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Beginning of a Hero (Legends of Windemere)

Page 29

by Charles E Yallowitz

“Hey, Clarence, I was just wondering if you knew that one of your greyhounds is pregnant,” Luke tells him, already feeling foolish. “You probably already knew that, but it’s in a really early stage. I thought I should tell you in case you’ve been too busy to notice.”

  A confused look crosses over the Clarence’s face before he starts to laugh, causing everything in his hands to tumble to the ground. “That’s a good one, kid. Did Thomas put you up to this trick? All of my greyhounds are male.”

  “Then, how could one . . . son of a,” Luke starts before he begins to sprint back to the stables.

  Luke is almost at the door when the entire left hand wall of the stables explodes in a shower of debris. The explosion sends Luke to the ground as the sound of panicking horses and yelping, injured dogs fills his ears. He shields his eyes from the debris to gets a clear view of an enormous crow. Dust and wood chips are tossed off its ebony feathers as it frees itself from the wreckage of the stables. Luke charges toward it and leaps at its foot, but it rises just out of reach of his fingers. Luke crashes to the ground, immediately looking back at the stables to see if Stiletto is safe. Fizzle lands on his shoulder as Luke’s eyes focus on the shredded remains of his beloved companion.

  “That thing is going to suffer and die,” Luke swears, running after the crow. Fizzle tumbles off Luke’s shoulder and quickly darts after the forest tracker.

  “That demonic bastard’s too fast for me!” Luke shouts as he sprints out of the academy and across the field. “Can you turn into a roc, Fizzle?”

  “Big stone not fast either,” Fizzle replies.

  “I mean a giant eagle! I’m not in the mood for communication problems!” Luke angrily screams.

  Fizzle flies above Luke and starts chanting. Luke is almost at the tree line when an enormous talon grabs him. He looks up to see a huge purple-feathered eagle where Fizzle used to be. Fizzle soars high above the trees before letting go of Luke, looping around to catch him on his back. The pounding wind nearly knocks Luke off as Fizzle flies as fast as he can.

  “Are we gaining?” Luke asks, grabbing a handful of feathers. Fizzle lets out a squawk as Luke clutches a little too tightly.

  “Little. Big bird slow. Weigh too much,” Fizzle answers as they continue soaring over the forest. The trees begin to get thinner and Luke notices that the ground is watery unlike the solid ground of the forest. Fizzle suddenly stops in midair and spirals down to balance himself on a clump of twisted maple trees. The trees groan as they suffer under the weight of the giant bird, so Fizzle rises into the air and awkwardly hovers above the trees.

  “Why did you stop? That creature just killed my friend!” Luke hysterically yells as he begins to cry. “I want you to keep going after it, Fizzle! Now!”

  “Fizzle know Luke hurt. You close to dog,” Fizzle replies, turning to fly back to the academy. “But Fizzle no want Luke die. Lich waiting. Lich watching.”

  Luke starts pounding on Fizzle’s feathers. “Keep chasing him!”

  “It trap,” Fizzle sternly answers as if it is an obvious fact. “Fizzle smell Lich. Demon know you follow if kill dog. We go back and make plan.”

  Feeling confused and defeated, Luke is silent for the rest of the ride. Upon his return, he refuses to make eye contact with any of the students who are in the courtyard. He marches to the central building of the academy with Fizzle on his shoulder. People clear out of his way as the furious half-elf approaches the heavy doors. His eyes are puffy from crying and his breathing is filled with rage. Staring at the closed doors, Luke can feel his seething anger boiling beyond his control.

  “That demon is mine,” he growls, violently kicking the front doors open.


  Kellia is growing more restless by the minute while she lies on the comfortable four-post bed. She considered sneaking into Selenia’s Office again, but she could hear voices from the other side of the door. She recognizes one of the voices as Selenia, so she knows that leaving the room runs the risk of getting physically thrown back in and scolded like a child. Kellia is starting to wonder if she was forgotten when she hears more voices join the conversation in the next room. It isn’t long after she sits up that an explosion rocks the academy and she quickly jumps off the bed, stumbling to the window. Looking outside, Kellia sees a giant crow flying away followed by another giant bird that appears a minute later by the edge of the forest. Only by squinting does she notice that the second bird has a person in its talons. Without another thought, Kellia leaves the window and bursts into the other room.

  “Is someone going to tell me what is going on?” she demands, walking up to Selenia’s desk. The headmistress is calmly sitting in her chair while Kevin sits on a stool next to the dragon’s head. Fritz and Nimby are at the windows and Aedyn is still clambering through the room’s trapdoor entrance.

  “A giant crow just burst through the wall of the stables. I think Luke and Fizzle are going after it,” Fritz replies, before taking a long drink from a flask off his belt. “I knew we shouldn’t have spoken about the demon out in the open. Now that thing is going to report back to its master. On the plus side, Selenia, I can see Jamie and her old man are in one piece. They should have the horses under control within a few minutes. That’s probably the only good news because I don’t see any sign of the dogs.”

  “There is one other good thing to come of this. Now, we are aware of the form it used to get into the academy,” Kevin declares, gripping his shortsword until his knuckles turn white. “If it is anything like other Hellfire Elves I’ve killed, it won’t try to disguise itself as an animal again. Something else will be sent for Kellia and the demon will be used to take care of Luke. Right now, it probably sees him as the only obstacle in its way. I hope you four can handle all this. Sorry. Five of you. Almost forgot Fizzle.”

  “Somebody tell me what the hell is going on!” Kellia shouts, furiously slamming her hands on Selenia’s desk.

  Selenia kicks her desk forward so that it hits Kellia with enough force to make the girl stumble back into an empty chair. Selenia stands up, moving to the window to examine the damage to her academy. She immediately shakes her head in disgust and gives the wall a solid punch. Without turning around, she silently points at Aedyn who is mumbling prayers. She follows the gesture by pointing her other hand at Kellia.

  Aedyn stops chanting and begins explaining everything that he thinks is important. “I apologize if you know this already, your highness. The demon that attacked you is working for the Lich that wants you for some reason. Unfortunately, we are not sure what the goals of this creature are. Luke was sent by your father to protect you, but the messenger lost the important documents. Supposedly, the original documents were given to a Paladin who was eaten by zombies in Visindor Forest. This would be when the messenger found Luke and hired him. Luke did not know who he was looking for, so he asked the three of us to help him. Fizzle joined us later. That is the basics of what is going on. Nimby has mentioned that Theresa came to protect you and that you sent for her in secret. I hope that she will stay at the academy to watch over you while we go after the demon. But it seems that we have run into a few problems and now things are coming to a head. Do you have any idea what is coming, Selenia? Kevin hinted that you have dealt with this creature before.”

  Selenia turns to Kevin and begins stating orders in a calm, cold voice. “Go take care of the chaos out there and begin preparations for defending the academy. Get Duggan to take his best students to make more weapons and armor. Have Daniel take the advanced archery and woodworking students to work on making a stockpile of arrows and bows. I also want a report from Jamie and her father about what they think set the Hellfire Elf off. Those things don’t break their cover for no reason. Get the report after delivering my orders because this Lich gets frustrated rather easily, so we will need those weapons as soon as possible. He probably has an army somewhere in the Caster Swamp just like last time. I will protect my academy and students while the rest of you take care of that demon. K
ellia will remain in the warded room with Theresa guarding her. The Lich is strong enough to break them, but that would require him attacking in person. I don’t think he will go that far yet.”

  Kevin nods and moves quicker than anyone has seen him move in the last three years. He leaps down the trapdoor like he is still a young warrior and they can hear him barking orders. It isn’t long before they hear an echoing slam from downstairs. Selenia has her hand on the hilt of a dagger hidden on the underside of the window, as pounding footsteps and the sound of fists hitting the walls gets closer to the trapdoor. The others move away from the trapdoor as something leaps out from below and Selenia tosses the dagger.

  “The hell is that for?” Luke asks as the dagger is caught by Fizzle’s tail. Luke’s eyes are puffy and his knuckles are covered in bloody bruises.

  “Sorry. Mercenary instincts and I thought the Hellfire Elf was rampaging downstairs,” Selenia says as she takes her seat behind her desk. “I take it Stiletto died in that explosion. I’m sorry for that, Luke. I hope that damaging my building and breaking one of my trapdoors has helped you get yourself under control.”

  “I raised him since I found him on the street. He was only a puppy and became my best friend,” Luke whispers, staring at his feet. Nimby walks over to reach up and pat him on the side without saying a word. “I’m going to tear that demon apart. Then, I’m going after the Lich and putting an end to this.”

  “That's easier said than done. That demon won’t be reckless and now it knows that we’ll be after it. It won’t come near the academy until the Lich begins its attack,” Fritz points out, scratching his beard. “Tricking a Hellfire Elf is something that has never been done without a few casualties. Typically, people manage to kill Hellfire Elves by relentlessly hunting them down. Although, if the demon is young and has become obsessed with its mission then it might act reckless. That is a slim chance, so we should not count on it.”

  “I trust Luke to get us through this,” Kellia whispers with a quivering voice that shows her fear. “I’ll go with him to help kill the Hellfire Elf. I owe him that much since he lost someone he loved to keep me safe.”

  Luke is about to yell at the heiress when Selenia clears her throat and begins talking. “I admire your courage, Kellia, but that is out of the question. You will stay here where you are protected. The Hellfire Elf has been told to kill you instead of capture you, which means a dark sacrifice is unlikely. One needs a living victim for that kind of ritual, so I believe the Lich wants to inhabit your corpse and infiltrate the Serab monarchy. He can do this as long as he gets to your body within a day of your death. By being in your body and using his magic to prevent it from decaying, the Lich can make events happen that will lead to him gaining the throne. I refuse to let him get anywhere near that goal.”

  “Him? You speak as if the creature has a gender,” Aedyn scoffs in amusement.

  “Last time I fought him, this Lich was male and I prefer to avoid calling everything an ‘it’. I know for a fact that he used to be human and he somehow gained the power of a Lich. He is the only Lich in history who was never a powerful necrocaster when he was alive. This man never died to be returned to life by the use of his own dark magic like real Liches. He was merely transformed into a Lich by performing an ancient ritual,” Selenia explains, pulling a thick folder out of a bottom drawer of her desk. “This means that he is not as strong as you people think, but that doesn’t mean he should be considered a pushover. I freely admit to having trouble fighting him since his spell repertoire is unpredictable. Unlike most casters, he uses a little bit of everything instead of focusing on two or three spell schools. The first time we fought, he used enhancement and summoning magic. Other encounters he has used elemental magic, illusions, potions, scrolls, and emotion magic. It is very difficult for one to entirely prepare for a battle with him.”

  Luke gets to his feet and calmly looks over at Kellia. “I thank you for the offer, your highness. In fact, your offer has given me a plan. I saw a clearing a few miles into Visindor that is close to the Caster Swamp border. It’s perfect for an ambush. Nimby, Aedyn, and I can hide in the trees to make a surprise attack as soon as the Hellfire Elf takes our bait. Fizzle can remain invisible and give us a warning once the Hellfire Elf is in the area. I suggest just coming to us one at a time to whisper in our ears instead of yelling, Fizzle.”

  “What do you plan on using for bait?” Fritz asks, curious as to why Luke never mentioned him in the plan. “If you’re hiding then the demon won’t go after you. The only other way to get his attention would be if Kellia was alone in that clearing, which is not an option. If anything, her father would have us imprisoned or exiled from Serab for endangering his charge. Those outcomes are if we’re lucky enough to survive the demon and the Lich in the first place. I still have several taverns and brothels in Serab that I have yet to visit. So, I guess we have no bait.”

  “Of course we do. We have another Kellia,” Luke declares, putting a hand on Fritz’s shoulder and grinning.

  The gnome groans and his face goes very pale. “I was afraid of that.”

  “I think you’d make a very pretty princess, your majesty,” Nimby teases. An empty flask hits the halfling in the head, knocking him out of the chair.

  “No way! That is too dangerous. If you three get stuck then I’m demon food,” Fritz emphatically protests. “Besides, my illusions are not complex enough to make me look like a believable Kellia. They won’t interact with the world around me or give off her scent. It would be easy for someone to realize it was an illusionary Kellia.”

  “That is why you stand inside the illusion and have it sit down. You will be covered entirely by the illusion, so you can affect the surroundings yourself,” Luke explains, glancing at Aedyn for a supportive nod. “As for the smell, we can put a few of Kellia’s dirty shirts over you after you take a thorough bath. I’m sure if you concentrate on getting that specific illusion ready then it should become stronger than your spontaneous illusions. If nothing else, maybe Fizzle can throw some minor illusion spells in to enhance your spell. Would that be possible, Fizzle?”

  “Yes. Easy if Fizzle near illusion, but then Fizzle not watch for evil,” the drite answers.

  “I’m not doing it!” Fritz exclaims.

  “Chicken,” Nimby playfully snaps.


  “Foul-smelling goblin drool.”

  “Mushroom boil!”

  Nimby stops for a second before finally muttering, “Eunuch.”

  Fritz pounces on Nimby and the two begin wrestling on the ground. They continue to punch and kick each other until Fritz pushes himself out of Nimby’s grasp. The gnome pulls out a small pouch, taking a few more steps away. He tosses a strange, dust-like substance on Nimby and the halfling is suddenly stuck to the floor. Nimby tries with all his strength to get free of whatever is holding him, but he doesn’t budge.

  “That’s gnomish glue. You’ll be stuck for a few hours, so don’t make me glue your lips shut,” Fritz threatens, gently patting the pouch.

  “This is not the time for this kind of behavior,” Aedyn states, glaring at Fritz and Nimby. “Get Nimby unstuck and go along with the plan, Fritz. I promise that I will protect you with my life if that puts your mind at ease. I can have a protection spell ready to cast at the first sign of trouble. We will not let anything happen to you.”

  Luke nods in agreement and adds his own promise into the conversation. “We’ll all protect you, Fritz. The only way it will get to you will be if it manages to kill the three of us first. Then it has to avoid Fizzle’s magic. You’re probably in the safest place with this plan. Look at the reward, Fritz. People will talk about your heroics all over Ralian and women will know who you are. How can you pass up something that will make you a hero among nubile, young women?”

  Fritz thinks for a bit then tosses a handful of green powder on Nimby. The halfling flips up to his feet, brushing the remaining dust off his clothing. They shake hands and hug witho
ut a word.

  “You are so cruel, Callindor. I can’t pass up on this if you describe it like that,” Fritz mockingly complains with a grin. “I guess I’ll go practice my illusions and see if I can make them stronger. Creating a sheep is one thing, but humans are more difficult. Maybe you can give me a hand, Aedyn. I’ll need a witness to give me feedback and your healing magic can give me a few extra hours of energy.” Aedyn nods in agreement as they get up to leave for the exit.

  “I’m going to head to my house in the forest. I have a better crossbow and some armor there,” Nimby quietly says. “Other than that, I’m all ready to go out and get myself killed. I’m really sorry about Stiletto, Luke.”

  “I would appreciate it if you can put aside some time to gather your best students to repair the wall, Nimby,” Selenia casually orders. Nimby jumps a little since he forgot she was there and bows toward her. “Your lumber shipment arrived this morning and I want that hole patched up as soon as possible. Get your students started before you leave the grounds.”

  Luke takes in a deep breath and is about to leave when Kellia stops him. She holds his arm and smiles before hugging him. She doesn’t say anything else as she goes back to her bedroom.

  “Looks like you’re already a hero to some. I am impressed with how you inspire faith and courage in those around you. I hate to admit it, but you remind me of myself when I was younger,” Selenia says, a wry smile on her face. “I suggest you practice until it is time to put your plan into action. If it will help keep your spirits up, I’ll turn a blind eye to some late night drinking. Duggan probably has some hidden casks or bottles. He thinks I don’t know, but I just don’t want to bother hunting for his stash. He would only make a new one the next day.”

  “I’ll consider the drink, but I still have some tricks that nobody has seen yet,” Luke responds in a solemn voice. “I won’t lose to that monster again. I swear on the spirit of Stiletto that I will defeat it the next time we fight. For now, I have to take care of something, so I might be at the forest’s edge for a few hours.”


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