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Never Forget The Past (The Men 0f Fire Beach Book 4)

Page 13

by Lorana Hoopes

  Relief and elation flooded Bubba’s body. “Like Fire Beach?”

  “Like Fire Beach,” she said with a smile, “or anywhere close to it.”

  “Yes.” He picked her up and spun her around before setting her back down and finding her lips once again.

  * * *

  Makenna shivered as Bubba kissed her again. She wasn’t sure if it was from the blast the night before or the heat racing through her from his kiss, but she knew that as much as she wanted to stay right here in his arms, she needed rest.

  “You’re still shivering, Makenna.” Bubba’s eyes were full of concern as he pulled back this time. “Are you okay?”

  “Honestly, I think it’s just my body realizing it’s all finally over. What do you say we go tell your parents the killer is behind bars and then catch up on the sleep we’ve been missing this last week?”

  “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do,” he said with a smile.

  As they walked out of Iris Bloom’s office hand in hand, Makenna thought about all the things she still had to do. She needed to inform the families of the victims that the killer had been caught, she needed to make sure Iris Bloom was processed correctly, and she needed to look into a replacement. Tad seemed like the obvious choice, but would he want the position? It was definitely a lot of work, but he was young enough and still single. And she couldn’t think of anyone else she’d rather pass the mantle off to.

  “Captain Drake, Matt, can I get a word?”

  Makenna sighed at the sound of Natasha’s voice. She was definitely not up to dealing with the reporter. “What are you doing here, Natasha? How did you even know we were here?”

  Natasha rolled her eyes and shook her head. “You really don’t know what a valuable asset you have, do you? Old Henry is almost always sitting outside your station, and he sees and hears a lot. I paid him a hundred bucks to come find me whenever you left. He wasn’t sure where you’d gone, but he remembered the name Felicity, so I figured this was worth a shot.”

  Old Henry. Makenna should have known. Though the man often had a bottle in hand, Makenna had seen the sharp focus the few times she’d seen him sober. Natasha must have as well and used that to her advantage.

  “Is it true then? Dr. Bloom is the killer?”

  “It certainly appears that way. Of course, we still have to question her, but she had a knife to Felicity’s throat, and she didn’t deny the accusation. There’s still a long road ahead, but I think the people of Woodville are safe again.”

  Natasha’s eyes dropped to the ground, and she cleared her throat. “It would seem, then, that I owe you an apology, Matt. I’m sorry I threatened to print that first story, and for what it’s worth, I’m glad to know it wasn’t you.”

  Makenna stared at the woman in front of her. Had Natasha Kingston actually apologized? By the shocked expression on Bubba’s face, she could tell he was having a hard time processing it as well.

  “Uh, thank you, I think,” he said.

  “You’re welcome.” And then suddenly her apologetic demeanor was gone, and her vicious, cutthroat side reappeared. “Don’t think you’re getting off so easy when it comes to your relationship though. It’s clear there’s something going on between the two of you, and I think the people of Woodville could use a feel good story, don’t you?” With that, she snapped a picture of the two of them, smiled, and clopped away.

  “What just happened?” Bubba asked as if he had just received an unknown error message on a computer.

  “I think the world might have just ended,” Makenna said with a laugh. It felt good to laugh, to finally relax, and to do it with Bubba.

  Chapter 21

  “Are you sure you can’t stay a little longer?” his mother asked as Bubba zipped his bag up. He knew that she was asking because she missed him, but he’d already been in Woodville much longer than he’d intended. Thankfully, his captain had agreed to the extra time though Bubba was sure kitchen duty would be on his plate for the next month to make up for it.

  “I have to get back, Mom. My life is in Fire Beach now, but I promise I will call and visit.” He had stayed the extra few days to make sure their window was repaired and the damaged floor replaced.

  “I know it is. It’s just been so nice having you here, and there’s this part of me that fears if you leave, I’ll never see you again.”

  He stepped away from his bag and took her hands in his. “Mom, I promise that you will see me again. How about you, Felicity, and Dad come out this weekend to Fire Beach? I’ll show you around and you can meet all of my friends. Maybe we can even convince Jacob and Rebecca to come. It can be like a mini family reunion.”

  His mother sniffed and nodded. “I’d like that. I know you’re not little any more, but you’ll always be my little boy.”

  And he wouldn’t have it any other way. It was nice to have his family in his life again. “There’s just one thing, Mom. My friends all call me Bubba or Billy since that’s how they’ve known me for the last five years.”

  His mother’s nose wrinkled. “Bubba? What kind of a name is that? What’s wrong with the name we gave you?”

  “It’s a nickname, Mom, and I couldn’t go by Matt when I first got there. I had to be someone else, remember?”

  “Can I still call you Matt?”

  “Of course, Mom. You can always call me Matt.”

  “How about me?” Felicity asked, poking her head in the doorway. She too looked like a new woman. After the hospital released her, Roger had come by to see her. They still had a lot of work to do, but once he heard the reason for her behavior, they had agreed to attend counseling and give their relationship another shot. She still didn’t have a new job, but Kelsey had promised to help her find one that would allow her to go to school and get the counseling degree she’d decided she wanted. Bubba had no doubt she would make a fantastic counselor, especially with her ability to relate to people from challenging backgrounds.

  “Yes, you can call me Matt too.”

  “I can’t thank you enough, Matt, for saving me, for bringing Roger back into my life, for everything really.”

  “Hey, that’s what big brothers are for,” he said as he pulled her in for a hug.

  “Yeah, well, don’t be a stranger.”

  “I promise,” he said before picking up his bag again. His mother and sister followed him to the front door where his father was waiting. He was not one for embracing his emotions, but Bubba would miss him all the same. “Dad, it was good to see you again.”

  Bubba stuck out his hand to shake with his father, but his father stared at his hand and then pulled him in for a hug instead. “Be safe, son,” he said and then the hug was over.

  Bubba blinked as he tried to process the emotions running through him. “I will, sir.”

  And then a knock sounded at the front door. Makenna. She hadn’t officially resigned from her post yet, but she had agreed to drive him back to Fire Beach and spend a few days talking to the police department there and looking at rental properties.

  “That will be Makenna. I love you guys, and I promise to come back soon.”

  * * *

  Makenna smiled as she glanced over at Bubba. The last few days with him had been amazing. He’d come with her to talk to every affected family and then let her cry on his shoulder when the emotions grew too heavy.

  Kelsey had let him and his parents stay at her house until his parent’s house was fixed, and Makenna had spent every evening there with him. They’d done devotions together and talked about their plans for the future. It had felt like a family, but now he was leaving, and she would hopefully be following soon.

  She’d discussed her decision with Tad, and he had agreed to take the job if she resigned. That only left getting him trained and selling her small house if she decided Fire Beach was for her. She planned to do both after driving Bubba back to Fire Beach and spending a few days there. He’d said his friend Jordan might know of an opening in the force, and Cara had offered to let he
r stay at the bed and breakfast while she was in town. Makenna was excited but also nervous. Woodville had been her home for the last several years, and though it held a lot of bad memories, it held some good ones too. And she would miss it.

  “You ready to be home?”

  “Am I ever,” he said. “It was nice to see my family, and I’m glad they’re back in my life, but this is my home.” He smiled as they passed the sign welcoming them to Fire Beach.

  Makenna swallowed her nerves as she parked the car in front of Cara’s bed and breakfast. Bubba had offered to get her settled before she took him home, but she was still a little nervous about staying with Cara. What if they didn’t get along? What if she didn’t fit in here?

  She pushed the thoughts aside as she opened her door. That was fear talking, and fear was a liar. She would be fine. Things with Cara would be fine. She simply needed to trust that God’s hand was in all of this.

  Bubba rang the doorbell, but when no one answered, he turned the handle and opened the door. “She must be where she can’t hear the bell,” he said as he led the way inside. “Cara? It’s Bubba and Makenna. Are you here?”

  His voice echoed in the open room, and the hairs on the back of Makenna’s neck stood up. Something felt wrong. She pulled her gun and motioned Bubba to let her lead the way. This wasn’t her jurisdiction, but at least she was armed.

  She cleared the current room and then followed the hallway to the right. The bedrooms lay to the left, so she assumed the kitchen and dining room would be the other direction. She wanted to clear those areas before opening bedroom doors.

  As she stepped into the kitchen, the sound of moaning reached her ears. She quickly crossed the room, dropping to the floor when she spied Cara laying on the floor.

  “Cara, are you okay?” Bubba had joined her and was carefully touching Cara’s shoulder as Makenna pulled out her phone.

  “This is Captain Makenna Drake of the Woodville police,” she said when the 911 operator picked up. “I’m at Cara Hunter’s bed and breakfast, and she’s been injured. Please send an ambo and a local unit to 212 Whistler Avenue.”

  “Yes ma’am. I’m contacting them now. Please stay on the line until they arrive.”

  “What happened here?” Bubba asked as he looked up at her.

  Makenna had no idea. What she did know was that the rest and relaxation she had been hoping for would have to wait. She may have just finished one case, but suddenly she found herself smack dab in the middle of another one.

  Want to find out what happened to Cara? Be sure to read Secrets and Suspense.

  The End!

  It’s not quite the end!

  * * *

  Thank you so much for reading Never Forget the Past. This book was inspired by my readers who told me Bubba needed his own story. Boy, did he ever, and now there are so many new characters to bring back around.

  I hope you enjoyed the story as I really enjoyed writing it. If you did, would you do me a favor? If you did, please leave a review. It really helps. It doesn’t have to be long - just a few words to help other readers know what they’re getting.

  I’d love to hear from you, not only about this story, but about the characters or stories you’d like read in the future. I’m always looking for new ideas and if I use one of your characters or stories, I’ll send you a free ebook and paperback of the book with a special dedication. Write to me at And if you’d like to see what’s coming next, be sure to stop by

  I also have a weekly newsletter that contains many wonderful things like pictures of my adorable children, chances to win awesome prizes, new releases and sales I might be holding, great books from other authors, and anything else that strikes my fancy and that I think you would enjoy. I’ll even send you the first chapter of my newest (maybe not even released yet) book if you’d like to sign up.

  Even better, I solemnly swear to only send out one newsletter a week (usually on Tuesday unless life gets in the way which with three kids it usually does). I will not spam you, sell your email address to solicitors or anyone else, or any of those other terrible things.

  God Bless,


  Not ready to say Goodbye yet?

  * * *

  Your favorite characters from Fire Beach are never far away. Readers voted to read Cara’s story next, so be prepared for ….

  Secrets and Suspense

  Bubba and Makenna found Cara on the floor…

  She’s ex-military…

  What exactly is she hiding from her friends?

  Pre-order Secrets and Suspense today!

  A Free Story For You

  * * *

  Enjoyed this story? Not ready to quit reading yet? If you sign up for my newsletter, you will receive The Billionaire’s Impromptu Bet right away as my thank you gift for choosing to hang out with me.

  The Billionaire’s Impromptu Bet

  A SWAT officer. A bored billionaire heiress. A bet that could change everything….

  Read on for a taste of The Billionaire’s Impromptu Bet….

  The Billionaire’s Impromptu Bet Preview

  Brie Carter fell back spread eagle on her queen-sized canopy bed sending her blonde hair fanning out behind her. With a large sigh, she uttered, “I’m bored.”

  “How can you be bored? You have like millions of dollars.” Her friend, Ariel, plopped down in a seated position on the bed beside her and flicked her raven hair off her shoulder. “You want to go shopping? I hear Tiffany’s is having a special right now.”

  Brie rolled her eyes. Shopping? Where was the excitement in that? With her three platinum cards, she could go shopping whenever she wanted. “No, I’m bored with shopping too. I have everything. I want to do something exciting. Something we don’t normally do.”

  Brie enjoyed being rich. She loved the unlimited credit cards at her disposal, the constant apparel of new clothes, and of course the penthouse apartment her father paid for, but lately, she longed for something more fulfilling.

  Ariel’s hazel eyes widened. “I know. There’s a new bar down on Franklin Street. Why don’t we go play a little game?”

  Brie sat up, intrigued at the secrecy and the twinkle in Ariel’s eyes. “What kind of game?”

  “A betting game. You let me pick out any man in the place. Then you try to get him to propose to you.”

  Brie wrinkled her nose. “But I don’t want to get married.” She loved her freedom and didn’t want to share her penthouse with anyone, especially some man.

  “You don’t marry him, silly. You just get him to propose.”

  Brie bit her lip as she thought. It had been awhile since her last relationship and having a man dote on her for a month might be interesting, but…. “I don’t know. It doesn’t seem very nice.”

  “How about I sweeten the pot? If you win, I’ll set you up on a date with my brother.”

  Brie cocked her head. Was she serious? The only thing Brie couldn’t seem to buy in the world was the affection of Ariel’s very handsome, very wealthy, brother. He was a movie star, just the kind of person Brie could consider marrying in the future. She’d had a crush on him as long as she and Ariel had been friends, but he’d always seen her as just that, his little sister’s friend. “I thought you didn’t want me dating your brother.”

  “I don’t.” Ariel shrugged. “But he’s between girlfriends right now, and I know you’ve wanted it for ages. If you win this bet, I’ll set you up. I can’t guarantee any more than one date though. The rest will be up to you.”

  Brie wasn’t worried about that. Charm she possessed in abundance. She simply needed some alone time with him, and she was certain she’d be able to convince him they were meant to be together. “All right. You’ve got a deal.”

  Ariel smiled. “Perfect. Let’s get you changed then and see who the lucky man will be.

  A tiny tug pulled on Brie’s heart that this still wasn’t right, but she dismissed it. This was simply a means to an end
, and he’d never have to know.

  * * *

  Jesse Calhoun relaxed as the rhythmic thudding of the speed bag reached his ears. Though he loved his job, it was stressful being the SWAT sniper. He hated having to take human lives and today had been especially rough. The team had been called out to a drug bust, and Jesse was forced to return fire at three hostiles. He didn’t care that they fired at his team and himself first. Taking a life was always hard, and every one of them haunted his dreams.

  “You gonna bust that one too?” His co-worker Brendan appeared by his side. Brendan was the opposite of Jesse in nearly every way. Where Jesse’s hair was a dark copper, Brendan’s was nearly black. Jesse sported paler skin and a dusting of freckles across his nose, but Brendan’s skin was naturally dark and freckle free.

  Jesse flashed a crooked grin, but kept his eyes on the small, swinging black bag. The speed bag was his way to release, but a few times he had started hitting while still too keyed up and he had ruptured the bag. Okay, five times, but who was counting really? Besides, it was a better way to calm his nerves than other things he could choose. Drinking, fights, gambling, women.

  “Nah, I think this one will last a little longer.” His shoulders began to burn, and he gave the bag another few punches for good measure before dropping his arms and letting it swing to a stop. “See? It lives to be hit at least another day.” Every once in a while, Jesse missed training the way he used to. Before he joined the force, he had been an amateur boxer, on his way to being a pro, but a shoulder injury had delayed his training and forced him to consider something else. It had eventually healed, but by then he had lost his edge.


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