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Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor)

Page 18

by LYNN, K. C.

  “Jaxson, who’s at the…” my words die in my throat as I stand and gape at the two beautiful men in my kitchen.

  “Oh my god! Sawyer? Cade?” I can’t stop the smile that transforms my face.

  “Holy shit girl, you went and got hotter. I didn’t think that was even possible,” Sawyer says with a grin, opening his arms.

  I run up giggling and jump into his outstretched arms. He hugs me tightly and I get tears in my eyes, happy that he’s here and ok.

  He slides me down his body slowly, not letting go and grabs my wet hair, “Did you get nice and wet just for me Julia?”

  “Oh you!” I slap him in the chest and laugh.

  “Fucking watch yourself Evans!” Jaxson says heatedly.

  Sawyer chuckles as I roll my eyes.

  Once Sawyer lets me go I turn to Cade. He hasn’t changed a bit, neither of them actually. His expression still cold and hard but he nods his head at me, “Hi Julia.”

  “Oh Cade,” I walk up to him with a teary smile and wrap my arms around his waist. He stiffens under my hug but pats my back uncomfortably not wanting to be rude.

  “I’m so glad you’re ok, I’m glad you both are ok,” I say blubbering as I reach over for Sawyer too and hug them both at the same time.

  “Want to get in on this group hug Reid? I’ll be nice and share Julia.”

  I giggle and look over at Jaxson to see him glaring fire at Sawyer. I guess he doesn’t find it as funny as we do.

  I release them and grab a tissue to wipe under my eyes.

  “What are y’all doing here?” I ask sniffling.

  “We came to see you and figured while we were here we would see what this jackass has been up to.”

  I laugh and shake my head, telling Sawyer I know better.

  “We went to see Jaxson at the hotel we thought he was staying at, but they said he checked out. Then we ran into your sheriff and he told us he’s living with you now,” Sawyers says it with a smirk but there are questions in his eyes.

  I look over at Jaxson with a smile, he doesn’t smile back. He’s still pouting.


  “Jaxson is staying with me, for a little bit… in the guest bedroom, by his own choice.”

  I feel Jaxson’s glare on me now but I ignore it. Sawyer chuckles and Cade’s lips twitch.

  I decide to change the subject, “How long are y’all here for?”

  Sawyer shrugs “I don’t know, we’re playing it by ear, but so far I like it here, I may stay a while,” he says wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  “Oh fuck off,” Jaxson mumbles under his breath but we all hear it. I glare at his rudeness while Sawyer chuckles, not letting it phase him.

  “Well you both can stay here.”

  “No they goddamn can’t!” Jaxson shouts rudely.

  I whip my head in his direction, “Yes they can! I have more than enough spare rooms and it’s my house.”

  “Ya it’s her house and if there aren’t enough rooms I will just stay with her, in her bed… since you aren’t,” Sawyer adds with a smirk.

  I burst out laughing. I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help it.

  “You’re seriously pissing me off Evans.”

  I roll my eyes, “Oh lighten up Jaxson. Are you boys hungry? I was going to see if Jaxson wanted to head to the diner in town for supper, want to come?”

  “I could eat, I can always eat,” Sawyer replies.

  Cade shrugs his reply saying he doesn’t care either way.

  I look over at Jaxson’s scowl, “Are you coming grumpy, or are you going to stay here and pout?”

  I really don’t know why I’m antagonizing him so much. I guess I feel annoyed at the way he acts all territorial with me but then tells me we can only be friends.

  He glares at me but mumbles, “I’ll come, just let me change.”

  Sawyer chuckles at his retreating back then looks at me, “This is going to be fun Julia.”

  I giggle and shake my head.

  Jaxson comes down in record time, still with a scowl in place. Sawyer slings his arm around my shoulders as we start walking to the door.

  Jaxson shoves him off me, “You asshole can drive yourself. Julia and I will go in my truck.”

  Sawyer looks offended, “Why don’t I take Julia and you take Cade?”

  Jaxson stops and glares at Sawyer again.

  I roll my eyes, “Why don’t we all just drive together?”

  “Sounds good. Julia can ride in the back with me, I’ll be nice and give Cade shot-gun.”

  “Jesus,” Jaxson whispers in frustration, shaking his head.

  I barely contain my laughter, this is going to be a long night, but I couldn’t be happier.

  We arrive at the diner and are lucky to get a booth, the place is packed. I look over and see poor Grace running her butt off. They must be short staffed, again.

  I look over across the diner and my stomach drops when I see Ray Jennings, Wyatt’s dad. Jaxson notices my tension and follows my gaze.

  He grabs my face, forcing my eyes to his, “Don’t worry about it.”

  I nod and open the menu, chewing my nails nervously.

  “What?” Sawyer asks looking over at Ray.

  “Later,” Jaxson says, ending the topic. Sawyer can tell the seriousness of it, so he lets it go.

  Grace comes speeding over with her head down trying to find her pad of paper, “Hi y’all sorry about the wait. What can I…” she looks up and notices me, “Julia, hi,” she says with a sweet smile.

  “Hi Grace,” I say getting up, giving her a hug.

  Her smile vanishes and her eyes go wide when she looks over at Cade and Sawyer.

  I smile because I totally get it.

  “Grace this is Sawyer and Cade. They’re friends of Jaxson’s from the Navy. Guys this is my good friend Grace.”

  “Hi,” she says waving shyly, her cheeks pink.

  Cade gives her his typical greeting by nodding his head. Of course Sawyer lays on the charm.

  “Well hi there Grace, nice outfit,” he says winking at her.

  She looks down at her uniform dress then frowns at Sawyer, “Thanks… What can I get y’all to drink?”

  “Sweet tea for me please,” she smiles at me knowingly when I order my usual.

  Everyone else gives their order. When she walks away to fill her drink I notice Sawyer’s gaze follow her, his brow is furrowed like he’s deep in thought.

  Jaxson starts chuckling, “What’s wrong Evans, losing your touch?”

  “I don’t know, that’s never happened to me before,” he says seriously.

  Jaxson looks smug, “Well there’s a first time for everything.”

  Grace comes back and takes our order, in all the chaos she doesn’t glance at Sawyer once and I can tell it bothers him. Hmmm this could get interesting…

  “So the Admiral got a hold of me, he’s wondering why you aren’t answering his calls?”

  I feel Jaxson tense, “Not now Sawyer.” It’s the first time I’ve heard Jaxson refer to Sawyer by his first name.

  I look over at him and feel annoyed that he doesn’t want to talk about it in front of me, I’m wondering what he’s keeping something from me…

  I snap out of it quickly though when I see Ray Jennings make his way over to us. I grab Jaxson’s arm nervously while Ray glares at me. I hate confrontations.

  He comes to stand right beside Jaxson, since he’s on the outside, but he only looks at me. “Well Miss Julia, I can’t say I’m surprised, disappointed maybe, but not surprised.”

  “Ya well no one asked you asshole, so get the fuck out of here.”

  Ray ignores Jaxson, “I tried to tell my son you are who you hang out with but he assured me you had enough class to be seen with him. I’m sad he had to learn the hard way.”

  Jaxson tenses and goes to get up but I tighten my hold on his arm, “He’s trying to goad you, don’t take the bait.”

  Ray smiles smugly when Jaxson listens to me, “I remember your mot
her Julia, she too was so beautiful. I can only imagine the disappointment she feels from beyond the grave.”

  Before his words can even register Jaxson is out of the booth and has Ray by the lapels of his expensive suit. Sawyer and Cade both stand and flank him.

  Oh lord!

  “I told you to get the fuck out of here…”

  “Jaxson stop!” I stand up and try to pull him back. We didn’t get the charges dropped by Wyatt just so Ray can go and press them.

  “Listen to her son, you don’t want to mess with me, remember who I am.”

  Jaxson leans in close to Ray’s face looking deadly, “Wrong dickhead, you don’t want to fuck with me! I’m trained to kill with my bare hands. I also know what to do with your body so no one would find you, so don’t fucking tempt me. You and your crazy son better stay away from Julia or you will find out exactly what trash like me is capable of.”

  Ray is trying to look smug but I can see the fear in his eyes, he knows Jaxson’s serious.

  “Julia, should I call Cooper?” Grace asks timidly.

  I’m thinking it’s best. But before I can tell her ‘yes’ Ray jumps in.

  “That isn’t necessary sweetheart, I was just leaving.”

  I put my hand gently on Jaxson’s arm, “Let him go Jaxson, he’s not worth it.”

  “I mean it, you leave her the fuck alone,” Jaxson warns as he steps away.

  Ray gives a smug smile as he fixes his suit and walks out the door.

  “Jesus who the fuck was that asshole?” Sawyer asks.

  “Ray Jennings, he’s on the town council. I had to put a restraining order on his son,” I say shakily.

  “Town council? The way that arrogant prick talked I thought he was the President of the United States.”

  All of us snicker and laugh, well except Jaxson. Leave it to Sawyer to lighten the mood.

  Once we sit back down Jaxson turns to me, “You alright?” he asks softly, leaning his forehead on mine.

  I give him a nod.

  “You know what he said about your mom is bullshit right?”

  I smile softly, “Ya I do.”

  “Good,” he presses a hard kiss to my forehead.

  I really love it when he does that.

  “Alright, here is your food, sorry for the wait,” Grace says laying the plates out in front of everyone. “Can I get y’all another drink?”

  I shake my head, “No I’m alright, thank you.”

  “I will,” Sawyer says with a charming smile, one Grace misses because she doesn’t look at him. Again this seems to bother Sawyer, actually he’s looking kind of pissed off. It’s a weird look for him since I’ve always seen him laughing and joking around.

  Afterwards the guys leave Grace a generous tip, one she tries refusing but eventually accepts due to Jaxson’s demand. I hug Grace before I walk out the door, saying I’ll see her Saturday. I’m hoping Kayla will still be up for it after tomorrow night. If not we can have a girls’ night watching movies and pig-out on junk food.

  When we get back to my house Cade and Sawyer go to hop in their truck.

  “Aren’t you guys going to stay here?”

  I watch Sawyer grin at Jaxson’s glare, “That’s alright Julia, but thanks for the offer. Cade and I are gonna stay at the motel where Jaxson was. But I hope it’s alright we come by and visit a lot while we’re here?”

  I glare over at Jaxson, knowing it’s because of him they aren’t staying. “Of course! Come over as much as you like. You’re always welcome and you can always change your minds too.”

  Sawyer walks over to me, “Great! See ya tomorrow then Julia,” he says cheerfully kissing my cheek.

  Jaxson shoves him, “Lips to yourself asshole.”

  Sawyer hops in the truck laughing, then they are gone.

  The next morning I get out of the shower and hear voices downstairs. Of course that fucker is already here this early. I’m sure he set his alarm just to piss me off.

  Sure enough I walk downstairs after I change and see Julia, serving the asshole breakfast.

  He turns to me with a fucking grin, “Well good morning sleepy-head.”

  “It’s only 8 am, what the fuck are you doing here already?”

  “Oh you’re grumpy. What’s wrong, didn’t sleep well? I hope Julia and I didn’t keep you up last night. I tried to keep her quiet…”

  Julia gasps, “Sawyer!” she says giggling slapping his shoulder.

  The prick is gonna get his ass kicked soon, “I’m not in the mood for your shit this morning Evans so lay off.” I know he’s only doing it to get a rise out of me but the thought of it really pisses me off.

  “Ok you two, that’s enough. Jaxson what do you want? I have pancakes made but I can make you something else if you like?”

  I look over at Julia, she looks fucking good even this early in the morning. Her yoga pants and tank fit her lithe body snugly. She has the best ass I’ve ever seen and I want to punch the shit out of Sawyer when I see him staring at it as she bends down to grab something from the fridge. I slap him in the head and he chuckles, not ashamed that I busted him looking. I walk over to her and grab a plate, “Pancakes are good, thanks. You didn’t have to feed these assholes. Especially him,” I say pointing over at Sawyer.

  Sawyer grins, “She likes cooking me breakfast.”

  I shake my head and try to ignore the mouthy shit. I load my plate with pancakes and go sit at the table.

  “I don’t mind, I like cooking breakfast… for everyone,” Julia says giggling at Sawyer.

  “Do you guys have a gym here?” Cade asks, changing the subject.

  “Ya actually we do, I don’t know how good of shape it’s in. They used to have a sparring ring and all.” I look over to Julia now, “Does Big Mike still own it?”

  “Yes he does, but I know he’s been thinking of selling. He told me he’s getting too old. His son moved to Florida and has no interest in taking it over, much to Mike’s disappointment.”

  “Huh, we can go by there today later if you want?” I say to Cade then I look over at Sawyer, “I’d love to go a couple of rounds with you asshole.”

  Sawyer grins, “I’m in for that. Wanna come Julia? You can see me put this pussy to shame.”

  I can’t wait to take his ass down.

  Julia shakes her head laughing, “No that’s ok.” She looks over at me now, “What are your plans tonight?”

  I shrug, “Don’t know why?”

  “No reason, um, I’m going out with Kayla tonight.”

  “I thought your girls night is tomorrow night?”

  “Girls night? Where? Is Grace gonna be there?” Sawyer jumps in.

  “It is, but Kayla and I have plans tonight too. And yes Sawyer, Grace is going to be with us tomorrow night,” Julia says smiling.

  “I’m in, I love girls’ night. Where is it?”

  Julia laughs, “We’re going out dancing. It’s a girls’ night Sawyer, which means you can’t come if you have a penis.”

  Sawyer scoffs, “If you’re going to a club dancing Julia, guys will be there.”

  Just the thought pisses me off.

  “That I can’t control,” she says shrugging.

  No but I can… “Where are you and Kayla going tonight?”

  She looks nervous now, “Um, we might just hang out here or at Kayla’s. Not sure yet.” She doesn’t meet my eyes as she says it.

  Huh, What’s with that?

  Later that afternoon Sawyer, Cade and I walk into Big Mike’s gym. It looks the same as it did when I was here last, but more run down. This place has a lot of potential if he put the money into it.

  “Well I’ll be damned, if it isn’t Jaxson Reid!” Big Mike shouts walking up to me. “How are you doing kid?” he asks slapping me on the back.

  Big Mike looks much the same but older, much older actually. The tired lines around his eyes make me understand why he’s looking at selling the place. He’s gotta be well into his sixties now. He’s a good guy, when I was young
er and got busted for fighting a lot he brought me in here to train with him. He taught me a lot of self-control and helped me work my aggression out.

  “Hi Big Mike, good to see ya.”

  “You too kid. What are you doing here? You on leave?”

  “I’ve been honorably discharged,” I say feeling uncomfortable. He has to know that after only being in the Navy 5 years that there’s a reason why I’ve been discharged. Luckily he doesn’t ask questions.

  “You here to stay?”

  I shrug, “Maybe.”

  “Well I’ll bet Miss Julia is ecstatic about that.”

  I nod then glare over at Sawyer when he starts chuckling.

  “These are some friends who are visiting, we were hoping to come work out and do some sparring.”

  “Of course, come on in, the ring is free.”


  “You bet, good to have you back,” he claps me on the back one more time before he walks back to his office.

  We all go change. It takes no time at all before Sawyer is bringing up the Admiral.

  “So why aren’t you answering the Admiral’s calls?”

  I shrug, “Because I don’t care what he has to say.”

  Sawyer grunts, “Ya well, when you don’t answer he comes after me.” He goes quiet for a moment before he says, “He wants us to do another mission, he put together a team and he wants you to run it.”

  “Oh ya, and how does he suppose that’s gonna work? Since we’re no longer with the Navy.”

  Sawyer shrugs, “He said he’d take care of that part. Someone he knows specifically asked for the three of us.”


  Sawyer lets out a tension filled breath, “Because it’s a sex-slave ring.”

  I tense and sit down feeling sick. I look over at Cade to see his body tense and jaw clenched.

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I didn’t tell him anything, I said I had to talk to you guys first,” Sawyer takes a moment, “but we’re done right? I mean, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m still fucked up from what happened.”

  I’m glad I’m not the only one. I look over to Cade now, “What are your thoughts?”


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