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The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts

Page 14

by Joseph P. Farrell

  In other words, we are now dealing not with exploding planets, but an explosion at the center of the galaxy, presumable involving one or several stars!

  And note now the implications of what LaViolette has almost said: if the placement of the pulsar cluster to the left of the galactic center by one radian is not non-random, and is moreover only capable of being viewed this way from the Earth, and if the lore of constellations emanates from the same source as placed the pulsars in the first place, then perhaps the deliberate association of Saggitarius, a chimerical “person”, aiming an arrow or weapon at the galactic center is a complex metaphor that the galactic explosion was itself an act in a war, the same cosmic war alluded to in other texts.

  The implications of LaViolette’s “pulsar hypothesis” are truly staggering, for it would take thousands of years for the energy to travel roughly half way across the galaxy from its center to the Earth to impact its climate, since the galaxy is some 80,000 to 100,000 light years in width! This would require, in other words, any civilization as left these pulsar markers and zodiacal lore to have been very advanced technologically, and capable of warning its “Earth outpost” thousands of years ahead of the event!

  But why associate this event with a real war at all? The answer lies in part of that astrological lore that LaViolette does not mention, and to answer it, we must return, for a moment, to De Santillana and Von Dechind’s Hamlet’s Mill, for there is also another constellation that is also a “hunter”, a “mighty man of renown,” and that constellation is Orion, “alias Nimrod.”238 Orion, of course, is associated with Egypt, and Nimrod was also the first “conqueror” who planned to build a “tower” that could “reach heaven,” a tower that had to be destroyed - according to the book of Genesis — because it would allow mankind to do whatever he imagined to do. This tower that could “reach heaven” was, as I have written elsewhere, no mere pile of bricks straining to reach great heights, but rather, a tower incorporating the celestial “plan” or geometry.239

  But would such a civilization have the technology to cause an explosion of that magnitude?

  Surprisingly, it is LaViolette who provides the disturbing answer. Noting that the two nebulae, Crab and Vela, remnants of supernovas or exploding stars, are not only uniquely placed relative to our solar system, but also two of the few nebulae that are marked by pulsars, LaViolette cautions that “we must look beyond merely the fact that they are uniquely placed relative to us.,,240 What one must look at, rather, is the fact that both nebulae, produced by the explosions of stars, ”appear to have been triggered by the same Galactic superwave that was responsible for the major cataclysm at the end of the last ice age.“241 This wave ”first passed the relatively nearby Vela site, causing its supernova to occur, and then after traveling some 6300 light years further on, passed the Crab Nebula site causing its supernova also to occur.“242 As for the mechanism that could have caused these two colossal explosions,

  A particularly intense superwave could have coaxed the progenitor stars of these various remnants to explode if these stars were hot, inherently unstable, and embedded in a dust-laden environment. That is, upon their arrival, the superwave cosmic rays would overpower the star’s stellar wind and push nearby dust in close to the star. As the star begins to gravitationally draw this material onto its surface, the added kinetic energy would provoke its energy output to rise abruptly, whereupon the star would finally explode. Alternatively, an advancing superwave might carry a steep gravitational field gradient that could induce frictional tidal forces sufficiently strong to energize the star and cause it to explode.243

  But then LaViolette raises a disturbing possibility: the Crab nebulae supernova might have been purposely engineered “by a highly advanced extraterrestrial civilization.”244 In other words, if one can engineer a star’s explosion, then one might have engineered the original galactic explosion as well, even though LaViolette does not maintain the latter! Again, in this context, it is important to recall that for De Santillana and Von Dechind, the ultimate context ancient myths is a galactic one; Tiamat herself, blown apart by Marduk in the epic of the Enuma Elish, may not only have symbolized a planet, but something far, far larger! Something truly cosmic.

  But again, how might one actually do this? La Violette’s answer is chilling:

  The technology required (for interstellar communication) is the same as that used in particle accelerators employed by high-energy physicists for carrying out particle collision experiments. It is also the same technology used in aprticle beam weapons systems such as those developed in the Pentagon’s Star Wars program. Except in this case the technology would be employed for peaceful purposes.245

  Star Wars indeed!

  But recall that this would still limit one to the “relativistic speed limit” of the velocity of light, and this would be far too slow for interstellar communications, much less the ability to travel hundreds and thousand of light years to place the galactic pulsar “grid.” So a modification is required

  Which promises to vastly extend the present state of the art. This so called beat-wave plasma accelerator is able to generate 10,000 to 10 million times stronger than those used in the Stanford accelerator. Two powerful laser beams of slightly differing frequencies are projected into a gas plasma tube to produce a “beat frequency wave” that moves through the plasma at tremendous speed. Electrons “surfing” on this wave are then accelerated as the wave travels down the tube. A 10 meter long accelerator of this sort is theoretically capable of accelerating electrons to 100 billion electron volt energies.246

  Note that what makes this accelerator work is the phenomenon of interferometry, and imagine what might happen if masers (microwave lasers), being squeezed through a waveguide that was too small, as was seen earlier, and interfered in a plasma, might then do. For after all, a star is but a big ball of plasma! And the “beat wave” is simply the interference wave set up by the interferometry in the plasma!

  This is precisely where LaViolette goes:

  Could a civilization possessing advanced field projection technologies perhaps even engineer an entire supernova explosion? By establishing a field bridge between the two poles of a star and inducing a resonant electrodynamic oscillation between these two linked regions, the star might be induced to explode. Clearly, a civilization must reach a high degree of maturity if it is to wield such a technology. While it could be very beneficial if put to the proper use, it could also be used as a weapon of mass destruction if it fell into the wrong hands. 247

  Indeed, such a weapon would be a one-shot method for taking out any putative civilizations based in a particular solar system. Take out the primary star, and one takes out the system and any life in it.

  And this brings us finally to the actual nuts and bolts method that LaViolette proposes to do it with. The central component, as has been seen, is a “beat wave,” produced by interferometry, in a plasma, such as a star. But how would one produce this “interference wave” in a star? After all, one would have to do it from a tremendous distance from the star itself, or risk being consumed in the stupendous explosion. The answer, not surprisingly, is with microwave utilization of the principles of optical phase conjugation, which is a principle, of course, of scalar physics.

  The term “phase conjugation” refers to a special kind of “mirror” that is able to reverse the trajectories of the incident light waves and cause them to precisely retrace the path they followd to the phase conjugating mirror. The outcome is as if the photons had been made to travel backward in time. If you shine a flashlight beam at an angle toward a regular silvered mirror, the beam will reflect off at an equal angle in the opposite direction. But if you angle a flashlight beam at a phase conjugate mirror, the returned beam will instead shine directly back at your flashlight!

  Ok, but exactly how does this work?

  It is extremely important that the reader note the details and conceptual components of LaViolette’s summary of this principle that now follows, for
they will become signally important in answering one of the most enduring questions of mythology from a paleophysical point of view.

  Optical phase conjugation is most commonly known for its use in military laser weapons systems for destroying enemy missiles. In this application, a laser beam is directed at a distant moving missile target and light rays scattered back from the target are allowed to enter the phase conjugator, a chamber containing a medium having nonlinear optical properties. In this nonlinear medium, the scattered rays interact with two opposed laser beams of similar wavelength to form a hologram-like electrostatic light refracting pattern called a “grating.” Once this grating pattern is formed, the system has essentially locked onto its target. A powerful laser weapon is then discharged into this holographic grating pattern, whereupon the coherent laser light reflects (from the grating) in such a way as to produce an intense outgoing laser beam that retraces the paths that had been followed by the incoming rays that had originally been scattered from the missile. Conseguently, the outgoing laser pulse converges precisely back onto its missile target. 248

  Bearing in mind that plasma is one such “nonlinear medium,” we may now see what optical phase conjugation is, and why it was used in the Star Wars program, both the modern one, and the ancient one. 249

  Phase conjugation is best understood by breaking down its components into steps or stages:

  1. A coherent beam of electromagnetic energy is aimed at a target, which beam is reflected back to the transmitter.

  2. The returning beam is then split in a non-linear medium and interfered in it, which creates the “grating”, or, as Lt. Col Tom Bearden would put it, a “template” for action. The reason that an interference pattern is created is that the atmosphere distorted the returning or reflected beam, thus making it of slightly different frequency from the outgoing wave.

  And here an important comment is necessary. Vacuum space is also both a wave propagating and wave distorting medium, for as the rotating version of the famous Michelson-Morley experiment of French physicist Georges Sagnac demonstrated, a split beam of light fired in opposite directions in a rotating system and then interfered produces precisely such a grating or interference pattern, demonstrating a local effect of an “aether drag.” But what would be the best way of detecting an interference grating for a target many millions of miles distant, where electromagnetic waves would have to travel to and back from an object through vacuum space? Here recall the rotating plasmas, or plasmoids of chapter two, and one has the answer: the non-linear medium par excellence for forming a grating that results from reflecting a beam through the wave-distorting medium of spaces would be a quickly rotating plasma. A further consequence of this view should also be noted, for this means that stars are natural phase conjugate mirrors of local stellar- ystem spaces.250 Once one has the concept of phase conjugation and the nonlinear interference grating “capturing medium” of rotating plasma, one has the two essential ingredients for any such “scalar” weapon as La Violette proposes.

  3. Once this grid or interference pattern is created, the actual “punch” or energetic pulse of the weapon is fired through the “holographical” grating which then reverses the effect of the intervening distorting medium, and thus the main punch arrives at its target perfectly cohered and in perfect resonance with its target, since the “grating” is the signature of that target and that target only.

  We now return to LaViolette, who proposes a “Mark II” version of phase conjugation, this time, not with cohered electromagnetic energy in the visible spectrum, but in the radio and microwave frequencies:

  Consequently, it should be possible to phase conjugate microwaves by following techniques similar to those described in experiments with an optical phase conjugation. However, it appears that most of this research is still highly classified. While many papers have been published on optical phase conjugation, virtually no literature is available on the application of phase conjugation at microwave frequencies.251

  And if LaViolette can propose microwave phase conjugation as a kind of Mark II, “power upgrade” of optical phase conjugation, it is not difficult to see that the next step, Mark III, would be X-ray and gamma ray phase conjugation.

  LaViolette produces this simple schematic of his microwave phase conjugate mirror (next page):

  LaViolette then comments at length as follows:

  ...suppose that a bank of high-voltage capacitors are suddenly discharged to momentarily create a powerful air ionizing arc, or regularly shaped plasmoid. Also, suppose that a beam of coherent microwave radiation from a maser is targeted on this plasmoid. This beam would be sent out by a phase conjugating device something like that pictured... This device splits the original maser beam into two beams, a probe beam and a pump beam. The probe beam is directed toward the plasma target, and some of its scattered microwaves shine back toward the phase conjugator device and enter its mixer chamber. The mixer chamber is filled with a medium that has very nonlinear electromagnetic properties. Meanwhile, the pump beam that is split off from the maser generator is directed to the adjoining mixer chamber where it passes through the nonlinear mixer medium, reflects from a wall at the far end, makes a second pass back through the mixer medium, and then reenters the maser generator compartment.

  The microwaves that scatter from the plasmoid and enter the mixer medium strongly interact with the two pump maser beams to form an electrostatic grating pattern. This holographic pattern stores information about the directions and phases of all the scattered maser beam microwaves that have entered the mixer. The counterpropagating pump beams then reflect from this grating pattern to produce an outgoing microwave beam that precisely traces the paths followed by the incoming scattered waves... the randomizing effects of wave scattering having been automatically compensated for.

  ...The grating that performs this time-reversed reflection is called a phase conjugate mirror and the mixing arrangement that allows all this to happen is termed a four wave mixer. .....This closed loop path from the maser beam generator, to the plasmoid, to the mixer, to the plasmoid, and back to the maser beam generator, causes the maser system to function as a phase conjugate resonator and to preferentially select and amplify only those microwaves that target the phase conjuguting mixer chamber. As a result, most of the microwave power emitted from the maser will end up being confined to a beam that extends between the maser beam generator, the plasmoid target, and the mixer chamber. The energy bottled up in this beam will then progressively build up to a very high value.252

  One might therefore be able to scale this version of things up considerably, and use a star itself as the target “plasmoid,” as LaViolette previously suggested.

  But one might go beyond even the gamma and X-ray “Mark III” versions of this phase conjugate, star-busting “Mark II mirror.” One might be able to envision using those very longitudinal “electro-acoustic” waves themselves in such a device.

  In any case, with the “galactic context” of De Santillana, Von Dechind, and La Violette, it is now clear why the sinking of Atlantis and the wars of the gods have to be understood as involving more than just a lost continent on our tiny planet. For if LaViolette’s galactic explosion and superwave, or if the explosions of Van Flandern’s two exploded planets, were acts in a war, an act fought by an extremely advanced society having access to such star and planet busting phase conjugate mirrors, or “scalar” weapons, and having access thereby to non-local and superluminal means of travel and communication, then Atlantis, and Tiamat were not, per Alford’s reading, merely metaphors of a planetary “mountain” or “island” in the midst of an “ocean” of space, nor, following other readings, was the lost continent merely a “continent” or that sank some 10,000 years ago beneath the seas here on earth, a distant victim in time and space from that original galactic explosion.

  But even if this galactic context should not ultimately prove to be a component of the war scenario, the evidence thus far presented would seem to indicate that a
t least one such celestial explosion, even a relatively “small” one of a “small” celestial body, was a gruesome act in a brutal cosmic war.

  So perhaps the war motif is, on the contrary, true, for as all the physics of LaViolette and Bearden, and so many others indicates, we are on the cusp of reconstructing the very technology and weapons that made that war possible. And if this physics sophistication mirrors an ancient application of similar principles, it should not surprise us then that we are also (re-)developing sciences and technologies in other areas, to genetically engineer and alter the biology of human life itself to prolong it abnormally, the same technologies and sciences which are now allowing us, like the gods of old, once again to dream of terrible chimeras and hybrids: to grow human ears on rats today, and perhaps half-human half-animal chimeras, centaurs, and gryphons, and fish-men and serpent-men tomorrow.

  We have found the physics for the weapons, and seen evidence of their use in physics theories and ancient petroglyphs, art, and artifacts. We have found the general time periods in which it occurred both in modern theory and ancient text, and the debris that it left behind, and we intuit, in our inmost being, that planets unlike stars simply do not spontaneously explode. And we have learned from LaViolette that some stars may not have spontaneously exploded either. We have seen the gigantic mummies and read the reports of giants, distant cousins, perhaps, of some lost race on a lost and exploded world and - with their great height, their double dentition and sexedigitism - skeletal contradictions to our sense of the “normal” and regular.

  But who was fighting?


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