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Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  “No, Lena. This motherfucker put his hands on you.”

  “Do you really want this to be how the night ends, with security hauling your ass out and the cops throwing you in jail for the night?” she asked, trying to get through to Rory.

  He stopped, looked over his shoulder at her, and the rage she saw on Rory’s face was like a blast of cold air. She’d seen him like this before, and even if she knew he’d never hurt her, Lena couldn’t help the chill that moved through her.

  “This fucking asshole needs to learn he can’t be a little motherfucker and touch women when they don’t want him to.” Rory rolled his head around his neck, lifted his hands, and cracked his knuckles. Lena looked over his shoulder to see the guy had already pulled himself off the ground. He had blood all over his shirt and the bottom half of his face.

  “You’re right, Rory, but I thought we had plans tonight?” Of course sex wasn’t what she wanted to tempt him with to stop beating on a guy, but they really needed to get out of here now. “I think he’s learned his lesson.”

  Rory stared at her for a moment, and then she saw the tension leave him. He wiped his knuckles on his pants, cleaning off the blood. “He deserves a lot fucking more, Lena.”

  She wasn’t arguing that point. Rory was like a walking, talking ad for masculinity and testosterone, and when he was pissed, nothing short of a miracle could derail him.

  Tonight was clearly a night for miracles.

  She saw security coming toward them, and she knew they needed to get out of here now. Lena spotted the people she’d come to the club with, but they lifted their hands, obviously knowing they had to go before things got even worse.

  And then Rory snapped into action. He took her hand and pushed people out of their way as they headed toward the front doors. The bouncer at the front didn’t stop them, and when they were outside, heading toward his truck, she knew that although Rory was dangerous and violent with anyone who crossed him, he was the only person she’d ever love, and the one person who would protect her above all else.

  That was reaffirmed by tonight.

  He helped her into the cab of the truck, and once he was inside and sitting in the driver’s seat, he turned and faced her. They stared at each other for several seconds, and then he reached out, cupped the back of her head, and pulled her forward. They kissed long and hard, and when he broke away, she was breathless.

  “Come on, baby, let’s go somewhere and just talk, okay?”

  She nodded, knowing that even after the events of tonight she still wanted to be with Rory in every way possible. Tonight was about the two of them, and she didn’t want the violence that had transpired to stop her from being with the guy she loved.


  They’d left the club, and although she’d said she wanted tonight to be the night they both finally had sex, the fact was she didn’t know if he’d still be up for it. She could see the stress on his face and the tightening in his hands as he gripped the steering wheel. He was still upset about that guy, and she knew he had every right to be. But she didn’t want his anger to ruin tonight, not after she’d made up her mind and knew this was what she wanted.

  “Rory, look at me,” she said softly. They sat in the cab of his truck, his headlights on as he sat there idling. The entire ride back from the city to her house had been in silence as he clenched and unclenched the steering wheel.

  He turned and looked at her, and she saw his face relax, his tension slowly leaving him as she smiled.

  “I love you,” she said and reached for his hand. Holding it in hers, she wanted to tell him things were fine now, and she was okay, but before she could even open her mouth to get the words out, he leaned forward, cupped the back of her head, and kissed her. He was fierce in his kiss, his anger, his love for her—all of those emotions she felt projected in the press of his mouth and the stroke of his tongue to hers.

  “I love you, too, baby.” He rested his forehead on hers, both of them breathing heavily, clearly worked up from the kiss.

  They stayed like that for several moments, then she pulled back, feeling the events of the night wash away as she stared at Rory. His short dark hair was slightly spiky around his head, and even in the darkness of the cab of the truck, she could see how light and blue his eyes were.

  “My parents won’t be home until really late.”

  He lifted an eyebrow, that dark slash above his eye rising and a smirk covering his face.

  “They went into the next city over, two hours away.”

  He leaned forward an inch, rested his arm on the back of the seat, and stared at her lips. “Did they?”

  She nodded, licked her lips, and she swore she heard this deep groan leave him, or maybe she’d been the one to make the sound. “They’re gone until early in the morning, Rory,” she said and leaned in, dragging her tongue along his bottom lip. “They went to see a show, and it doesn’t end until one.” He still had his hand on her hair and pulled her head back, which caused her to gasp. The pain and pleasure were there, the excitement and anticipation consuming her. She was a little nervous, a little afraid it would hurt, but God, was she ready.

  “We have all the time in the world, baby.”

  “I know.” She reached out and touched his lips, ran her fingers along the masculine arch of them, over his cheek that was covered in stubble, and smiled. “But I’m ready. I’m really ready, Rory.”

  He groaned again, slanted his mouth on hers, and kissed her until she squirmed on the seat, breathless. Breaking their heated kiss by pulling away, she turned and got out of the truck. He cut the engine and followed suit, and they made their way inside. Once in her house, he grabbed her around the waist from behind, walked them toward the wall across from them, and ground his erection into her lower back. He was so much taller than her five-foot-six height at over six feet tall, so powerfully muscular and all man.

  “Come on, Rory.” Looking over her shoulder at him, she rose on her toes and popped her ass out, pressing her bottom to his dick. “Let’s go to my room.”

  He didn’t wait any longer. Taking hold of her hand, he led them up the stairs and down the hall. Once in her room, he shut the door with his foot. She walked backward, toward her bed, and sat on the edge of it. She was ready for this, ready for him. He was the guy she loved, the guy she saw herself being with forever.

  “I’m ready, Rory.”

  Rory stared at Lena, the girl he was so fucking in love with sometimes it hurt to even think about. Yeah, he was a virgin, too, but he was proud he’d waited and was going to lose it right along with Lena. She was the only person he wanted to spend his life with. With a shitty father, but a future that looked promising, as long as his girl was by his side, he knew that being with her, and only her, in all ways was the right step for him to take.

  He wasn’t ashamed to let everyone know he didn’t fuck around on Lena, that he was waiting until she was ready to have sex with him. He was proud of that. How many guys could say that? Did he have blue balls more times than not? Fuck yeah, he did, but Lena knew just the right things to help him out with that.

  Thinking about what they were about to do, about her naked, hot as fuck body on display for him, the smell of her, taste of her, had Rory’s cock so hard it ached.

  He’d wait until the end of time if that’s what it took because Rory wasn’t going anywhere. Being with Lena was what he wanted, and having her by his side for the rest of his damn life was a dream come true. She knew about his life, about the shit he had to deal with, but she was still here with him every step of the way.

  Having sex tonight hadn’t been in his plans, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t think about it, about Lena, every damn day.

  You think about having sex with Lena even when you’re not with her. She’s all you think about.

  Yeah, he fucking did.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked again, waiting to make sure she was really ready. She nodded, licked those luscious lips of hers, and he moved cl
oser to her. He was still fully clothed, as was she, and he moved onto the bed.

  Rory adjusted his much larger frame over Lena, and she slowly leaned back on the too small bed. His head was pumping hard and fast, his cock so damn hard he felt like the thing would bust right through his jeans. She’d been dancing at the club the whole time, and when he leaned down and ran his tongue along the underside of her jaw, the sweet and salty taste of her sweat had him groaning. Maybe he was a dirty fucker right now, but he didn’t give a shit. Lena was hot no matter what.

  He braced his weight on his elbows beside her head, kissing and licking at her throat, at her pulse, and loved when he felt her shift beneath him. She was getting turned on. He knew exactly what to do to get his girl good and ready for him. When he leaned back, his cock throbbing, his balls aching, he saw her cheeks were tinged pink and her pupils were dilated from her arousal.

  “I’m sure, Rory,” she said in a soft, arousal-laced voice. He’d heard her sound like that so many times before, and it always had him ready for her. But they’d waited, done everything but had sex, and he’d been content with that. He wanted her good and ready for this, ready for him.

  His cock was hard, really fucking hard, and the damn thing pressed against the zipper of his jeans incessantly. He’d jerked off plenty of times in the past three years, maybe too much if he were being honest. All he thought about during those times was this girl, and how much he loved her, wanted her, and would do anything for her.

  “And before you ask again, I don’t think you’re rushing me or this.” She pushed up, bracing her upper body on her elbows, and kissed him.

  Rory cupped the back of her head, opened his mouth, and pushed his tongue between her lips. He fucked her mouth with his tongue, groaned at the flavor of her, at how sweet she was, how she tasted like the alcohol she’d drunk.

  She made this soft sound in the back of her throat, and he felt her shift again, opening her legs wider. Rory moved closer to her, wedging himself between her thighs, and pressed his jean-clad cock against her pussy. They were both still fully clothed, but that didn’t stop him from dry humping her. He moved back and forth against her, harder, adding more pressure.

  She broke away, gasping, but he wasn’t going to let her stop this, not even to suck in air. He leaned down again and took control of her mouth with his. She was sweet and addictive, intoxicating and lush. The only thing Rory had ever wanted in his shitty, fucked-up life was this girl right here. Lena Port was the only person for him, the only person he’d ever loved. She made him want to be a better man. Because of her, he actually looked forward to the fucking future.

  It was no secret that his old man was a drunken piece of shit, that Rory lived in the crappy part of town, or that he had nothing to his name. Aside from the truck he owned, and the job at the local garage that allowed him to buy what he needed, Rory had nothing. He worked for everything he had, and even if he was only eighteen, he knew what it meant to work hard in order to earn his keep.

  Lifting just enough that he broke the kiss and could stare down at her, Rory knew he was one lucky son of a bitch. His heart tightened as he stared at Lena’s face, knowing she was the only person who could bring him to his knees. He’d seriously beat someone if they messed with her and kill anyone who hurt her.

  She was the only good thing in his life, and ever since that first day freshman year when she’d run into him at school, they’d been inseparable. But there were things, plans he’d wanted to talk to her about. They weren’t set in stone, but he’d been thinking about them, knowing what he wanted to do, what he would eventually do, would probably drive a wedge between them.

  The way she stared up at him with those big blue eyes of hers could bring his world down with no effort.

  “Do you know how much I love you?” He cupped the side of her face, bracing his weight on one arm.

  She smiled up at him. “Probably as much as I love you.”

  His heart beat painfully. “I want so much for us, Lena.”

  “Me, too.” She rose up and kissed him. “I want us to be together forever, Rory.”

  “We will, Lena.”

  They’d talked about college, and although he’d applied to the same ones she had, he hadn’t gotten in, not with his mediocre grades. That was also something he had to talk to her about. Maybe it was the home life he’d led that taught him working for what he wanted was where his life was headed. He saw himself with Lena forever, too, but the fact remained he hadn’t told her about the rejection letters from the colleges he’d received or the alternative path he’d decided to take.

  He should have told her now, before things got crazy, and he knew they would after he told her his plans, but they were for the best. He just wanted to be with her, to show her how much he loved her in a physical way.

  Her brown hair was a sexy mess around her head, and he leaned in and buried his nose in the strands, inhaling deeply.

  “You smell so fucking good, baby.”

  A gust of breath left her, and she lifted her hands and grabbed his biceps, curling her nails into his flesh.

  “That first time I saw you I knew you were the only girl for me, Lena,” he whispered against her ear. Her hands tightened on him, and she lifted her hips to grind her pussy on his cock. “Baby, you keep doing that, and I won’t be able to go slow, to take my time.”

  “Maybe I don’t want slow.”

  He chuckled softly, but it was strained from his arousal. “You may not want slow, but I do, baby, especially for our first time.”

  Rory had never messed around on her, never even thought about it. She was it for him. Whether he believed in fate or soul mates didn’t matter because what he felt for Lena, the amount of emotion he had for her, was something that went far beyond being in love.

  “I want what you want, Rory.” She still cupped his cheek and searched his face with her gaze, her eyes moving back and forth. “I trust you. You’re the only person I trust with everything in me.” And then she reached between their bodies, gripped him through his jeans, and gave his cock a squeeze. “I want you,” she whispered and squeezed his dick again, rubbing her palm up and down the length. “I want this inside me.”

  “Oh. Fuck,” he groaned and rested his forehead on hers. When she kept rubbing him, moving her hand up and down, faster and adding more pressure, he couldn’t hold his eyes open any longer. He heard her swallow, saw her throat move up and down from the act, and knew she was right here with him. She was just as in this moment as he was.

  When she moved her hand up and down his length again and made this soft moan, he nearly lost it right then. His cock throbbed with the need to feel her bare skin on him, and he cursed at the clothing separating them.

  “God, Rory.” She licked her lips and stared at him with wide eyes. “You’re so hard.”

  “I’m hard for you, baby. I’m only ever hard for you.”

  “I want you, want to feel you inside me.” Her mouth was parted, her breathing short, hard pants.

  Damn, she couldn’t say that kind of shit, not when he was so far gone as it was, and it was taking all of his self-control not to tear their damn clothing away. As it was, if she kept rubbing him like she was, he’d come right in his jeans like he was a kid just learning that touching his cock felt good.

  “You’re mine, Lena,” he said in a hard, possessive voice.

  She nodded. “Yes. I’m yours.”

  Rory was proprietary of her and made no secret about it to anyone. At school, everyone knew not to mess with her because doing so meant they’d have to deal with him. Being a virgin himself didn’t mean shit when he’d kicked enough asses to have the reputation at school that he didn’t put up with any shit. His size also helped in keeping motherfuckers back. But the life he led with his father, having to come to blows with his old man on more than one occasion, meant Rory had to learn early on to take care of himself.

  There were plenty of assholes at school who would love a piece of Lena if they had a c
hance, but they knew better. Everyone knew better. Yeah, she was his and always would be, no matter what, and being with her right now would make that sealed in fucking steel.


  Rory stopped thinking about anything that didn’t have to do with him and Lena right now. He leaned down, took her mouth in another hard, deep kiss, and only focused on right here and now. Lena moaned again and moved her hand out from between their bodies to grip onto his biceps again. For several long moments all they did was kiss, move their tongue along the other, and grind their bodies on each other.

  She parted her lips wider, smoothed her tongue along the inside of his mouth, and he fucking snapped. It was like all that testosterone, adrenaline, and need just broke the hell loose and saturated him. He groaned, pressed his mouth hard on hers, and took her like he was starving and she was the best fucking meal he’d ever had.

  The wet sound of their kiss filled his head, made him feel feral almost. She breathed hard and moaned against his mouth, spread her legs wider, and when she lifted her hips, pressing her pussy on his cock again, driving him insane, he broke away, breathing heavily. His body was tight, his hands shaking with the force he was using to go slow. But Rory kept thinking about them being naked and about how it would feel to have his bare cock inside her pussy, feeling every part of her.

  He started kissing her again, needing the flavor of her on him, in him … fuck, he just needed her. Not breaking the kiss this time, he grabbed the edge of her skirt and pushed it up, exposing her creamy, smooth skin. Yeah, he wanted her fucking naked, wanted to look his fill at her body. He wanted them both naked and sweaty, wanted to lick the droplets of perspiration from her breasts, her belly button, and move lower until he was sucking on her pussy. And then after he had his fill of tasting her, he’d push his dick into her virgin pussy, and claim that cherry as much as she was taking his virginity.

  Pulling away from her was hard, damn hard. Before he could tear her clothes away, which was the point of him breaking the kiss, Lena sat up and grabbed her shirt. She pulled the material up and over her head, exposing a thin, lacy little bra covering her big tits. When she tossed it aside, she started undoing the button of her skirt, and then pushed the zipper down. Rory felt his pulse beat in the head of his cock, felt his mouth go dry as she got naked for him, and told himself not to come watching her get undressed.


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