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The Intern - Full Submission

Page 6

by Laws, Tara

  She smiled sweetly at him, “If that is the way you want it, SIR…I choose the two men.” She saw a slight tension in his jaw. He had not expected that. He quickly recovered though and said, “As you wish.” He waved his hand toward the two men and one of them stepped forward, leering at Lexi as he unbuttoned her summer mini dress and then yanked it forward, ripping it from her body. He followed suit with her bra and panties so that she hung there completely naked.

  “Rebecca, would you be so kind as to make us a drink. I wouldn’t want to miss a moment of this,” Drake said.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, as she walked over to the hidden bar to the side of the room and opened it up, pouring Drake a scotch on the rocks and herself a vodka and grapefruit. Lexi realized suddenly that this wasn’t her first trip to the dungeon. Then another piece dropped into place. All strippers had a stage name. Sam had told her that her friend Sandy had quit because Drake had set her up so that she didn’t have to anymore. Mrs. Silicone was Sandy. She couldn’t believe it. How long had he been fooling around with her behind Lexi’s back?

  Rebecca returned to the bed with their drinks and they propped themselves up on the pillows. No sooner were they settled, than the man that had ripped off her clothes began fondling her breasts, sucking her nipples into his mouth one by one and biting them. Lexi was determined not to make a sound. The man behind her was stroking the bulbous head of his cock against her ass and rubbing his finger across the outside of her asshole.

  The man in front of her put his hands under her thighs and lifted her up a little, sitting her back down abruptly on his hard cock and beginning to fuck her slowly with her legs wrapped around his waist. She bounced up and down on his hard staff as he grunted, his sweaty chest rubbing against her tender nipples. She could feel Drake’s eyes turn to dark steel as he watched another man with her. You reap what you sow, she thought to herself.

  The man behind her stopped rubbing his cock against her ass and pulled her cheeks apart, positioning his cock at the entrance to her ass. He slowly slid more and more of his huge erection into her tiny orifice until he was all the way inside her. It hurt like hell, but Lexi refused to make a sound or give Drake the satisfaction of grimacing.

  As a matter of fact, it was time to give him a little show, she thought. The two men began pumping into her from both sides as she closed her eyes, biting her lip in ecstasy. She began to moan loudly as they rocked her back and forth between them. “Oh, yessssss. That feels so good. Fuck me. I want every inch of you inside of me,” she gasped.

  Fueled by her seeming enjoyment of what they were doing to her, the two men began pumping into her faster and harder, bouncing her tiny body up and down on their huge rods until they were on the brink of orgasm. She heard Drake bark at them in a harsh tone. “Do not come inside of her. I want you to come all over her instead of inside,” he said. Lexi wanted to hit him but she didn’t show it. She continued with her fake enjoyment of this violation of her person.

  Lexi felt the man in front pull out and finish stroking himself to orgasm with his hand, letting it spray upward and across her face, breasts and stomach. Once he was done, he stepped away and fastened his pants back up before walking over to the bar to make himself a drink. Within moments, the man in back walked around her and did the same, spraying thick jism all over her body. He then walked towards the bar to get a drink, zipping his pants back up on the way. Lexi wasn’t sure what was more humiliating, being fucked by strangers for an audience, being soaked in their come or the fact that they hadn’t even bothered to take off anything more than their shirts to do it.

  Drake got up from the bed and walked towards the bar, not looking at Lexi. She hung there from the hook, a million thoughts running through her head. In a moment, Drake returned with a picture of water and poured it across her face and body. It was ice cold. “You’re covered with disgust,” was all he said. He headed for the steps with Rebecca. “Cut her loose,” he called back to the two men. They did as they were told, lifting her up to free the chain and then leaving her there naked to remove the cuffs from her wrists.

  She sat on the cold stone floor crying as she rubbed her wrists back into circulation. Then she stood and drew in a long breath before walking up the steps and to the bedroom. Drake and his visitors were nowhere to be seen. She jumped in the shower to rinse their vile secretions from her body and then toweled off before grabbing some clean clothes from the closet. She walked out of the bedroom to find Drake standing at the doors by the pool, just staring out over the water.

  He turned as she picked up her purse and she could see that his eyes were red as if he had been crying. Lexi did not care. She turned and walked out the front door. She had no intention of ever laying eyes on Drake Whitson again. She began to sob again as she drove away quickly in her car. Deep down, she knew that she had loved him, but he had killed that love tonight and there was no returning to where they once were.

  Lexi drove to her apartment and packed some of her things. She needed to get away for a few days and she wanted to leave tonight. She had no idea where she was going but she couldn’t get there fast enough. She would just drive as far as she could get. Wherever that landed her was where she’d hang her hat for as long as it took for her to regain her bearings. She left a note on Sam’s door telling her that she was going out of town and would call her in a few days. Then, she went down to her car and headed west into the night, leaving Drake Whitson and his dungeon far behind.

  12.Lexi McCord stood in front of one of the oversize windows of the Hard Rock Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi and looked out over the water. It was her last day here and she still wasn’t sure what she was going to do once she got back to her apartment. Her romantic split with Drake Whitson was the end of the road for them as far as she was concerned. Since he was also her boss, that left her jobless, as well. It was going to be hard to get another job with only a few months experience but she would have to try. She didn’t have any close family and it was up to her to take care of herself.

  Her stay at the casino had been good. She had managed to take the meager amount of spare cash she had with her and continue to win against it. She was leaving here almost eight thousand dollars richer. It might not seem like a lot to some people, but to her, it would mean the difference in living in a cardboard box if she didn’t find a job right off the bat. It eased her anxiety considerably. She stepped away from the view and made her way towards the escalator, stopping at the Starbucks shop to grab a quick Chai Latte.

  Back outside the casino doors, she made her way towards her old Volvo. She eyed the beautiful cars of the high rollers and wealthy that sat in the area designated for VIPs and valet parking and felt just a slight hint of jealousy. She wondered how many of them had earned their money and how many were like Drake and had been born with it. She hopped into her second hand car and pointed it northeast. It was time to go home to Atlanta.

  Her head was filled with all sorts of thoughts as she drove. Would he be there when she got home? Had he been looking for her? They were both so angry when she had left. She was no longer angry. She no longer felt anything for him. She had let him suck her into his world of dominance and submission. She had embraced his role as her master, but then he had pushed it too far by suggesting she wasn’t enough. She would never understand why he had felt he needed another submissive. She hadn’t needed anyone but him.

  She drove the six and a half hours back to her house without stopping. When she arrived at her apartment, it appeared exactly the same as she had left it. There were no notes on the door or any indication that anyone had been there. Once inside, she found that there were six messages on her answering machine. She hit the play button and heard Drake’s voice. She hit delete. She did this for each of the messages as soon as she determined they were from him.

  It was late by now and she was tired from a lack of sleep and the long drive home. She put her bags in her room out of the way and climbed into b
ed. It was the first time she had really slept in days. When she awoke again, daylight was flooding in the window and she felt better than she had in a while. She opened up her laptop and went to the help wanted ads. There wasn’t a whole lot there that she wanted to do but she needed to pay the bills. She finally found one of those work from home sites and did a little research on them before signing up. She found several ads for freelance mechanical design work and that was close enough. She set up a profile and applied for some jobs before hopping into the shower.

  By the time she had toweled off and finished dressing, she had received at least one response wanting to discuss their position with her. The company sold specialty metal sexual devices and was looking for someone to tweak some of their current designs based on poor feedback they had received from previous purchases. It was mostly just a matter of simple adjustments to make the devices more user friendly but some of the designs required a complete overhaul.

  Lexi laughed to herself. She had gone from being a fairly innocent southern belle to a submissive to a sex engineer. The irony of it all was quite amusing. This offer wasn’t really the high end type of engineering she had been looking for but it was work and she wouldn’t have to do any dancing around the Whitson Engineering question all of the local firms would ask. Plus, she could work from the apartment and not have to be bothered with any office politics.

  13The company was in Texas. They agreed to do an interview via the Internet, so she wouldn’t have to fly out there. They were looking for someone who could start immediately and didn’t want to waste time. She agreed to meet with several of them via video conference later in the afternoon when all of them would be available. She logged off the laptop and went to her desk in the living room. She began tidying up around it. She rarely used the desktop computer there but it was much easier to work on than the laptop. It was powerful enough to run the high end engineering software she would need if she was given the job.

  Plus, it would look better for her to be sitting at a desk during the interview rather than propped up on her bed or couch. She powered up the CPU and turned on the monitor. Once it was up and running, she turned on the webcam and looked at herself and what could be seen behind her. There was a clear view of her messy kitchen. Even if she cleaned it, she didn’t really want that to be what they saw behind her. She remembered the divider screen in her hall closet and moved it out to stand behind her chair. It was a nice cherry stain featuring a false bookcase front. It would be perfect to dress up her apartment for the interview without any effort.

  She went to the bathroom and got ready for the camera. She pulled her hair up in a twist. She put on a white blouse over which she pulled a pinstriped vest and matching slacks. She didn’t bother with shoes since they wouldn’t see her feet. She was excited about this. At the agreed upon time, she signed into WebEx using the information they had emailed her and waited for them to arrive. She opened up a word document and began to type some notes so that she would appear busy while she waited.

  Moments later, three gentlemen sitting on one side of a conference table appeared on her screen. She would say they weren’t what she expected but she didn’t know what to expect. On one hand, you would expect older uptight engineering types but these guys worked with sexual devices and she couldn’t imagine that they’d be anything less than laid back. She was right. One looked very feminine and the other two looked like skateboarders. It was sort of funny. It put her at ease and the interview went well.

  They offered her a very nice compensation package in exchange for her services. She would have to sign a non-disclosure agreement and report in weekly with her progress. They would send her the designs that required attention and all of the notes regarding what needed to be improved or changed. She would receive samples of the items she was working, so that she could see them first hand. There would also be some items in development that they would ask her to work for them.

  When the interview was over, Lexi thanked them and closed out of the WebEx. She breathed a huge sigh of relief. She was going to make it through this. She moved the screen that was blocking the view of the kitchen and put it back into the closet before changing into a t-shirt and shorts. Then she tossed some diced peppers, onions and tomatoes with some egg whites and sat down at the kitchen bar to eat. She jumped when her doorbell rang. Her heart started pounding. Damnit, Lexi, she thought to herself. Are you going to be like this every time you hear the door?

  She got up and looked out the peephole. It was her neighbor, Sam. She opened the door and let her in. “Well, hey there stranger. How was your trip,” Sam said brightly, giving her a big hug. Lexi gave her all the details of her trip and the job she had just accepted while she finished eating her late afternoon breakfast she had prepared. Sam congratulated her and told her that she had to run; she was due for a shift at The Cheetah. Lexi saw her to the door and grabbed her Kindle. It was the first time she’d had time to herself just to sit down and read in ages.

  She never heard from Drake Whitson, but she did hear from the human resources manager at Whitson Engineering a couple of weeks after she left. She received a nice letter in the mail advising that they were sorry she had not found their program to her liking and had elected to resign. It contained paperwork that she might need as well as her final check from the firm. Lexi stared at it for a while and laughed. The check was for fifty thousand dollars. So, Drake had no intention of ruining her engineering career. He planned to buy her silence instead. She was tempted to tear the check up, but instead just laid it on the kitchen counter.

  14The next couple of months were busy for Lexi. She had ended up converting her small apartment into mostly office space. It had involved her going out to buy some portable cabinets to put against one side of the wall so that she could store some of the devices being sent to her for examination. Some had been so odd that she had been forced to ask exactly how they were used. The company was extremely happy with the changes she had made to some of their designs and so were the end users, based on product reviews. Lexi was quickly outgrowing her little apartment and needed something bigger. She thought about the check on the counter and made a decision as to what to do about it. She picked it up, endorsed it and took it to her bank.

  After scouring the foreclosure listings, she found an older house on a large tract of land just outside the city. The house was an older home with a gothic overtone. There was even a false tower on one side of the front facing. Plus, it had a basement. It was perfect for what Lexi had in mind and, with the reduced pricing; she would be able to afford the payments if she used some of the money Whitson had given her as a down payment. While she was waiting for the deal to go through, she put her old Volvo in the shop for a major overhaul. She had contemplated trading it for a new car but as her family had bought it for her, she was not ready to get rid of it. Besides, it was cheaper to repair it than buying a new one and she would need a reliable car living outside the city.

  Less than a month later, she was moving to her new home and she still had money to spare in the bank. She had plans for that money, as well. Lexi began designing some very special sexual devices of her own. She was careful to keep her personal work time from her employer’s work time so that there would be no conflicts later. Her first project was a bed. She remembered the large bed in Drake’s basement. She had done some studies on those types of beds and found that they were incredibly expensive and heavy. She wanted to design something that would be just as ominous in appearance, but would be lighter and more affordable to your everyday dominant.

  It took her months to get the design ironed out, but she felt it was successful. Her bed was built using a lightweight steel composite that could be purchased with either a black anodize, gun metal or polished chrome finish. It featured heavy, gothic looking rivets that lent to its foreboding appearance and numerous hooks, pulleys and chains that could be pulled out of the bed’s frame and then retracted inward when not in use.

bsp; The bed would have multiple selling points. It was lighter than the most popular of the beds on the market and therefore, less expensive to ship in addition to being easier to move around. It was considerably less expensive. It was much easier to assemble and transport. The most important feature of the bed was that it was a chameleon. Everything used for BDSM type activities retracted into the frame, including the canopy itself. By releasing the pins at the four corners of the bed, you could slide the canopy down to fit snugly against the lower frame of the bed. Lock the pins back in, throw some frilly covers on it and your grandmother could sleep there and not realize what the bed was designed for. Anyone could put this bed in their open bedroom without fear of what visitors might think.

  Lexi had a local machine shop create a prototype of the bed. She hired a local guy that she found on an online services for hire site to pick up, deliver and install the bed in the basement of her house. His name was Lee Frazier and he was a rugged, good looking guy in maybe his early thirties. He had told her that he lost his job as the maintenance man at a large apartment complex when they caught him with the owner’s wife. Lexi admired his honesty and lack of moral compass. It would prevent him from judging her.

  “That’s some bed, Miss,” he said to her once the bed was in place. Lexi smiled at him and nodded her agreement. She asked him to stay for a bit while she tested some things in case she needed any help. Lee stood by while she pulled down pulleys and chains and allowed them to retract. He watched as she lowered the overhead canopy with ease and smiled broadly.


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