Shelly's Forbidden Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
Page 34
Chapter 34
Shelly sat at the kitchen table at the main alpha home that had been built to lodge the alpha triad and many of the triads of the pack’s enforcers. She couldn’t help but laugh softly at the way Jace and Jackson were cuddling their mate Laurie as she stood at the kitchen counter and tried to pour potato chips into a large serving basket. For every movement that she made to try to complete the presentation of the chips and dip, Jace or Jackson thwarted her move by stealing a few chips and dunking them into the dip.
“Keep your paws out of the dip,” Laurie told them firmly, her soft laughter making it obvious that she wasn’t really angry.
“But it’s so good, honey,” Jackson protested as he grabbed for another chip, scooped a big hunk of dip onto it, and popped it into his mouth.
“Jackson! Stop!”
Laurie reached for Jackson’s hand and pulled it toward her mouth, licking at his fingers to remove the dip that was dripping from them. What started out as fun had quickly turned into sensual teasing. Jackson’s growls rumbled softly as he pressed forward and took Laurie’s lips in a fierce kiss.
Jace stepped up behind Laurie and pressed her against Jackson, her feminine figure trapped between them perfectly. He slipped his hand beneath the heavy, maroon sweater that she was wearing and palmed the swell of her pregnant belly.
“If you weren’t already pregnant, Jackson and I would be sure to get you in that condition right now, Mate,” Jace told her, growling against her ear.
Laurie’s head fell back against Jace’s chest. She loved the way she felt cocooned and safe within her men’s arms. This was all such a new experience for her. She had always shied away from men, intimidated by them. Jace and Jackson were big men who were packed with muscle and looked like they could snap a person in half with very little effort, but Laurie felt nothing but safe within their arms. Their gentleness and kindness to her and to everyone in their pack family was something that she counted her blessings for daily.
The way that they enjoyed her and respected her was somewhat of a shock to her. It had taken some time to accept that what they felt for her was genuine. It had also been a big adjustment to find out about the shifter world. Destined mates identifying each other by scent had been a part of this new world and had led Jace and Jackson to her. She had never really identified their scent as anything other than sexy and soothing. Her mates had told her that the scent was the draw to the one that they were destined to love, but it was Laurie’s gentleness and personality that had clinched the deal.
The Fates put your mate in your path, but it was always the choice of the members of the triad to accept the mating or not. Jace and Jackson had told her that they had never heard of any triad who did not find that those destined to be theirs weren’t exactly what they wanted and needed as their mates.
When Laurie had first come to the Circle Three Ranch, she had been welcomed by Martha Gregg and her daughter-in-law Julia Preston. Julia was mated to Colin Morris and Martha’s son Adrian Gregg. They had accepted her as a friend before they had even realized that she was the destined mate of Jace and Jackson. Both women had been instrumental in helping her to understand the shifter world and the way of the pack community.
Martha had told her that the Fates had a hand in her coming to the ranch. Laurie no longer questioned it. At times, she was overwhelmed to be regarded as pack queen, but mostly she looked at the role as the one of pack mother. She was completely fine with that role. She loved caring for others—especially the wonderful adults and children of this pack family.
“Help me bring the snacks into the living room,” Laurie told her men, laughing softly as they each had to hug and kiss her one last time before turning and picking up the bowls of chips, pretzels, and assorted fresh vegetables. “The pizza should be arriving soon.”
“Good. I’m starving,” Jackson piped up, leading the way down the wide corridor that connected the kitchen to the living room. They passed his and Jace’s office on the way, causing him to look at Laurie and wiggle his eyebrows suggestively. “We can always go into our office and have a quick round of loving, honey.”
Laurie couldn’t help but blush. “Jackson, everyone will know what we’re doing if we just disappear for a few minutes,” she whispered harshly, looking at Jace and huffing softly when he looked back at her with complete innocence.
“It would take more than a few minutes to love you properly, Laurie,” Jace told her, his blue eyes turning just a shade darker as his desire for her grew.
Laurie just shook her head as she turned and made her way into the living room where some of the members of their pack family waited for them. “You guys are just too fresh,” she muttered, squeaking as she felt strong hands grabbing for her behind and squeezing gently. “Behave!”
“No,” Jackson said softly, stepping up beside her and looking down at her with happiness. “You can’t look as delicious as you do and expect us to behave, Mate.”
“I have to agree,” Jace told her, standing on her other side and looking down on her very seriously.
“Thank you,” Laurie said quietly. “I feel the same way about the both of you. Just please, don’t make me crazy with need like you always do. We have a house full of guests and a pizza party to get through. I won’t be able to be a good host if you both make me want you.”
The expressions on her men’s faces made her know that her words had touched their hearts. She leaned into Jackson, kissing his neck lightly before turning and doing the same to Jace’s.
“Promise you’ll love me later,” she demanded.
Their immediate growls gave her her answer. She nodded once then turned away from them and walked into the living room. Placing one of the bowls of chips in the center of the coffee table that was in front of the huge couch, she stepped back and waited while her men placed the bowls of snacks and dip alongside hers on the table. She couldn’t help but laugh as little Eric went to his knees before the table, his eyes wide with wonder at the feast before him.
“Mommy, may I have some chips?” he asked softly, never taking his eyes off the delicious snack.
“Yes, honey, just don’t eat too much,” Meeka cautioned him. “Save room for the pizza.”
“Okay. I promise,” Eric whispered, reaching out and picking up one chip and bringing it to his mouth. He nibbled at it in slow, tiny bites, savoring the flavor of the snack.
Laurie felt a twinge of pain in her heart that this little boy had led such a fearful childhood hiding from Randall and his pack. Meeka had been sheltered by Suzie, Suzie’s mother, and Suzie’s brother Mitchell since she had been attacked by Ethan Webber, one of Randall’s enforcers. Laurie was so thankful that Meeka was now happily mated to Reece and Wade and was pregnant with their child.
Meeka had left the pack for a while because her destined mates had been reluctant to claim her. Meeka hadn’t realized that they feared that they would hurt her because of the silver poisoning that they had sustained at the hands of Alpha Randall when Suzie, Drew, and Carter had been ripped apart and had lost so many years of their lives that they could have spent together. Once that problem had been resolved, the mating had occurred. Meeka was happy and healthy. Her son Eric loved his two fathers, and his two fathers adored him in return.
Laurie could feel the happiness that was emanating from the people in the room. She watched Suzie as she was hugged between her men as they stood just inside the arched entrance of the living room. Both her men had been without her for so long, believing that she had been lost to them forever because of Alpha Randall’s cruelty, but Jace and Jackson had formed a rescue team once Mitchell had told them that Suzie was being held in an isolated cabin on Randall’s land.
Suzie had been found and rescued. She had been taken back to pack land to reunite with her mates. Although Suzie had gone through a period of time where she had been neglected and abused by Alpha Randall, she had remained strong. She had protected her younger brother Mitchell and had told him to escape Randall’s cruelty by coming
to Jace and Jackson’s pack. It was the best thing that he had ever done. It was here that Mitchell had found his triad partner—Laurie’s son Dean.
The concept of triad partners and triad matings had been completely foreign to Laurie. She had learned that triad matings were the way of a lot of packs in the area, but there were an equal number of packs that did not support that type of mating. Most of those that didn’t were accepting of the triads in the area. Randall’s and Hayward’s packs were not. It was that kind of bigoted thinking that had caused such heartache and tension among the packs.
Laurie was thankful that there was now an alliance of packs that were sticking together to protect each other. It was also telling that the alliance was open to packs that supported triad matings as well as those that did not. To deny packs that had matings between two people would make Jace and Jackson’s pack just as guilty of forcing their lifestyles on other packs. Laurie was proud that their pack family was open and accepting to everyone.
Mother Fate had played an important role in the guidance and protection of their pack. It was obvious to Laurie that Mother Fate recognized the goodness and caring of the pack members. The amazing relationship that Mother Fate had with Abbey Tyler had made all of them know that their pack was truly blessed by the deity. Laurie saw the way Abbey sat between her mates on one of the couches and was filled with happiness by the complete joy that radiated from her newfound friend.
Abbey had escaped her ex-husband and had stumbled into the arms of Hunter and Clay, fighting the attraction but failing. How could she not fall in love with such incredibly kind, loving, and giving men? Her mates were police officers who not only protected the pack, they also protected the humans that surrounded pack land.
Laurie was so pleased that all of them had finally found happiness. It was also wondrous to her that many of the women were currently in some stage of their pregnancy. Jace and Jackson had told her that there had been a prophecy told to Martha that once the alpha and beta of the pack found their triad mate, other matings would occur, and many cubs would be born. The prophecy had certainly proven itself to be true.
As Jace and Jackson nuzzled against her cheeks and caressed her belly, she looked around the huge pack living room and saw the many newly mated triads. She was amazed by the timing of them.
It was as if the Fates had destined all of them to meet each other within a span of weeks. Having her best friend Nikki here with her was something that made both of them very happy. Nikki was a spitfire, to be sure. She had been the one who had protected Laurie from her first husband. She had also been a loving aunt to Laurie’s children Mia and Dean.
Nikki had grown to love her mates within days of meeting them. Seeing Nikki so happily mated to Butler Roman and Martha’s second son Alexander Gregg, Laurie thanked the Fates daily that Nikki had found such wonderful men to share her life with. She had never seen her friend so happy.
Dean and Mitchell had also been lucky enough to find their triad mate. Laurie wasn’t sure who the young woman was. She only knew that their mate was a member of Jace’s pack. She didn’t really understand why their destined mate insisted on keeping herself apart from Dean and Mitchell, but Laurie would never pass judgment on her. That secret woman had saved her son’s life by giving Dean her claiming bite even though she didn’t come forward and declare herself to the pack. Were it not for that bite, Dean’s body would not have adapted to the shifter genetics that was the natural progression of the change that occurred in a human when mating with a wolf shifter. Dean’s physiology had adapted and changed. He had been given the ability to heal quickly, which had saved his life. It had also saved his arm, which had been brutally injured during Alpha Randall’s attack.
Only having Dean and Mia back on pack land with her would make her happier. She knew that they had to be away from her in order to go to college. She even accepted that they were meant to walk their own paths in life. It didn’t change the fact that she missed them terribly and worried about them all the time. She was particularly worried about Dean. She worried that the woman who had claimed him had broken his heart. To know that she was not with Dean, yet was connected to him, had to weigh heavily in Dean’s mind.
Laurie couldn’t help the twinge of sadness that filled her as she thought about her son. She missed him so much. He was such a good boy. She had to mentally shake herself. Dean wasn’t a boy any longer. He was a young man who had been forced to grow up and mature way beyond his years. He had been supportive and protective of her and Mia, watching over his sister with determination. He loved Mia deeply, and Mia knew it. They had a supportive and caring relationship. Dean loved teasing her. Mia may protest, but Laurie knew that her little girl loved her brother beyond words. She was also fiercely independent, insisting that no man would ever have control over her life. Her worry for her daughter was no less than her worry for her son.
Laurie smiled sadly as she looked at the two men who were fated to be Mia’s mates as they stood near the fireplace talking to Martha’s mates Silas and Grant. Cole Stephens and Lucian Shaw were strong men who were respecting Mia’s request to leave her alone. They were also following a direct order from Jace that they allow Mia to finish school before pursuing their triad relationship with her.
Laurie wasn’t sure about that particular order any longer. Yes, she wanted both Mia and Dean to finish college, but she didn’t want her children to be without the people who were ready to love them and care for them. Mia needed Lucian and Cole. She needed their strength, their understanding, and their love. She also needed the fun that the two men would bring into her life. Mia was entirely too serious. Laurie admitted to herself that it was due to the abuse that both of her children had witnessed and received at the hands of Laurie’s ex-husband. Both Mia and Dean had been forced to grow up so quickly. Neither one of them really had experienced the fun, carefree life of a child.
Laurie knew that Lucian and Cole would provide that fun for Mia. They would also stand by her and support her in her need to go to school to become a nurse. It was obvious that they admired her. They were always anxious to hear any news that Laurie had about Mia, and Laurie made certain to tell them about Mia’s days and her worries as she worked so hard in her classes.
It was the way of the pack to protect their cubs and not allow them to mate until they came of age. Laurie was in support of that tradition. She wanted her children to go to school and live their dreams. She also wanted them to be presented to the pack family as adults when they turned twenty-one and receive the honors due them because of it, but she also wanted them to be happy now.
“What’re you thinking about, little mother?” Jackson whispered against her cheek as he felt her mind wandering.
“Mia and Dean,” Laurie answered without hesitation. “I’m worried about them.” She turned to face them both and sighed softly. “I’m also worried about Mitchell.”
“I’m worried about Janine,” Martha offered as she walked toward Laurie and took her hand gently.
“Why, Mom?” Alexander asked from his seat beside Nikki. He, too, was worried about his little sister. She had been sad for such a long time. He had seen a spark of something in her during the summer, but then she had left to go to college, and he had had very little contact with her.
“When I spoke to her yesterday, she didn’t sound good at all,” Martha told her son. “I think she’s very upset about something.”
“Butler and I will take a ride out to the college at the end of the week,” Alex said firmly. “We’ll talk to her.”
Shelly could feel the anxiety level rising in the living room. She went over to Synthia as her sister stood beside one of the huge recliners in front of the fireplace and took her hand. Simon and Warren pressed against Synthia’s back, wrapping her within their embrace and grounding their little omega. Shelly couldn’t help but laugh softly. Despite Synthia’s insistence that she wasn’t worthy of mates, her mates had disagreed and had shown her without a doubt that she was very much neede
d and loved. She had never seen her sister happier.
Max and Eli came up behind Shelly and kissed her neck before taking her within their arms. Shelly gave in to the feeling of utter peace and contentment before squeezing Synthia’s hands and closing her eyes.
She felt Synthia’s omega powers joining with hers in an instant. Both of them sent out feelings of peace, love, and warmth to the many members of the pack family in attendance. It felt as if their powers had grown since both of them had mated with their men. Max, Eli, Simon, and Warren were natural amplifiers of their abilities. Shelly knew it was because they were such good and kind men. The Fates had blessed them with men who were perfect for them and perfect for the pack.
“Look how good they are together,” Claudia Granger whispered to her mate Joel Slater as she looked at Shelly, Max, and Eli.
“They are,” Heather Oliver agreed, squeezing her mate Craig Jansen’s hand.
Both men smiled and nodded, glad that their sons had been reunited with their mate. It had been a long and lonely few years without their sons living on Jace Beckett’s pack land. Now that they understood why Max and Eli had left to go back to work with Alpha Randall, they were enraged by the threats that Randall had made against their sons. They also felt deep guilt that Max and Eli had made that choice to protect all of them and had suffered greatly because of their choice.
“Go to your fathers,” Shelly whispered softly as she turned to face her mates, her eyes wide with worry. “They’re feeling guilt that you gave up so much to protect them.”
Max and Eli were immediately concerned. They kissed Shelly quickly then left her to stand beside their fathers, embracing them and hugging them tightly.
“Don’t, Dad,” Max told his father firmly.
“Don’t what?” Craig asked, confused.
“Shelly told us that you’re both feeling guilt,” Eli explained quietly. “We all have to let the past go. What we have now is perfect. Don’t allow the past to overshadow our lives.”