Royal Baby Double Trouble_A Two Princes MFM Menage Romance

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Royal Baby Double Trouble_A Two Princes MFM Menage Romance Page 13

by Sierra Sparks

  I found a lady’s room in the main resort building and fixed my face. I didn’t want him to see me crying. I couldn’t delay too long, there was no telling how soon Dominique would be back from scuba diving.

  Taking a good long look in the mirror, what did I see? Was I the same scared girl that had come to Hollywood? Was I making the same bad and stupid relationship decisions I had make back in high school? I looked down at my belly. I could just make out the bump now. I felt older. Tired. This was what all mothers went through, I guess. You had to make hard choices for your kid.

  Dammit, I wish I could have a drink right now.

  I went to the bar anyway and got a club soda with lime. I felt a little dehydrated. The lady bartender noted my distress.

  “Are you okay, ma’am?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I think so,” I said. “Just a little thirsty. Do you know when the boats come back in from scuba diving?”

  “Shouldn’t be too long now,” she said. “Unless they get delayed for the weather, they usually get back by two.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “You sure you’re okay? Oh, my God! You’re Savannah Kelly,” she said recognizing me. “Sorry, I don’t mean to gush. I’m not supposed to do that.”

  “It’s fine,” I said. “It’s nice to be recognized. You want an autograph?”

  “Oh, I couldn’t. My boss would kill me,” she said.

  “It’s fine,” I assured her. “I know the owner. Here you go.”

  “Thanks,” she said, trying to hide her excitement.

  I walked away from the bar. Although I wanted to ask her if she were mom or what she would do in my place, but I couldn’t do that to her. No, this was my decision, my mess--- I needed to face it head on. I headed out to the pier to wait for Dominique.

  As I made my way outside, I saw the resort pool. It was gigantic. Each section looped in front of several different rooms of the main resort building. That way, people each had their own private section of it.

  In front of one room, I saw a family. There was a father, mother and two little girls. They splashed and played and looked happy. It looked simple and uncomplicated. Was that real or had there been all sorts of drama leading up to this moment? Had the woman just married her high school sweetheart or did she have a career that she nearly lost finding her man? I’ll bet she didn’t get pregnant first. God, I’m so stupid sometimes!

  At least my career is back on track. Isn’t that always the way? When you relationship is going great, the career goes South and when the career is going great your relationship goes right into the toilet. I shouldn’t complain. Even without the princes, I’m more well off than most. If I saved and spent wisely, I probably could retire now.

  Maybe that’s what I should do. Get out of Hollywood. What kind of town is that for a child to grow up in? I could do this one last picture and then retire. Take my money and just live a modest life. Each day I could see my kid and there’d be no absentee parent. But Dominique--- No, he could never live that way.

  I got to the pier. There was a small booth that gave out snacks and beverages to the guests. Most things were included in this island resort and why not? It was insanely expensive to stay here. Just to fly out to the island from the airport you had to take a private seaplane.

  At the far end of the pier, I saw a father and son fishing team pull their boat in. They must’ve been locals, catching fish for the resort. For a second, I tried to imagine Dominique and our son as fishermen. I tried to picture me as the fisherman’s wife. The two of us were probably so pampered, we’d starve! I was never much of a cook except for recipes I could find on the Internet. I’d have to learn though. The baby would need food. What kind of mother would I be if I couldn’t provide?

  There was no sign of the scuba vessel and it was hot. I found a beach chair in the shade of the stand that handed out drinks.

  “Do you mind?” I said to the person at the counter.

  “No, not at all, ma’am. Please, sit,” she said.

  She was an older woman, almost elderly. Her name tag said “Rose”.

  “Can I get you a drink? A snack?”

  “Water, please,” I said. “Thanks.”

  “How many months are you?”

  “Wow, you can tell?” I laughed. “Am I that fat?”

  “Not at all,” she said. “You can tell in the face. You have that glow. You’re going to have a little one soon. Changes things.”

  “How many have you had?” I asked.

  “Six children and ten grandchildren, plus a great grandchild on the way,” she smiled. “That’s my son and grandson on the boat.”

  “The fisherman?” I noted.

  “Yes, if you can call them that,” she frowned. “He’s not much of a fisherman. A much better pearl diver, but there’s no money in that anymore. What about the father? Is he here with you?”

  “He’s coming back from scuba diving,” I said. “He’s about to find out that he’s the father.”

  “Ooh! Ho-ho-ho!” she laughed. “Ah, this will be a fine thing to see. This is when a boy becomes a man. Truly. You will see the change, as you’ve seen it in yourself.”

  “I guess I did see the change in me,” I said. “I don’t know if I like it.”

  “You will when you see that baby, I promise you,” she said. “Then you will know true love and happiness. When you hold your baby in your arms, that is the world! The world! Nothing keeps me from my babies. I would move mountains!”

  “I do feel energized,” I said. “But what if he doesn’t want the baby?”

  “Oh, he will,” she said. “Only a foolish boy with a heart of stone could look the other way! That boy, you don’t want in your life anyway.”

  She nodded, pleased with her own point. Then a look of realization came on her face.

  “Wait, is this the prince? Prince Dominique’s child?”

  “Um, well, uh---“

  I didn’t want to say. The paparazzi were everywhere and they could get to anyone.

  “It’s okay, he’s the only one on that boat and I will say nothing,” Rose assured me. “Prince Byron owns this whole island. He’s very good to us and we are good to him.”

  “Yes,” I said, fighting back a tear. “Byron is a good man, too.”

  “Wait-wait, is it Byron who is the father?”

  “No, it’s Dominique,” I said wiping the tear. “But I have feelings for both Dominique and Byron.”

  “Oh, this is no good,” she said. “Only one can be the father.”

  “I know,” I said, trying to keep the tears away. “I’m so torn up about it.”

  “You are young,” she said. “This will pass. The other prince, he will find someone else. In time, you will all be friends again.”

  “You think?”

  “Of course!” she said. “But the important thing is that the baby have a father. You cannot ask for a better father than Prince Dominique! He is strong, rich, handsome man. You are very lucky. You have to think about that. My first husband was a drunken pirate.”

  “For real? An actual pirate?” I said, momentarily distracted.

  “You know, we all like the bad boys,” she explained. “That was a bad boy for these parts! A pirate! But he was a drunk and a liar and a cheat, but so handsome. He tried to rob the wrong boat and they shot him. I cried and cried. I thought my life was over, but it was only just beginning. I could not imagine my life now as it was then. And you cannot imagine your life in the future as compared to now.”

  “I suppose,” I sniffed. “You must see a lot of rich people come through here whining about their rich people problems. Must seem pretty pathetic.”

  “A mother trying to get a father for her child is never pathetic,” she said sternly. “It is right. Every child need a father. You will see. It will all work out.”

  She handed me a tissue and I wiped away my tears. I checked my makeup in the reflection of my phone.

  “You look fine, you look fine,” she dismissed. “
My God, if I looked like you I would never wear makeup.”

  “I’m an actress,” I explained. “Kind of comes with the territory.”

  “Not now,” she said. “Now you are a mother who is sometimes an actress.”

  The scuba diving ship started to make its way toward the pier. It seemed to come out of nowhere. Rose nodded in its direction.

  “There is your prince,” she said. “I hope you and he have many years of happiness.”

  “I think we will,” I said. “Thanks for the tissue and the talk.”

  “My pleasure,” Rose smiled.

  I walked out to the end of the pier. Dominique spotted me as the boat pulled up. He smiled. He was still dripping wet from his dive. Wearing his speedo and a shirt, he jumped onto the pier before the boat even came to a stop.

  “Adios,” he called back to the crew. “Thank you, Reynaldo!”

  “Thank you, Prince!” said boat’s driver looking over his shoulder.

  “My sweet, you have come to meet me,” Dominique said pleasantly. “Your man is back from sea. What news do you have for me, huh?”

  “Can we go some place private?” I asked.

  He smiled. I think he misinterpreted why I wanted him to be alone.

  “Of course,” he said looking devilish. “Perhaps we could go to a beach, just over that hill, huh? I think there are plenty of bushes and trees so no one will see.”

  “No, not that,” I said. “Although, I reserve the right to ask for that later. No, I need to talk to you about things. About the baby.”

  “Is the baby all right? Are you okay?” he said concerned. “There’s a doctor in the resort.”

  “No, I’m fine,” I assured him. “I got the paternity test back.”

  “Let us move further away from these people then,” said Dominique, taking my hand. “These paparazzi are everywhere. I’m sorry.”

  “No-no, it’s fine,” I said.

  These constantly delays made me more nervous. I became flustered. We walked far away from the pier. Dominique looked around to make sure no one else was in ear shot.

  “Tell me,” he said. “Is it good news.”

  “You’re the father, Dominique,” I said finally. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  Dominique’s face changed. I don’t know if he was shocked or scared or mad. He paced around, unsure of what to do. Did he change his mind that quickly?

  Chapter 26


  I was stunned at the news. My life had changed forever! I am a father! And my father, he would no longer look down upon me. He would treat me with respect! To give him grandchildren was the greatest gift of all.

  “Ha! Haaaaaa!” I shouted in joy.

  I danced around and quickly Savannah realized I was a happy prince. I ran up on top of the nearest hill.

  “I am a father!” I shouted.

  But there was one thing missing, a wife. I must marry Savannah, but I have no ring. Screw it! I will buy her a thousand rings when we get to the mainland.

  “My darling,” I said getting down on one knee. “Marry me and I will make you happy forever! You, me and the baby! We’ll be like one happy family, no?”

  Savannah looked down at me, smiling. She looked very happy at that moment, but then the smile faded and she started to tear up.

  “Why do you cry, my darling? This is a happy time,” I said.

  “I want to accept, but--- I love you and Byron both,” she cried. “I told him first. He was so crushed. He pushed me away. I don’t know--- How can I--- Could you both be fathers to my child?”

  I sighed and thought about it for a moment. This would be much like Byron said. It would not be traditional. There would be much talk around the embassy and at our respective palaces about such an arrangement. But why could it not be done? Did I have to live in the past? Was there not a future for such relationships?

  But more importantly, could I share a wife with Byron? We had shared so much over the years, why not a wife? He clearly loved her as much as I did and the sex was fantastic. If I were in his shoes, would I not want that chance? Perhaps it would not work out, but at least we could give it a try. I looked back at Savannah. She looked at me with her eyes, full of hope. I stood.

  “Yes,” I said. “You and I shall include Byron as an equal partner. Then perhaps, you will have his baby as well.”

  “Really? You mean it?” she said crying tears of joy. “Oh, thank you Dominique! You’ve made me so happy!”

  “He is my friend,” said Dominique. “How could I leave my friend behind on this journey? C’mon, let’s go find him and tell him the good news!”

  Savannah started walking with me towards the beach where she had left him, but I had no shoes. The sand was blistering in the sun. I decided to run back to my room and throw on some clothes, while Savannah looked for him. By the time I came back, she looked very distraught.

  “I can’t find him anywhere,” she said. “Oh, God! Why did I tell him first?!”

  “Sh-sh, it will be fine,” I assured her. “He probably just went to drink it off. He does such things.”

  “Well, that’s not good either!” she said.

  “Ah, it’s fine,” I assured her. “It’s not like there are any cars here he can crash.”

  We walked along the beach looking for Byron. Savannah became convinced that his footprints were the ones in the sand walking around the island. Since I did not want her to walk all that way, I suggested she walk across the island and I would jog and follow the foot steps.

  Alas, no luck. There was nothing but sand, rocks and palm trees. But when I got to the other side of the island, I spotted a place he would definitely go. The bar on the beach. I spotted Savanah and ran to her.

  “I can’t fine him anywhere,” she said. “Dominique, I’m getting worried.”

  “My sweet, you mustn’t in your condition,” I told her. “The stress is bad for you and the baby. We will find Byron, I promise. I’m sure he is fine. I can almost guarantee you he went to that bar over there.”

  “Let’s go,” she said.

  The bar was run by a pleasant fellow named David. He twirled a glass in his hand when we arrived.

  “Hey, folks,” he greeted. “Would you like a Hurricane?”

  “Yes, please!” I said eagerly.

  Savannah punched me in the shoulder to remind me why we were here.

  “But first,” I said, getting serious. “Have you seen our friend? His name his Byron. The owner of this island.”

  “Oh, yeah,” said David, making a face. “He was pretty wasted when he left. I tried to cheer him up, but I finally had to cut him off.”

  “Where did he go?” asked Savannah. “How did he look? Was he sad?”

  “He seemed pretty crushed over some girl,” said David. “Something about a baby? Anyhow, he said he was going to go to the volcano on the next island, but I wouldn’t worry. No one at the pier would give a guy that drunk a boat.”

  David started mixing my Hurricane. Savannah pulled me to her.

  “C’mon, we can catch him,” she said.

  “Can I get that to go?” I asked.

  “Forget the drink, Dominique!”

  “You’re right, you’re right,” I agreed. “Later, later.”

  We rushed down the beach. Now we had gone full circle back to the pier. Somehow, we had missed Byron. I pointed out Captain Reynaldo. He was still here putting his boat away for the day.

  “Prince Dominique!” he greeted. “And you brought a friend. Did you want to go sight seeing?”

  “Perhaps later,” I said. “Reynaldo, have you seen Prince Byron. Was he here?”

  “Yeah, he was very drunk,” said Reynaldo. “Wanted to go to the volcano, but I told him that he should sober up first. I mean, he was falling down drunk. I can’t have that on the boat.”

  “Where did he go?” asked Savannah desperately, tears in her eyes.

  “I do not know,” shrugged Reynaldo. “He seemed very determined to see the volcan
o today.”

  “Oh, my God, Dominique!” Savannah cried. “What if he wants to throw himself in the volcano?! This is all my fault!”

  “No-no, my sweet, it is fine. Byron would not do that,” I insisted. “He has much to live for. He would never be that dramatic.”

  “Wouldn’t matter anyway,” said Reynaldo. “That volcano has been dormant for years. And the highest drop is only about six feet. He’d have better luck killing himself if he jumped off the top of the resort.”

  “I think I know where he has gone,” said Rose, walking up with her son.

  She smacked her son across the back of the head.

  “Tell them what you did!” she said angrily.

  “Prince Byron, he wanted a boat. I did not want to give mine to him, but he threatened to fire me,” said Rose’s son weakly. “I am sorry. But he is the prince. I didn’t want any trouble.”

  “How much trouble would you be in if he drowns because of you, huh?!” said Rose, smacking him again. “Foolish boy! Have I taught you nothing?!”

  “Ma! Please! Don’t! Ow!”

  “Reynaldo, he may be somewhere between here and the volcano, can you help us look for him?” I asked.

  “Of course, Prince Dominique,” said Reynaldo. “Joseph! Unmoor the ship!” He called to his assistant.”

  “But we just got here,” said Joseph, confused.

  “We have to rescue the prince! Do as I say!” snapped the captain.

  Reynaldo offered a hand and helped me on board.

  “This way, miss. Please have a seat,” said the captain. “Do not worry. We shall find him.”

  We drove out to the volcano, which was on a completely different island. There were a few smaller islands on the way, so we checked them as well. Unfortunately, we saw nothing. I did not say anything to Savannah, but I was worried about Byron now. While it was likely he wouldn’t kill himself, he might just be stupid enough to drown himself by accident.

  Finally, as we turned back towards the island with the resort, we spotted him. Byron had flipped the boat over in the water and was laying on it upside down. He appeared not to be moving.


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