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Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3)

Page 8

by Erin Osborne

  “Hawk needs you and Chains with us for a little while. Slim and Playboy want to talk to us about somethin’,” Renegade says.

  “Comin’ Pres,” I say, turning to the door of the RV to get Chains.

  After letting Cass know we’re going to be heading out for a while, we make our way over to where it seems the entire Satan’s Anarchy is along with the Presidents for the rest of the clubs. I’m really curious about what’s going on and why our club is here in its entirety while only the Presidents from the other clubs are here.

  “I’ve got you all here because I want to start makin’ this a yearly thing. I want to talk to Renegade and his club about doin’ the construction. What do the rest of you think about makin’ this happen every year?” Slim asks, looking at the small group of men around him.

  “I like it,” Butcher, President of another chapter of the Phantom Bastards says.

  Everyone else agrees as well. Yeah, we all have shit going on in our clubs, but everyone needs to cut loose and unwind every now and then. At least if we come here, we’ll have a safe place and somewhere to be with the rest of the clubs on neutral ground.

  This land may be closer to Slim’s club than anyone else’s, but it’s still not in a territory of any other clubs. So, this is the perfect location and idea. I hope we’re able to make it up here once a year.

  “You guys will be able to use the land as long as no one else is at the time,” Slim adds on. “It seems like you’re all interested in comin’ here. So, I’ll talk to Renegade about what plans I want to do here and we’ll go from there.”

  We all leave the group and talk amongst ourselves as we go about our business. Chains and I are ready to go back to the RV and have our way with Cass. Before we can do that though, Slim and the rest of his guys follow us toward our RVs. This can’t be good.

  “I want to have a quick meetin’ if you guys don’t mind,” Slim says as we walk further away from the ol’ ladies. “What is goin’ on with findin’ the scumbags from Snake’s Revenge?”

  “We’re on it. We’ve been out searchin’ all over the damn place and no one’s seen them. Or they’re too scared to say a fuckin’ word about it. The only thing we know is they’re in the states. Diablo is deep underground this time. He’s not flashin’ his ass all over the place,” Renegade tells him.

  “Why don’t we work together. Hawk, send Fox everythin’ you got on the assholes so far and we’ll go from there. Fox, you work close as hell with Hawk and we’ll find these douche canoes,” Slim answers.

  “That’s a good idea. Hawk, if you’ve got shit here, get with Fox. If not, let him know what you know and we’ll go from there. You two can talk when we get back home,” Renegade says.

  I walk over to Fox and have him follow me into the RV we’re staying in. Cass isn’t in there when we enter and I’m glad. I didn’t want to have to tell her to head out for a bit so we could work. Fox and I sit down at the small table in the RV and I pull out everything I’ve found and done so far. We spend the next several hours going over maps, pulling up satellite images, thinking of every underground hole this bitch could be hiding in.

  The only time we stop is when Kim and Cass bring us in plates of dinner. I didn’t realize we’d been working for so long. Fuck. There goes our plans for Cass. Unless Fox is ready to call it quits for the night and we can pick it back up in the morning.

  “Let’s eat and pick this mess up. We’ll get back on it as soon as we know what the plan for tomorrow is. I think if we look over these maps and the imaging with a pair of fresh eyes we’ll be able to see somethin’ we’re missin’. Diablo and these bitches can’t be hidin’ out and not have let anyone see them,” Fox tells me.

  “That sounds good.”

  Cass and Kim disappear back outside with everyone while Fox and I pick the maps and other papers we scattered around the table and next to us on the bench seats. I stash them back in my computer case before picking my plate up and heading outside. Since we’re not working, there’s no point in staying locked in the RV.

  I spot Cass sitting with Chains, Crash, Trojan, Darcy, Skylar, and two other men sitting around one of the fire pits. Cass is talking and laughing, looking more relaxed than I’ve seen her in a long time. Making my way over to them, I sit down so we can enjoy the night.

  “Hey Pixie. How are you doin’?” I ask her, sitting down on the other side of her.

  “I’m okay. I didn’t mean to make you stop working. I just wanted to make sure you got some food,” she tells me, resting her hand on my thigh.

  “I know. We’re gonna get goin’ again tomorrow. Dependin’ on what’s goin’ on,” I answer.

  Cass looks up at me with a smile on her face. She starts looking around at everyone and I’m not sure what’s going on. She’s safe here. With this many guys, someone is going to have a lot of problems getting to her. Or any of the women and kids. They’re never out of our sight for very long.

  I look over her head to Chains to see if he knows what’s going on with her. He shakes his head ‘no’ before scanning the land surrounding us. The other men sense something is going on so they begin to look around the area as well. None of us let the women know we’re looking for anything.

  Before too long, I see Cass starting to yawn. If Chains and I are gonna claim her, we need to do it now. So, I stand up and put my plate in the garbage behind us. Chains helps her stand up and we tell everyone goodnight before making our way to the RV.

  While I was working, Chains said something to the guys we needed to be there when we claim Cass. I watch them follow us to the RV so we can claim our girl. Cass has no clue what’s about to go down. I hope she wants it to happen though.

  Before we enter the RV, I place my hand on Cass’s arm to stop her from going in. She turns and sees the guys surrounding us. Cass glances between Chains and me, a confused look on her face. I step down in front of her, next to Chains.

  “Cass, we’re goin’ to officially claim you as ours. Chains and I want to love you, cherish you, and protect you. You know what else we want and that will happen later on. These guys are standin’ here as we vow to be yours, and only yours,” I tell her.

  “Hawk and I will make sure you get everythin’ your heart desires. We’ll grow old together and once you’re in the club, you’re in for life. If we can’t be there, they’ll have your back. Cass, we claim you as ours,” Chains says.

  Cass has tears running down her face. She jumps from the bottom step of the RV and I catch her. She wraps her legs arms around me and places the biggest kiss on me. When she pulls away, Chains reaches out and barely gives her enough time to catch her breath before he’s kissing her. Before they come up for air, the rest of the guys head back to the rest of the groups they were in.

  Chains steps up in the RV and walks straight back to the bed. I stand back and watch as he slowly peels the clothes from her delectable body. As soon as she’s spread out on the bed, Chains steps back and takes his own clothes off. I begin to strip out of my own before both of us climb in the bed on either side of Cass.

  I lay on my back and pull Cass’s body on top of mine. Her ass is pulled in the air by Chains and I wait for her squirming to begin. He’s going to make sure she’s ready for us. His head disappears as I slide Cassidy’s hand down my body until she wraps it around my hard cock.

  Her little hand feels magical as she slides it up and down my length. There’s not a callous, scratch, or spot of dry skin on her silky-smooth hand. My breath catches the second she tightens her grip and begins to move it a little faster.

  Before she can get me to the point of no return, Chains has her screaming out his name, his real name. Her lithe body squirms above mine while Chains pulls back and away from her. Knowing he’s not in the way, I hold Cass’s body so I can line my cock up with her entrance.

  Cassidy takes over control and slides down on me until she’s fully seated. A groan escapes as I feel her tight sheath wrap around me. After a minute, she slides off my length and back d
own. Chains watches her for a minute before pulling her body off of mine, only leaving us connected where my cock is in her pussy.

  He turns her head so he can kiss her while I wrap my hands around her hips to help guide her movements. Once he breaks away from her, Chains guides her body down on top of mine once more. Chains positions himself behind our girl and slowly begins to slide his cock into her after putting on a condom and making sure he’s used enough lube to make it as painless as possible for her.

  Cassidy gasps as Chains slides in her. He’s taking his time and I know it’s costing him. His body is shaking and sweat is already covering his forehead and upper body. Cass is squirming between our bodies and it’s driving me insane. She’s moving just enough to cause friction on my already aching cock.

  “Pixie, need you to stop movin’” I grit out.

  “I’m sorry. I just feel so full,” she answers as Chains slides in further and her eyes roll back.

  “Almost there,” Chains says.

  I watch him slide out a little before pushing back in Cass’s ass. Finally, he’s all the way in. Cass’s body is now covered in a fine sheen of sweat as we all lay still until she adjusts. Chains is the first to move. He pulls out of her while I remain still. As he slides back in, I pull out. The two of us seesaw in and out of her small body.

  It doesn’t take long before Cass is screaming out our names.

  Her pussy clenches down on me and I know it’s not gonna be long before I follow her over the edge. Chains and I pick up the pace, not letting Cass come down from the orgasm she just had. Her body is still trembling with aftershocks.

  I thrust my hips up two more times before my release claims me, and I still beneath her. Chains follows me over the edge and roars out her name. For a minute, none of us move as we lay together, spent and exhausted.

  Cass can barely lift her head as Chains slowly slide out of her. I pull her hips up to slide my length out of her and roll her to the side so we can clean her up. Leaving the bed, I walk into the small bathroom and clean up, grabbing a wet washcloth to clean our girl up too. Chains and I climb in bed where Pixie is already fast asleep, a smile on her beautiful face.

  Chapter Twelve


  RENEGADE AND PSYCHO went out with Slim and Playboy this morning to go over where he wants everything built. The rest of us are starting to pack everything up and get things cleaned since it’s our last night here.

  Cass is packing up our things in the RV while Hawk and I go with the rest of the guys to take care of the fire pits. We’ll leave the ones closest to the RVs until tomorrow morning. Most of the grills will be moved together so we can just load them up in the trucks when we’re done making dinner tonight.

  Once the women are done with their personal belongings, they’ll make sure all the garbage and toys are picked up. We’re all gonna do our part to make sure Slim’s property is left in the same condition we found it in.

  About the time the SUV pulls back in and the guys get out, all hell breaks loose. Men start pouring out of the trees and begin to circle us. Some of the braver men get in between the women and men effectively cutting us off from them. There’s no way we can protect them.

  “Thanks for invitin’ us to the party fellas. Now, this is how it’s gonna go. We’re here to do a job and once that’s over with, we’ll leave you alone. No one is to follow us or try to stop us in any way,” the man I recognize as Diablo says.

  “Who’s your boss?” Slim asks.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just know we’re here for a job and our lives will go back to normal in a little bit.”

  Before another word is said, a loud scream pierces the air. I already know who it is, but I need confirmation. We all look around to see where it’s coming from. My gaze zeros in on where the women and kids are sitting still as statues. Cassidy isn’t sitting among them. She’s not standing anywhere behind one of the SUVs as I quickly scan the area.

  My gut is telling me our woman is the one screaming. I take off toward our RV with Hawk hot on my heels. We get to the RV to find the door open. Cass wouldn’t have left it open like that. As we run inside, there’s signs of a struggle. The bags are tossed around with our clothes and toiletries littering the living area, the cushions from the bench seats are sitting askew, and the cupboard doors are hanging off the hinges. The last thing I notice before losing my shit completely is blood spatters on the table and floor. They lead directly to the door.

  “Fuck!” Hawk yells out.

  I almost rip the table out of the floor as I try to take my rage out on anything I can get my hands on. The bench cushions are now flying across the RV. Picking up my bag, I fling it toward the bedroom section of the camper. What did Cass ever fucking do to anyone for this to happen to her?

  We run back outside and I take note that Diablo and his men have left. Slim and a few of the other guys are making sure the women and kids are okay. No one realizes the hell Hawk and I are in right now. They don’t know someone took our Pixie.

  “Where the fuck is Cass?” I yell out, turning the attention of everyone toward me.

  “What do you mean?” Renegade asks, running over to us.

  “She was fuckin’ taken. There’s been a struggle in the fuckin’ RV and she’s not here. There’s blood in there,” Hawk says, barely hanging onto the rage he feels.

  Everyone begins to split up and canvas the area. All of the Presidents are directing their men where to go search. Hawk and I go our separate ways to look for our girl. I’m hoping one of us finds her and not someone she really doesn’t know. I’m not sure what the outcome will be if she’s found by a guy she’s not familiar with.

  Yes, she’s getting stronger and more confident every day. That doesn’t mean this won’t make her spin backward and become the woman she was when we first met her. A woman she no longer wants to be.

  I head immediately toward the woods. Grave is on my ass to keep me in check in case I find her and lose my shit. I’m not sure who’s with Hawk, but I know someone will have his back too.

  Walking as fast as I dare to, I search the area in the woods closest to our RV. Grave and I spread out about five feet apart. We’re calling her name and searching through the dense woods. It will be dark soon and there’s no way we’ll find her in here once we lose the sunlight. It’s barely bright enough to see her now.

  I’m trying to be as quiet as possible so I can hear her if she cries out. There’s nothing. No footprints, no noise, and no sign of Cass being brought this way. Grave and I turn around and head back to everyone else and see if anyone found anything.

  I can’t tell you how long we’ve been in the woods searching for my girl. I don’t care how long it takes to find her. The only thing stopping me from continuing in this direction right now is the light. It’s getting to be extremely dark in the woods and I can’t see more than a few feet in front of me. If I didn’t see any tracks or other evidence of her being taken this way, we’re really not going to see any now.

  “Let’s head back and see if anyone found anythin’. If not, we’ll go in another direction and see if someone missed somethin’,” Grave tells me.

  “Yeah, okay,” I answer, my voice broken and defeated.

  Most everyone is back at the RVs with the rest of the ol’ ladies. Hawk isn’t back yet and I know he won’t come back unless Cass is with him. I’m not going to stop searching for her either. I just can’t go back in the woods to search right now. If we had a four-wheeler or something, it would be easier to search. Hell, it would faster too.

  Renegade pulls me aside as soon as he sees Grave and I.

  “Chains, you need to keep your shit reigned in. Hawk is a fuckin’ loose cannon and I know you’re tryin’ to keep your shit together. Cass is gonna need you to have your head on straight when we find her. And we will find her,” he says, making sure I understand what he’s telling me before he walks away from me.

  Taking a minute, I get myself under control so I can go search another location.
Grave never once leaves my side. They know what the loss of Cass is doing to Hawk and I. We’re going insane and nothing will calm the beasts threatening to break from us. Whoever took our girl is going to know a world of fucking pain when we find the asshole responsible.

  Grave and I make our way directly across from the RVs. There’s a short rock cliff separating Slim’s land the neighboring farmland. I make my way up the rocks. The only time I stop is when I find Cass’s phone lying in between two of the larger rocks.

  The screen is smashed and I know we’re not gonna be able to track her now. Her phone was the one way we would be able to find her. Now, that hope is dashed as I crumble her phone the rest of the way in my hand. Grave comes over to me and sees what I’m holding.

  “Well, we know she’s been this way,” he tells me.

  “Yeah. But there’s nothin’ around here except an open field. If she were still here, we’d see her. The first guys to search this area would’ve seen her or a car. There’s nothin’ here but rocks and fields,” I tell him, my hope lessening even more.

  “We’ll find her. Cassidy will fuckin’ come home. Don’t doubt yourself or your brothers havin’ your back,” he tells me.

  I don’t answer him. The only thing I do is climb to the top of the rocks and look out over the expanse of fields out before us. My gaze travels the length of the road to the left I can see. There’s not a single car in sight. Nothing to give us any indication as to the direction any motorcycle or other vehicle traveled.

  “Fuck!” I bellow.

  “Let’s head back so you can check on Hawk. He’s gonna be outta his mind and you’re the only one that can calm him down. The same as he’s the only one who can calm you down. You need one another while we figure out where to look now,” Grave tells me, placing his hand on my shoulder in assurance that we’ll find her.

  Nodding my head, we turn around and make our way back to the group. Hawk and Fox are sitting with their heads together. They’re going over maps and other things. I can see the fire in Hawk’s eyes as he tries to figure out the best way to go from here.


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