Book Read Free

Undeniable Love

Page 25

by Kelly Elliott


  Nodding my head, I spoke above a whisper, “Yes. I want you to read it.”

  Sitting, I tucked my legs into my body and rested my chin on my knees as I watched Tristan read my letter. Tears began to form in his eyes as he continued to read. Once he finished reading, he slowly looked up at me.

  Standing, he pulled a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and handed it to me. He sat back down as I unfolded the paper, never once taking my eyes off of him.

  Looking down, I sucked in a breath of air as read the first line.

  My dearest Kathryn,

  I promise to always be your strength.

  I promise to hold you in my arms when you are sad, angry, and happy, but most of all, when you are scared.

  I promise to kiss you at least ten times a day.

  I promise to be the best husband and father I can be.

  I promise to make mistakes. With every mistake comes greater knowledge.

  I promise to never hurt you. Ever.

  I promise you that I will protect you with every fiber of my being.

  I promise to love you . . . only you . . . forever.

  I promise all these things because you are my entire world. My everything I’ve ever dreamed of and feared. My love for you once scared me, now it is the driving force behind wanting to make every single one of your dreams come true. Which leads me to my last promise.

  I promise to make all your dreams come true.

  Forever and always yours,


  I WAS PRETTY SURE I was about to pass out. My heart had stopped beating the moment I handed Ryn my letter. I wasn’t any good at this kind of stuff. I knew what I wanted to say to her, I just couldn’t get it out.

  Finally she looked up at me. Tears were streaming down her face.

  Shit. Is that good? Maybe it’s bad? Her letter had been amazing and brought me to tears. What if mine sucked so bad . . . it forced her to cry?

  The next thing I knew, Ryn was up and in my arms. “I love you. I’ve never in my life loved anyone like I love you.”

  Wrapping my arms around her, I smiled into her hair. “And you never will.”

  “Tristan, make love to me. Please.”

  Lifting her up, I carried her back into the house. I had brought all our bags to the master bedroom downstairs since I had invited a few of our friends to join us this weekend.

  Setting her on the bed, I stood up and slowly got undressed while Ryn watched my every move. Moving over her body, I gently kissed her lips, pulling her lower lip between my teeth and giving it a gentle pull. Ryn whimpered with need underneath me.

  Slowly lifting her up, I pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it onto the floor. Reaching behind her, I unclasped her bra and slowly pulled it off of her.

  “Lay back, Ryn.”

  Falling back onto the pillow, Ryn began squirming. Reaching my hands for her shorts, I unsnapped the button and slowly began pulling the zipper down.

  Closing her eyes tightly as she lifted her hips. In one fast movement, I had her shorts and panties off. She lay gloriously naked on the bed.

  “So damn beautiful,” I whispered as I crawled over her. Kissing her lips gently, I moved my lips down to her neck. Placing soft kissing along her collarbone, I moved down her chest. Each nipple was placed in my mouth as my tongue rolled over it before my teeth gently bit down. Arching her back, Ryn let out a whimper, “Ahh . . . Tristan . . . please!”

  Using my tongue, I trailed a path to her navel. Dipping my tongue in, Ryn begged me for more.

  Kissing the inside of her leg, I pushed her legs open. “Jesus, Ryn. You’re perfect everywhere, baby.”

  Gripping the sheets, Ryn’s hips jerked up as my tongue made a slow swipe up her lips to her clit.


  Smiling, I began teasing her clit with my tongue. Ryn’s hands were in my hair, pulling and then pushing me into her more.


  Pulling back, I spread her lips open and before I dipped my tongue inside, I looked up at her. She was looking at me, her eyes filled with lust. Her chest rising and falling with desire. “Your pussy is so wet, Ryn.”

  Dropping her head back, she hissed, “Fuuuck.”

  Smiling, I pushed my tongue into her. Licking and tasting her want for me. Slowly pushing two fingers into her ass, she jumped. I had been working her ass slowly and I couldn’t wait to fuck her there. My dick throbbed at the idea as I moved my fingers in and out of her ass while my tongue fucked her.


  I felt her orgasm hit as she squeezed onto my fingers, pushing another finger in, I spread her open more as she screamed out and fell apart again.

  “Stop, I can’t . . . I can’t . . .”

  Pulling my fingers out, I licked up her pussy to her clit and flicked it a few more times. Ryn squirmed as she yelled out. Her body was so responsive, I loved it.

  Moving up between her legs, I positioned myself at her entrance. Slowly pushing in, Ryn and I both let out a long deep moan. Placing my lips to her ear, I whispered, “You feel so good.”

  Wrapping her legs around me, we slowly began moving. It was a perfect rhythm. Kissing along her neck, my lips found hers. Our tongues moved against each other as if they were in a slow dance. Cupping her face within my hands, I kissed her harder. Faster. The passion was heating up as I pumped in and out of her faster.

  Pulling back, I looked into her eyes. “I love you,” I whispered as I pushed deep inside her and came.

  A tear slowly moved down her cheek as she whispered back, “Forever, Tristan. Forever.”

  Ryn came running down the stairs. She had been up there making sure the bedrooms had everything that would be needed. She only thought Lark, Azurdee, and Chris were coming. I had extended an invite to Sierra, but she said she couldn’t make it. With her not coming, I went ahead and invited Dodge. Ryn would be over the moon to see him.

  “They’re here! I just saw a car pull up.”

  Smiling, I wiped my hands on the hand towel next to me. I was making homemade pizza sauce for the individual pizzas I was putting together. Ryn had asked why I was making so much food. I had turned and looked at the island and all the food I had ordered. A cheese and fruit tray, a vegetable tray, some funky pinwheel sandwich shit the girl at HEB said everyone would love, chips, pretzels, Cheetos . . . there was a lot of food.

  The door flew up and Ryn screamed, “Ohmygod! Sierra!”

  My mouth fell open as I quickly came out of the kitchen. “Oh fuck,” I whispered. “What in the hell is she doing here? She said no!”

  Walking into the house, Sierra gave Ryn a big hug. “I told Tristan I didn’t think I would be able to make it. I couldn’t get anyone to cover my shift, but turns out someone needed to switch.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Okay, this could still work. Her house was two doors down from here. I’ll just tell her she needs to stay there. If she asks why, I’ll make up something.

  As they made their way toward the kitchen, I gave Sierra a smile. “Hey, you made it after all.”

  Grinning, she walked up and kissed me on the cheek. “I did. I hope you didn’t give my room away.” Ryn and Sierra laughed. “Because my winter Texans are still in my house.”

  Fuck me.

  Ryn looked at me and frowned. She must have seen the look on my face when Sierra said her house was being rented out.

  Giving her a wink and smile, I asked, “Hey, did you want some wine? We’ve got beer or soda. Pick your flavor.”

  “Oh man, I think I’ll stick with just water this weekend.”

  The doorbell rang and Ryn ran over and threw it open. Letting out another scream, she yelled, “Ohmygod! Dodge.”

  Sierra’s head snapped over and looked at me. Looking at her, I whispered, “You said you couldn’t make it!”

  Turning back toward where Ryn was with Dodge, Sierra mumbled, “I think I’ll take that glass of wine and the beer.”

  Laughing, I turne
d and headed into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator, I pulled out three beers. One for Sierra, one for Dodge for when he saw Sierra, and one for me, to prepare for Ryn asking me why I would invite Dodge and Sierra together.

  Walking back to Sierra, I handed her the beer. Dodge walked up and shook my hand and gave me a quick hug with a slap on the back. “Good to see you, Tristan.”

  Handing the beer to him, I replied, “Great to see you, too.”

  Dodge turned and looked at Sierra who was staring at him. “Why are you staring at me?”

  Reaching over I closed poor Sierra’s gaped open mouth. She shook her head and said, “Your hair. You look so good . . . I mean . . . it looks so good . . . better. It looks better b-brown.”

  I attempted not to laugh as Sierra fumbled around her words. Dodge smiled, “Thanks, Sierra. It’s naturally brown.”

  Not being able to take her eyes from him she said, “Huh.”

  Finally she looked away and to the front door when Azurdee and Lark walked in.

  Azurdee screamed, Ryn screamed, Lark rolled his eyes and made a beeline straight to the kitchen. Passing Dodge, he gave him a head pop and a quick hello.

  We all sat around the island bar and talked, ate, drank, and then ate some more. Azurdee, Ryn, and Sierra were going on and on about some new fashion show. We eventually moved into the living room. I couldn’t help but notice how Dodge kept sneaking a peek at Sierra. She of course wanted to look, but refused to. I knew this because I knew Sierra. It was killing her not to look at Dodge.

  The doorbell rang and I quickly stood up. Shit. Oh motherfucker. I had forgotten about Chris. Pushing my hand through my hair, I looked at Sierra and then Dodge.

  “Who’s that?” Ryn asked.

  Giving her a wink, I didn’t answer as I turned and headed to the door. I had originally asked Chris, thinking Sierra would be here, thinking they might hook up for the weekend. I knew Chris would be attracted to Sierra instantly. Sierra on the other hand was up in the air. She could either be in the mood for a hook up or not want anything to do with Chris. Then when Sierra couldn’t make it, I invited Dodge, thinking Chris and Dodge would get along okay. They both ate, slept, and breathed the Dallas Cowboys and the Texas Rangers.

  Opening the door, I smiled. This ought to be interesting. “Hey, Tristan, sorry I’m late. I got a late start.”

  Behind me I heard Ryn. “Chris! Oh my gosh this so great!” Taking Chris’s bag, I motioned for him to head in. He was familiar with the house since he had come with us to the coast every summer since sixth grade.

  Walking in, Dodge stood and introduced himself. Okay, so far so good. Lark jumped up and gave Chris a hug as he said, “Jesus H. Christ. It’s been awhile.”

  Azurdee gave Chris a hug. When Chris turned to Sierra, he paused for a brief second. I was pretty sure no one saw it. Sierra’s eyes lit up, even though she tried to play it cool. One peek at Dodge and it didn’t appear he noticed anything.

  Slapping Chris on the back, I asked, “You hungry?”

  “Yes, man I’m starved.”

  Chris and I headed into the kitchen to grab him some pizza. Standing in the kitchen talking to him, I couldn’t help but notice Sierra kept looking in here.

  Everyone started getting tired around one in the morning. After saying good night to everyone, Ryn and I headed to our room.

  As we laid in bed, Ryn started chuckling. Looking over at her I asked, “What’s so funny?”

  Turning on her side, she rested her head in her hand. “Sierra, Dodge, and Chris. This should be an interesting few days.”

  Letting out a laugh, I nodded my head. “Interesting is one word you could use.”

  Pulling her onto me, I rolled onto my back. “You tired?”

  Giving me that sexy smile of hers, she nodded and pouted. “I am. As much as I’d love to make love, my body is longing for sleep.”

  Rolling over and placing her back onto the bed, I kissed her softly. “Sleep good, baby.”

  Pulling her into my side, we both quickly fell asleep.

  The last two days had been a blast as we all just hung out and relaxed. Ryn seemed to really be enjoying herself. I decided we were going to have to do this more often. Sierra and Chris hit it off, just like I thought they would. They were currently sitting next to each other talking about the damn dog boarding business. What is it with girls and dogs?

  Walking out onto the deck where everyone was, I carried a bottle of champagne and five glasses. Setting the champagne down onto the table, I looked around at everyone. Ryn was smiling and laughing as Lark told a story about a time he was in the Marines. This was the perfect time.

  Walking up to Ryn, she looked up at me. She was breathtaking. The most beautiful woman I had every laid my eyes on.

  Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the ring box as I got down on one knee. Ryn’s eyes instantly began watering. Azurdee and Sierra both let out gasps and placed their hands over their mouths.

  Smiling, I took Ryn’s hand in mine as I looked into her eyes.

  “Ryn, when I close my eyes and picture my life, I picture you standing looking out over the ocean and my hands on your pregnant stomach.”

  Tears rolled down, Ryn’s face and I fought like hell to keep my composure in front of everyone. Swallowing hard, I kept talking.

  “When I’m holding you, Ryn, I’m holding my entire world. I’m nothing without you, baby. You’re the best part of who I am.”

  Ryn began crying harder as I took the princess cut diamond out of the box and held it up. “Ryn, will you marry me?”

  Her hand was shaking as she nodded her head frantically. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Dropping to her knees, Ryn wrapped her arms around me as everyone began standing up and saying their congratulations. I’d been nervous as hell to ask Ryn to marry me in front of our friends. Seeing the happiness in her eyes would be something I would never forget. I wasn’t sure how long Ryn and I held each other before we stood. Lark was the first to hug Ryn.

  Azurdee and Ryn both started crying again when they hugged. Sierra came walking up and gave me a hug and whispered, “It’s about time.”

  Dodge and Chris both shook my hand and gave Ryn a kiss on the cheek.

  Clapping his hands together, Lark said, “This calls for a celebration.”

  Smiling, I looked at Ryn. She walked up to me and kissed me gently on the lips. “You want to go out, baby, and celebrate?”

  “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care where we are.”

  Looking around I said, “All right, let’s party.”

  GLANCING DOWN AGAIN, I LOOKED at the ring on my finger. Smiling, I looked at Tristan. He hadn’t let go of me since we walked into the dance club. He either had my hand in his or had his arm around my waist.

  Looking up, I noticed Dodge staring out to the dance floor. Following his gaze, I saw Chris and Sierra dancing. “Freak Me” was playing and Chris and Sierra were for sure getting their freak on. I wouldn’t be surprised if Chris ended up in Sierra’s bed tonight.

  I knew Sierra secretly wished for Dodge to make some kind of move, but he ended up dancing with some red head almost as soon as we walked into the club. I saw the hurt move across Sierra’s face. But as soon as I saw it, it was gone and her attention was turned to the man who had been making a move for the last two days.

  “You want to dance, baby?”

  Giving Tristan a smile, I nodded and let him lead me to the dance floor. The beat of the song moved through my body as Tristan took me into his arms. Tristan was an amazing dancer. He pulled me closer and began moving his hands over my body as I melted into his body. The last few days had been amazing. I never wanted this time to end.

  “Tell me what you are thinking right now,” Tristan said in my ear.

  “I’m thinking about life after this weekend.”

  Giving me a smile that melted my heart, Tristan placed his lips back to my ear. “Slow. Life is going to be slow. I want to enjoy every single second with
you. Every night I want to lie in the back of my truck and look up at the clear sky full of stars. Every morning I want to wake up with you in my arms as we listen to the world come alive.”

  Moving my lips along his jaw, I said, “Hmm . . . cowboy take me home and make love to me.”


  Walking back over to the bar, Tristan told Lark and Azurdee we were heading back to the house. Lark gave Tristan a thumbs-up as Azurdee stood and gave me a kiss on the cheek and then Tristan.

  The rest of the evening was spent with Tristan making slow passionate love to me as he whispered in my ear how much he desired me.

  This night would forever be the most romantic night of my life.

  Standing at the water’s edge, Tristan held the bottle in his hand. We had put both our letters into the bottle and Tristan had sealed it the same day we wrote them. We had both agreed to throw the bottle into the ocean at sunrise. This was our last day at the beach and the first official full day as an engaged couple.

  The sun was beginning to rise as Tristan and I stood in front of each other. “Are we supposed to say something?” I asked.

  Tristan looked out over the water. “Um . . . like what?”

  Giggling, I said, “Maybe we just kiss and then give it a toss.”

  “I like that plan.”

  Taking a step forward, Tristan began screaming out, “Ouch! Shit! Oh, what the hell?”

  I jumped back and looked at him. “What’s wrong? Tristan. What’s wrong?”

  Tristan was jumping around on one foot as he kept screaming out. “Fuuck! Get it off. Get. It. Off!”

  Trying to see what was wrong, I bent over. “Stay still, stop jumping around!” I yelled out.

  Then I saw what was wrong. In that moment I felt something hit my foot and I screamed bloody murder. “Crab. Holy shit you have a crab on your toe.”

  I began jumping as I tried to look around. The sun was rising and I was able to see around my feet.

  “Why are you jumping? It’s on my foot!”

  Tristan began trying to shake the crab off of his foot as I busted out laughing.


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