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Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3)

Page 13

by Erin Osborne

“Pixie, we get it. But you have to know the man we don’t Craig was gonna give you to is still out there. We don’t know who it is so we can’t protect you the way we usually do. This is the only thing we know how to do to keep you safe,” he tells me.

  “I understand that. I’m going to be careful, but I need to go to work. I need to feel like I’m doing more than just sitting in a house. That’s not living life, that’s just barely existing. It’s not what I want,” I tell them. “Please, let me have this. Ink and at least one other guy will be at the shop. They’ll make sure no one gets too close to me. You guys need to go to work or go to the clubhouse. Get out of the house.”

  Hawk and Chains look at one another. They have some sort of silent communication between them before looking back at me. I know they’re going to relent before either man says a word to me.

  “Okay. We’ll let you go to work, but we’re gonna limit the time you’re out of the house. Can you live with that?” Hawk asks.

  “As long as I can go out, I’m good. And that changes once the man Craig was going to give me to is captured. Or whatever the plan is for him,” I say, walking to the couch and sitting between my men.

  “Deal,” Chains says reluctantly.

  The three of us sit on the couch before we stand up and make our way outside. I get on Hawk’s bike behind him and secure the helmet he hands me. This is the best part of my day. Not just because I’m riding behind one of my men.

  I love the freedom and rush I feel whenever I ride one of the bikes. It’s a feeling I can’t put into words. One I know I’ll never get enough of. Hawk and Chains ride their bikes like each is an extension of their body. It’s just another part of them they’re in complete control of.

  Wrapping my arms around Hawk, I wait for him to start the bike and feel the rumble of the engine vibrating through my entire body. It takes seconds for him to turn it on. The vibrations kind of turn me on if I’m being completely honest.

  Hawk rubs one of his hands up my thigh and it just adds to the sensations I already feel on the bike. I squeeze my arms around him a little tighter and he pulls out of the driveway. Chains is right next to us as I keep my face turned in his direction. He’s still not going to let me out of his sight for very long and it’s going to be an adjustment on everyone’s part.

  The ride is over too quick for my liking. But, then I’d say that if we rode for hours too. Hawk and Chains park their bikes in front of the shop and take a look around the street before giving me the signal to get off. They tap my leg before running their hand up my thigh when it’s time to get off. Every single time that’s what they do.

  “Have a good day. We’ll bring you dinner and eat with you later on,” Chains tells me, pulling me into his side and wrapping his arms around me.

  He gives me a kiss. At first it’s gentle and I think that’s all it’s gonna be. Suddenly, without any warning, he deepens the kiss. His tongue duels with mine as he explores my mouth. Chains is telling me without words how much he loves me and wants me.

  Hawk watches the entire kiss, waiting for his turn to let anyone walking by know just who I belong to. Once Chains breaks our kiss, Hawk turns me and doesn’t give me a chance to catch my breath before he’s invading my mouth. This is the first time he’s kissed me like his soul is on fire and he can’t get enough. It’s like I’m the air he breathes and he’s been without for too long.

  The kiss with Hawk isn’t as intense, but it makes me feel as much as kissing Chains does. He twists his tongue with mine before exploring my mouth. Hawk takes his time instead of dominating me. I like to be dominated, just like I like the sweetness of Hawk. Different but wonderful in their own ways.

  I pull away from him when I feel like my lungs are going to explode. Hawk has a smirk on his face as he looks at me. Yeah, they both know exactly what they make me feel and how I respond to their touch. I’m still learning what they like and don’t like. It’s a process and one I have no problem learning.

  “I’m going in to work now. You boys behave and I’ll see you later,” I tell them.

  “See you soon, Pixie,” Chains says, starting his bike and waiting for me to go inside.

  As soon as Ink sees me walk through the door, I can see the relief in his eyes. Hadliegh had something to do this morning for one of the kids so she’s not here. Ink hates the days one of us isn’t here to take care of the counter for them. He doesn’t trust the other artists to do it because if it’s one of their friends, he believes they won’t charge full price. I say just fire them, but that’s not how he works.

  “Hey Ink. How are you doing?” I ask, setting my purse down on the counter and turning to face him.

  “I’m a hell of a lot better now,” he answers. “Need you to work on inventory today between customers. I know we have to place an order and I don’t want to double up on supplies again.”

  “Okay. I’ll make sure it’s done before I leave tonight,” I answer.

  Taking my seat behind the desk, I go over the schedule for the day. Ink has two appointments coming in. There’s an appointment for a piercing in an hour, and anyone else is just walk-ins. It gives me plenty of time to go through the supplies and make a list of everything that has to be ordered.

  “Alright, well, I’m gonna get started on inventory. I’ll bring the phone with me and keep coming back out to check on things up here,” I tell Ink, grabbing the phone and making my way toward the small room.

  I’ve grabbed my cell phone too so I can turn the music on. Pulling up my playlist, I select By & By by Royal Bliss. It’s one of my favorite songs and it fits my mood right now. I get lost in thought as I count each needle and other supply Ink keeps back here for himself and the other artists. There’s everything from tattoo and piercing supplies to jewelry to restock the cases. It’s a lot of small things I need to count.

  This will keep me busy. Especially my mind. When there’s downtime, I do think of the time I was just forced to spend with Craig. And the knowledge that I’m the target of someone unknown to myself or the club is messing with my head when I let those thoughts creep in. I just haven’t let Hawk and Chains know about those thoughts.

  I’m so busy doing inventory and checking on the front desk, I don’t realize what time it is. Not until someone knocks on the doorway of the storeroom. I startle and turn my attention toward the door. Chains and Hawk are standing there watching me dance and sing while I work.

  “Time for dinner baby,” Hawk says.

  “Oh. Okay. Let me finish up this last shelf and I’ll be ready to go. It’s the last thing I have to do,” I answer them.

  “Okay. We’ll go talk to Ink,” Chains says.

  I finish up my inventory and double-check to make sure I haven’t missed anything. As soon as I know nothing has been missed, I put everything up and take my list to Ink. Once he has the order form in his hands, I make my way to the guys so we can head out to dinner. Tonight is turning out to be a good night.

  Chapter Twenty


  CASSIDY HAS BEEN home for almost a week now. Today is her birthday, but she hasn’t said a word about it. I don’t think she has any idea Chains and I not only know, but we’re planning a party for her. She’ll be getting her rag at tonight’s party too.

  We’re taking her out for breakfast and having a talk about her party. Darcy will be showing up around noon to do whatever girly shit they do. I don’t care what they do as long as it makes our girl happy and relaxed.

  “Hey Pixie,” I whisper softly in her ear to wake her up. “If you’ll wake up and get dressed, we can go out for a nice breakfast. Maybe go for a long ride afterward.”

  “Yummy,” she sighs, smiling up at me. God she is so fuckin gorgeous, especially first thing in the morning. “I love the idea of a ride with you and Chains after we eat. Do you have someplace specific in mind?”

  “Just have to wait and see,” I tell her with a smirk. Our girl loves surprises, but hates waiting for them. “If you play your cards right, we may head ou
t to the property Chains looked at for the club. But, we’ll have to wait and see about the time frame.”

  Chains and I are sitting in the living room waiting for her to finish getting ready too. She comes walking into the room wearing tight jeans, showing off her sweet ass, and her favorite long sleeve shirt she always wears when we go out for a ride. She is fucking sexy and she’s all ours. I can’t wait for the day to come when we put our ring on her finger and our babies in her belly. Chains and I have to adjust our dicks as it hardens at the sight of her.

  Pulling up to Corrinth’s, we grab our coffee before heading to a booth in the back. We order way too much food. Everything from pancakes and eggs to bacon, sausage, toast, and home fries. Chains doesn’t wait to give her a gift. He pulls out a long box wrapped and tied with a bow and hands it to her.

  “What’s this?” she questions, looking at both of us for an explanation. “You don’t have to buy me gifts. Just having you both is all I need.”

  “Happy birthday,” I finally blurt out. I don’t know why she’s thinking we wouldn’t get her a gift but I’m gonna find out. “Pixie, we love to spoil you, but your birthday is extra special. Why didn’t you say anythin’ to us? Did you think we wouldn’t care?”

  “Well, um,” Cassidy stutters looking shocked we knew it was her birthday. “I haven’t celebrated my birthday since I left my mom and dads. Craig would get angry and violent if it was even mentioned. It’s not that either of you would have acted that way, I honestly don’t even think about it anymore. How did you know anyway?”

  “Pixie, we know everythin’,” Chains laughs at her expression. “Now, open the present!”

  Cassidy unwraps the package like it is fine china. She folds the paper once she gets it off the box and sets it in the booth next to her. Once that’s done, she carefully opens the lid and gasps when she sees the bracelet sitting against the dark, velvet lining. It’s a silver bracelet with charms on it. We picked out a few we wanted her to have, but there’s still room to add more as we continue our lives.

  We already have a double heart as well as a motorcycle. I chose boxing gloves to show she can defend herself now if she ever needs to. My favorite charm is one Chains picked out. He chose a phoenix for her triumphant rise from the ashes of her life with Craig. One of the things we want to do while out on our ride is to stop so she can pick out one she loves and put it on. I have a charm that looks like a cut for her to add on tonight after her party. She is running her fingers over every charm, examining each one. Tears are running down her face, and I hope it’s tears of joy or we may both lose our shit.

  “We also have an afternoon of pamperin’ you after we get back from our ride this mornin’,” I tell her. She appears shocked we’re going all out, and I now know she’ll be stunned when she sees what’s going on tonight. “Darcy is going to be in charge of that part. We tried to make suggestions but she told us this was her territory. When you’re done with that, we’re goin’ to dinner. This will be the best birthday ever!”

  Chains wipes the tears off her face and we finish our breakfast overload. I throw some money on the table and the three of us head out for our ride. Cassidy gets on the back of my bike for the ride, whenever we head back she’ll ride with Chains. For now, I get to feel her body up close against mine. Her arms around my waist, while her hands travel up and down my abs. I can feel the heat from her sweet pussy against my body. We ride for about an hour before pulling over to stretch our legs. When we get back on the bikes, Cass gets on with Chains, and I immediately feel the loss of her body.

  There’s a little jewelry store just down the road from where we pulled over. Chains and I lead her in that direction. She’s looking at the small town in wonder. It’s an old school town with mom and pop shops nestled along main street.

  Stopping at the jewelry store, we head in. She looks at everything while Chains directs her toward the display case of charms. There’s anything you could ever want in there. Cass looks at the tiny charms for a long time, trying to decide which one she likes the best, finally deciding on two. The letters P and T for our real names.

  After paying for the charms and adding them to her bracelet, we head back to the bikes and climb on. Instead of continuing our ride away from town, we turn our bikes in the direction of home. I’d rather spend the day with her at our backs, riding with no destination in mind or time frame to get back. There’s plenty of time for that another day though.

  When we pull up to our house, Darcy, Trojan, and Crash are there waiting already. Darcy never goes very far without one, or both, of her men at her side. Cassidy needs to understand this is what will be happening with her and Chains and me. And it’s not a control thing on our part; it’s the need to spend time with her and be a part of her life.

  “Happy Birthday!” Darcy screams at her as we pull in.

  Cassidy gets off the bike and runs to hug her cousin. Crash and Trojan both give her a quick hug. She breaks out in giggles when she hears Chains and I growl, which makes me smile. We hate any man touching her; or even looking at her.

  “Cassidy,” Darcy says taking control of the afternoon. “We’re going to go get our nails done and get a massage. Afterward we’ll come back here where I’m gonna do your hair and make-up. Normally, I would do the whole spa experience but this way we can sit together and gossip about our guys. I think they’ll probably follow us to the spa to be sure we make it okay, but we can pretend we don’t see them.”

  This time Cassidy’s giggles are caused by Crash and Trojan growling at Darcy. I don’t think there’s any sound in the world that’s better. Except for the sounds she makes when she cums. Or is simply writhing beneath our hands or bodies. Those sounds are music to my ears.

  After following the girls to the salon, Chains, Crash, Trojan, and I head to the clubhouse to get a few drinks and make sure everything is ready for tonight’s party. I think she’s gonna be overwhelmed in a good way when she sees everyone who was at the retreat has shown up for her birthday. Hopefully she’ll finally understand how much she means not only to us but to everyone who knows her.

  Skylar decided she and the other old ladies would be making dinner for us, as well as Cass’s birthday cake. We told her there’s no issue with having it catered, but she was insistent the ol’ ladies would do this for Cassidy. The ol’ ladies for our club, as well as the clubs we associate with, are just fucking awesome.

  Four hours after we drop them off, Cassidy sends a text saying they’re ready to head home to finish getting ready. I let her know Bentley would be following them back to the house and Chains and I will pick her up in two hours. I head to my room to make sure that her rag is there wrapped along with her other presents.

  Chains and I got her a set of leathers, new boots, and gloves for riding. We want her to be protected as much as possible when she’s on the back of one of our bikes. As I open my door, I see the gifts all wrapped and sitting on my bed like Hadliegh promised. I hope Cass is as happy tonight as we think she’ll be.

  When we arrive at the house to pick up our girl, we’re spellbound. Cassidy has changed into a different pair of jeans. These have cut out spots in them that’s been replaced with red lace. It looks like she was poured into them, and I’m ready to get her out of them. If only we didn’t have a whole night planned already. She has on a short-sleeve blue top, leaving her shoulders bare. Chains walks up and kisses those sexy shoulders before I even have a chance to move. Her hair is all curled in ringlets that hang perfectly. She truly looks like the Pixie we have nicknamed her.

  It’s a short ride in the SUV to the clubhouse. We know we’ll be drinking and there are presents for her we need to be able to get home as well. She’s a little disappointed we’re not taking the bikes if the look on her face is any indication. I love knowing how much she likes being on our bikes.

  We arrive at the clubhouse and tell her we need to stop in for a minute. She doesn’t seem to realize there’s more bikes than normal parked in the lot in front of the club
house. Walking into the room behind us, it takes a moment for her to notice the decorations. At the same time, she startles when everyone yells ‘happy birthday’ to her.

  Tears fill her eyes as she takes in the room with a table full of presents in the corner as well as the two tables filled with food and a small table holding her cake. The ol’ ladies all surround her, giving her hugs, and laughing at her surprise. Renegade leads the brothers that come over and give her a quick hug.

  My pride in her swells as she not only accepts each hug but returns them, even if I want to pull their arms off our girl. Hadliegh leads her to the front of the food line and tells her to fill her plate so everyone else can eat. We’re all sitting around finishing the wonderful pasta dishes that Skylar made for us. Bear turns up the music so we can dance if we want to.

  Chains pulls her into his arms as You Make It Easy by Jason Aldean plays. I step behind her and the three of us begin to move as one. Once everyone is finished eating, Cassidy begins to open all her presents. There are clothes, make-up, bath shit, as well as numerous gift cards. When she gets to the stack from Chains and I, we have her open everything but the rag.

  “Cassidy,” I say, trying to get the words out that tell her how much we love her. “While we were on retreat we claimed you in front of our club. Tonight we claim you in front of all the clubs. Chains and I want you to have this gift from us. It not only shows how proud we are to have you as our ol’ lady, but it also lets every other motherfucker know you’re ours. It also lets any bitch know that we’re yours.”

  Cassidy's eyes are huge as my words sink in. It’s hit her that this is her rag. She eagerly tears the paper trying to get to the lid of the box so she can put on her property cut. The back says property of Hawk and Chains while the front has her name, Pixie, on it. She hands it to us and lifts her hair out of the way while turning her back for us to put it on. Once it’s on, a loud cheer can be heard throughout the clubhouse, hell you can probably hear in it the next county.


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