and knocked down smoothly by Karen. She began screaming which caused Karen to wrap her left

  hand around her throat to stop the agonizing screams of the hateful woman. With her free hand, she began hitting Shayla in her
face. A jab to her eye, a jab to her nose; jab after jab until her face was swelling and blood poured from her nose and mouth. All the while Shayla was receiving the worst beating of her life, her arms flapped beside her as she tried to defend herself. She was kicking with all her might. She knew she had underestimated Frankie and Karen. She never thought he would bring his new little wife with him. She wanted to show Frankie he could not just give her money and discard her, like what she went through with him meant nothing. But it was clear now that Karen was from the streets and in a violent trance that could end her life if someone didn’t stop this broad. She tried again to free her arms and legs to get this heifer off her but she was outweighed by Karen’s


  Karen had lost all control of her thoughts and actions, seeing that smirk on

  Shayla’s face under the streetlight, triggered rage that she had buried deep within

  her soul. Shayla’s actions had brought it all out. Karen would beat this disgrace to the female gender to death, before she let her destroy her marriage. That. Would. Not. Be. Happening. She repositioned herself on top of Shayla so her legs could not continue to kick out, and she delivered blows to her stomach. Karen did not come out of her violent trance until she felt herself being lifted in the air.


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