Home Is Where the Horror Is

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Home Is Where the Horror Is Page 19

by C. V. Hunt

  “Get off me!” Tryphena yelled in my ear.

  The weight of Rachel was suddenly gone and the creature wrenched me off Tryphena by my arm and tossed me backward. I landed hard on my tailbone and scuttled backward until my back hit a wall. Lloyd righted the table into its original position. The thing lifted Rachel’s body haphazardly and spilled her intestines on the ground before dumping her on the table. Lloyd picked up the chairs and set them in their previous positions with a hard slap on the wooden floor. The thing scooped up Rachel’s innards and set them back in the open cavity in her stomach.

  I sprung to my feet and bolted for the door. But the thing was quick and grabbed me by the neck. It forced me to sit in the same chair. It held me one handed by the neck in a vice-like grip, its long fingers wrapping completely around my neck in a relentless collar.

  Tryphena took her original chair also. The knife still protruded from her chest and her hair was a tousled mess. She appeared aggravated and flabbergasted when she looked down at the knife. She grabbed the handle and yanked it free. A small trickle of blood escaped the wound and she slapped the knife on the table. Lloyd stood beside her, assessing her wound.

  “Idiot,” she growled. “You can’t die once you feed it. You don’t know anything.” She turned to her father. “I told you—!”

  He slapped her face. “Don’t sass me!”

  She rubbed her cheek with an umbrageous expression. The creature still held me by the neck but turned its attention to the other two. I wanted to ask Tryphena to elaborate but even if the creature hadn’t been been gripping my throat too tight I wouldn’t be able to speak. The cat hopped up on the table and appraised me nonchalantly for a brief moment before approaching Rachel’s open stomach and tentatively begin chewing on a piece of her intestines.

  I moaned and wanted to close my eyes and block it all out but Lloyd abruptly left the table and went into the kitchen area and began rummaging around in a drawer. The creature returned its attention to me. Lloyd produced a meat cleaver from the drawer and returned to the table.

  Tryphena stood and held out her hand to him. “Let me do it.”

  “Don’t go mutilatin’ her face like a jealous hog,” he said. “I want a couple more good fucks first.” He handed her the cleaver with a hard and reprimanding glare and began to stroke his semi-hardened cock.

  She sighed. “One time! You’re never going to let me hear the end of it.”

  Tryphena grabbed Rachel’s right hand. She bent her arm in an unnatural way. I clutched the creature’s hand and bucked but it only squeezed my neck harder.

  I could feel the blood in my face swelling and a glob of something leaked from my wounded eye and slid down my cheek. Tryphena lifted the cleaver and brought it down hard and fast. She severed Rachel’s double thumb. She picked up the knife that had been buried in my eye and her chest and began to fillet the flesh from the bone.

  Once she was done she picked up a large chunk of the tissue she’d harvested and approached me. She dangled the meat in front of my face and said, “Is this what you want? Huh? This is it, right? You wanted to fuck her because she was a freak!”

  I tried to shake my head and put some distance between me and the bit of Rachel she was shoving in my face. Lloyd leered at me as he slowly and purposefully climbed onto the table with a fully erect cock and shooed the cat away from Rachel’s open stomach. I bucked and beat at the creature’s hand but it was like fighting a cement statue.

  Tryphena savagely ripped the flesh she held into two pieces. The meat made a sucking sound when it gave. Lloyd guided his cock inside of Rachel’s cunt and began fucking her and chewing on one of her nipples like a dog chewing on a rawhide toy. I let loose a sound that could only be considered half human and half garbled.

  Tryphena took one of the halves of Rachel she held and began to insert it into the slit on the creature’s stomach. The opening wrapped around her fingers and nursed on them like an infant suckling a tit. The thing purred as its stomach opening made wet noises and eventually released the girl’s fingers sans the tidbit of meat.

  Lloyd wrenched Rachel’s nipple free from her body with a sound like material ripping. He chewed it open-mouthed like it was bubble gum and pulled his cock out of Rachel’s corpse and sat on his haunches. He scooped up a handful of Rachel’s offal from the wound and began to masturbate with it while staring down at her and saying ‘oh yeah, fuck’ over and over while biting his lip.

  The girl turned her attention to me. “Communion time,” she said.

  She tried to shove the piece of meat into my mouth. I clenched my jaw and pressed my lips tight. Her fingers managed to probe past my lips and she rubbed the flesh on my teeth and gums. She grew agitated with my resistance and scratched my gums with her fingernails. I tried to shake my head away from her.

  She yelled, “Come on! This is it! It’s almost over! Eat it! Fucking eat it!” She pulled the meat out of my cheek and changed strategies. She straddled my lap and ground her cunt against my soft penis. She pressed her breasts against my chest and kissed me. She tried to press her tongue between my lips but only succeeded in sloppily licking my face. She sat back and in a sweet voice said, “Come on, baby. You’ll be able to fuck me from now till eternity. We’ll never grow old. My pussy will be pink and young forever. Come on. You’ve had a taste. You liked it. Don’t you like the way my pussy tastes? Will my pussy juice help the medicine go down?” She reached between her legs and inserted the piece of flesh inside her vagina. She worked it in and out a couple of times, smiling at me, before trying to force it into my mouth again.

  I sucked in my lips this time and bit down on them hard enough to draw blood. I hoped it would keep her from rubbing the piece on my gums and teeth again. She gave up quickly this time and looked to the creature, flabbergasted. The thing looked back and forth between the two of us before lifting its free hand and forcing four of its fingers into my mouth. I tried to bite its fingers and only managed to bite my lower lip harder as it grabbed my lower jaw and jerked it downward until something in my jaw popped loudly by my ear. A throb of pain shot into my ear and down my neck. I let out a strangled cry. Blood filled my mouth and I coughed, spraying the two. The creature let go of my throat. I bucked wildly and threw Tryphena to the floor but the creature held steadfast to my lower jaw, which now seemed only to be attached to one side of my face. The skin stretched and burned on one side of my face as the creature pulled on my jaw. I was vaguely aware of the sex sounds coming from Lloyd’s direction as I struggled to keep from drowning or having my lower jaw completely ripped off. The creature shoved its fingers from its other hand in my mouth and grabbed the upper part of my head to pry open my mouth and hold it that way. I pounded on the thing’s hard and unmoving arms and kicked at it and continued to gag and choke on the blood, spraying it on myself and the creature. In the peripheral of my good eye I noticed Tryphena had made it to her feet. She approached me with the piece of Rachel’s flesh again. I kicked at her before she lunged at me and rammed her hand in my mouth and probed the back of my tongue with her fingers. Her fingers caused me to dry heave and, as much as it terrified me and I struggled for it not to happen, Rachel’s flesh hit a point of no return and slid down my throat. I desperately tried to cough it back up but there was no hope.

  The world spun and darkened and I became lightheaded. I began to spin head over heels at a blinding rate as the world became darker and darker around the edges until there was nothing left except for Tryphena’s triumphant cry and Lloyd yelling he was coming. It all left me. And the world became nothing. And I was left with the strong scent of clove and the taste of blood.


  The sour scent of the wounds and my unclean mouth assaulted my nostrils as I sat in the shadows inside the back of the cabin. I sat in a chair opposite the front door and stared through the screen door and down the drive at Phillip’s car. He’d parked beside my car . . . where Rachel’s car had been. Lloyd had left to run errands hours ago and I wasn’t sure what run
ning errands all entailed for these three but I could only imagine.

  I pinched the end of the straw protruding from the bottle filled with what Lloyd and Tryphena jokingly called my ‘meal replacement’. I carefully pressed the straw between my lips and sucked the pureed matter into my mouth. I fought the urge to gag against the gamey taste of my new diet. A small piece of tissue that wasn’t pureed well caught in the back of my throat. I cleared my throat to try and dislodge the thing.

  Tryphena stood in the doorway and watched for Phillip. The thing sat in a chair behind the door and both of them looked at me when I cleared my throat as if the noise I’d made was me trying to convey a message to either one of them. When I made no further attempt to communicate with them they ignored me.

  I took another tentative sip. Swallowing was hell. Half of the discomfort was from my raw throat. The other half came when I tried to swallow and the movement of my throat fought against the material wrapped under my jaw and tied at the top of my head. I wasn’t sure how long it would take for my jaw to heal or how long I needed to look like Jacob Marley’s ghost. I didn’t really care anymore. Nothing mattered anymore. Time didn’t matter. Money didn’t matter. Even . . .

  Phillip reappeared at the top of the stairs. I closed my healed and permanently discolored eye and focused with my other to watch him. He walked over to my car and tried the door handle. I never kept my doors locked since moving here. He disappeared into my car.

  I sucked in the last bit of the puree. My straw made the empty rattling noise on the bottom of the bottle and Tryphena shushed me. The puree was going rotten with no electricity to refrigerate it. I was assuming it was one of the many reasons Lloyd was gone.

  Phillip stepped into the middle of the drive and looked around as if he were lost. He looked to our cabin and Tryphena stepped back from the door and into the darkness of the shadows. Phillip slowly walked toward our cabin with his hands on his hips, staring at the ground. He climbed the steps to the door and craned his head to look inside. He squinted and I knew he could only see what I saw when I’d done the exact same thing. Nothing but darkness.

  He knocked on the frame of the screen door and called, “Hello?”

  Tryphena approached the door and said, “Can I help you?”

  “Oh. I didn’t think anyone was here. Hey, you wouldn’t have happened to see my brother around, have you?”


  “Well, yeah, today.”

  “His car is there.” She pointed at my car.

  “But have you actually seen him? Walking around outside.”

  “Uh . . . Nope.”

  “Have you seen him in the last couple of days?”

  Tryphena mimed thoughtful contemplation. “I don’t think so.”

  Worry lines creased Phillip’s face and there was a slight tremble in his voice whenever he was anxious. At least when you’re dead you don’t have to see the anguish your loved ones have to endure when you’re gone. This was worse than any punishment I might receive if there was an afterlife. Having the last living person who meant anything to me mere feet away and wanting to call out to him and tell him I was here but knowing it would be better if he thought I was dead was awful. I pressed the heel of my palm into my good eye and tried to stave off the racking sobs I could feel behind a thin veil of what was left of my humanity. I slid my hand into my pocket and ran my thumb over the smooth braided lock of Rachel’s hair I now kept to calm me.

  The air shifted in the cabin and one of the floorboards squeaked near me. I lifted my head to find the creature standing over me. The opening in its stomach gaped in a beckoning manner and I complied. I stuck two fingers in the slit and it closed on them and suckled and fed on my misery and suffering and tried to comfort me. Euphoria slowly washed over me and replaced my despair and Typhena and Phillip’s banter was no longer important. Their conversation became background noise as the creature nursed. When I was empty and no longer felt anything the creature left me to hide in the shadows behind the door again.

  When I came to my senses Tryphena was standing on the porch smoking a cigarette and Phillip’s car was rounding the turn to climb the driveway. I knew these last brief seconds would be the last time I ever saw him. I stood and crossed the cabin and stood in the doorframe as Phillip’s taillights disappeared behind the line of trees. I pressed my forehead against the screen.

  Tryphena spoke without turning to acknowledge me. “He’s going to report you missing and the police are going to come.” She took a pull from her smoke and exhaled slowly before speaking again. “Hasn’t heard from you since you went hiking with a girl named Rachel.”

  The creature walked up behind me and purred softly. Tryphena took a pull from her smoke and exhaled slowly. I pushed the screen door open and stepped outside.

  She said, “I don’t think you should be outside. You never know who’ll be coming down the drive now. We need to pack before Papa gets home.” She crushed her cigarette.

  I ignored her and stared down the driveway. The cat emerged from the tree line and trotted toward the porch and meowed for food. Tryphena pestered me again to go back inside but I blocked her out. She eventually scooped up the cat and retreated back into the cabin.

  I stood on the porch, waiting. I wasn’t sure how much time passed. A lot of banging of the dresser’s drawers and kitchen cabinets came from the cabin and Tryphena periodically scolded me and demanded I come inside and threatened me with punishments worse than the death that would never take me into the quiet bliss of nothingness and release me from a never-ending hell on earth. I continued to stand in the same spot, unmoving, as the afternoon gave way to evening and the sun began to set. I waited as the insects began their evening song and the birds returned to their nests for the night. And I wished I’d been born some small dumb animal who would’ve lived a short life of eating and fucking and reproducing and getting eaten by a larger animal or hit by a car.

  Tryphena cursed within the cabin, either speaking to herself or the creature about my insolence. The sun was nearly set and the day was coming to an end when a flash of light within the trees along the slope of the drive caught my attention. The unmistakable and faint sound of crunching gravel beneath car tires announced someone was coming.

  C.V. Hunt is the author of several unpopular books.


  Other Grindhouse Press Titles

  #666__Satanic Summer by Andersen Prunty

  #032__This Town Needs A Monster by Andersen Prunty

  #031__The Fetishists by A.S. Coomer

  #030__Ritualistic Human Sacrifice by C.V. Hunt

  #029__The Atrocity Vendor by Nick Cato

  #028__Burn Down the House and Everyone In It by Zachary T. Owen

  #027__Misery and Death and Everything Depressing by C.V. Hunt

  #026__Naked Friends by Justin Grimbol

  #025__Ghost Chant by Gina Ranalli

  #024__Hearers of the Constant Hum by William Pauley III

  #023__Hell’s Waiting Room by C.V. Hunt

  #022__Creep House: Horror Stories by Andersen Prunty

  #021__Other People’s Shit by C.V. Hunt

  #020__The Party Lords by Justin Grimbol

  #019__Sociopaths In Love by Andersen Prunty

  #018__The Last Porno Theater by Nick Cato

  #017__Zombieville by C.V. Hunt

  #016__Samurai Vs. Robo-Dick by Steve Lowe

  #015__The Warm Glow of Happy Homes by Andersen Prunty

  #014__How To Kill Yourself by C.V. Hunt

  #013__Bury the Children in the Yard: Horror Stories by Andersen


  #012 __Return to Devil Town (Vampires in Devil Town Book

  Three) by Wayne Hixon

  #011__Pray You Die Alone: Horror Stories by Andersen Prunty

  #010__King of the Perverts by Steve Lowe

  #009__Sunruined: Horror Stories by Andersen Prunty

  #008__Bright Black Moon (Vampires in Devil Town Book Two) by Wayne Hixon
r />   #007__Hi I’m a Social Disease: Horror Stories by Andersen


  #006__A Life On Fire by Chris Bowsman

  #005__The Sorrow King by Andersen Prunty

  #004__The Brothers Crunk by William Pauley III

  #003__The Horribles by Nathaniel Lambert

  #002__Vampires in Devil Town by Wayne Hixon

  #001__House of Fallen Trees by Gina Ranalli

  #000__Morning is Dead by Andersen Prunty




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