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BITTEN Omnibus Edition (Books 1-3): The Resurrection Virus Saga

Page 74

by Tristan Vick

  Saeko gasped in utter amazement. Bamboo wasn’t just tough. It was the toughest plant on the planet. For centuries the Chinese and Japanese had made homes and even bridges out of it…homes which could withstand typhoons and bridges that could support the weight of a modern day car or truck.

  “But don’t you ever get tired?” Saeko asked. “When I took on that lizard thing in the city after the helicopter crash, my body was struggling just to hold itself together. It felt like I was falling apart at the hinges while trying to run uphill completely out of breath. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t catch my second wind.”

  “Any repeated trauma will take its toll eventually. Every time you regenerate, your body uses up energy. If you over exert yourself it will take longer to heal. You have to learn how to gauge things, to pace yourself. If you learn to use your skill wisely, you will be virtually unstoppable.”

  Saeko strapped her sword to her side and said, “I like the sound of that.” Brushing down her skirt, Saeko found her pack of cigarettes and pulled one out and put it between her lips.

  Just as soon as she had brought the tip of the cigarette to her lips, however, Rachael swatted it out of her hands, knocking it out of her mouth. Looking at Rachael with astonishment, she asked, “What the hell was that for?

  Just then Rachael’s fist came out of nowhere and back-handed Saeko across her left cheek. The sting of the blow sent her tumbling to the ground. With an audible groan she pushed herself halfway up and then wiped her bloody lip with the back of her hand. Looking up at Rachael, she frowned. “A bit of fair warning would have been nice.”

  “Smoking will kill you,” Rachael joked. “There, you’ve been warned.”

  “Ha ha. Very funny. But I can’t die. Remember? So…” Saeko grumbled and reached over for her cigarette which was laying on the ground next to her.

  Rachael swiped her foot and kicked the cigarette away, simultaneously sweeping Saeko’s feet out from under her, which caused her to hit the ground again. She frowned up at Rachael.

  Grinning at Saeko, she beckoned for her to get back up and attack her. “You wanted to train. Well, give me your best.”

  Saeko rose back up to her feet and grinned. “Just remember…you asked for it.”

  Saeko widened her stance and dug in the edge of her shoe. “Trust me, you wouldn’t like it if I unleashed my all. It’s not pretty.”

  “I’m not looking for pretty,” Rachael replied. “I’m looking for fierce.”

  Saeko nodded, signaling she understood. With the pleasantries out of the way, she lunged forward and roared out a vicious sounding, “Kiii-yah!” Thrusting her fist as hard as she could she took her best swing, but Rachael swiftly evaded her attack.

  “Is that the best you’ve got, little girl?” Rachael mocked, brushing her hair back as if to make a show of the fact she had all the time in the world to dance around Saeko’s attacks.

  This taunt triggered Saeko’s temper to flare up and she quickly flew into a rage. Saeko began her full-on assault, unleashing a volley of rapid punches and kicks, but each strike was expertly deflected by Rachael, who seemed almost downright bored by the girl's futile attempt to hit her.

  “You’re just toying with me, aren’t you?!”

  “I wouldn’t have to,” Rachael responded, “if you didn’t fight like a little old lady.”

  Growing infuriated that she couldn’t even land a single hit, Saeko screamed at the top of her lungs and, with all her speed and might, swung her fist as hard and fast as she could. With a resounding thump, she made contact with Rachael’s gut. Her fist sank deep into Rachael’s abdomen and caused Rachael’s feet to lift off the ground. Rachael flew up into the air, traveling backward several feet. When she finally hit the ground, she rolled to a stop flat on her back. Rachael laughed up at the sky and wiped the spittle from her lips. “That’s more like it!”

  Rachael quickly climbed onto her feet and placed her hands on her hips. She looked over at Saeko, who was surprised that she had actually made contact. Rachael widened her stance then motioned for Saeko to continue their sparring match. “Again.”

  Saeko, feeling more confident this time, went for a head shot, but Rachael caught Saeko’s wrist in mid-air and twisted it ninety degrees inward, crippling her arm, and easily deflecting the blow. Saeko flipped up and over Rachael, to get out of the wrist lock. Catching Rachael around the neck with the back of her leg, she used her momentum to pull Rachael over her. In a flash, both women came crashing down onto their backs.

  Saeko sprung back up to her feet and looked over at Rachael, who was still getting up. Seeing a window of opportunity, Saeko kneed Rachael in her side and sent her rolling along the ground.

  Winded, Saeko fought to catch her breath. Then, without waiting to fully recover, she bum-rushed Rachael, who was getting up again. But her surprise attack was as hasty as it was sloppy, and Rachael swiftly evaded it. Simply stepping out of Saeko’s way, she slapped Saeko on her ass as she flew past.

  Saeko stumbled forward, came to a standstill, and with a shocked expression on her face, reached down and raised her skirt. Sure enough, on her right buttocks was the red welted shape of Rachael’s hand. Looking back up at Rachael, Saeko said, “Seriously?”

  Rachael merely shrugged, a coy smile pressed firmly upon her lips.


  Consolidation of Power

  Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, U.S.A.

  The steel husks of beached cargo ships over eight thousand feet long lined the coastline of the San Francisco Bay. At least eighteen freighters were beached and high-centered on the land, crashed into the ports all the way from Pier 39 down to the 49er Stadium. At least, that’s how it appeared to Gordon Longstaff.

  Large, steel shipping crates spilled out onto the land in a random assortment that reminded him of a batch of maggots… giant, steel maggots. “What’s this mess?” Gordon Longstaff asked. Jennifer Hurley spun around and greeted them with a smile. “You made it!” Excitedly, she ran up to Gordon and hugged him then gave him a quick peck on the lips.

  Gordon shot a glance at Alyssa to see what she made of it, but she just shrugged, and pointed her chin at Hurley as if to say just go along with it. He nodded in confirmation and then turned back to attend to Hurley who was busy mashing her breasts into his chest as she kissed his neck like a horny teenager.

  Once she had her fill of him, Gordon adjusted his oversized belt buckle and then fanned the collar of his black cowboy shirt. Decked head to foot in black Western attire, whether she knew it or not, Jen had dressed him like Johnny Cash: the man in black.

  Standing next to him and Alyssa on the docks of Alcatraz were Dr. Hemingway and the two-timing Reggie Watanabe. He didn’t care for either of them much, but they were in the favor of their so-called “Queen,” so he went along with it. At least for now.

  Suddenly a flair shot into the air a few miles off the coast and Reg turned to them and informed, “They’re here.”

  “Who’s here?” Alyssa asked.

  “My army,” Jennifer said ecstatically. “Eighteen of the world’s largest super freighters filled with thousands of crates containing hundreds of thousands of living dead freshly arrived from Japan!”

  Alyssa looked over at Doctor Hemingway who was just arriving. “What did I miss?”

  “Oh, doctor! You missed everything!” Jen bemoaned. “My army has arrived!”

  “Congratulations,” Dr. Hemingway said, winking at Alyssa to let her know she was being sarcastic without Jen’s noticing it.

  “How many troops does this make now?” Reg asked Jen.

  “Over five hundred thousand,” she said, turning to look out at the two hundred-fifty foot super yacht entering the bay. On the side was printed the name Silver Fast.

  Everyone turned to see what had grabbed her attention.

  Reg whistled and said, “Now that’s what I call a boat!”

  “I reckon that thing must be near nine hundred tons,” Gordon added. “It’s practic
ally someone’s personal cruise liner.”

  “Who’s that?” Alyssa asked, pointing at the yacht.

  “Those are my business partners,” Jennifer Hurley said.

  “Who the hell are you in cahoots with, woman? The damn King of Saudi Arabia?”

  Jen looked back at Gordon and scowled. Then she quickly shook off her irritation and laughed. “Oh, you. I could never stay mad at you.”

  “Um, okay,” Gordon said, somewhat confused.

  “So who is it?” Dr. Hemingway asked, hoping to get a straight answer out of her.

  “The Yakuza,” Jen replied with a bright smile. “More accurately, the Lord of the Yakuza, Ijin Gen. Or rather, one of his generals, since he couldn’t personally make it. But that’s neither here nor there.”

  “What would the Japanese mafia gain by dealing with you?” Alyssa ask.

  Jen turned toward her. “A mutually beneficial alliance. Tokyo is brimming with the undead. They supply me with fresh recruits and I help them diminish their infestation problem.”

  “Somehow I have a feeling that’s not all you promised them,” Gordon said.

  “Your instincts are truly amazing, lover,” Jen said, grinning brightly, her blue eyes glinting dangerously.

  She walked over to Alyssa and smiled. “I also promised them the contents of your briefcase.”

  “You have no right!” Alyssa snapped.

  “Tisk, tisk, little one,” Hurley said, patting Alyssa on the head condescendingly like she would a child. “It’s not for you to decide now.”

  “You have no idea what you’re dealing with,” Alyssa growled. “The contents of that case could—”

  “I know very well what the repercussions will be,” Jen interrupted.

  “That settles it then,” Alyssa laughed. “You truly are insane.”

  Jen stared long and hard at Alyssa then cackled. “Of course I am, my dear, sweet, Alyssa.”

  Turning toward Patricia Hemingway, Jen asked, “Did you bring what I asked?”

  “Yes,” Patricia said and then produced an ornately engraved samurai sword from a red velvet sheath.

  Jen received the sword, re-sheathed it, then handed it off to Reggie. “Take this gift to our guests. And let them know they are all cordially invited to dinner.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Reg said taking the sword. Tucking it under his arm, he walked to the end of the dock and got into the small boat.

  Gordon leaned over and whispered into Alyssa’s ear, “I’ll drown that crazy wench in the water, and you commandeer the boat. We’ll get off this island yet.”

  “You’ll do no such thing, I’m afraid,” Doctor Hemingway said.

  “What?” Gordon said, turning in time to see her draw out a syringe from Alyssa’s arm.

  Alyssa looked down at her arm and then looked up at Dr. Hemingway. Fading fast, she said, “What didju…do…to…”

  Doctor Hemingway caught Alyssa in her arms just as she collapsed.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” Gordon demanded.

  Jen turned and looked at him. “Alyssa is free to go. But you belong to me now. If you refuse to stay with me, she dies. If you try to kill me, she dies. If you succeed and kill me before the antidote is administered, well then…she dies.

  Reg returned and scooped Alyssa up in his arms then carried her back to the boat. Gordon stood there staring at them, trying to figure a way out of this mess. No matter how many scenarios he ran through his head, he was always on the losing end.

  “You goddamn witch,” he growled. “You at least could have let me say goodbye first.”

  “Oh, but the thing is,” said Jen in a sarcastic tone, “no, I couldn’t have.” With that, she made her way back toward the main cell house.

  Gordon Longstaff raised his fingers to his lips and blew. The high-pitch whistle cut through the air and everyone stopped and looked back at him. Doctor Hemingway wondered what he was up to.

  Suddenly Jen heard the sound of panting and turned just in time to see a small corgi come out of nowhere and dash past her. She spun on her heels and watched it scurry down to the boat dock where Gordon and the doctor stood.

  Gordon pointed at the boat that was currently pulling away from the dock and shouted, “Fetch Alyssa!”

  Skidding around the corner, Frank arrived just in the nick of time and ran across the dock as fast as her four little legs could carry her. Then, once at the end, she jumped off the edge and landed in the frigid water with a splash. Paddling furiously, she caught up to the outgoing boat, which was taking its time backing up to get a straight run for the yacht.

  Reg looked down and then out across the pier at Jennifer Hurley to see what his mistress wanted him to do about the little attacker. Jen merely shrugged, as if it was of no consequence to her, and turned and left.

  Reg pulled the wet dog into his boat and said, “Loyal to the end, eh girl?” Before he could set her down, though, Frank wriggled free of his clutches, landed on her paws, and shook the water from her fur which sent up a spray that drenched everything and everyone in proximity. Having dried herself sufficiently, the small dog ran up to Alyssa’s sleeping body, which rested by Reggie’s feet, and began licking her face. Reg smiled and went back to helming his boat.

  Gordon Longstaff watched the boat till it was too far out of range to do anything about and, feeling incensed by the doctor’s betrayal, turned to Patricia and growled, “You have exactly thirty seconds to explain yourself, or I swear to God that I’ll kill you where you stand.”

  “It was the only way,” Patricia lamented. “Believe me, it was only a matter of time before Jennifer had one of her spells, lost her patience and killed Alyssa. I cut a deal to save her life.”

  “What kind of deal?”

  “I promised to find a way to reverse the properties of ‘Specials’ so that she would be the only one with any real powers.”

  “Are you insane?” Longstaff said, utterly shocked by her admission. “Do you realize what you’re playing at? You’ve doomed us all, doctor.”

  Patricia felt the sting of his hard gray eyes drilling into her with the white hot burning of his contempt. They penetrated her like daggers, and she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. “No, you’re mistaken,” Doctor Hemingway informed him. “I’ve bought us time. It will take years to find a way to reverse the effects of the Resurrection Virus. Just be thankful she’s alive; that should be enough for you.”

  “And if it’s not?” he asked her, his gaze stern and cold.

  “It has to be,” she replied. Patricia turned to leave, but paused. Turning back, she added, “I don’t envy you, Mr. Longstaff. Like me, you’re a prisoner here, too. But unlike me, it seems that the Queen of all that is unholy has taken a special interest in you.” With that said, Patricia Hemingway turned and marched back up the stairs toward Building 64 and the guest quarters. She was tempted to tell him the rest of it too, but she couldn’t bring herself to crush him like that.

  Of course, what she didn’t dare reveal was that in her deal with Jennifer Hurley, she’d also promised that she would deliver his and Jennifer’s baby. Jen had so ravaged him with non-stop rough sex that he probably hadn’t even realized what she was up to. How was he to know that Jennifer Hurley had secretly used him to impregnate herself? It was true. Not only had the sex been unprotected, but Jen had waited until he could come again three times, collecting his essence in a jar to be used in case conception wasn't immediate. Jen wanted an heir to the empire she was building, and she wanted it ASAP, seeing as she was already pushing forty.

  As for poor, unsuspecting Gordon Longstaff, Doctor Hemingway felt it was best if she didn’t risk revealing the scandalous news to him just yet for fear of breaking the horse’s back too soon, so to speak. If she told him the truth, he might try something drastic. Besides, her obsession was with studying the virus. She’d do anything and everything in her power to ensure that she could continue on with her research, even it if meant helping a madwoman take over the entire bloody w



  Aokigahara Forest, Near Mt. Fuji, Japan

  Still examining her bruised butt cheek, Saeko whined, “I’ll have a mark in the shape of your palm for at least a week!”

  “You kicked me while I was down,” Rachael stated dryly. “I was only dishing out what you deserved.” Even as she tried to keep a straight face, Rachael’s stoic façade was compromised by how funny Saeko’s face looked as she examined her sore bottom. She could hardly keep herself from laughing.

  Catching Rachael trying to cover up a smirk, Saeko pointed at the red handprint on her ass and growled, “What, is this funny to you?”

  “Yeah, pretty much,” Rachael laughed, unable to hold back her fit of giggles any longer.

  Brushing her skirt back down. Saeko glared at Rachael and said, “Fine. So that’s how it’s going to be.”

  “What did I miss?” a voice called out.

  Caught off-guard by the sudden intrusion, both women spun to see Endo emerge from the forest. He nodded at them and then took a seat on a nearby log to watch them spar. “By all means, don’t let me interrupt this morning’s proceedings.” Endo looked at Saeko and smiled.

  Saeko returned his smile. The memories of the night before still lingered on her mind. Every kiss of his lips upon her breasts, the warmth of his touch…the sensation of him being inside her just hours earlier filled her with lust and the desire to do it all over again. It also made her double down on her efforts. After all, she didn’t want to make a fool of herself in front of him.

  Without warning, Rachael’s fist clocked Saeko squarely in the jaw and sent her crashing to the ground.

  Spitting up a smidgeon of blood, Saeko rubbed her jaw and growled, “That was a cheap shot!”

  Rachael shrugged and dismissed Saeko’s complaint. “Again,” she repeated, and again she waved Saeko to get up off her ass and come at her.

  Saeko relished the thought of being able to let lose. She’d teach Rachael a thing or two about Japanese discipline and perseverance. Saeko leapt into the air, higher than she’d ever jumped before, and then came crashing down onto Rachael with a vicious knee to her sternum.


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