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Undeniable Love

Page 19

by Kelly Elliott

  “We can skip dinner and dancing if you want.”

  Letting out a sexy giggle, she shook her head. “No, this is your last night before you leave. I want it to be special. I have a feeling we are going to be in for an adventure tonight.”

  Giving her a quick wink, I finally stepped in through the door and took her in my arms. “You have no idea, baby. No idea at all.”

  “I just need to grab my wrap and purse then we can leave.” Turning, she began walking through her house. The way her ass moved in that dress I knew I was going to have a hard time keeping my hands off of her. I couldn’t help but notice she slightly limped on her left foot still.

  Looking around, I noticed Ryn had begun packing. My heart soared at the idea of Ryn and I being together. I hated that my father had a heart attack, but in a sense, it finally woke me up to how miserable I was in my life. It felt like the last year I had been on autopilot, nothing to really look forward to each day.

  Things were different now. I was going to be back home, running my family’s hunting ranch and doing what I loved to do, and Ryn would be with me.

  Smiling, I shook my head. What a difference a year makes. I still had the feeling deep in my gut that scared the shit out of me about Ryn and I. We certainly had been on full throttle since getting back together and a part of me wondered if it was just the excitement of finally having her back.

  Then there was the playroom. Putting my fingers up to my temples, I began massaging them.

  “Do you have a headache, Tristan? We can stay here and order take out if you want.”

  Giving her a smile, I shook my head, “It’s just stress from everything that’s going on. All the moving and getting things settled. Once we eat, I’ll be fine. You ready?”

  Ryn tilted her head and gave me a look like she didn’t believe me. “I promise you, Ryn.”

  Walking up to me, she reached up on her toes and gently kissed my lips. “Sometimes I have to pinch myself.”

  Raising an eyebrow, I asked, “Why?”

  Her eyes lit up and her face turned serious. “I’ve never in my life been this happy. I loved what we had before, but now it feels—”

  “Special? Magical?”

  Nodding her head and dabbing a tear from the corner of her eye she kissed me again. “Tell me,” she whispered against my lips.

  Ryn had gotten into the habit of asking me to tell her I loved her. If I could tell her every second of the day, I would.

  “I love you, baby.”

  Smiling, she laced her fingers through my hair and pulled my mouth closer to hers. The kiss was passionate from the get go. Our tongues danced around each other as Ryn moaned into my mouth. I was two seconds away from lifting her dress, pulling off her panties and fucking her.

  Pulling back and panting to catch her breath, Ryn spoke. “We . . . better . . . get going.”

  “Yeah, we better.” Taking her hand, we made our way out to the car. My nerves began acting up again and I tried like hell to push them down. If I let it show how scared shitless I was, Ryn would pick up on it. “So, have you told your office yet about the move?”

  Ryn rolled her eyes and mumbled under her breath. “I’d rather not talk about the office right now.”

  Pulling my head back in shock, I nodded. “Okay. No shop talk.”

  Swinging her legs into the car, Ryn simply replied with, “Thanks.”

  Whatever had been bothering Ryn, she quickly pushed it aside on the drive to the restaurant. She began talking about how excited she was to start the process of finding a builder.

  “I’ve been meaning to tell you what Dad said. His best friend from high school is a builder. I should say, was a builder. His company built the house Lark and I grew up in. His son has taken over the business and they’d love to talk to us about building our house.”

  Ryn turned to me and smiled. “I love that idea. That adds a whole other sentimental element to the whole process.”

  Nodding, I agreed. “I think you’re right, it does.”

  Pulling in front of The Driskill, I waited for the valet to come and give me a claim ticket. “Are you staying the evening with us, sir?”

  “No, dining at the Driskill Grill.”

  Smiling, he gave me a polite handshake. “Enjoy your meal with your wife, sir.”

  Stunned into silence, I couldn’t move. “What?”

  The young kid looked at me like I was crazy. “Um, excuse me, sir?”

  Glancing over toward Ryn, I watched as she smiled and had every single guys attention as she walked toward the entrance. Shaking her head, she laughed at something an older gentleman said to her.

  Turning back to the valet, I had no idea what possessed me, but I answered him back with, “She’s not my wife. Girlfriend. She’s um . . . my girlfriend.”

  Grinning he said, “Wife or girlfriend, enjoy your evening, sir.”

  Walking toward Ryn, I was unsure why this kid’s comment had thrown me for a loop. Placing my hand on the small of Ryn’s back, I guided her into the hotel and made our way to the restaurant.

  I had never been to this restaurant, but Lark had brought Azurdee. Walking into it, I was not disappointed.

  “Oh, it’s breathtaking. So romantic,” Ryn whispered as we walked in. Glancing around the restaurant, all of the tables had white linens on them; the chairs were covered in velvet fabric and there were so many glittery lights everywhere it felt like I was about to go into a damn spasm.

  The hostess gave us a warm smile as she said, “Follow me to your table. We have you set back in the corner, Mr. Williams, for a bit more privacy, per your request.”

  Pulling the chair out for Ryn, she quickly gave me a seductive grin.

  Our waiter approached as Ryn was about to sit. Stepping in front of me, he cut me off and began helping Ryn with her wrap. The way his hand lingered on her arm pissed me off.

  Pushing her chair in, he gave her a smile. “May I start the beautiful lady out with a glass of our house red wine?”

  Ryn gave the waiter a polite smile. “I’m going to stick with water for right now, but thank you.”

  Finally pulling his eyes off of Ryn, the little fucker looked at me. He couldn’t have been more than twenty-one years old. Giving me a smirk he asked, “Sir, a drink?”


  “Do you have Nolet’s Gin?” I asked.

  “Yes, sir we do.”

  “Gin and tonic. Heavy on the gin.”

  Giving me a quick nod of his head he turned on his heels and headed to the bar.

  Ryn started giggling as I snapped my head back to her. “That fucking bastard. He’s flirting with you.”

  “Stop, Tristan, he’s not. He’s just a nice young man who is being kind.”

  Sitting back in my chair, I glared over at him. “He knows what he is doing. He is trying to make a play for my girl. Probably doesn’t even know how to handle his peter.”


  Shrugging my shoulders, I gave Ryn a wink. “Maybe we should hook him up with Sierra.”

  Covering her mouth she shook her head as she laughed. “You are so bad. Leave poor Sierra be.”

  “Have you talked to her since the whole thing with Dodge happened?” I asked as our prick waiter came back over and set our drinks down.

  “Have you had a chance to look at this evening’s menu? May I start you out with a starter?”

  Clearing my throat so he would look at me and not down at Ryn’s breasts, I began talking. “We’ll take an order of bacon-wrapped Sea Robin.”

  “Excellent choice. The young lady will enjoy the succulent taste the fish leaves on her pallet.”

  Dropping my mouth open as Ryn choked on her water, I shot the guy daggers. “Just go put the order in, dude.”

  Ryn busted out laughing as soon as the waiter walked away.

  “Holy shit! Can you believe that motherfucker?”

  “Tristan, keep your voice down.”

  “That little bastard is two seconds away from tastin
g my fist on his pallet.”

  Chuckling again, Ryn reached across the table and took my hand. “Stop. You know I only have eyes for you. And as far as Sierra goes, no. She sent me a text and said she had been working a lot of overtime and would call when she could.”

  Frowning, I glanced at the menu.

  Returning back with our starter the little bastard turned and looked at Ryn. Again. “Are we ready to order?”

  Ryn’s eyes snapped over to mine. “Tristan, will you order for us?”

  Smiling, I looked at the little fucker. “We’ll both have the aged filet mignon, medium well. Roasted potatoes for the sides.”

  Writing it down, he gave me a polite nod, asked if we need anything else and headed to the kitchen.

  Ryn and I mostly talked about the move back down to the ranch. I was headed down before Ryn. She needed to stay back for a bit to take care of her business and get her place packed up and rented out.

  “I’m thinking I only want to bring a few pieces of furniture with me. Mostly everything I bought when I first bought my place is junk.”

  “Baby, we can bring anything down you want.”

  Giving me a sexy ass grin, Ryn leaned across the table. “I’m thinking this is a new chapter to our lives. One we are starting together. I want everything to be about us. I think picking out our furniture together will kind of be fun.”

  Rolling my eyes, I laughed. “Somehow your idea of fun and mine are way different.”

  Laughing, Ryn looked up at the waiter. Setting the dessert we ordered in the middle of the table, he turned and walked off.

  “Huh. Dickhead must have found someone better to flirt with.”

  Dropping her mouth open, Ryn said, “Hey! You just intimidated him with daggers you’ve been shooting at him with your eyes since we sat down.”

  Taking Ryn’s hand in mine, I smiled. “You ready to go dancing?”

  Nodding her head she whispered, “Very ready. Where are we going?”

  Pulling out some money and tossing it down on the table, I stood. I knew how much Dodge’s friendship meant to Ryn. I had gone to Dodge’s club the day after we got in the fight at Starbucks. After a long chat, we both came to terms with things and I knew this would make things easier for all of us. “Let’s forget dessert and head to Dodge’s club.”

  Smiling she stood up. “Really?”

  “Yeah, let’s go have some fun, baby.”

  Wrapping my arm around Ryn’s waist, we made our way out of the restaurant. Taking one last look at our waiter, I gave him my best go to hell look as we passed by.

  Walking into Red 7, I had my arm draped over Ryn’s shoulders. The loud music was not helping the dull pulsing in my temples. As the seconds ticked off the clock, I knew I was that much closer to showing Ryn my playroom.

  Pushing the sick feeling from my gut, I placed my lips to her ear. “You look beautiful this evening.”

  Turning, Ryn smiled. “You’ve mentioned that already.”

  Grinning, I yelled, “I think I’d rather fight off the waiter. The moment you walked in here about fifty guys started eye fucking you.”

  Laughing, Ryn playfully hit me in the stomach. “Stop it! Let’s find Dodge, say hi and then get our dance on before my ankle gives out in these heels.”

  Nodding my head, I turned Ryn toward the bar. Walking up to the bar, I shouted to the red-haired bartender. She had more piercings on her face than I’d ever seen. “Dodge around?”

  Nodding she yelled, “He’s in his office. He expecting you?”

  Shouting back I said, “Yes.”

  Motioning with her head the bartender said, “Head on back then, handsome.”

  Feeling Ryn grip my arm harder, I let out a chuckle. Looks like we both had a bit of a jealous streak.

  Pulling me from the bar, Ryn headed to the side of the bar and to the hallway that led back to Dodge’s office.

  Quickly knocking once, Ryn opened the door and we walked into Dodge’s office. “Ohmygod! So sorry!” Ryn shouted as she quickly shut the door and turned to look at me. Her hand went up to her mouth and she began laughing.

  “Holy shit. There is a guy in Dodge’s office and he was . . . um . . . busy!”

  “Is he fucking someone in there?”

  “Ah . . .” Ryn’s face was bright red. “It’s not Dodge. It’s a guy with brown hair.”

  Pulling my face back, I looked at Ryn confused. “This is Dodge’s office, right?”

  Ryn turned and looked at the door. “Yeah, but the sign that said Dodge Walker General Manager is gone.”

  Now my curiosity was getting the better of me. Reaching for the door, I went to open it.

  Ryn grabbed my arm and pulled back. “Tristan, no! There is a couple having sex.”

  “In Dodge’s office, Ryn? Where is Dodge?”

  Confusion spread across Ryn’s face. “Maybe he’s not working tonight.”

  The sound of the bass in the music in the club was penetrating the walls. For some reason the beat had my dick jumping. Opening the door, I pushed it open.

  Yep. There was for sure a couple in here fucking. The guy was sitting in the chair and a blonde-haired girl with blue streaks throughout was riding the hell out of the guy.

  “Yes! Yes, your cock fills my pussy to the max, Dodge.”

  Smiling, I shook my head. Dodge must have dyed his hair brown and that’s why Ryn thought it was a strange couple. “Fuck me harder, Chase. Come on, baby.”

  Turning, I looked at Ryn standing outside the office door with a look of horror on her face. She kept motioning with her hands for me to come back out. Smiling, I shook my head.

  Time for me to have a little fun.

  Slowly making my way over to the chair, I wiped the smile from my face. Dodge’s back was to me and the blonde had her eyes closed as she kept repeating how great Dodge’s dick was.

  Taking in a deep breath, I put my game face on. “Why? Why would you do this to us?” I shouted.

  The blonde kept riding Dodge as she opened her eyes. Dodge attempted to turn his chair but the blonde was riding him hard as she just looked at me smiling. “Who . . . are . . . you?”

  Looking at Dodge who now placed his hands on her hips to get her to stop moving. “Chase, stop.”

  Looking back at the blonde, I said as I pointed to myself, “Who am I? Who. Am. I? Who the hell are you?”

  Smiling, she purred back, “I asked first, handsome.”

  Pointing to Dodge I said, “I’m his partner. We just got married last week.”

  Dodge, the blonde, and Ryn all said, “What?”

  Turning, I glanced over my shoulder to Ryn who was now laughing.

  Walking up to Dodge, I smacked the shit out of the back of his head. “How could you? How long have you been unfaithful to me?”

  The blonde sitting on Dodge’s lap jumped off of him, causing Dodge to quickly cover his now limp dick.

  “What in the fuck are you doing?” Dodge asked as he stood.

  “Just be honest with me, Dodge. If you wanted to try something new, I would have been all for it.”

  “Really? Cause I’ve never had two guys at once. I heard two dicks at once are amazing.”

  Dodge and I both turned and looked at the blonde who was just standing there smiling.

  Dodge quickly pulled his pants up and grabbed his shirt. “Chase, can you please get dressed and get back to work?”

  Nodding her head she smiled. “Sure, boss.”

  Looking back at Ryn, she had her back to the office and all I could see was her shoulders bouncing up and down. I loved that Ryn had a good sense of humor.

  “Listen here, handsome dude . . .”

  “It’s Tristan, my name is Tristan.”

  Muttering something under her breath, the blonde continued, “Listen, I had no idea that Dodge was taken. Had I known, I would have never have made a move. But you should probably know, Tristan. I think Dodge is into girls, too. Like a lot. A whole lot.”

  Turning, she walked away a
s Dodge was attempting to find his voice. “Chase! Chase, he’s only kidding! We are not together. That is his girlfriend, Ryn.”

  The blonde stopped and looked at Ryn. Grinning she said, “Are y’all down for a foursome?”

  “No!” Me, Dodge, and Ryn all shouted at once.

  Giving Dodge and me a disappointed look, the blonde turned and walked away.

  I busted out laughing as Ryn walked up and sat down in one of the chairs, laughing her ass off. “Oh my gosh! You should have seen your face, Dodge. It was priceless.”

  Lifting her hand in a high five motion, I slapped it.

  “You’re a real asshole, do you know that? Do you know how long it took me to get into that girl’s pants, you prick?”

  Making a disgusted sound, Ryn mumbled, “Nice. Real nice.”

  Dodge pulled his shirt over his head and grunted in frustration. “Fuck! What in the hell do you two want anyway?”

  Pulling my head back, I knew Dodge couldn’t have been that frustrated by losing out on a fuck that clearly meant nothing to him. Something must have been up.

  “What’s with the hair, Dodge?” Ryn asked. Pushing his hand through his hair, Dodge shrugged half-heartedly.

  “Put it back to my natural color.”

  Ryn looked shocked. “You’re not a blond?”

  Dodge glanced over to Ryn for one quick second before he picked up some papers off of his desk and threw them into a box on the floor. “No, Ryn. I’m not.”

  Looking around for the first time, I saw all the boxes. “Wait, what’s going on? Why all the boxes?”

  Dodge stopped grabbing shit and throwing it into the box and sat in his chair. “I’m no longer the general manager here. Tonight is my last night managing the club.”

  Ryn stood up quickly. “What? Why? Dodge, you love your job!”

  Rubbing the back of his neck, Dodge let out a frustrated moan. “Fuck! This is bullshit. My life just went to the shits.”

  Sitting down next to Ryn, we exchanged looks. This could not be good.

  I HAD NEVER SEEN DODGE so upset and stressed before. I reached for Tristan’s hand as we sat there and listed to Dodge rambling on about his father, the club being his life, and having to go back to a job he hated.


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