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Table for Three

Page 12

by Zoey Thames

  Mr. Brian Barrington was not only gorgeous but really agile. The darker man moved with confidence and power as well. Brian—she was going to think of him in her mind as Brian now, enjoying the intimacy of his first name—traded some punches with him, then darted back out of range before his opponent could close. Then Brian launched a kick that connected with his opponent’s chest and sent him back into the ropes.

  She gasped at the force of the move, hoping the other man wasn’t hurt. He didn’t seem to be, because even though Brian closed in to take advantage of his strike, the other man came out of the ropes with a series of hooks and punches that forced Brian to defend. They circled each other again. Then came a flurry of blows and strikes that flashed by almost too fast to see.

  They were so graceful, yet so powerful. She could see the fierce determination in their eyes. That fighter stare, totally focused. She wondered what it would be like to have one of these two stunning men look at her that way, with that heat, that intensity, that one hundred percent focus as if nothing else in the world mattered but her. Not dangerous to her physically of course, but dangerous to her willpower to deny them what they wanted of her…wild, passionate sex that would last until she begged for mercy… She had to shake herself out of that fantasy fast.

  It was really hot in here after all.

  Yet she moved closer to the ring, mesmerized by the furious combat. Drops of sweat poured off the two men. They exchanged a series of blows that had her holding her breath. She was a little surprised by her body’s enthusiastic reaction to this primal show of force between them. Her pussy was so wet she suspected her panties would be sopping by the time this was over.

  Brian landed a fast cross-punch to the other man’s head, rocking him back on his heels. Ruth drew in a sharp breath of air at how magnificent his body looked. She had moved close enough to the ring so that when a drop of his sweat landed on her hand, a low groan of pleasure escaped her lips. She didn’t even question her body’s reaction. Her mind was swimming, and her thoughts grew fuzzy.

  But her groan apparently caught Mr. Brian Barrington’s attention, because he glanced away from the fight and looked straight into her eyes. That searing gaze, those clear blue eyes, sent a thrill of utter lust raging through her body like a tidal wave. A smile curved his lips—

  —and then his opponent clocked him on the jaw with a massive right hook. The punch sent Brian to the mat. He hit with a resounding thud.

  Oh crap! She’d distracted him at the wrong time, and he’d been knocked out! Because of her! This was a disaster. She was in so much trouble.

  But Brian shook off the blow and rolled to a sitting position. His opponent was laughing as he reached down with a gloved hand and helped Brian back to his feet.

  “Got you good,” the other man said. “Teach you to pay attention.” He crouched down and slapped Brian on the back and laughed again. She couldn’t help but like his laugh. It was a deep, full-bodied sound, full of unapologetic enjoyment.

  “You got lucky, Dominic,” Brian said, rubbing his jaw as he pushed himself back to his feet with amazing recovery time. “I was distracted by a beautiful woman in uniform.”

  He glanced at her again, and the glint in his eye made her stomach all fluttery. When he gave her a brilliant smile, her heart truly skipped a beat. He walked over to the ropes and leaned on them, staring down at her.

  “Hello,” he said. His voice was smooth and deep and absolute music to her ears. “You must be our chauffer. I apologize for keeping you waiting.”

  “It’s no problem, sir,” she squeaked. Then she blushed. Right then her voice had sounded the least professional it had ever sounded in her entire life. So much for all those hours practicing in front of the mirror.

  But his smile only widened. “Please excuse us as we go shower. Then we can begin our evening.”

  Dominic came over and slung an arm around Brian’s shoulders. He grinned at her. She also liked Dominic’s grin—the openness of it, a kind of simple warmth. These two guys and their incredible smiles were going to kill her dead.

  “Listen to you,” Dominic said to Brian. “Trying to sound all sophisticated and impressive. And you just got knocked on your ass.”

  Brian elbowed him in the ribs, earning a surprised grunt from Dominic. “And you owe me for taking advantage of a distracted man. But we’ll talk about that later.” He turned those stunning blue eyes back to her. He gestured toward some metal bleachers intended for people to sit and watch the action. “Please have a seat if you’d like. We shouldn’t be long.”

  Brian Barrington and Dominic climbed out of the ring and headed for the locker rooms. She watched them go, her mind reeling, flustered, and still admiring both men’s broad, muscular backs and those asses…as her friend Cindy always said: “Dayumn.”

  She took a seat on the bleachers before she fell over. This was going to be a long, crazy night. She just had to survive it in one piece. But she had a feeling that dealing with the gorgeous Mr. Barrington was going to be more of a challenge then she wanted to admit.

  Five minutes later, Ruth was squirming as she sat on the hard bench. She was still sopping wet, but the needy ache in her pussy had only deepened. She had never been this level of turned-on by men battling each other before, but watching these two go at it had jacked her internal temperatures into full boil. She squeezed her legs together, trying not to gently rub herself against the metal seat to ease some of the erotic tension that had her wound tight.

  On top of the fact that they were gorgeous, the two men seemed fun enough, down to earth. She drove a lot of VIP people around the city. Many of them simply ignored her for the night, except to give her instructions, and that was perfectly fine. She was being paid to make their time in the New York City nightlife as easy and enjoyable as possible. It was her job, and she was good at it. But these two had interacted with her with such ease, so offhand it was as if the three of them had known each other for years. And it didn’t even matter that they were jaw-droppingly sexy. All the worry she’d felt earlier while searching for the gym in this rough part of town had vanished. That didn’t mean she was resting easy though. She was still so turned on it was as if her blood was ten degrees hotter than normal and she was ready to do anything to satiate that lust-heavy ache in her core.

  She glanced at the locker room door again. It was easy to imagine the two of them in there. In the showers. All that water spraying down on their hard bodies…

  A different man came out of the locker room and glanced around the gym. He met her gaze and smiled and started toward her. He was dressed in sweats and a muscle shirt, brown hair, athletic build, handsome, but nothing to compare to those two male gods she’d just watched battle it out. She stood when he approached her and smoothed her uniform, waiting for him to speak since he was clearly coming over to tell her something.

  “Brian and Dominic wanted me to give you a message,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Yes?” She felt her heart rate speed up. What was it with her tonight? Why was her body on such a sexual hair-trigger?

  “They want to head out the back door to avoid any press or whatever.”

  She hesitated. She certainly hadn’t noticed any press or paparazzi hanging around on that rundown street. “The back door is through the locker room?”

  “Yeah. Brian had an exit made. Weird, right? You know, the lifestyle of the filthy famous and absolutely rich. He doesn’t want any paparazzi filming him with his hair sweaty.” He shrugged. “And since he owns this gym…”

  Ruth nodded. She had plenty of experience avoiding paparazzi. In fact, dispatch would often give her a heads up on routes or entrances to avoid so the client didn’t have to deal with the photographers or media hounds. And Brian Barrington owning this gym certainly explained why she was picking him up here.

  “Okay,” she said carefully. “Thank you for letting me know. I’ll bring the car around…”

  He grinned wider. “Brian wants you to go on through int
o the locker room. No one else is in there, so you don’t have to worry. He has his own private changing area in the back. Exclusive, you know.” The man winked. “But like I said, don’t worry, they’re both decent. He said to head on back because it would be easier that way.”

  Ruth hesitated. But VIP clients often asked her to do all kinds of things. Once she’d had to haul a horse costume up an elevator in the Bryant Park Hotel for a client—and to this day, she wasn’t sure about the reason why. So she headed to the locker room door…and paused again with her hand resting on the knob. She glanced over her shoulder uncertainly. The man who’d given her the message wasn’t even looking her way anymore. He was working out on one of the heavy bags with his back to her. That convinced her. If he was playing a prank or yanking her chain, he’d be watching for her reaction.

  She should wait, at least until Mr. Barrington appeared to give her the instructions himself. And yet…what if she accidentally caught a glimpse of either of those two men naked? The possibility sent a lightning bolt thrill through her. Well, they had asked to head back there. And she needed to know if they wanted her to bring the limo around to the rear of the gym. There had to be an alley access if he had a back door out there, right?

  Squaring her shoulders, she turned the knob and entered the men’s locker room. Her heart was beating so hard that she thought it might just shake her body apart. Steady, girl. She forced herself to take slow breaths. The locker room smelled of cement and sweat. The air inside was humid. There was an L-shaped, tiled entry to give privacy to the rest of the locker room. She poked her head around the corner, her mouth suddenly dry.

  The inner area was filled with blue lockers and long wooden benches. There were duffel bags shoved into some of the lockers. Stray shirts. Some random weights. Trash cans. Deodorant. But no sign of her client or his sparring partner. She tentatively called out, “Mr. Barrington?”

  There was no answer.

  She swallowed and walked even farther into the gym. As she rounded the end of the lockers, she spotted the door she thought might be the one the man had spoken about. It was a swinging door, but had the word PRIVATE on the outside. Ruth hesitated again, listening for any sounds from behind the door and failing to hear anything. Maybe she was all worked up about nothing. After all, the guy they’d sent had told her to head inside and meet them here. She settled her hand on the smooth wooden door and gently pushed. The door swung open and she leaned inside the room.

  The first thing she heard was a deep groan of pleasure. The sound was so intense it seemed to echo in her marrow and caused her slick pussy to flood with new wetness. She licked her lips and turned toward the erotic sound, only able the think about how she should’ve waited and listened for ten more seconds before barging in and now…

  And now she sucked in breath.

  Mr. Brian Barrington was completely naked. He sat on the wooden bench in what looked to be a steam room or sauna area at the far end of the room, leaning his muscular frame against the white tile walls, his head thrown back, and his eyes closed in pleasure. Kneeling in front of him, settled between his legs, was a very naked Dominic, turned slightly in her direction so she could see his broad back, perfect, tight ass, and part of the side profile of his face.

  In addition to both men being stunningly beautiful without clothes, Dominic had his perfect mouth wrapped around Brian’s long, hard cock. As she watched, unable to breathe, he slowly worked his mouth up and down Brian’s shaft. His hand gripped Brian’s cock at the base as he bobbed down on him. Every so often, at the top of his stroke, he would pause and flick his tongue across the cockhead and the slit before taking the shaft back into his mouth and deep into his throat.

  She was so staggered she almost fell over. Had they expected her to find them like this? No, because clearly they were completely lost in each other, given over to their pleasure, and in another world entirely. The man who’d told her to come inside might have played a trick on her, but if she kept quiet and backed away slowly, they never needed to know she had seen them.

  Except her legs wouldn’t move.

  Except she was so turned on that her panties were soaking wet with her own juices.

  Except this was one of the most erotic things she had ever witnessed in her entire life.

  Her hand moved of its own accord and slipped open the top button of her slacks, edging the zipper down. Her naughty hand slipped past her waistband, pushing aside her panties, and her fingers dipped into her slick folds. She shuddered at the incredible sensations. She traced her fingers up her pussy lips and circled her clit and then slid them lower again to find her wet warmth. Her knees were weak, and she leaned against the door frame, barely daring to breathe as her body came alive with pleasure and lust.

  Neither man noticed her. They were too lost in their lovemaking. She locked her eyes on Dominic’s mouth as it stretched around Brian’s cock, as he left the man’s shaft glistening wet with his saliva, and she timed her own strokes to match the movement of Dominic’s head.

  She had no idea how much time passed. Dominic began to work his mouth faster and faster on Brian’s cock. Her fingers stroked faster and faster to keep time with him as her pleasure built, and as that orgasm wave crested. Brian Barrington was groaning with one hand buried in Dominic’s dark hair, clenched there, and his head back, eyes closed, mouth open. Moaning softly.

  She came first. Her orgasm ambushed her. Exploded through her. Her knees buckled, and she sagged against the door and had to catch herself from falling into the room. A second later, Brian cried out and thrashed as he came. Dominic kept working his mouth on him, swallowing down the other man’s hot cum as Brian lost himself in his orgasm. A helpless moan escaped her lips at the sight of them at the most intimate of moments.

  Her client, billionaire Brian Barrington, opened his eyes and looked right at her.

  She jerked backward, dodging away from the door, which swung shut on her. She was stumbling back into the main locker room area when she realized she still had her hand in her pants. She yanked her hand free but nearly fell over when her pants slid down her thighs. The scent of her own arousal filled her nose. Her fingers were soaked. Her panties were soaked. And here she was staggering through the men’s locker room while trying to yank her black slacks back into place.

  Could anything else go wrong?

  Ruth staggered her way to the door just as she succeeded in getting her pants back up and buttoned. Behind her, she thought she heard men’s voices talking low, but she didn’t stop. She shoved her way back out into the main gym, breathing hard, feeling like she’d just escaped the lion’s den.

  That asshole who had tricked her into going inside the locker room was watching her, as were a handful of other guys. They were all doubled over with laughter. She felt her face go bright red. She knew how badly and easily she blushed, and besides that, her skin felt about a thousand degrees hot. She kept her chin high and walked slowly, with all the dignity she could muster, to the front door and left. The door swooshed shut on the men’s laughter, but she didn’t give them the satisfaction of either curses or her attention.

  Her hands were shaking badly though, and her thigh muscles were trembling, as if she’d run eight miles on her treadmill. Her stomach clenched and twisted with dread inside her. She managed to unlock the limo and practically fell into the driver’s seat.

  Oh god, she was in so much trouble.

  She was a peeping tom. She had been caught spying on a client in flagrante delicto. She might as well drive the limo into the harbor now, because it was all over.

  If Brian—if Mr. Barrington—complained, she would lose her job for sure. And she desperately needed this job just to pay the rent on her crappy little apartment in the Bronx, much less to save up for NYU tuition. If she lost this job, she might as well kiss her dreams of a degree at NYU and a future in business good-bye forever. All because she had been too horny to keep herself from intruding. All because she’d turned out to be some pervert voyeur. Wha
t was wrong with her?

  Ah, but those two men had been beautiful together. First, competing against each other in that raw struggle, that no-holds-barred combat. Then, loving one another, touching each other, the unabashed eroticism of a fellatio, with one man kneeling before the other as if offering a gift of pleasure…

  She shook her head and slammed her hand down on the steering wheel.

  She needed to get a grip. Right. Now.

  There had to be some way out of this… Right?




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