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The Cross Timbers

Page 15

by Edward Everett Dale

  Briley, Mattie: 32

  Briley, Oscar: 32, 74, 93–96

  Briley, Walter: 32, 74, 93–96

  Briley family, the: 96, 111, 143

  Broken Links and Southern Soldiers: 48

  Brown, Minnie: visit of, 76, 77, 147, 164

  Brown, Mrs.: 76

  Bruce, Robert: 140

  Bruin (cat): 50

  Brushy Mound: 11

  Brutus (Julius Caesar): 140

  Bryant, William Cullen: 140

  Byron, Lord: 140

  Buffalo Bill: 108, 160

  “Buffalo Girls”: 150

  Bulwer-Lytton, Edward: 57

  California: 50, 74, 159

  California Gold Rush: 3, 72, 160

  Cassius (Julius Caesar): 140

  Chandler, Mr.: 70, 71, 111, 112

  Chaney, Leona McCarty: 31

  Chaney, Will: 31

  checkers: 91

  Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian Reservation: 168

  children (in 1880’s): manners of, 18, 35–36, 45, 46, 155; chores of, 63, 64, 105; leisure activities of, 80–81, 82–83, 113, 147, 165; clothing of, 155–156

  “Choice of Trades”: 152–153

  Christian Endeavor: 145

  “Cinderella”: 74

  “ciphering match”: 138, 139

  Civil War: stories of, 56, 144–145; mentioned, 3, 100, 143, 159

  Clark, Ben: 26, 30, 93

  Clark, Bill: 26, 30, 93

  Clark, Effie: 147

  Clark, “Fat”: 28

  Clark, John: opinions of, 41–42, 62; fishing of, 121–122; mentioned, 26, 30

  Clark, Mrs. (“Mariar”): property of, 27, 28; trip of, 28, 30, 31; mentioned, 26, 172

  Clark, “Uncle” Jack: personality of, 26–27, 28, 166; as neighbor, 170, 171; mentioned, 150

  Clark family, the: 12, 31, 92, 103, 175

  clothing (in 1880’s): 36–37, 155–156

  Cody, William (Buffalo Bill): 160

  “Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees”: 150

  Comanch (horse): 67

  Comanche Indians: reservation of, 53, 58, 109; language of, 58, 60

  Cooke, John Esten: 56

  Cooper, James Fenimore: 57

  Copperfield, David: 140

  corn: growing of, 54, 67–74 passim

  “corn-cob-battle”: 90

  cotton: growing of, 21, 54, 67–74

  passim, 77, 79

  Crockett, Davie: 175

  crops: SEE farming

  Cross Timbers: farms in, 4, 12, 20, 89, 167, 168; fauna and flora of, 5, 6, 100, 109, 114–115; vernacular of, 22, 70, 112, 129, 132, 136, 157–158; Dales leave, 147, 159, 163, 166, 175–176. SEE ALSO children; clothing; education; food; housing; Lower Cross Timbers; religion; social customs; Upper Cross Timbers

  “Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight”: 152

  Curtis, Miss Jennie: 127

  Curtis, Sir Henry (King Solomon’s Mines): 98

  Dale, Alice. SEE Roach, Alice Dale

  Dale, Ava Brown: as housekeeper, 75–76, 164; mentioned, 77, 162

  Dale, Baby Ora: 168, 170, 173

  Dale, Fannie. SEE Hutchinson, Fannie Dale

  Dale, Father: philosophy of, 7, 62, 80–81, 98–99, 165–166; religion of, 31, 59, 72, 143, 144; farming of, 44, 69, 167; pioneering spirit of, 53–54, 159, 163; in Navajoe, 55, 162, 168–169; and hunting and fishing, 100–101, 116, 122

  Dale, Frank: 4, 12

  Dale, George: relationship of, with Ed, 3, 10, 60, 76, 140–141; and death of Mother, 15, 16, 17, 18; friends of, 20, 148–149; and Navajoe, 24, 55, 58, 135, 159, 163; work of, 44, 62, 69, 72, 80, 135, 164; education of, 47, 49, 126–127, 129, 130, 133–134; play of, 50–51, 77, 78–79, 93–96; hunting and fishing of, 100–101, 102, 106, 107, 108, 112, 116, 117, 121–122; mentioned, 4, 7, 8, 22, 27

  Dale, Henry: in Nebraska, 4, 12, 14; store of, 53, 54, 60, 120, 161; claim of, 162, 168–169, 173; mentioned, 3, 48, 58

  Dale, Isaac: 4, 160–161, 163

  Dale, Jay: youth of, 12–13, 15; in Navajoe, 53–54, 55, 162, 168

  Dale, John: youth of, 13, 15; in Navajoe, 55, 75, 122, 162; visit of, in Cross Timbers, 76, 77, 164; mentioned, 48

  Dale, Louisa Colley: 3

  Dale, Lucy McCarty: marriage of, 12; housekeeping help of, 16, 17, 72–73; home of, 46, 149, 157, 162; Dales stay with, 59, 60, 67, 112, 148; mentioned, 31, 42, 52

  Dale, Mattie. SEE Acers, Mattie Dale

  Dale, Mattie Counts Colley: girlhood of, 7–8; death of, 15–18; mentioned, 3

  Dale, Tom: home of, 12, 46, 149, 157, 162; Dales work for, 58, 67, 68, 71, 110–111, 135; Dales stay with, 59, 60, 113, 148; mentioned 17, 52, 106

  Dale, Virginia White: marriage of, 162; visit of, 168, 169, 173; as housekeeper, 170, 171

  Dallas, Texas: Alice in, 12, 58; Browns in, 75, 76, 77; mentioned, 5

  dancing: attitudes toward, 149

  “dare-base”: 88

  Daugherty, Mr.: 69, 70

  David Copperfield: 57

  Davidson, Anna: 57

  Denton, Elizabeth: 116

  Denton, Henrietta: 116

  Denton, Texas: 19, 116

  Denton Creek: 116

  Denton Creek Church: 101, 102, 144

  Denton County, Texas: 143

  Diana: 108

  Dickens, Charles: 57, 140

  Dick Onslow among the Indians: 49–50, 74

  Disinherited Knight, the: 140

  Doan’s Crossing: 59

  Dodge City, Kansas: 53

  dominoes: 92

  Doré, Paul Gustave: 48

  Doubting Castle (Pilgrim’s Progress): 48

  “draw-base”: 85, 86

  “drop the handkerchief”: 152

  education (in 1880’s): in Navajoe, 57, 134–135; attendance and, 121, 126, 129, 133, 134, 138; schoolhouse for, 126–129; subjects in, 127–130; competitions in, 129, 131–132, 133, 138, 139, 152; military drill in, 130–131, 134; lunches and, 132; interference with, by farming, 134, 135, 141; discipline in, 136–138; value of, 142; literary societies in, 152, 153

  Eliot, George: 57

  Elston family: 22

  England: 74

  Epworth League: 145

  Ernest (Swiss Family Robinson): 50

  Everett, Edward: 140

  Eye That Never Sleeps, The: 48

  “Face on the Bar Room Floor, The”: 152

  Falstaff (Henry IV): 140

  Farm and Fireside, The: 49, 50–51, 92

  farming: clearing of land for, 8–9, 11–12, 63–64, 72, 163; animals used in, 11, 65, 67; variety of crops in, 36–37, 73–74; harvesting in, 54, 64, 67–71 passim; tools for, 63–64, 65, 67; expenses of, 71, 75, 168, 169, 170, 173; work of, 73–74, 77, 164; value of crops in, 74–75, 169–170; interference of, with education, 134, 135, 141; in Prairie West, 161. SEE ALSO specific crops

  Fedora (cat): 50

  fishing: method of, 117–121 passim, 124; when done, 117, 118–119; superstitions about, 118, 124; type of, 119–120, 122; benefits of, 124–125; mentioned, 71

  F. M. Lupton Company: 56

  food: preservation of, 10, 37–38, 39, 42–43, 44, 165; source of, 13, 36, 37, 39, 44, 71; types of, 30, 38–39, 41–44 passim; for various meals, 35, 44–45, 71, 125, 132, 153–154; for various seasons, 39, 41, 45; cooking of, 39–40, 64, 72; mentioned, 109

  Fort Griffin, Texas: Dales in, 12–13, 14–15

  Fort Worth, Texas: nature of, 14, 163; trip to, 52, 54; mentioned, 96, 100

  Fort Worth and Denver Railway: 54, 59

  Fourth of July picnic: 153–154

  France: 30

  Francis (Swiss Family Robinson): 50

  French harp: 82

  Fritz (Swiss Family Robinson): 50

  fruit: growing of, 11, 64, 74–75, 76, 170

  “fruit basket”: 149

  games: stories and, 73–74; toys for, 81–83, 97, 99, 136; playmates in, 92; at school, 135–136; play-party, 149–150, 151. SEE ALSO play; toys; specific games

  Georgia: 143

ermany: 82

  Giant Despair (Pilgrim’s Progress): 48

  Gold Rush: 3, 72, 160

  Goldsmith, Oliver: 140

  Good News: 52

  Gray, Grandma: 156

  Gray, Thomas: 140

  Grayson County, Texas: 26, 30

  Greer County, Texas: Dales visit, 54, 67, 134, 162, 163; nature of, 109–110, 175; Dales move to, 166–167; mentioned, 53, 58, 77

  guns: Civil War musket, 100–101, 107–108, 112–113, 173; ammunition for, 101, 113; shotgun, 108–109, 111; Kentucky squirrel rifle, 111–112, 174; “Zulu,” 174

  Haggard, H. Rider: 51

  Hal, Prince: 140

  Hanley, England: 46

  Hardshell Baptist Church: 31, 143

  “Harold the Dauntless”: 48

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel: 57

  Hay, Mary Cecil: 56

  Henrietta, Texas: 58–59, 162

  Henrietta Creek: fishing in, 116, 117, 119–122 passim, 125

  Hiawatha: 140

  “hide-and-seek”: 73, 88–90, 97

  History of Texas: 175

  History of the United States: 48

  “Hog Drovers”: 150

  Hohner harmonica: 82

  Homestead Act: 4

  Hood, Thomas: 140

  horseshoes: 91

  housing: furnishings for, 9, 10, 40, 41, 45–46, 73, 77; rooms in, 9, 10, 40, 48; types of, 22, 31, 55, 78; facilities in, 164–165

  Houston, Sam: 175

  Howard, “Brother”: 144

  “How-many-miles-to-Miley Bright?”: 90–91

  “How We Tried to Lick the Teacher”: 152

  Hugo, Victor: 57

  “hull gull”: 91–92

  hunting: in Parker County, 71, 111; in Cross Timbers, 102–107, 114–115; in Greer County, 109–110; in Prairie West, 174; mentioned, 117

  Hurst, Ted: 157–158

  Hussey, Albert: 127

  Hutchinson, Fannie Dale: in Nebraska, 4, 12, 82; visit of, 52, 53; mentioned, 161

  Hutchinson, Mace: 52, 53, 161

  Indians: in Navajoe, 58, 60, 102; in play, 50, 74; on reservations, 53, 58, 109, 168; language of, 58, 60; mentioned, 14

  Irving, George Washington: 140

  “I spy”: 88, 90

  “Jack and the Beanstalk”: 74

  Jackson, Stonewall: 56

  James (Swiss Family Robinson): 50

  Kansas: 160

  Keller, Texas: location of, 13, 14, 20, 116, 147; train to, 33, 54, 111; churches of, 143, 144; mentioned, 16, 51, 107, 170, 172

  Keller School: attendance at, 24, 130, 134, 135, 141; description of, 126–129, 131, 136; discipline at, 133; as social center, 152

  Kemp, Bob: 24, 96

  Kentucky: 3

  Key, the (Pilgrim’s Progress): 48

  King Solomon’s Mines: 51–52, 98–99

  Kiowa-Comanche Indian Reservation: 53, 58, 109

  labor. SEE work

  “Lady of the Lake”: 48

  language: in Cross Timbers vernacular, 22, 70, 112, 129, 132, 136, 157–158; of Comanches, 58, 60; of the South, 67

  “last-one-on-wood-is-a-bear”: 88, 146

  “Lay of the Last Minstrel”: 48

  Leverett, Miss Julia: teaching of, 130–135 passim

  Leverett, Professor: teaching of, 130–135 passim

  Lincoln, Nebraska: 4

  literary societies: 152–153

  “Little Brass Wagon”: 150

  Little Harriet Creek: 116

  Little Nell: 140

  “Little Red Ridinghood”: 72

  Lochinvar: 140, 161

  Lone Star Schoolhouse: 126

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: 48, 140

  Long X Ranch: 15

  Lopp, Uncle Bill: 32–33, 72

  Lord Lisle’s Daughter: 57

  “Lord of the Isles”: 48

  Lower Cross Timbers: description of, 4–6, 8–10. SEE ALSO Cross Timbers

  McCain, Oscar: 133–134

  McCarty family, the: 7, 31, 39

  McCrory family, the: 68, 69

  McGuffey, William: readers of, 48, 130, 138, 139–140

  McKelvey, “Brother”: 143, 144–145

  McMakin, “Brother”: 143, 144

  Madame Arles (cat): 50

  Mad Passion, a: 57

  manners: of children, 18, 155; at mealtime, 35–36, 46

  marbles: 73, 81, 97, 146

  Mark Antony (Julius Caesar): 140

  “Marmion”: 48

  Marrying a Poetess: 153

  Marshall Branch Creek: fishing in, 116–117, 119–120

  Mast, Crowell, and Kirkpatrick: 49, 51

  Mayes, Bill: 96, 133

  Meakin dishes: 46

  Methodist Church: 143, 149

  Mexico: Jay Dale in, 15, 53

  military drill: in school, 130–131, 134

  “Miller Boy, The”: 150

  Mill on the Floss: 57

  Minneapolis, Minnesota: 14

  Minor, Professor: teaching of, 135–138, 141

  Missionary Baptists: 143

  Missouri: Dales in, 3, 4, 100, 160; stories of, 7–8; food of, 36

  Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railroad: 5, 13

  Missouri River: 3, 160

  Mohun: 56

  money: cash outlay of, 36–37; for labor, 71; saving of, 163–164

  Moore, Professor: teaching of, 127, 128–129

  Moore family, the: 75

  mottoes: use of, in education, 138

  Mount Gilead School: 152, 153

  “Mr. Buster”: 150

  Mulkey, Willie: discipline of, 136–138

  mumble-peg: 97–98

  Navajoe, Texas: Acers-Dale store in, 53, 54, 60, 120, 161; school in, 57, 134–135; Dale’s visit to, 58, 134–135, 148, 161, 162; John Dale in, 77–78; Henry Dale in, 110, 168; advantages of, 167–168

  Navajoe Mountains: 60

  Nebraska: Dales in, 12, 14; food of, 36; Hutchinsons in, 82; Father Dale in, 100, 159, 160

  Nebraska, University of: 4

  Nelson family, the: 70

  Net (horse): 67

  New York, N.Y.: 47

  Nimrod: 108

  Nip (cat): 50

  North Carolina: 150

  North Dakota: 15

  Northern Home Guard: 100

  Ohio River: 3

  Oklahoma: 96, 168

  Old Curiosity Shop: 57

  “Old Dan Tucker”: 150, 151

  Old Nell (horse): 67

  Old Pompey (horse): 102

  Old Puss (cat): 50

  Old School Baptist Church: Father Dale attends, 31, 143; and Sunday School, 81, 145; mentioned, 47, 156

  Old Turk (dog): 50, 175, 176

  Onslow, Dick: 50

  Otter Creek: hunting near, 109–110

  Pagan (Pilgrim’s Progress): 48

  Panama: 3

  Parker, Chief Quanah: 60

  Parker County, Texas: 68, 111

  “Paul Revere’s Ride”: 140–141

  Pearl (doll): 77

  Pennybacker, Mrs.: 175

  Peter, the Apostle: 124

  “Peter Potter’s Pilgrimage or the Lively Vice Consul to Korea”: 52

  “Peter Potter the Page”: 52

  photography (in 1880’s): 14

  Pickwick Papers: 57

  picnics: activities at, 153–154

  Pikes Peak: 159

  Pilgrim’s Progress: 47–48

  “pinning the tail on the donkey”: 151–152

  pitching horseshoes: 97

  play (in 1880’s): 81. SEE ALSO games, toys

  Poe, Edgar Allan: 140

  Poems (Longfellow): 48

  Poems (Scott): 48

  Pompey (horse): 65

  Ponder, Lela: 136–137

  Ponder family: 31

  Pope (Pilgrim’s Progress): 48

  prairie blackland: description of, 4, 9

  Prairie West: Brileys move to, 32, 96; trip to, 60, 67; enchantment of, 159, 161, 167–168; Dales move to, 159, 163, 166, 175–176

Preston, Mr.: 157, 158

  Primitive Baptist Church: Father Dale attends, 31, 59, 72; Sunday School and, 143

  Pulliam, Adar: 60, 71

  Pulliam, Idar: 60, 71

  Pulliam, Mr.: 60, 67, 71–72

  Puritans: 7

  “pussy wants a corner”: 149

  Pygmies: 74, 77

  Quanah, Texas: 161

  “ranching”: 91

  Ray County, Missouri: 3

  reading: variety of, 47, 51; in books and magazines, 47–48, 49, 134–135; memorization of, 48, 140; as reflected in games, 51–52, 73–74, 83, 98–99; benefits of, 61

  Reaping the Whirlwind: 57

  Red River: North Fork of, 53, 58; South Fork of, 53, 59; mentioned, 4

  religion: in the home, 35–36, 47; in the church, 143, 144, 145

  Republic (St. Louis): 51, 73

  Revere, Paul: 140

  Richmond, Missouri: 3

  Richter harmonica: 82

  Ring (dog): 50

  Roach, Alice Dale: job of, in Dallas, 12, 58; as housekeeper, 17, 18, 36, 63–65, 102, 135; relationship of, with brothers, 24, 49, 51, 52, 102, 106, 108, 126, 130; trip of, to Navajoe, 54, 55, 109, 134, 148, 162; marriage of, 58–59; death of, 162; mentioned, 53, 107

  Roach, Henry: marries Alice Dale, 58–59

  Roanoke, Texas: location of, 13–14; Brileys move to, 67, 96; blacksmith at, 100, 101, 174

  Roberts, Ike: 11

  Robin Hood: 83

  Robinson family: 42

  Rock Creek, Nebraska: 4

  “Rokeby”: 48

  Roosevelt, Theodore: 15

  Rugby: 135–136

  St. Louis, Missouri: 100

  St. Paul, Minnesota: 74

  schooling. SEE education

  Scott, Benton: 33

  Scott, Sir Walter: work of, 48, 57, 140

  sewing circles: 145–146

  Shakespeare, William: 140

  “sheepy-sheepy-go”: 88

  Sherman, Texas: 5

  Shylock (Merchant of Venice): 140

  Signs of the Times, The: 47, 49

  “Sinbad the Sailor”: 74

  “Skip to My Lou”: 150

  Slough of Despond (Pilgrim’s Progress): 48

  Smith, Deaf: 175

  snakes: bites of, 171–172

  social relations: neighborliness in, 16–17, 70–71, 73; visiting and, 32, 83, 143, 144; personal relations in, 33, 155; group gatherings and, 146, 147, 153–154; general nature of, 154–155, 158; civil disputes in, 165–166. SEE ALSO manners

  Sodom: 14

  South, the: food of, 36; language of, 67

  Southey, Robert: 140

  South Pole: 78

  “Spartacus to the Gladiators”: 152

  “speaking pieces”: 138–139, 152

  speech. SEE language

  spelling matches: 138, 139

  Standish, Miles: 140

  “stink-base”: 86–88

  Stuart, J. E. B.: 56

  superstitions: general, 24–26; in fishing, 118, 124


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