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Kiss Me in the Moonlight (Destined for Love: Europe)

Page 13

by Lindzee Armstrong

  Paige was here. The kingpin was coming.

  They didn’t stand a chance. He filed through a dozen possibilities, discarding most almost immediately.

  Paige took a step back, her head shaking back and forth. She tugged desperately on Nick’s arm. “Let’s go,” she begged.

  Nick stared at her, despair sweeping over him. It was way too late for that. The kingpin wanted them for something, or they would’ve been killed long ago. Agreeing to the kingpin’s demands meant a lifetime in debt to a criminal. Refusing meant certain death. Either way, he and Paige lost.

  Devin pulled a gun from the waistband of his jeans and pointed it at them casually. Nick wasn’t surprised. Why had he never considered Devin might have been the mole? His heart ached as his fury built.

  He had loved Devin like a brother. Trusted him with his life. Nick stared at Paige, helplessness welling within him. Her face was white, her sapphire eyes huge and brimming with fear.

  “I’ve already got the coffee brewing,” Devin said. “It’s rude to keep me waiting.”

  Nick eyed his partner, his mind working frantically. All bets were off now. He didn’t know this Devin or what he was capable of.

  Nick wrapped an arm around Paige’s shoulder and urged her forward.

  “That’s better,” Devin said, holding the door open for them.

  The entryway opened into a wide hallway, brightly lit with florescent bulbs. Devin motioned to a door on the left, and Nick urged Paige forward. He felt her legs buckling and tightened his grip. Be brave, he thought, hoping somehow she’d get the message in his touch.

  The room was no bigger than Nick’s apartment kitchen in Virginia. A cheap laminate countertop ran along one wall. Scuffed white cabinets hung above the counter, and a small table sat in the center of the room.

  “Sit,” Devin said. He pulled three mugs down from a cupboard. “I must admit, you figured this out quicker than I anticipated. Mr. West won’t be here for a while.”

  Paige sank into the chair, her eyes wide and frightened. Nick squeezed her hand, trying to offer reassurance. Why was the kingpin on his way? What could Nick possibly have that Mr. West wanted that badly?

  Small, quick gasps were coming from Paige. Each sound tore through Nick’s heart. He could feel her panic like a blanket descending over him. He had to get them out of here.

  “Is Evie really being abused?” Paige asked, her words sharp and staccato. But she stared at Devin with unflinching eyes. “Is Ryan trying to protect her?”

  Pride swelled in Nick at her brave questions, but he wished she’d stop talking before she got them both killed. Interrogating their captor—especially as a civilian with no training—wasn’t a good idea. He squeezed her hand again, this time trying to send a message.

  Devin laughed, placing a cup of steaming coffee in front of each of them. “That ingenious plot line was my idea. I knew Nick couldn’t resist helping a damsel in distress.”

  “But the police reports,” Paige said.

  Devin shrugged. “No one’s perfect. Her step-father’s been on the lower rungs of the organization for years.”

  Nick’s hand curled into a fist. The abuse wasn’t just a plot line, of that Nick had no doubt. Evie was in even more danger than he’d originally thought.

  “When did you go rogue?” Nick asked.

  “About the time Don quit.” Devin took a sip of coffee, one hand still holding his gun. “Mr. West pays better. I wanted to tell you so many times, but Don didn’t think you’d ever come with us.”

  Don. Horror filled Nick at the blindside. He’d never considered he was involved, though now it was painfully obvious. After all, Don had known about Nick’s feelings for Paige. And he’d been the one to insist she go with him on this suicide mission.

  Maybe, if he created a distraction, Paige could escape. Was she thinking clearly enough to run if given the chance?

  “There never was an attempted kidnapping last summer,” Nick said with certainty.

  Devin smirked, taking another drink. “Of course not.”

  “Why are we here?” Paige asked. She held Nick’s hands tightly, knuckles white while her untouched coffee grew cold.

  Devin addressed Nick. “Mr. West was concerned when you kept looking into things after my ‘death.’” Devin made air quotes, gun still in hand. “That’s when I convinced him we should bring you to Europe and figure out how much you knew. I suspected from the beginning it wasn’t much, but I’ve missed you.” He leaned forward, his eyes suddenly earnest. “It’s a good life here, Nick. We could work together again, just like old times. Mr. West is willing to take you on. He’s coming here to personally interview you, on my recommendation.”

  Nausea flowed over Nick, and he stared at Devin. Paige’s fingernails dug into his skin.

  “You’re offering me a job?” Nick said, keeping his tone light.

  Devin nodded, his eyes serious. “We’d be partners again. All you’ve got to do is impress Mr. West. You know, I’ve risen through the ranks quite quickly here. He trusts me—and my opinion—a lot. Don’t let me down.”

  Nick didn’t look at Paige, not wanting to redirect Devin’s focus. Run, he yelled at her in his mind.

  Devin had made one very critical error tonight. He hadn’t taken Nick’s gun. Their partnership ran too deep to ever suspect betrayal until it was too late.

  “You know I’ve always been a straight shooter,” Nick said.

  “That doesn’t mean you always have to be one.”

  Nick clenched his jaw, grinding out the words he knew could seal their fate. “I will never work for Mr. West.”

  Shock registered on Devin’s face but was quickly replaced by anger. He raised the gun, pointing it at Nick. Paige screamed, her nails digging deeper. He wished she’d start running. Desperation clawed at Nick’s chest, and he fought to keep his focus on Devin.

  “I don’t want things to end this way,” Devin said. “There’s still time to reconsider before Mr. West arrives. You and me had some good times.”

  “Don’t you dare hurt Nick,” Paige said.

  Devin’s eyes flicked to Paige for the briefest of moments. It was all Nick needed. He had his gun out of its holster and aimed at Devin in less than a second. Paige inhaled sharply, but Nick couldn’t look at her—couldn’t let himself be distracted.

  “Why did you do it?” Nick demanded.

  Devin laughed, the sound harsh and guttural. “Isn’t it obvious? The work is easier, and the pay so much better. There’s no red tape to wade through. The only rule I have to follow is kill or be killed.”

  “Why did you leak the false intel?” Nick pressed.

  “I couldn’t very well let us stumble upon the real plan. Besides, it was the perfect opportunity to escape. Mr. West agreed that it was too good to pass up. We’d both been searching for a way to get me out.”

  “Mr. West funds terrorists with those diamonds.” Nick’s finger itched on the trigger. How long until Mr. West arrived? He had to get Paige away from here before them, or they’d both be dead.

  “Mr. West sells to the highest bidder,” Devin said. “It’s capitalism, pure and simple. The American dream in action.”

  Nick’s heart thundering in his chest. His gun didn’t lower, and neither did Devin’s. If Devin shot him, what would happen to Paige?

  He knew the answer to that question, and it was unacceptable.

  “Pick the easy way,” Devin goaded. “A life of luxury and ease.”

  “You know I can’t,” Nick said, fighting to hold the gun steady. To not look at Paige. Sweat trickled down his back, and the gun felt slick in his hand.

  Devin sighed, then whirled, the gun suddenly pointed at Paige. The reason Don had made sure Nick brought her along became crystal clear.

  A part of him had known it all along. She was insurance. They could make Nick do anything, as long as they had her.

  Nick and Devin both fired. Devin’s body jerked back, falling to the floor as a pool of blood appeared at th
e bullet entrance, right between his eyes.

  Paige screamed, the sound bone-chilling. Nick rushed to her side, feeling numb. Blood poured out of her arm, and she stared at him in stunned shock.

  She’d been hit.

  Nick yanked off his shirt, his movements jerky. Just her arm. This could’ve been so much worse. It was just her arm.

  Her head might be next. Mr. West or his hired thugs could still shoot Paige.

  “You killed him!” Paige said, her voice bordering on hysteria.

  “He would’ve killed you,” Nick said. Later, he’d have demons to wrestle. He let the familiar numbness of a kill wash over him. For now, he had to focus on Paige.

  She was still alive. He could still save them both.

  He wrapped his shirt around her arm, and she let out a gasp.

  “I’m sorry. So, so sorry.” He grabbed Devin’s gun and shoved it in his pants pocket. “We have to get out of here.”

  “What about him?”

  “Mr. West will find him soon enough.” They weren’t out of danger just yet.

  Nick pulled her to her feet. She swayed, and he wrapped an arm around her waist, steadying her. This was all his fault.

  No. Agent Nick couldn’t afford to think like that. Not right now.

  He peered around the door, gun first and body on high alert. Clear. He walked swiftly from the room, supporting Paige’s weight when she stumbled.

  “This isn’t how it’s supposed to be,” Paige said, rambling. “Did I seriously just get shot? This isn’t my life.”

  “Shhh,” Nick said. He opened the front door just a crack and peered out, then hustled Paige outside.

  A car engine revved, and tires squealed around the corner. Nick pulled Paige back toward the warehouse with a curse.

  Too late. Mr. West had found them.

  The car jerked to a stop and the passenger door flew open. Nick threw himself in front of Paige, bracing for the bullet.

  Paige would never get away. Not with a gunshot wound and crazed kingpin after her.

  But it wasn’t Mr. West in the driver’s seat. It was Evie.

  “Get in!” she yelled.

  Nick made a split-second decision and shoved Paige inside the car.

  Paige slid across the gray leather of the back seat, the movement making her arm ache. Funny. She’d expected getting shot to be more of a white-hot pain. Nick’s shirt was soaked with warm, sticky blood, making the fabric stick to her skin. She tried to hold her breath, the metallic smell making her ill.

  “Evie,” Paige said, vaguely aware that her words slurred together.

  Nick slammed the car door shut. “Go!”

  The tires squealed against the asphalt, racing toward the city center. Evie flew around a corner, nearly running over a pedestrian in the process. She cursed and swerved. Paige’s arm hit the car door, and black spots danced across her vision. There was the white-hot pain. Paige struggled to catch her breath, tears filling her eyes.

  “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” Evie said. “He’s dead, isn’t he? He must be, or you wouldn’t have gotten away.”

  “Devin?” Nick asked.

  “I don’t know. Whoever wanted you here.”

  Paige leaned forward, stomach heaving. She fought back the bile. One moment Devin had stood there, face grim and gun raised. The next, he’d been shot between the eyes.

  Nick had shot him. Nick, the guy Paige had passionately kissed in the moonlight. Nick, the man she loved.

  Nick, the secret government agent who killed people as part of his job.

  “What happened, Evie?” Nick demanded.

  Paige let out a hoarse laugh. The world had ended, and nothing made sense—wasn’t it obvious?

  A tire jumped over the curb as Evie turned another corner. Paige closed her eyes, trying to blot out the stars dancing before them.

  “I didn’t know you, okay?” Evie said. “My step-dad’s been close to the West family for years. At first, when they told us to lure you to Amsterdam, I thought, ‘No problem.’ But then we got to know you, and I started having doubts.”

  “Paige has been shot,” Nick said. “We need to go to a hospital. I need to call the agency. Mr. West was on his way to the warehouse. He’ll come after us—all of us. But if we can get in contact with the agency, I can keep us all safe.”

  Paige let out a shrill laugh. This was all so crazy. So unreal.

  “I know.” Evie’s hands gripped the steering wheel tighter. “My step-dad will be furious when he realizes what’s happened. Ryan, too.”

  “We can help you,” Nick said.

  Evie swallowed hard, staring straight ahead. “No. I won’t leave my family, or Ryan. But I won’t let them kill you two, either.” She pushed on the gas, jetting through a red light.

  “They’ll come after us,” Nick said. “They’ll come after you.”

  Evie grabbed something from the front console and handed it to Nick. A thumb drive, Paige noted vaguely. Her brain was all fuzzy.

  “Not if you come after them first,” Evie said.

  “What kind of car does Mr. West drive?” Nick asked, his voice even.

  “I don’t know,” Evie said. “Depends. Whatever blends in.”

  Nick glanced out the back window, the tiny movement making the car bench shake. Paige hissed in pain.

  “Where did you get this car?” Nick asked.

  “I stole it from Mr. West,” Evie said. “I didn’t know what else to do. Ryan went to the bathroom, and I grabbed his keys and bolted. He’s going to be so mad at me.”

  “We’ve got bigger problems than Ryan,” Nick said. “Mr. West is following us. He probably tracked the GPS on the car.”

  A gunshot rang through the air. Evie screamed, swerving dangerously close to oncoming traffic. Another shot rang, and the back windshield shattered. Pebbles of tempered glass rained down around Paige, and her vision swirled sickeningly.

  “Step on it,” Nick said. He raised up, firing off his own shot before ducking down again.

  “Where do I go?” Evie yelled.

  Nick flicked a glance at Paige, his expression full of a thousand emotions she couldn’t decipher. “Keep heading toward the hospital. Swerve as much as possible. He can’t reload while driving, and he’ll be out of bullets soon.”

  Evie blew through a red light, nearly getting T-boned by oncoming traffic. Paige blacked out, for how long she didn’t know.

  “You’ll be okay,” Nick said, his fingers running through her hair. “I think we lost him at that light. Hang on, Paige. It’s just a flesh wound, and we’re almost there.”

  “He’s going to kill us,” Paige said. Evie slid over another bump, and it was like someone stabbed a hot knife into Paige’s arm. Tears poured down her face.

  “No, he’s not.” Nick grabbed her face, staring intensely into her eyes. “We’re both going to get through this, and we’re going to be together. Do you hear me?”

  Terror gripped Paige, but she tried to nod. She hadn’t known she could be this scared and still breathing.

  The car jerked to a stop, and Paige blacked out again. Rough hands firmly tapped her cheeks.

  “Paige. Paige! We’re here,” Nick said.

  Paige felt Nick’s arms wrap around her and pull her from the car. She forced her eyes open, her entire body clammy with pain. An ancient brick building stood mere feet away.

  The sliding doors opened, and a man in white scrubs rushed toward them. How odd. She’d expected medical personnel in Europe to wear something less familiar. The smell of blood was stronger now, and she fought back the urge to vomit. She’d die of embarrassment if she threw up all over Nick.

  The man asked something in Dutch. Nick replied, his words rapid-fire. Why did his voice sound so far away?

  A gunshot rang through the air, the crisp sound vibrating Paige’s eardrums. She fell from Nick’s arms and crashed against the cobblestone. She screamed as fiery lava consumed her arm, making it hard to breathe. Nick’s gun glinted in his hand. />
  The man in scrubs dropped to the ground beside Paige, a stream of Dutch bursting from him. Cursing, probably. Paige felt like doing that herself.

  After all they’d been through, this was how it’d end.

  A man walked toward them, and for one panicked moment, Paige thought it was Ryan. But no, this had to be his father.

  Evie dropped beside Paige, her eyes wide and terrified. “It’s Mr. West,” she whispered.

  I love you, Nick, Paige thought frantically. Why had she let his secrets—his necessary secrets—come between them? He’d been doing a job. A job that would now get them both killed.

  A cacophony of gunshots rang out. Paige’s eyes were glued to Nick, watching him pull the trigger once, twice, three times. A scream caught in her chest, fighting for release.

  “You’ve been a nuisance long enough,” Mr. West yelled.

  Another shot fired, and Nick dropped to the ground. Paige’s scream burst forth, ringing underneath the awning.

  No. Nick hadn’t dropped to the ground—he’d rolled. Her entire body shook with adrenaline, and she could barely feel the pain in her arm.

  Sirens sounded in the distance. Another shot.

  Mr. West dropped to the ground.

  Nick strode forward, gun straight out in front of him.

  Mr. West’s eyes locked onto Evie. His hand twitched on the trigger one more time.

  Paige threw herself over the girl. Fiery heat tore through her leg with jagged bursts of pain—another bullet. Paige went limp, bright white stars bursting in her vision.

  Two more shots fired. Someone screamed. Evie.

  Paige blacked out. When she regained consciousness, she was lying on her back, staring up at an awning.

  She glanced down. Deep crimson blood turned her jeans dark. Flashing blue and red lights pulsed across her vision, and the sirens were an angry snarl. They sounded off, somehow. Wrong.

  “You’re going to be okay,” a rough voice said. Nick. She stared up at him, wanting to smooth out the lines on face. But she couldn’t make her arms obey the command.

  Loud voices surrounded her, barking out orders in a language she didn’t understand.

  “Everything will be fine,” Nick repeated.

  She floated on waves. Loud beeps and urgent voices drifted in and out of her mind. She and Nick were kissing on a hilltop in Virginia. Holding hands as they strolled through the cherry blossoms framing the Lincoln Memorial. Complaining about another presidential motorcade clogging traffic. More beeps and urgent whispers.


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