Forever Altered

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Forever Altered Page 6

by D. J. Pierson


  “The one and only,” she announces.

  “Did I forget to give him a copy of the lab or something?”

  “Oh my God, Alyssa! You still think this is about some assignment?”

  “Give me the damn phone,” Julia is saying in the background. “Alyssa, get your head out of your ass. Rocco Matthews is totally into you, big time!” Julia’s voice is now screaming through my speakers. “You should have seen the look on his face when Erin told him you went home for the weekend.”

  “Gotta go,” I’m saying. “My phone is breaking up. I’ll talk to you guys later.”

  “Alyssa Adler, don’t you dare hang up on…” I hit the END button on the display and blast my favorite CD, ignoring my friends as they try to call me back.

  Before long, my car is parked outside of my house. Suddenly, my nerves have me second guessing the decision to come home so soon. It gets even worse once I’m inside the house. Instead of going upstairs to clean out my room, I drop my bag at the bottom of the stairs and decide to hang out on the patio in the backyard with my favorite book. The weather is a little cool, but it’s so calming out here that it doesn’t bother me. I make it to the middle of the fifth chapter when I hear my stepmom calling my name from inside the house. She comes out to sit with me when she sees where I am.

  “Welcome home,” she says giving me a warm hug. Jill is the sweetest person I’ve ever met. Since she started dating my dad about 5 years ago, we have gotten along great. She never had children of her own and my mom left us when I was about three years old. We’ve been more friends than anything. Jill didn’t pretend to be my mom even after they got married which was just fine with me. After over a decade without one, I wasn’t looking forward to anyone to fill the role.

  “Thanks. It’s good to be home.” Now that she’s here, it really does feel good to be here.

  “We’ve been worried about you. I’m really sorry about what happened.” I only nod and look away out into the yard. “Do you want to talk about it?” She isn’t trying to be a meddling parent. She really just wants to help.

  “Not really. It happened. We’re done. I’ve been pretty upset, but I’m working on it.”

  She acknowledges me with a nod, then adds, “One day, he’s going to realize what a horrible mistake he made. You may not think so right now, but it’s a good thing this happened before…” She stops talking because she didn’t mean to say that.

  I’m assuming they knew what he was planning on doing. “I know that he was going to propose at the party next week.” The sympathy in her eyes is unmistakable. “Jeff showed up at my apartment last night.”

  “Oh my. What happened?”

  “Long story short, we fought. I said goodbye.”

  “Good for you.” She brushes her long blond hair out of her face. The light breeze seems to be picking up since I first came out here. “Do you mind coming with me? I want to show you something.” Finding my spot is never a problem, but I slide the bookmark into place before following Jill inside.

  “Your dad asked if you wanted to go out to eat or if you’d rather we stayed in.” She’s heading up the stairs.

  “Think he’d mind if we stay in? I’ve been craving something on the grill.”

  “I thought you might say that.” She looks at me over her shoulder. “I grabbed some steaks on the way home.” We stop outside my bedroom door. “We thought that you might need a change. I hope you like it.”

  She pushes open my door and I’m completely speechless. The bright blue walls are now a light sage. My old, plain blue comforter has been replaced with a white, fluffy new one and is covered with sage and white pillows. My two dressers were cleared of any picture or other reminder of my former boyfriend. What is there is a picture of me with my aunt and uncle who passed away nine months ago in a car accident. I smile as I look into the eyes of the two people who always treated me like the child they never had.

  “I love it! Thank you so much!”

  “All of your stuff was put away. We didn’t go through it, it’s none of our business what to keep or get rid of. Your dad thought maybe you’d want to do it later.” Jill seems a little more relaxed.

  “This was so nice of you guys. You really didn’t have to.”

  She smiled. “Your dad didn’t want you to be uncomfortable in your own home.”

  “My dad is the best,” I say and she agrees.

  “I’m going to start dinner.”

  “I’ll help,” I follow her back downstairs.

  “You are more than welcome to come and talk to me, but no helping. I’m making dinner for you tonight.” When we get to the kitchen, she ties on her apron over her work clothes while I climb up on the stool that overlooks the counter she will be working at. “How are Leah and the girls?” she asks. “They need to come for a visit again. We had so much fun the last time they were here.” I tell Jill all about how everyone’s semester is going, how their boyfriends are doing, and how Cell Bio is getting a little better. Why it’s getting better isn’t a subject we discuss. We were laughing and having such a good time that we didn’t notice my dad was home until he called my name coming through the door.


  “In the kitchen, Dad.” Hopping off the stool, I run over and throw my arms around his waist as soon as he comes around the corner. “Thank you for my new room! I absolutely love it!”

  “I’m so glad you like it.” Since he’s so much taller than me, he kisses the top of my head. My dad and I have always been very close and I’m so grateful for that. “But I’m even happier you decided to come home. I’ve missed you, Kiddo.”

  “Me too.” I squeeze him one more time before he goes over to say hello to Jill. Seeing the two of them together always makes me happy. It’s nice to know that even after all we’ve been through, my dad was able to find his soul mate. There may be hope for me, yet.

  We spent the rest of the night talking, laughing, and relaxing on the patio while my dad kept a fire burning in the fire pit. It’s not until after my parents had gone to bed that my mind drifted to what had been troubling me over the last month, as well as the things I tried to block out. Being friends with Jeff for years before he stepped in to chase off the jerk who was harassing me. Our first date when he took me to dinner down the shore before spending hours on the boardwalk. When he kissed me for the first time as we stood with our feet in the ocean. The times he would watch ‘chick flicks’ because he said he’d do anything as long as it meant he could spend time with me. How when we made love, he would make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. That night I walked in on him in his room and the pain that flooded my chest. How he never noticed me standing there as he destroyed our future together. Then he tells me to get over it so he can propose to me. Did he really expect me to just say yes?

  Instead of going to sleep, I start my laptop and decide to reactivate my Facebook account. The first thing that needs to be done is to change my relationship status. Leah and I would make fun of people who did this, but it’s my way of admitting in public that it’s over. There is no more hiding. Facebook is the easiest way for me to keep in touch with some of the little family I have left and friends I don’t see very often. It’s only spiting them to keep it deactivated. It doesn’t take long before the notifications of people commenting on the change start to pop up. There is no way I’m reading any of them right now. As my laptop powers down, my cell phone buzzes with a text from Leah. I’m proud of you.

  The rest of the weekend flew by just as expected. My dad kept us so busy there was no time to get any of my homework done, so I headed back to school right after breakfast Sunday morning. I could only hope that a great weekend at home would transfer to a great week at school.

  Chapter Seven


  The gym is where I’ve spent most of the last few days. Friday morning when Erin said Alyssa went home, my mood went to shit. We had such a good time Thursday night after getting rid of that dic
khead. I was hoping maybe she was starting to get over him. If she is ready to move on, then maybe we could…Damn it! What am I thinking?

  “Rocco. What the hell are you doing here, again? And why the fuck are you not answering your phone?” Shane’s voice catches me by surprise causing me to almost drop the weights which are currently suspended over my chest.

  “Couldn’t sleep.” I reach back to set the weights down.

  Shane grabs the bar from me. “It’s after twelve. How long have you been here?”

  “Not sure.” What time did I get here this morning?

  “Want to talk about whatever is up your ass?”

  Doesn’t he know by now that it wouldn’t take much for me to beat the shit out of him? “Nothing to talk about.” I get up from the weight bench grabbing a towel to wipe the sweat off of my face and shoulders.

  Shane tosses me a bottle of water. It only takes seconds for me to drain it. Between the workout and the amount of beer I drank last night, I’m probably starting to dehydrate. “Is this about Alyssa?” If looks could kill, Shane would be a goner right now. “Rocco, if you like this girl, give it a shot. She seemed to be interested the other night.”

  “She left and didn’t even say anything to me. Not even a text.” The words are out of my mouth before they can be stopped.

  “Seriously? That’s your problem?” I can’t look at him. “The girl had a rough couple of weeks and the person responsible for it showed up out of the blue rubbing it in her face. I’m sure she just needed a break from this place and didn’t realize she had to clear it with you first. Have you talked to her all weekend?” I don’t respond. “Dude, you’re such a girl.” He’s snickering at me. “Stop being an ass and ask her out.”


  “Why not? And your excuse better not have anything to do with Vicki.”

  Since Shane is pressing the issue, I may as well get it off my chest. “Vicki is part of it, but I also like that Alyssa and I are friends. The other night when we were all hanging out, she was laughing and having a good time. She’s someone I actually don’t mind being around. Usually, I just sleep with a girl and move on, but there’s something about Alyssa that makes me see shit differently.” I throw the towel on top of my bag.

  “You cannot let Vicki control your life. Damn it, Rocco! Will you spend the rest of your life alone because you’re afraid that psycho bitch will find out you’re dating someone?” He’s leaning against the weight rack behind him.

  “What if she did? You saw what she did to Melanie’s car last year and I only went out on a couple of dates with her. It was never anything serious.” My hand is running through my hair.

  “It’s fucked up that just because her dad is some political big shot, they won’t arrest her. She needs to be locked up and put in a straitjacket.”

  I gather my shit and head to the locker room. “That’s how it works, man.”

  “I still think you should give this thing with Alyssa a shot. She’s good for you. Did you even notice how many girls you pissed off last night?” What’s he talking about? “Did you forget how trashed you were and ended up in bed before midnight alone?”

  “Fuck off. I’m jumping in the shower.”

  Shane’s right. I very rarely turn down any chance at getting laid. Talking about Vicki has me on edge now. I cannot believe I let my mom talk me into dating her a couple of years ago. She has been nothing but a pain in my ass. We dated for a couple of months because my stepfather was chairing some charity with her dad. She kept asking about me and my mom thought she was sweet. That was the first time my mom was ever wrong about anything. When I decided to break it off, Vicki let me know she’d never let me be happy with anyone ever. Last year, I took Melanie, a girl from my hometown, out a few times. When Vicki found out about it, she took a baseball bat to her car one day while it sat in my driveway. She was caught on the surveillance camera, but her dad paid off Melanie’s parents and the case was dropped against her. That concerns me since she has no fear of any repercussions.

  My head isn’t any clearer after emerging from the shower. The question of whether or not I should pursue anything other than friendship with Alyssa has been bothering me for a few days. I’m not even sure I’m capable of anything more and she definitely needs someone who will give her exactly that. A major concern is definitely whether or not Vicki is over her bullshit. Alyssa does not need to get mixed up in that mess.

  I wasn’t expecting to see Shane waiting for me outside of the gym. “Let’s go grab Logan and Troy. We’ll get something to eat. How about we go somewhere off-campus?”

  “Whatever,” I reply.

  Shane is quiet until we reach the stairs leading to the apartment building. “Look, man. I wasn’t trying to piss you off earlier. You’ve only known Alyssa for less than a week and she’s already getting to you. This isn’t normal for you. I’ll back off, but if you aren’t interested in her, I’m going to ask her out.”

  “Like hell you will.” I almost knocked him down the concrete steps.

  “I’ll give you a week, Matthews. Figure your shit out.”

  He better be busting my balls. “You aren’t serious?”

  “I’ve never been more serious in my life.”

  “That is the most fucked up thing you have ever said to me, Shane.” I’m too stunned to be angry.

  “Deal with it, Rocco. One week.”

  We reach the bottom of the steps and immediately notice Alyssa and Leah hanging out in the grass on a blanket behind the building. It looks like they might have started out doing homework, but now they are just lounging around talking. Instantly, I’ve forgotten all about my douchebag friend of ten years and walk over toward them. The overwhelming excitement that is building in my chest is undeniable. I definitely have feelings for this girl, but have no idea what to do about them. This is all new to me. Leah sees us first and she must say something to Alyssa because she turns right around looking in our direction. Alyssa’s hair is pulled up again, but this time a few of her soft curls are blowing in the wind. She’s smiling as I make my way over, drop my gym bag in the grass, and plop myself across the bottom of their blanket.

  “What’s up, girls?” I ask making myself comfortable in their space. Shane remains standing.

  “Hey,” Alyssa says tucking a curl behind her ear and pulling her bare feet up to give me room.

  “I heard you went home this weekend. Did you have a good time?” At least I’m able speak to her this time.

  “It was okay.” She shrugs one shoulder. “I just hung out with my dad and my stepmom. How was yours?” Shane chuckles next to me. Alyssa looks over to him. “Shane, are you sitting down or are you just going to stand there?” Leah tells him she will make room for him on the other side and he walks around the blanket to sit down.

  “Not bad,” I answer leaving out that she’s been on my mind the whole time.

  “You have a tattoo?” How the hell did she see that? My right hand instinctively goes to the left side of my chest and I nod. “Let me see it.” She looks serious as she shifts to tuck her legs underneath her. She’s waiting for me to show her.

  “Really?” I ask curiously.

  “Really. Come on, let me see it. I want one, but I’m too afraid to get it.” I glance at Shane and he’s trying not to smile.

  “Don’t be such a baby. If you really want one, go get it. It’s not that bad.” I tell her. Then I pull my shirt down by the neck revealing the tattoo I got about three years ago.

  “Is that a police badge?”

  I nod at her. A girl has never asked me about my tattoo. “It was my dad’s badge.”

  “Was?” she asks reluctantly. The smile leaves her face. Damn it. I don’t want to make her upset, but decide to tell her the truth.

  “My dad was shot by some guy out on parole he helped put away a few years before.” She doesn’t need to hear the rest of the gruesome story.

  “Tell her the whole thing, Rocco,” Shane blurts out. Alyssa looks over to him
and then back to me waiting to hear the story.

  I sigh looking away. She won’t let this go, now that Shane opened his mouth. “When the guy got locked up, the state took his kid away, so he had it in for my dad and his partner. One day when I was seven, my dad had the day off and we went fishing. The scumbag somehow found out my dad was there. He actually tried to shoot me, but my dad took the bullet. He died while he was in surgery.” I wait for the look of pity that everyone gives me but it doesn’t come. She tilts her head to the side a tad, her eyes glass over, and the most amazingly beautiful lips I’ve ever seen give me a small smile.

  “He’s your super hero,” she says making me smile.

  “Yeah, I guess he is,” I tell her letting my shirt go, so it covers my tattoo back up. The sound of her cell phone ringing next to her ends the discussion.

  “Shit. It’s Lori.” She exchanges a look with Leah. “She must have seen my Facebook account was reactivated.” I make a mental note to find her later.

  “You may as well answer it. She won’t stop until she talks to you.” Leah says and Alyssa sighs.

  “Hello?” she answers the call putting her head on her other hand.

  “Who’s that?” I whisper to Leah. She whispers back that it’s Jeff’s sister. No wonder she didn’t want to answer.

  “No, Lori. No one hacked my Facebook account. It’s not a joke. We broke up over a month ago. I have no idea why the hell didn’t he tell you.” Hearing one side of this conversation is annoying. She’s looking to Leah for help, but Leah just shrugs at her. “Uh, no. It was no mistake. I saw it with my own eyes. I walked in on him with some girl.” Damn this girl for making Alyssa go through this again. Shane is looking at me trying to get me to walk away. Not a chance. She starts fidgeting, so I lean over putting the palm of my hand on the top of her foot then wrap my fingers around her tiny ankle. She stills right away and looks at me with gratitude. My hand stays put.

  Shane tells Leah he is going to get the guys ready to go out. She tells him the door outside of their apartment is propped open if he wants to use it. He thanks her and heads inside.


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