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Vacation Menage

Page 3

by Brown, Berengaria

  An incredibly beautiful place, the lake, gardens, artwork and architecture had all been designed to delight the eye and the senses.

  Eden bubbled with joy at everything she saw, but the Empress’ marble dragon boat was her absolute favourite. The trio took a ride on a more modern dragon boat and enjoyed the peace and serenity of the lake.

  Afterward they sat on the bench-wall of another Long Corridor and listened to an impromptu choir sing.

  “That is really amazing,” said Eden. “Nothing like that would ever happen at home––people just joining together and singing like that. It’s beautiful.”

  “Look over there.” Bryce pointed to people dancing in one of the courtyards. Some of them wore costumes, while some remained in street clothes, and some of the women used scarves to add colour to the dance.

  “That’s so amazing.” Eden said.

  As they walked slowly back to the gate to catch a taxi to their hotel the threesome talked. They spoke of their jobs and everyday lives at home, of their reasons for travelling and plans for the next few months.

  Like Eden, the men had three-month visas and wanted to stay in China to see as much as they could in the time available.

  Beneath her bubbling happiness at the wonderful time she was having with Bryce and Zeb, Eden felt the stirrings of unease. Obviously, neither was worried about money. It seemed they could afford whatever took their fancy, and travel wherever they wanted. Her funds were strictly limited. No job or apartment awaited her back home. She absolutely wanted to see as much of China as possible while she was here, but there had to be something left to support her until she could find work back home. Sure, she had friends who would let her crash on their couch for a few days, even a week. But still, the only person she could rely on was herself. She had to stick to her budget.

  Damn. She really, really wanted to hang out with Bryce and Zeb as long as they wanted her. Not only were they hotter than hell to look at, and fantastic lovers, they were great company. But could she afford it financially? Where should she draw the line between lust and behaving like a responsible adult?

  * * * *

  When Zeb had spoken to the hotel staff at the reception desk about hiring a driver to take them to the Great Wall the next day, the concierge mentioned the Beijing Opera Theatre, so he picked up tickets for the three of them for that evening.

  Some of the cast put on their makeup in a side room and visitors could watch while listening to an explanation of the different colours and facets of the makeup. Everything had a meaning, they soon learned, and Eden was fascinated by the detail, symbolism and intricacy of everything from fingernails, and hand movements, to costumes.

  * * * *

  They chatted about the opera on the taxi ride back to the hotel—the singing, the acrobatics, the swordplay, the dancing—but the closer they got to their destination, the more Eden felt the sexual tension building. Her nipples hardened, and her breasts ached, as her belly clenched with need and want.

  Eden was still amazed that these two incredibly good-looking men were interested in fucking her—even if it was only for a few days. At the opera she’d seen other women looking at Bryce and Zeb, and she knew they were jealous of her.

  Again, she began to worry about whether she could afford to stay with them. How much is all this costing? I can’t just assume they’ll pay for me. I don’t want them to pay for everything. I’m my own person. It was my idea to come to China, and my plan to see everything I could while I'm here.

  Always in the back of her mind were The Ratfink’s comments— she was overweight, plain, boring, unexciting, and certainly not enough to satisfy a real man, let alone two.

  Bryce and Zeb seemed satisfied, but maybe they weren’t. Maybe she was too fat and boring and they were just too polite to say so. Maybe she should quietly disappear tonight and leave them free to find a more interesting, more beautiful woman. That would also solve her finance issues.

  But I can’t. I want them so much. Surely they would tell me if I wasn’t fulfilling them. Hell, we’ve all had plenty of orgasms. I’ve certainly had more orgasms in the last four days than I’ve had in the last four months. It’s not about me, though. It’s about them. And I really should let them find a more beautiful and exciting companion. I—

  “You’ve gone very quiet, sweetie. Are you tired?” Zeb’s voice brought her out of her reverie.

  “No. Just thinking. I know I am not very good company for you.”

  “Not good company? Sweetie, you’re perfect company. You’re a delight to have around, and an ideal companion. Just watching you enjoy all the new experiences doubles my pleasure in being here. But maybe we have been exhausting you. Wearing you out. After all, there are two of us.”

  Eden’s heart fell. She’d been really looking forward to more sex. She hadn’t even licked Zeb’s luscious ass yet. And now, her dismal thoughts were upsetting them and would prevent her doing what she really wanted.

  Had she messed up her chances for more awesome sex?

  “No. Please. I want that. I want you both. You’re both so hot, so good, so fulfilling.”

  “Hush, sweetie,” Bryce said, his big hands smoothing across her aching breasts, as he reached to pull her against him.

  “We can talk more up in the room,” added Zeb, pushing hard against her other side, his hand resting heavily on her thigh.

  Eden relaxed against them, placing one hand firmly on each cock. Her cocks. Her men. She would make sure she pleased them both thoroughly. And from the way both cocks grew under her hands, the men agreed with her.

  * * * *

  When they reached their room, Zeb ran water for the bath, and Bryce rummaged through the nightstand collecting condoms and lube, which he took into the bathroom. Then they pulled Eden onto the bed between them.

  Zeb asked, “Now, what is the problem? Is it something we are not doing right?”

  “No, no,” Eden hastened to answer. “It’s just that I know I’m overweight and not very interesting. A very boring, ordinary person, with a saggy stomach and flabby thighs and––and, well, maybe you would rather I left so you can find a thinner, more exciting woman to share your vacation.” Eden finished the sentence in a rush, taking a deep breath to prevent her chin from quivering.

  “Is that what you want?” asked Bryce.

  “No. I want to stay with you. You’re both so sweet, kind, and caring. You’re the best lovers ever.”

  “That’s how we feel about you,” Zeb said softly. “You understand us perfectly. You fit us perfectly.”

  “And you’re definitely not overweight. Your body is lush and soft, exactly the way a woman’s should be. No man wants to hug a skeleton,” added Bryce, pulling her into his arms for a gentle kiss.

  But gentle was not what Eden needed. She grabbed both men to her and thrust her tongue fiercely first into one mouth and then the other.

  “Fuck my brains out,” she begged. “Please.”

  “Can do.” Bryce laughed.

  “Let’s get you out of these clothes first,” Zeb said.

  Clothes flew everywhere, and then Bryce lifted Eden in his arms and carried her into the bathroom. The Jacuzzi was still only half full as they settled into the water. Bryce and Zeb faced each other, leaving Eden securely sandwiched between their two hot, hard, muscled bodies.

  The men gently drew her out, and listened as she told them how The Ratfink had damaged her self-confidence, and how she hoped to rebuild her self-esteem with this trip. In turn, they spoke of their friendship and how they were often misunderstood. They were not a gay couple. They were two very close friends who liked to share a woman, and Eden had noticed they seldom kissed or touched each other sexually.

  * * * *

  Zeb turned off the faucets and pushed the button to set the water churning.

  With Eden stretched out, her body nearly floating, the men touched and stimulated every inch of her skin. They kissed, licked, sucked, teased and tasted every sensitive, erogenous area.
  Zeb spent several drawn-out minutes licking and sucking her ear, pulling her earlobe in and out of his mouth, gently teasing it with his lips and teeth.

  Meanwhile, Bryce slowly inched his way down her belly, gradually approaching her pussy, which was weeping with the need to be filled. He gave her bellybutton a final kiss before swiping his tongue down her slit and tasting her juices.

  “Hmm, delicious,” he said.

  “I am surprised you can taste me in the water,” Eden gasped, as Zeb increased his attack on her ear.

  “Your nectar is clinging to your skin. You’re hot for us, aren’t you, Eden?” Bryce asked.

  “Yes. Yes. Please fuck me. I want you both so much.”

  Zeb positioned her against the side of the tub, her clit directly over one of the bubble jets, as he worked the lube into her ass, twisting and turning his fingers inside her butt until she was on the brink of coming.

  Then he held her, as Bryce moved to the middle of the tub and slid his cock deep into Eden’s hot core.

  When Bryce was seated to the hilt inside her, he pulled her hard against his chest and leaned back in the water so Zeb could push into her ass.

  As always, this was the moment she loved. As the second cock pushed into her, she could feel both her men at once. Two huge, hot, hard cocks filled her beyond capacity, and stretched her in the best possible way, making her weak with the need to come.

  Zeb inched in until his balls were firm against her butt, then he wrapped his arms around Bryce so Eden was jammed between the two. Her nipples pressed against Bryce’s hard, muscled chest and her legs wrapped around his hips, her ankles locked in the small of his back. She reached behind her to rub her hands over Zeb’s magnificent taut ass, as the men began to move. Very slowly Bryce pulled out as Zeb pushed in. Then Bryce thrust in as Zeb withdrew. Gradually they moved faster, and the heat inside Eden began to rise. Her belly clenched with the need to come, her nipples diamond-hard points scraping against Bryce’s chest. Her fingernails dug into Zeb’s ass, encouraging him to go deeper.

  Bryce kissed Eden deeply, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, sucking her tongue, as Zeb bit the tender spot at the curve of her neck. The heat coiling in Eden’s belly burst in an explosion that made her see stars. Her cunt rippled and spasmed, milking Bryce’s cock, which caused him to explode inside her. In a domino effect, Zeb came too, spurting white and hot, deep in Eden’s ass.

  For some minutes the three clung to one another in the hot tub, panting and satiated from the force of their climaxes. When they’d finally caught their breath, Zeb shut off the bubbles so they could get cleaned up and go to bed.

  Chapter Four

  The Great Wall was everything Eden had dreamed it would be. Although the previous few days had been overcast in Beijing, this morning had dawned clear with a light breeze and blue skies. When the trio climbed the stairs and reached the actual wall itself, Eden could see it stretching away into the distance, marching solemnly up a row of hills. Eagerly, they walked to the third watchtower, set high on a hill, only to see the wall laid out before them, crowning the next few hills. Determined to see as much as possible, Eden encouraged the men to keep going, but when they reached that tower, of course the wall still lay ahead of them, crowning yet more hilltops.

  “Shit, Eden, it goes for three thousand seven hundred miles!” Bryce said. “And every mile we walk, we have to walk back again.”

  “Three thousand eight hundred and ninety, actually,” added Zeb, “or five thousand five hundred, if you count all the extra side branches.”

  “Yeah, whatever. It’s too far to walk,” groaned Bryce.

  Eden flopped to the ground against the wall. “Okay, I’m tired too, but isn’t it magnificent? So strong, sturdy and grand. And it has been standing for hundreds and hundreds of years––parts of it, for two thousand years. It’s just totally awesome.”

  The men grinned at her enthusiasm even as they sank down on the cobblestones beside her.

  “Okay, sweetie, you win. It is totally awesome and I’m glad we came. But I’m not walking to any more watchtowers. The only place these feet are going is back to the cable car station so we can see it from the air, and then back to the parking lot,” Bryce said firmly.

  Eden laughed but agreed, as Zeb passed them each a bottle of water, and Bryce dramatically wiped his forehead with his sleeve.

  * * * *

  After the long drive back to their hotel, Bryce fell sound asleep in a chair before he had a chance to shower, so Zeb rolled him into bed beside Eden, who also slept soundly. Tomorrow would be time enough to plan their next bit of sightseeing. And sex. Zeb really enjoyed the passion Eden had brought to their play times.

  * * * *

  The next morning Zeb’s legs were aching so badly, he could scarcely stagger into the bathroom. While Bryce ordered breakfast from room service, Eden massaged lavender oil into Zeb’s calf muscles. Neither man was pleased about the “girly” scent, but when Eden explained the oil made massage easier, they acquiesced.

  Afterward, they planned the next few days.

  Eden had a list of things she wanted to see, including the Bird’s Nest stadium, and both men were happy to spend another day in Beijing.

  “After Beijing I’d planned to go to Xian to see the Terracotta Warriors,” said Eden a little hesitantly. “Where were you thinking of going next?”

  Will tomorrow be my last day with them? Are we about to part? I really care for them and don’t want this to end so soon, she thought.

  “Actually, Xian is fine,” said Zeb. “We want to go there too, because that’s on the way to Chongqing. From there we’ll go on a Yangtze River cruise. The river is supposed to be spectacular between there and Yichang. You know, the Three Gorges.”

  Eden’s heart, which had risen at his agreement to Xian, dropped again. A cruise. Wouldn’t that be expensive? She’d never gotten around to explaining her financial concerns to them, and didn’t know how to start discussing it without sounding like she expected them to pay for her as well, which she definitely did not. Would they think she was just with them for what they could give her? Besides, even with three of them sharing this room with all the amenities, she had a feeling her third would probably cost more than her little room at her original hotel.

  Taking a deep breath, Eden said, “I’m travelling on a budget. I quit my job to come here. I want to stay the whole three months and see as much as I can. Is the cruise very expensive?”

  “Sweetie, you’ll be with us. You’ll be sharing our room and it will be our privilege to pay for you, too,” said Zeb.

  “I don’t want to be beholden—”

  “Beholden? Haven’t you worked out yet that we want you to be with us? You make everything we see and do so much more fun. Plus, you are mighty hot stuff in bed,” added Bryce, pushing her onto the bed and nuzzling her breasts.

  Eden laughed but pushed him off, feeling the need to explain herself further.

  “I can pay my own way. I’m not a parasite—”

  “A parasite? Is that The Ratfink speaking? You more than do your share around here, and you’re the glue that’s holding us together, making this trip so much fun.”

  “Woman, can’t you tell we adore you? You light up our lives. Shit, I’d even walk that fucking wall again just to see that look on your face when you saw the view from the third watchtower,” said Bryce.

  Zeb dropped back on the bed laughing, only to gasp and grab his leg. “Cramp!”

  Eden picked up her tube of lavender oil and put his leg across her lap, massaging the oil deep into his calf muscles as Bryce forced Zeb to flex his foot and pushed his toes up to get the muscles to relax.

  Before long, Zeb reached for Eden’s breasts. He shoved her shirt up and cupped the lush mounds. “What’ve you got a bra on for? You don’t need it.”

  “Obviously not,” she replied. She placed the oil on the nightstand and shrugged out of her top and bra.

  She reached for Zeb’s belt and u
nbuckled it, easing his pants down over what appeared to be a large erection.

  Bryce kicked his shoes off and tugged at Eden’s jeans, which Zeb had helpfully unzipped.

  In a moment the three were naked on the bed, and the men rolled condoms over their cocks.

  “On your hands and knees,” Zeb hoarsely instructed Eden. She moved into position, as he grabbed the lube and greased her ass. It only took a few seconds for his fingers to stretch her greedy hole and push past her sphincter, into her hot tunnel.

  Zeb grasped her hips, holding her steady as Bryce lubed his ass, and began stretching him. Zeb played with Eden’s clit, leaving them both hot and panting by the time Bryce pushed his way into Zeb.

  Eden braced herself, as the men pushed in tandem—Zeb into her and Bryce into Zeb. Both men pushing together was a very powerful aphrodisiac, as Zeb’s fingers continued to tease and torment her clit. Then Bryce gasped and reached around to play with Zeb’s balls.

  “I can’t hold on much longer. This is so hot,” he groaned.

  “Hell, yes,” said Zeb, thrusting hard into Eden, as Bryce pushed into him.

  Zeb drove three fingers into her cunt, curving them up to scrape her G-spot and Eden exploded. At exactly that moment Bryce gave a shout and massaged Zeb’s balls, as both men came.

  Bryce and Zeb pulled out and Eden rolled onto her back.

  “That was wonderful. Thank you,” she whispered.

  Bryce and Zeb lay on the bed, positioned on either side of Eden.


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