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Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3)

Page 6

by Erin Osborne

  “You didn’t. I wanted to get to you, but I didn’t know how I’d react. I’m sorry you saw me like that. Again,” I tell him, placing a kiss against his firm lips.

  “I’m not goin’ on the run, Pixie. We’re goin’ home and goin’ to make sure you’re okay,” Chains tells me.

  “Don’t let my things interfere with your work. You need to continue doing your thing so Renegade doesn’t get mad at you.”

  “He’s not mad. It was his idea. Snake is takin’ my place. He needs to leave for a few days before I beat his ass again. He knows what he did wasn’t right. Renegade will remind him of that fact when they’re gone. Let’s go home, Pixie.”

  Chapter Eight


  WE TAKE CASS home from the tattoo shop and the destruction. Not only of her car but of the break room. Chains absolutely lost his shit when he saw Cass in an almost catatonic state. He further lost his shit when Snake admitted to sending Cass for lunch alone. As a member of the club, he knows we don’t want any of the women alone right now. Especially Cassidy.

  Cass rode home on the back of Chains’ bike. He needs to feel her close right now. It’s the only thing that’s going to calm him down the rest of the way. I saw the way his shoulders slumped and the deep breath he took as soon as she wrapped her little body around him.

  As soon as we pull into the driveway, I run ahead of them to make sure no one’s in the house. Yes, I’ve got it rigged to alert us of any motion or anything like that happening, but I’m not stupid enough to think my security set up is foolproof. It’s just harder to fuck with than most other systems.

  Chains follows me in the house with Cass wrapped around him. He’s not going to let her out of his sight for a while. That’s the reason Renegade told him to stay behind on this run. Chains is not a man that opens himself up. For anyone. Yet he’s opening up for Cass. He’s got demons he has yet to share, but if anyone can get them out of him, it’s going to be her.

  Snake on the other hand needs to disappear for a while. He got his ass handed to him by Chains, but I have yet to get my hands on him. I’ll get to him when he gets back. For now, our only focus is going to be Cass and making sure she feels safe tonight.

  “Gonna draw her a bath,” I tell Chains after walking through the house.

  “Okay. I’ll bring her in,” Chains tells me, walking to her room so she can grab some clothes.

  Walking in the bathroom we all share, I turn the water on and find her bubble bath. It’s not often she takes a bath like this to my knowledge. Usually she’s rushing around for work or relaxing in the living room or her room. Today, she needs to unwind in a bath and we’re gonna help her do that.

  Once the tub is full, I shut the water off and wait for Chains to bring her in. There’s no more hiding from us. We’re going to see Cassidy the way we’ve wanted to see her since the first day we met her. No, we’re not gonna pressure her into anything else, but we’re sure as hell going to stay in here with her.

  Chains finally brings her in. He’s carrying her clothes in one hand while his other hand is on her ass. Lucky fucker. I watch as he sets her down so her feet touch the floor. While he’s standing in front of her, I walk up to her back and press my hand on her lower back so she knows I’m there. We strip her before I help her into the tub.

  Cassidy doesn’t once shy away from us. She accepts our help and doesn’t say a word about it. Chains and I kneel beside the tub once she’s up to her neck in bubbles and water. Everything is covered with bubbles and the blush creeping up her delicate skin.

  “You guys don’t have to hang out in here with me,” she says, looking between the two of us.

  “We want to. We’re gonna help you wash and then cook you dinner. Anythin’ you want,” I tell her, turning to light the candles I brought in for her.

  “Oh, okay. Well, no. I’m sure whatever you guys want will be fine by me.”

  For the next half hour, we spend our time in the bathroom. We don’t talk at all. Cassidy lays in the tub with her eyes closed trying to decompress from the day she’s had. I have no clue what’s going through her mind and that’s what I want to know. We need to know where her thoughts are regarding her car and the things she saw.

  Chains and I haven’t even had the time to look at her car and find out everything she saw today. We’re not gonna pressure her about it though. She’ll open up when she’s ready to talk to us and not a second sooner. Maybe she’s trying to find the words to talk to us.

  “I’m ready to get out,” she says suddenly. “I’m gonna be a prune if I don’t get out soon.”

  I pull the plug to drain the water so she can rinse off and get dried off. Chains and I don’t move as inch after her skin becomes visible. This will only be the second time we’ve seen her completely naked and our bodies are definitely reacting to it. Not in a way she’ll necessarily like either.

  I’m hard as stone as her tits are exposed. Even with the remaining bubbles on her skin, I want to put her in my mouth. They’re a handful with dusky rose nipples, already hard. Her flat stomach is soon on display and I can feel the vibrations coming from Chains. He’s ready to touch her and it’s taking every ounce of self-control to keep his hands by his side.

  “Can I ask you guys a question?” Cass asks, looking up at us.

  “Anythin’,” Chains answers.

  “What are your real names?”

  “Mine is Paul and Chains’ is Tommy,” I answer her.

  “I like those,” she says after a minute of thinking about it.

  When the water is completely drained from the tub, Cass stands up and turns her back toward us. We watch as she closes the curtain and turns the water on to rinse the suds off. Chains looks at me and I can see the strain on his face. I’m sure I have the same look on mine right now. It’s hard to be in the same room with Cass when she’s dressed and not rip her clothes off. Seeing her naked is an entirely different scenario.

  Cass pokes her head around the shower curtain and reaches for the towel Chains is holding out for her. I pull the shower curtain open because she’s not about to start hiding from us now. We’re gonna make sure Cass knows there’s no reason to hide a damn thing from us. Ever.

  “We’re gonna make dinner once you're dressed. You want to help, or relax with a nice glass of wine or somethin’?” Chains asks.

  We’ve never seen her drink, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t. We’ll always give her the option to do as she wants. Cass shakes her head no and lets us see her as she gets out of the shower and hangs the towel up on the back of the door.

  Chains and I stand back to give her plenty of room to maneuver around to get her clothes on. She’s wearing a pair of her booty shorts and a tank top I think barely qualifies as a tank top. It’s shorter than anything we’ve ever seen her wear before.

  My eyes about bug out of my head as I take in her clothes. Chains has the same reaction. This is going to be hard to concentrate on anything when we’re cooking in the kitchen. But, we’ll get through this and one day, Cass will put us out of our misery and let us have her body.

  Chains and I don’t just want her body though. We want her heart, her body, and eventually our ring on her finger. Hell, I’ll take her having our baby as soon as we can make that happen. But again, we won’t force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do. We’re just going to try to take it a day at a time and go from there.

  “What are we makin’ for dinner?” Cass asks, once she’s dressed and thrown her hair up.

  “How about somethin’ easy tonight? We can make tacos and then you can have your ice cream for dessert later on,” Chains asks.

  “That sounds good after today. I want greasy, fatty food that’s totally not healthy for me,” she says with a laugh

  The three of us make our way to the kitchen and pull out the ingredients we need for dinner. It doesn’t take us long to get the hamburger cooked and simmering in the seasoning. While that’s happening, we cut up the tomatoes, shred the lettuce, and get t
he shells ready for our meal. Cass pulls out the sour cream, salsa, and black olives for her.

  “Where do you want to eat?” I ask her as we finish dishing up the plates.

  “In the living room. You guys can pick a movie and I’ll eat and veg out,” Cass answers.

  “Sounds good to me,” Chains says to her.

  We walk in the living room and take our seats on the couch. Cass is sandwiched in between the two of us. Tonight, despite what happened to her earlier today, is the most relaxed I’ve seen her since she moved in with us. She’s eating her food like she hasn’t eaten in days instead of the few hours since leaving the house.

  Once she’s done eating, I take her plate from her and she stretches out on the couch. Her feet are propped on my lap while her head rests in Chains’ lap. She doesn’t care we’re still eating and holding our plates above her. She just wants to lay on us and we’re not going to bitch about it at all.

  I’m watching her out of the corner of my eye and she’s running her hand up and down Chains stomach. I don’t even think she realizes what she’s doing. Chains definitely feels it because he’s clenching his teeth and his hand resting by Cass’s side is clenched into a fist. He’s definitely using all of his restraint right now.

  Cass suddenly stands up and looks at both of us before turning toward the hallway. She lifts the shirt she’s wearing over her head and tosses it behind her. Chains and I look at one another to make sure we’re seeing the same thing at this moment. After just a second, we’re up and following Cass into the hallway.

  She’s standing there like she’s trying to figure out what to do next. I’ll help her out with that. I step into her body and bend down to kiss her at the same time I pick her up. Carrying her into my room, I don’t have to look to see if Chains is following us. He’s right behind me. Already stripping out of his own clothes.

  I lay Cass out on the bed and break the kiss. She’s left breathless and her face is flushed as her need for us becomes evident. Leaning back from her, I slowly peel her short down her legs before flinging them over my shoulder. She won’t be needing those for the rest of the night.

  Chains is already naked and climbs into bed on the opposite side of me. He stretches out next to her and turns to her to face him. I watch him lean in and kiss her while I strip out of my own clothes. As soon as I’m as naked as them, I climb onto the bed and run my fingers down the middle of Cassidy’s chest to her stomach.

  She squirms as goosebumps break out along the path I’m trailing my fingers. When I get close to her pussy, I can feel the heat coming from her. I take a chance and put my eyes on her while I slide one finger between her slick folds. She’s definitely ready for us.

  Looking to Chains, I let him know we’ll take it slow this time. There’s no double penetration happening until we get her ready for it. So, he can have her pussy and I’ll take her mouth. I lean back against the headboard and pull Cass between my legs. There’s no hesitation as she takes her first look at my cock and lowers her head to me.

  “Are you sure, Pixie?” I ask her, needing the words before this goes any further.

  “I want you both more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life,” she answers.

  I don’t get a chance to say anything as she wraps her hot, wet mouth around my hard, aching cock and slides her mouth down as far as she can take me. She doesn’t hesitate around the barbells lining my cock. Instead, she pulls on them as she slides her mouth back up my length. Swirling her tongue around the head of my cock, Cass wastes no time picking the pace up as she slides one hand to my balls to roll them in her hand.

  Chains gets on his knees behind her and I watch as his hand disappears under her writhing body. When she moans around my cock, I know he’s fingering her to stretch her out a little before sliding into her. We’re not going to do anything to hurt our woman. The moans she’s releasing from Chains playing with her send vibrations straight to my balls.

  “Fuck,” I hiss out as she continues to work me over like no one else ever has.

  Chains, deciding he’s had enough playtime, motions for me to take her off my cock while he enters her. I pull her mouth off of me and bring her head up to mine. As I kiss her deep, I slide one hand up her body and palm her tit, gently squeezing it before pulling on her nipple. I give the other side the same treatment as Chains slides inside her.

  Nodding to me when he’s all the way in, I watch as his eyes practically roll to the back of his head. He gives her a minute to adjust to him before sliding out of her. Cass bends back down to my cock and practically swallows me whole. I’m not small by any means and Cass isn’t even gagging. Fuck!

  Chains is picking up his pace and I know I’m getting close. It’s been a while since we’ve been with anyone. Not since we met Cass and realized she was going to be ours. Why take the chance of fucking around on her when she’s more than all of the house bunnies combined?

  Cass never once pulls her mouth off of me as I watch her body writhe and shake. Her moans are loud as hell around my cock and are only making it harder to hold my orgasm off.

  “Fuck, Cass!” Chains grits out between clenched teeth as she tightens around his cock in her release.

  Sweat is breaking out on my chest and head as I can’t hold back my release any longer. “Cass, pull off if you don’t want to swallow,” I warn her as I throw my head back. “Cassidy!”

  Shooting my release down her throat, Cass swallows every last drop. My body slumps back against the bed as Chains continues to move in and out of her faster and more erratic. I know he’s trying to hold off his own release and it’s a losing battle.

  Before too much longer, Cassidy is screaming out another release. Chains goes still behind her and bellows out her name. Cass falls forward into my body and I wrap my arms around her. As soon as Chains pulls out of her, he makes his way into the bathroom to clean himself before bringing back a washcloth to clean Cass up.

  “Um, Cass, gotta tell ya somethin’,” Chains says, walking back in the room.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, picking her head up and looking at him.

  “I didn’t use a condom. I’m clean. I have no excuse for not usin’ one, or askin’ you about it before we made that decision as a threesome.”

  “I’m clean too. Hadliegh took me to the doctor shortly after you guys got me out of the house with asshole. I’m not on birth control though. I’ve never been able to take it,” she answers, not sure what is gonna happen now.

  “I don’t care if you get pregnant,” I tell her, turning her to face me. “Cass, you’re ours. We’ll love you, protect you, cherish you, and any child you bless us with will be the luckiest child in the world. He or she will have you as a mother.”

  Cass breaks out in tears and I try to figure out what I said wrong. Chains has no clue either based on the look covering his face.

  “Craig used to fuck me without a condom. Well, rape me if you want me to be completely honest. He got me pregnant and then beat me until I lost the baby. I want kids more than anything in the world,” she tells us.

  Chains mutters a curse and climbs up on the bed next to her. “Pixie, you gotta know if you want kids now, we’re more than willin’ to be on board with that. You won’t do this alone. And you sure as fuck won’t have to worry about us touchin’ a hair on your beautiful head in an attempt to get rid of our child. We want everythin’ you’re willin’ to give us and we want it when you’re ready. If you want us to use condoms for now, we’ll go buy them. If you want to try for a baby then that’s what we’ll do. The decision is yours.”

  Cass gives us each a kiss before settling down in between us. I guess she just made the decision for Chains and me. We’ll be sleeping in my room, in my bed. Hopefully, she knows after this, she won’t be in that other room alone. We’ll all be sleeping together from here on out.

  Chapter Nine


  WAKING UP BEFORE anyone else I head to the kitchen to get the coffee started. I pull out the ingredien
ts and begin making breakfast. If Cassidy sleeps long enough, then I’ll take her breakfast in bed.

  Hearing a noise behind me, I turn to see Hawk heading to the coffee maker to get his first cup. He tells me that Cass is awake and getting dressed before heading out. I guess breakfast in bed will have to wait until another time.

  Cassidy walks into the kitchen looking soft and sexy. Walking over to her I, kiss her deeply, causing her to blush. I’m betting she’s remembering last night, just like I am. She walks over into Hawk's arms and gives him a kiss as well. He gently pushes her into a chair at the table, while I place her coffee in front of her. Cass takes a deep breath, inhaling the smell of her coffee before taking a sip.

  “I need to talk to both of you,” her face shows her apprehension at what she needs to say. “I don’t think that either of you had time last yesterday to look at my car. I’m guessing that Ink or someone told you what it looked like, but I want to tell you myself.”

  “Baby girl, we don’t care about anythin’ but you,” Hawk tells her as he reaches for her hand and places a kiss in her palm. “No one has said anythin’ yet. But they all know we were only focusin’ on you last night. Your car can wait until today.”

  “You look scared to tell us,” I speak in a gentle voice trying not to make her panic and not stop talking. “No matter what happens, you can tell us anythin’. If it makes us mad, we’ll deal. I don’t care what you tell us, we’ll always be here.”

  “I’m not scared really,” she tells us with a shy smile. “I just don’t want to ruin what was such a good night by dredging all of this up. When Snake asked me to go get lunch, I asked if a Prospect was able to go with me. Not trying to get him in trouble, because I knew you didn’t want me to leave on my own. I thought since it was just to the diner and back it would be okay.”

  “Pixie,” I begin. “Yes, you did know we didn’t want you alone. But we’ve also said to trust our club brothers. I don’t know what he was thinkin’, and I really don’t give a fuck. He knew none of the females around us are to go out alone, and not just because of Craig. He got his ass kicked by me for puttin’ you in danger, and I am sure Hawk is gonna kick his ass too. You’ll just have to be okay with that. It’s how we work. If he doesn’t pay for his fuck up, then we won’t be able to trust him again.”


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