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Lawfully Adored (K-9 Lawkeeper Romance)

Page 1

by Jenna Brandt

  Lawfully Adored

  Jenna Brandt



  Introduction to The Lawkeepers Series

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  It’s not quite the end!

  Preview – Next Book in Series

  About the Author

  Join My Mailing List

  Also By Jenna Brandt



  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Locale and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events, or actual locations is purely coincidental. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email

  Text copyright © Jenna Brandt 2018.

  The Lawkeepers Series © Jenna Brandt and Lorana Hoopes 2018.

  Cover design by Josephine Blake with photo copyright by Period Images and

  Introduction to The Lawkeepers Series

  There’s just something fascinating about a man wearing an emblem of authority. The way the light gleams off that shiny star on his badge makes us stare with respect. Couple that with a uniform hugging his body in just the right way, confidence, and mission to save and protect, it’s no wonder we want to know what lies underneath.

  Yes, what echoes deep inside those beating hearts is inspiring. Certainly appealing. Definitely enticing. Although those ripped muscles and strong shoulders can make a woman’s heart skip a beat—or two—it takes a strong, confident person to choose to love someone who risks it all every day. Anyone willing to become part of a lawkeeper’s world might have a story of their own to tell.

  The undeniable charisma lawmen possess make all of us pause and take note. It’s probably why there are so many movies and TV shows themed around the justice system. We’re enthralled by their ability to save babies, help strangers, and rescue damsels in distress. We’re captivated by their ability to protect and save, defend the innocent, risk their lives, and face danger without hesitation. Of course, we expect our heroes to stay solid when we’re in a mess. We count on them for safety, security, and peace of mind. From yesterday to today, that truth remains constant.

  Their valor inspires us, their integrity comforts, and their courage melts our hearts—irresistibly. But there’s far more to them than their courageous efforts. How do they deal with the difficulties they face? Can they balance work and life? And how do they find time for love outside their life of service?

  We want to invite you on a journey—come with us as we explore the complex lives of the men and women who serve and protect us every day. Join us in a fast-paced world of adventure. Walk into our tight-knit world of close friendships, extended family, and danger—as our super heroes navigate the most treacherous path of all—the road to love.

  The Lawkeepers. Historical and modern-day super heroes; men and women of bravery and valor, taking love and law seriously. A multi-author series, sure to lock up your attention and take your heart into custody.

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  The Lawkeepers is a multi-author series alternating between historical westerns and contemporary westerns featuring law enforcement heroes that span multiple agencies and generations. Join bestselling authors Jenna Brandt, Lorana Hoopes, Elle E. Kay, Patricia PacJac Caroll, Evangeline Kelly, Ginny Sterling and Barb Goss as they weave captivating, sweet, and inspirational stories of romance and suspense between the lawkeepers — and the women who love them.

  The Lawkeepers is a world like no other; a world where lawkeepers and heroes are honored with unforgettable stories, characters, and love.

  ** Note: Each book in The Lawkeepers series is a standalone book, and part of a mini-series of sorts, and you can read them in any order.

  Dedicated to

  my husband, Dustin, Badge #5654,

  who inspired me to create this series.

  You’re not only my heart and soul,

  but my own personal lawkeeper.


  Police officer Aiden O’Connell looked out over the mountain peak at the setting sun and knew only a small window of time remained to find the missing hiker.

  Aiden bent down next to his German Shepherd partner, Cooper, allowing him to inspect an area below a cluster of towering pine trees between a set of giant boulders. True to his training, Cooper barked and urged Aiden to follow him up an overgrown hiking trail.

  Clear Mountain, Colorado was a popular destination for tourists. The craggy rock formations overlooking the quaint town were a constant attraction for outdoor enthusiasts. Unfortunately, inexperienced hikers would often underestimate the dangers of the area, causing themselves to get hurt or lost.

  Aiden and Cooper were one of the only two K-9 search and rescue teams for the entire area. The Clear Mountain Search and Rescue unit was comprised of only three other officers and a sergeant. The constant call-outs to the surrounding mountain areas kept the team busy.

  This evening, a call from Boulder came in from a distraught wife. She reported her husband had not returned from his weekend hiking trip. Her concern resulted in deployment of the rescue team.

  “K-9 2, this is K-9 1, we aren’t having any luck over on this side. What’s your status?” a deep male voice echoed out over the radio.

  Aiden pulled the receiver for his radio free from his dark blue uniform and pushed the button on the side to talk back. “K-9 1, we might have gotten a possible beat over here.” Pulling a map out of his back pocket, Aiden glanced down to confirm his location. He was still getting used to the area after transferring from Boulder County Police a year prior. “We’re two clicks from Meadow Ridge near the cluster of pines by the twin boulders.”

  “Copy that, K-9 2, we’re headed over your way.”

  Like a well-oiled machine, Cooper and Aiden continued to move up the trail with Cooper stopping every few hundred yards to inspect a new area. The west side of the mountain sheared off, leaving only forest on the east side.

  Several minutes later, a second German Shepherd came charging in from the right side of Aiden and Cooper. The smaller dog joined Cooper and playfully nipped at him while the same male voice from earlier said, “I think Harley is jealous of Cooper for picking up the scent on this one.”

  Aiden turned his head to the right, recognizing fellow officer, Zach Turner. “Eh, it’s only because Cooper has a couple of years on Harley. Brad did a great job of traini
ng her.” Aiden noticed that Zach stiffened at the mention of his former partner, so Aiden quickly added, “Harley will catch up soon enough, especially with you handling her, Zach.”

  “Yeah, but I was hoping to find this hiker on my own, so I could finally secure a date with that female reporter from the Clear Mountain Gazette who keeps following you around.”

  Aiden shrugged. “You and I both. It would be great if you could get her off my back.”

  “Man, what is it with you? Have you seen her? She’s hot; a solid nine. What? Are you holding out for a ten?”

  “No, she just seems more attracted to the badge than to me and you know I’m not into that,” Aiden explained.

  “I’ve never known you to be attracted to anyone since you’ve been here. When are you going to get over Veronica dumping you?”

  Why did Zach have to bring up Veronica? Aiden was regretting his decision in telling his friend about his ex-fiancée. It was a sore subject since she had broken off their engagement for a police captain back in Boulder necessitating his need to transfer to the Clear Mountain police substation.

  “Why are you doing this, Veronica?”

  “You know why, Aiden,” she had said as she packed up the last of the items she kept at his place. “You’re gone all the time because of your K-9 position. I’m lonely and want to be with someone who’s home every night.”

  “Give me a couple of years and I will be,” he pleaded.

  Shaking her brown locks, she stated, “You won’t ever leave that job. You love it too much and we both know it.”

  Aiden crossed his arms, knowing there was more to the story than she was admitting. “And the prestige and money has nothing to do with it?”

  Her eyes narrowed into slits as she spat out, “What do you mean by that?”

  “I know you dated several patrol officers before one turned into a relationship. Then you met me, and you left Morrison because I made more as a K-9 officer, plus I was in the news occasionally. You were working your way up the ranks and now you’ve landed yourself a captain.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” The moment she bit her bottom lip, he knew she was lying. It was her tell.

  “Keep telling yourself that Veronica, but I know the truth.”

  Aiden had tried to make it work in Boulder but the constant questions about what happened and the reminder when he saw her new boyfriend made it impossible for him to stay. As soon as a K-9 spot was posted elsewhere, he put in for a transfer.

  “I’m over badge bunnies; they’re always looking to land a better cop. I’m tired of dating the same type of women who are only interested in the uniform.”

  “Sure, it’s just the uniform. It has nothing to do with your model good looks and list of newsworthy awards,” Zach stated with sarcasm and a hint of jealousy. “Man, what I wouldn’t give to have your problems. I have to work twice as hard for half as much attention.”

  Women regularly told Aiden he was attractive, citing his smoldering brown eyes as his best asset. For work, he kept his brown hair trimmed short and his body in good shape.

  Aiden looked over at his friend and partner. Zach’s rejections didn’t stem from a lack of good looks—he was decent looking with black hair and blue eyes—or charm, as he could be charismatic. His problem was that he “worked” too hard, causing most women to shy away. On more than one occasion—to no avail—Aiden had tried to explain to Zach that most women didn’t like the hard sell but much preferred a softer approach; not that Aiden cared to make any approach after Veronica burned him.

  “You think we’re gonna find this guy before we have to turn back?”

  “Not sure. Depends how foolish he was,” Aiden stated.

  “Well, at least this guy told his wife which trail he planned to follow.”

  “Let’s just hope he stuck fairly close to it, but if he had simply stopped by the ranger station, he would have been informed that this trail had been closed to the public.”

  Several mudslides had washed out sections of the trail, making certain spots impassible. With the closure, the trail wasn’t being maintained by the forest rangers. Not only was it unsafe; it was covered with brush and plants, making it difficult to navigate for anyone unfamiliar with the terrain.

  About two miles further up the trail, Cooper and Harley started barking frantically as they stood close to the edge of the trail where it dropped off.

  Aiden glanced over at Zach who nodded in return, and both men began running as Zach announced over the radio, “Dispatch this is K-9 1, we’ve got a possible location for the missing hiker.”

  A female voice belonging to Deanna Harper, the Clear Mountain police dispatcher replied, “Copy that, K-9 1, what’s your location? What’s the status of the hiker?”

  Both men reached the side of the trail where the pair of dogs were barking, intent on something below them, drawing both officers’ gaze below.

  On a small jetty of the cliff—halfway down the ravine—Aiden could make out a form crumpled against the edge of the mountain.

  “Dispatch, we have a confirmed sighting of the hiker,” Zach stated over the radio. “Be advised, hiker is located halfway down Whisper Ravine. We’re going to need the air unit’s assistance at our position, three clicks north of Meadow Ridge. I’m lighting up a flare now for location identification.”

  “What’s the status of the hiker, K-9 1?”

  “Dispatch, the status is unknown at this time,” Zach said cautiously.

  “Mr. Williams, can you hear me?” Aiden shouted down. “I’m Officer O’Connell with Clear Mountain Search and Rescue.”

  A few seconds later, a male voice filled with a mixture of fear and relief, shouted back up, “Yes, I can hear you. Please, can you get me out of here?”

  “How are you doing, Mr. Williams?” Aiden inquired.

  “Not good, I cut my leg when I fell down the ravine. I’ve managed to keep the bleeding under control, but when I heard the barking, I jerked against the cliff, causing the wound to re-open. It’s bleeding heavily now.”

  “How are you feeling?” Aiden asked, trying to assess the hiker’s condition.

  “I’m feeling woozy, like I might pass out at any moment.”

  Aiden knew what that meant; the hiker only had a few minutes before he would lose consciousness from blood loss and then succumb to the injury. Aiden wasn’t going to let that happen.

  Shrugging his pack off his back, Aiden placed it down on the ground, then opened it up and reached inside to pull out a rope.

  “What are you doing?” Zach asked Aiden with suspicion. “You know protocol. We’re supposed to wait until the air unit arrives to assist us.”

  Aiden shook his head and said in a lowered tone, “This guy can’t wait that long. I need to get down to him now.”

  Handing Zach the rope, he ordered, “Tie off the end and help guide me down.” Aiden secured the rope around his waist and then placed his pack back on.

  “I should probably argue with you about this course of action, but after working with you the past year, I know how useless it would be.”

  “Good, you can save us both the trouble.”

  A few minutes later, Aiden was rappelling down the side of Whisper Ravine, making sure to keep a fast but steady rhythm as Zach spotted his descent from the top.

  As Aiden’s feet touched the ledge of the cliff, he heard Mr. Williams’ state in a nervous tone, “I didn’t think anyone would find me in time.”

  “I need you to remain calm, Mr. Williams, while I see what I can do about your wound.”

  Aiden pulled his pack free once more and opened it up, extracting a medical kit. Setting it down next to Mr. Williams, he moved into a crouching position next to the hiker. After opening the kit, Aiden pulled out a pair of gloves and put them on.

  Reaching out, he lifted Mr. Williams’ hand, but even the momentary removal of pressure caused the bandana to seep through with blood. Aiden realized there was no way he could remove the makeshift ba
ndage safely.

  “I’m going to need to leave your bandana in place and wrap it with this,” he said, as he held up a roll of gauze. “The extra pressure should help keep the bleeding under control.”

  Mr. Williams nodded and allowed Aiden to work on his leg.

  After securing the bandage, Aiden said over the radio, “Dispatch this is K-9 2, I’m with the hiker. I just secured his wound and we’re ready for transport by the air unit.”

  “K-9 2, what are you doing with that hiker?” Aiden immediately recognized the angry, deep, male voice of his lieutenant coming over the radio.

  Avoiding answering directly in front of the hiker and risking upsetting the man, Aiden stated, “I’ll explain why there wasn’t another option when I get back to the station, L.T.”

  “You bet your bottom dollar, you will,” the gruff voice commanded.

  “Did I get you in trouble?” Mr. Williams asked.

  “No, of course not. L.T. is always like that,” Aiden stated with a grin. “It’s his job to watch out for his men.”

  The whipping sound of the helicopter’s blades drew Aiden and Mr. Williams’ attention to the south of them. As the red and white air unit approached the ledge, Aiden heard over the radio, “Clear Mountain Search and Rescue, this is the Boulder County Air Unit. We hear you’re in need of our assistance.”


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