Royal Baby Double Trouble_A Two Princes MFM Menage Romance

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Royal Baby Double Trouble_A Two Princes MFM Menage Romance Page 14

by Sierra Sparks

  “Byron!” I called. “Wave if you can hear me!”

  “Byron!” yelled Savannah. “Oh, God! He’s not moving!”

  The boat pulled up alongside of him. Joseph and Reynaldo helped me pull him on board. We threw fresh water in his face and he started to stir.

  “Byron? Byron, my friend! Wake up!” I pleaded.

  “Where am I?” he said, still a little drunk.

  “You’re on Reynaldo’s boat,” I said. “What were you trying to do?”

  “I had to get away,” he said. “You and Savannah--- I wish you all the happiness in the world, my friend. But there is no place for me now.”

  “Stop being so melodramatic,” I said. “Did you forget the plan?”

  “Ah, it’s not going to work,” he said hopelessly. “No one is going to let us both marry her.”

  “I don’t care!” said Savannah, poking him in the chest. “I love you both! And that’s a love worth fighting for! Now you get up! You two are going to be fathers.”

  “Really,” he said, sadly. “You’d still share Savannah with me, even though her child is not mine?”

  “Like we said, she is more than enough woman for two,” I reminded him.

  Reynaldo and Joseph looked at each other, then shrugged. They didn’t care. I helped Byron sit on a bench.

  “Aye-yi-yi. I feel so stupid now,” he said. “What was I thinking? The volcano has been dormant for years.”

  “I promise,” said Savannah. “If you stick with us, someday I’ll have your baby too.”

  “You really mean that?”

  “Yes, of course! I love you!” she said hugging him.

  “Byron, you are more than a friend,” I said. “You are like a brother to me. And brothers are family. The three of us will be family and damn anyone that says otherwise.”

  Byron’s eyes rolled back in his head and he fell forward, passing out. Fortunately, I caught him before he hit the deck.

  “Captain, please, we must get back to shore!” said Savanah.

  “Right away, Miss!” said Reynaldo urgently.

  He turned the boat around and drove back to the pier at top speed. Savannah tried to revive Byron with water. He was delirious from all the alcohol and heat. He probably had sun stroke. He wasn’t going to die, but I was still worried.

  When we got back to the pier, we brought him inside the first aid station. They placed him inside a very cool room where the doctor examined him. After a few more cool drinks, he came around and seemed to be fine.

  “Doctor, is he going to be all right?” asked Savannah, worried.

  “Yes, he should be fine in a few hours,” said the doctor. “I think he was just dehydrated between all the sun, activity and alcohol. Just keep him inside until the sun goes down and give him plenty of water.”

  “I’m sorry, everyone. Sorry,” said Byron embarrassed. “Please do not tell my family about this. I would not want them to worry. Please.”

  “I think we can keep this to ourselves,” said the doctor. “If you’re feeling any pain, take some Advil, okay?”

  I helped Byron to his feet. He put my arm around my shoulder. He looked humiliated.

  “I can’t believe I did this,” he said. “I’m so stupid.”

  “No, my friend,” I assured him. “This was an emotional thing. I could see myself doing something just as bad.”

  “Are you mad at me Savannah? Are you ashamed?” he asked meekly.

  “Byron! I’m just glad you’re all right,” she said. “Let’s get you back to the room so you can rest, okay? We’ll talk more tomorrow.”

  We got Byron back to his room. Savannah and I helped him get undressed and get into bed. She made him a cold compress for his head and set out several glasses of cold water by his bedside.

  “You two take good care of me,” he said touched. “You are true friends.”

  “Get better my friend, we shall talk more tomorrow,” I said.

  Savannah and I left him to sleep it off. There would be much to discuss later.

  Chapter 27


  I slept for the rest of the day. During that time, I had a strange dream. It was the not-too-distant future and I was inside the embassy in Los Angeles. I was wearing a very fancy suit. It was my father’s, I think. The one he wore for special state occasions. I looked tired and I had a mustache.

  “Father?” said a voice. “The car is here for you.”

  I turned around. The voice had come from a young boy that looked like me. I followed him out into the hall and there were other children. Little boys and girls playing. The embassy was so full of activity and life!

  The dream gave me a sense of fulfillment. I was happy and satisfied. Was this the future of my life or was I merely imagining it for my own pleasure? Whatever the dream was, it was something that I wanted. This would be a good life.

  I woke up. It was dark and I was thirsty. I drank the two glasses of water laid out for me. Feeling like my old self, I got dressed and looked for Savannah and Dominique. I couldn’t remember everything that happened and every thing that was said, but I knew I owed them a debt. I knew that something had changed.

  Walking through the resort, I saw the other families staying there. This is what life was all about; the future. The pleasures Dominique and myself had indulged in over the years were just empty. Family was everything and it had taken me years to see it. I owed my parents a great apology.

  However, one thing I would never apologize for is my love of Savannah. She was sweet and good. Dominique was like a brother to me, so I had nothing to fear from him. We would start a life together and damned anyone that said otherwise.

  I came across the seafood restaurant, the smells of the food suddenly made me hungry. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted them sitting at a table together. I walked over and they greeted me warmly. Was this for real or was I still floating on the ship out in the ocean dying? I chose to believe in the now of the moment. I chose to believe in my friends.

  “Byron!” said Savannah.

  “No, don’t get up,” I said. “Sit, sit.”

  “How are you feeling, my friend?” asked Dominique.

  “Much better, thanks to the two of you, I think.”

  “What do you remember?” asked Savannah.

  “I became very melancholy after drinking at the beach bar. Those Hurricanes can sneak up on you after a while,” I revealed. “But then I became very sad. I had a plan to go to the volcano. I’m not sure what for. Perhaps to throw myself in or beg for the volcano god’s blessing.”

  “Promise me you’ll never do that again,” said Savannah. “We love you and we want you to be a part of our family for a long, long time.”

  “Then it’s true,” I said smiling. “It was not a dream what I heard?”

  “No, my friend,” said Dominique. “We shall share our beloved Savannah and I would be proud to share fatherhood with you.”

  “We shall spoil this baby rotten!” I laughed.

  Savannah frowned.

  “But not too rotten,” I said, backing off. “I mean, he will be a prince or a princess, they will have to be a little spoiled. The first child always is.”

  “First,” said Savannah. “How many kids do you guys want again?”

  “At least three,” said Dominique.

  Savannah’s mouth dropped open in shock.

  “Each,” I added.

  Her mouth further dropped and looked shocked.

  “We’ll talk,” said Savannah. “I’m not sure how many roles there are for a continually pregnant movie star.”

  “Can’t they just make you look fat?” I asked.

  “Oh, please, don’t go there,” snapped Savannah. “It’s a bit of a sore spot. Let’s get you something to eat. Are you hungry?”

  “Starving now,” I said. “Nearly dying takes a lot out of you.”

  I ordered lobster and grilled octopus. The chef had a great flair for making seafood and concocted custom made entrees for each of us.
You can always tell good food because it renews your energy. Makes you feel alive. Each bite brought me back more and more and soon I had left all my sadness behind.

  Our meal was just not a dinner, but a celebration of our family. The three of us were family now and soon we would be more and, God willing, even more after that. We were charting strange new waters on this day: Savannah, Dominique and I. What adventures would we have? What obstacles did we have to conquer? It did not matter, we would face them together.

  After dinner, we went into the club. It was time to dance off some of our dinner. I wasn’t much of a dancer, but on this night there was much to celebrate. Dominique took the first dance. Many years ago, his mother had made him take tango lessons. I remembered how he hated them! He would spend days complaining about it in school. Now those lessons were paying off. He was very good on the dance floor.

  At the end of the song, I cut in. The next song was a slower dance. More my style. I held Savannah in my arms.

  “Wow, Dominique can really boogie,” she said. “I have to up my game. It’s been a while since I danced.”

  “You are fine going slow with me,” I said. “Back and forth is about the only dance step I know.”

  “Yeah and quite frankly, after running around the island all day, I’d be happy watching you two dance!” she laughed.

  “Ah, I am so sorry that I made you worry, darling,” I apologized, looking into her eyes. “I was being selfish.”

  “You were being passionate,” she corrected. “That’s what I love about you. You hot European firebrand!”

  “Oh, no,” I remembered. “I should go pay for that man’s boat I took.”

  “It’s fine,” she dismissed. “Reynaldo went back and towed it in. No harm done. Although he is in trouble with his mother.”

  I thought a minute. I vaguely remembered the woman’s name on the pier.

  “Rose, was it?”

  “Yes,” Savannah confirmed. “You don’t want to get on that woman’s bad side.”

  “She is a model for a mother,” I said. “She keeps her son in line.”

  “If it’s a boy,” countered Savannah.

  “Which do you want first? Boy or girl?”

  “I like how you guys keep planning more and more babies,” laughed Savannah. “If I had to pick, girl. I think they’re probably the most fun to shop for.”

  “This is true,” I agreed. “Shopping for any woman is an art and Dominique and I are masters of it.”

  “But I want to take her,” said Savannah. “I know some good stores in L.A.”

  “Eh,” I said unimpressed. “There are plenty of good stores in Paris!”

  “That are overrated,” She said. “Every clothing store in America tries to be like ones in Italy for France and they always fail. Being rude to the customers does not make your merchandise any better.”

  “In fairness, you and Dominique have had a lifetime of shopping in these high-end places,” she continued. “I only just started going in the last two years.”

  “Don’t worry,” I assured her. “When you go to take the baby shopping, Dominique and I will have a list of recommendations.”

  “I may not take them,” she joked, pretending to be hurt.

  “I will tell the driver, then,” I smiled.

  We finished our dance and went back to the table at the club. Savannah spotted her producer friends: Bob and his wife, Nadine, and Coraline and her wife, Cindi. How would she introduce us, I wondered. Would we pretend to be just friends or would she finally announce to the world our relationship.

  This would also be a good test for us. I was used to being in a couple amongst other couples. There were certain rules and etiquette one could observe. There were assumptions you made about who was with who. Since a three person couple would be new, who knows how they would react.

  “Savannah, great to see you again,” greeted Bob.

  With everyone else introduced, Savannah introduced us.

  “I’d like you to meet the Crown Prince Dominique of Andalia and the Crown Prince Byron of Breynia, my boyfriends,” she introduced. “Technically fiancés, but we haven’t announced that yet.”

  “Oh,” said Bob. “Well congratulations you three. I never knew there was such a thing.”

  “I’ve heard of it,” said Coraline. “Polyamorous relationships. They’re more common then you think. I think it’s great. It’s good that you didn’t let the rest of society define you relationship. Cindi and I fought that battle for years.”

  “Aw, you guys are so accepting and supportive,” said Savannah. “I know I speak for the princes and I when I say we really appreciate it.”

  “On behalf of gay women everywhere,” joked Cindi. “Thanks for taking up the slack!”

  Cindi had been a professional comedian and she couldn’t help herself to make a joke. It was good. It broke the ice and we spent the evening drinking and talking with the other couples. There was nothing weird or uncomfortable about it. In the end, did it really matter who you went home with as long as you and that person or people were in love?

  Love is a strange thing. It takes many forms. If you had asked me who I would be in love with when I was a young man, I suppose I would’ve pointed at a picture of Pamela Anderson or something. You never know where your heart will take you, but I’m glad it took me here. I’m glad I have someone and I’m lucky enough to have two people that care about me.

  At some point during the night, Bob and I went up to get drinks for everyone. He seemed like a solid chap. Someone who had been married for a lot of years. We ordered and waited.

  “Bob, you and Nadine have kids, right? I thought I saw you playing with them,” I said.

  “Yeah, two little girls.”

  “Savannah is about to have her first baby,” I said. “Dominique and I are nervous.”

  “Well, it’s a big responsibility being a dad,” he said. “But don’t worry. When you’re in that delivery room and you see that little life and hold it for the first time--- You’ll know what to do. You just fall in love and it never stops. But, ya know, be prepared for many sleepless nights.”

  “That’s right. Babies don’t sleep.”

  “Well, they do, but not when you want them to,” laughed Bob. “I imagine in your castle, you’ll have a staff on call.”

  “Yes, but I want to be there, ya know. Be a good dad.”

  “That’s all you have to do.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Just be there.”

  “This is good advice. I’m glad I talked to you about this, Bob.”

  I didn’t know why I was worrying so much. People have been having children for thousands and thousands of years. I should be no different. Just keep the child alive and I’ve done most of my job, right?

  Eventually, the night wound down, the music stopped and the club closed for the evening. Both couples had children they had to attend to and we were calling it a night. I did not drink at all. I was on a bit of a health kick after the earlier drinking. At this point, I think I had completely purged the alcohol from my body.

  Dominique and Savannah headed for her room. I hesitated. I don’t know why. For a second, I doubted myself. Maybe Dominique should have the first night with her? Perhaps he should have first say, it was his baby.

  “Byron,” said Dominique, turning to look back at me. “C’mon, we’re going to bed. Why are you going to your room?”

  “I, uh, wanted to freshen up, but I can do it in Savannah’s bathroom,” I said.

  I worried for nothing. Our three way partnership was for real.

  Chapter 28


  I was so excited. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was really a part of something. Why did I worry so much before? It seemed like a lifetime away.

  We got back to my room and I started kissing Dominique, then Byron. It was very playful and fun. Then it became more sensual and hot. The kisses became more intense. I could feel their hot tongues and their roug
h five o’clock shadow against my face.

  “I’ve never been so happy,” I said.

  “We will always make you happy, my darling,” said Dominique. “With us, you shall never want nor know sadness.”

  “This we promise, my love,” said Byron. “Our love.”

  Byron kissed my mouth, while Dominique unbuttoned my dress and kissed me down my torso. He kissed my stomach gently and started kissing the inside of my thighs. Byron reached behind and took off my bra. He flung it behind him and it landed somewhere in the suite near a basket of fresh fruit the staff had put out for me.

  Dominique now slid off my panties and started tickling my pussy lips with his fingers. He teased and I arched my back, while Byron fondled my breast and sucked on my nipples.

  “Oh, yes,” I moaned. “Take me, my princes. I am yours. Do to me whatever you want!”

  Byron started to tear off his clothes with great speed, he was so excited. Dominique was kissing me up my thighs and now on my labia. He teased and licked, then parted my lips and licked a little. An orgasm started building up inside me. He was driving me crazy.

  I looked up and Byron stood before me, naked. His cock was at full attention, so I decided it need my attention. I stroked it and pulled him closer to my mouth. I licked along the bottom of his shaft, then at the tip.

  “Oh, yes,” he moaned. “How I waited for this! I thought we were finished.”

  “No, my love,” I said. “Now I’m yours forever.”

  Lifting his rock-hard cock, I tickled his balls with my tongue. All the while, Dominique had stuck a finger into my pussy and was thrusting in and out. His rough fingers rubbed against the inside of my pussy walls. I finally started to cum a little. Tiny bursts of waterfalls squirted out of my hole and onto his hand and tongue. There was so much sensation, I was overwhelmed by it all.

  “Oh, yes,” muttered Dominique with his face in my snatch. “God, it’s tastes delicious! I love the taste of your sweet pussy. It makes me so hard for you!”

  Dominique now stood up and got undressed. His muscular body was backlit by a lamp in the room. The shape of his erect penis left a big shadow on the wall. I could not wait to have it inside me. Both cocks, I wanted both inside me! One would never be enough now!


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