Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3)

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Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3) Page 14

by Erin Osborne

  I pull her into my arms and kiss her. Once we are both in need of air, I release her into Chains’ arms and he kisses her deeply. I’d love to take her to our room and show her how much we love her, wearing nothing more than the rag. But, there’s no time for that. Not with everyone here.

  “I want to tell you how much I love you,” Cassidy says as we surround her with our bodies. “I have never felt loved as much as I do with you two. You’ve made me feel safe, gave me the tools to protect myself until you can get to me, and show me sex is not just a physical act where the man gets off. I’m so grateful you saved me from not only Craig, but from my lonely existence. I am honored to be your ol’ lady.”

  “Pixie,” Chains says, emotion filling his voice. “I love you. You are everythin’ I ever dreamed of in a woman and more. You’re generous, kind, strong as fuck, and gorgeous. You make me want to be a better man. I feel ten feet tall when you look at me like I’m the answer to all your dreams. We’ll make mistakes and drive you crazy, but most of all we’ll overcome everythin’ together. You, Hawk, and I are what matters.”

  “Baby girl,” I say, silently cursing Chains for going first and taking my words. “The day you walked into Anarchy Ink is the day my life became complete. I hate that you were hurt and abused, but I’m so happy you’ve finally found your way to us. I didn’t know until you walked in that you were who we had been lookin’ for. You’re perfect for us in every way. I will spend my life makin’ sure you’re happy, and well-loved. I cannot change the past, but we’ll devote our days to tryin’ to make you forget it. I am so proud to call you our ol’ lady and fuckin’ lucky you said yes. I will love you until the day my life ends and probably even after that.”

  The three of us finish dancing to the song playing and finish our drinks. The prospects have loaded Cass’s presents into the SUV, so all we need to do is make our rounds to say thank you and goodbye. Cassidy hugs every one of the ol’ ladies and makes plans for a girls day out soon. Finally, we’re walking out to the SUV to head home and to spend the rest of the night celebrating our ol’ lady’s birthday.

  Before we can make it to the SUV, a car pulls up from the front of the gate. It comes to a stop as Shane talks to whoever it is. I watch on as Shane opens the gate and lets them in, immediately I’m on alert.

  The car pulls in and stops right in front of us. There’s a man and woman in the car. What draws my attention is Cassidy. She’s gone completely still as she looks at the car. A gasp leaves her as the doors open and the couple steps out.

  “Mom? Dad?” she questions.

  “Cassidy?” the woman asks, running around the hood of the car.

  We watch as Cassidy runs to the woman before sliding to a stop in front of her. She’s unsure as to how to act, what to say, or what to do. The woman takes the decision away from her as she wraps Cass in her arms.

  The man gets out of the car and follows the woman’s lead. He wraps both women in his arms and holds them. You can plainly see the three bodies shaking in emotion. Chains and I stand back and try to figure out what the fuck is going on right now.

  “Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet Chains and Hawk. They’re my men,” Cassidy says, turning toward us. “Hawk, Chains, this is my mom and dad.”

  Chains and I extend our hands to her father as her mother looks us over.

  “It’s nice to meet you. Am I to understand you’ve been protecting our daughter from Craig? That you helped her get away from him?” Cassidy’s dad asks.

  “Yes, sir. We rescued her and have fallen in love with her,” I tell him.

  “And she loves you?” he asks.

  “Yes, sir,” Chains answers.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Cassidy asks, still overcome with emotion.

  “Darcy came to talk to us. She told us everything. We’re so sorry we believed Craig over you,” her mom says. “Can you ever forgive us?”

  Cassidy takes a moment to think about her situation with her parents. She looks from us to her parents. Taking a deep breath, she looks back at her parents and opens her mouth to speak.

  “It’s going to take time. We’re gonna need to work on our relationship because the damage has been done. You have no clue how bad you hurt me when you chose his side over mine. That you believed him to begin with,” she answers. “Tonight is not the night to do anything about it though. I’ll call you this week and we’ll talk.”

  Her parents nod before getting back in the car. They look devastated that Cassidy didn’t want to repair the relationship tonight. I can’t blame her for the decision she’s made though it’s going to hurt her parents, and herself. She’s making the best decision for her and we’ll stand by it no matter what. The same with the club.

  “I’m sorry, Pixie,” I say, pulling her in my arms. “We had no idea they were goin’ to show up tonight.”

  “It’s okay. I want to work things out with my parents, just not tonight. Today has been the best day of my life. My parents letting me know they want to be a part of my life again is a bonus. I just need to get over them believing Craig over me.”

  Chains and I lead her to the SUV so we can head home. There’s still more for tonight. We’re going to ravish her body and make sure she knows how much we want her.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I’VE GOT CASSIDY at the clubhouse with me today. We’re not doing much but hanging out right now. I wanted to spend more time with her and get out of the house at the same time. She’s sitting at a table with Hadliegh while I grab us a couple of drinks. Beer for Hadliegh and me with a soda for Cass.

  As I walk up to the table, I hear Cass talking to Hadliegh.

  “I’d really love to get into working with the domestic violence program. I wanted to go to school to become a counselor and it didn’t work out. I’d love to run the program and make sure I can help as many of them as I can,” she says to Hadliegh.

  Hadliegh sees me standing there but doesn’t let on to Cass I’m listening to her conversation. She goes on for almost five minutes before she looks around the room for me. I’m standing far enough away I can make it look like I didn’t overhear her and know what she wants to do. But, a plan is forming in my mind I’ll have to bring in front of the club.

  “Here we go ladies,” I say, handing out the drinks and placing a kiss on her temple.

  “Thanks baby,” she says, a smile on her face.

  I take my seat at the table and wait for Hawk to get done with his shit on the computer. He’s spending every second he has on his computers looking for Diablo. There’s no trace of him or his guys anywhere. It’s like they’ve vanished into thin air and we’re all at a loss of what to do now.

  Hawk is taking it personally because he’s usually able to find anything about anyone on the computer. Diablo is stumping him and he has no clue what to do about it. It’s frustrating him and making him even more determined to find him. To find the guys he’s working for, the ones he brought into the states, and to make sure we take them all down.

  He’s on a mission to find out any information about them as he can. Especially considering we just had a missing girl reported. She’s only fourteen years old. The girl was walking home from school and she just disappeared. No one’s seen her since. We all have a horrible feeling she’s been abducted by Diablo and his guys.

  I listen to the girls talk as we enjoy our drinks. Before too long, Renegade comes storming into the clubhouse and tells me we’re having church. Something’s happened and it’s not good. He wouldn’t be walking in the clubhouse like this if it were something we just needed to discuss. Or have the angry scowl on his face.

  Giving Cass a kiss, I make my way to the room we hold church in. Shane is waiting to get our phones and guns already. I hand mine over and go in to take my seat. Hawk isn’t here yet and I know he’s probably in his room on the computer again. The man is gonna go insane if he doesn’t take a break and do something other than look for Diablo and his crew.

  It’s n
ot long before the table is full and Renegade storms in the room. Before his ass has even hit his seat, he’s slamming the gavel on the scarred, old table.

  “I don’t want to discuss business or anythin’ else today. Today, we need to figure out what we’re gonna do about Diablo. Another little girl has gone missin’. This one's fifteen and was taken off the street in the middle of the day. Now, when we’re out, we’ll be lookin’ for two girls. Hawk, I want you to print off pictures of both. Canvas the entire town and the outskirts,” he says, slumping forward in his chair with the weight of the world on his broad shoulders.

  “We goin’ out in teams again or do you just want us to ride?” I ask.

  “I don’t want anyone ridin’ alone. You choose who you want to take with you. Groups of two at least.”

  “Um, Pres, I got somethin’ to bring to the table. I know you don’t want to talk about anythin’ else, but this needs a vote,” I say.

  “What’s goin’ on?” he asks, looking at me.

  “I just overheard Cass talkin’ about wantin’ to run the Domestic Violence compound. She has all these ideas for programs and helpin’ the women more than just heal after bein’ abused. Before Craig decided she couldn’t attend school, she was goin’ to be a counselor. Can she do this? It would give her somethin’ to do she loves and I’ll pay her out of my own money,” I say, wanting to do whatever I have to and make this happen.

  “I don’t see a problem with this. I’ll want her to bring me a proposal if it’s voted she’s goin’ to do this, let us know what she wants to do with the program. Everyone says ‘aye’ if you agree to let Cassidy run the program,” he says, giving me relief. “And, the club will pay her. It’s a club program and you’re not gonna pay your woman to do what she wants.”

  Every man in here agrees to let Cassidy run the program. We all want to see this be a success and make sure women know there’s a safe place for them to turn to. Plans begin to form in my mind as I think about preparing an office for her. I don’t want to let her know anything until she can see for herself she has an office and will be in charge of the program. The guys and I will be there to ensure nothing happens to the girls, or her, but that’s it.

  “Chains and Hawk, let your ol’ lady know she just got her wish,” Renegade tells us.

  “Pres, if it’s okay with everyone, I’d rather not say anythin’ to her until we get her office ready,” I say.

  “Do what you gotta do. We’ll keep it quiet for a little bit, but I want her in charge and the proposal on my desk in the next few days,” Renegade says before calling an end to church.

  Everyone leaves the room except Hawk and I.

  “You sure this is what she’s gonna want?” he asks, looking at me.

  “You should’ve seen the light in her eyes when I sat down next to her. She had already stopped talkin’ and the light was still there. Not to mention how animated she got when she was talkin’ about it. I haven’t seen her like that in a long time, Hawk,” I tell him.

  “Alright. Let’s make sure she’s okay and then head to the compound. The sooner we get her office in order, the better she’ll be. I know she’s got shit on her mind she’s not tellin’ us and I want to get it out of her. We’ll need to sit down and have a talk soon,” he tells me.

  I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling that vibe from her. Hawk and I leave church and go in search of our woman. She’s in the kitchen with Hadliegh. They’re making dinner and laughing about something as we walk in and surround Cass.

  “Gotta head out for a bit, Pixie,” I tell her, pulling her in to kiss her. “You need anythin’ before we leave?”

  “No. I’m gonna help make dinner for everyone with Hadliegh. Will you be back in time to eat?” she asks.

  “We’ll try our best. It shouldn’t be long before we get back,” Hawk says, pulling her in for a kiss.

  “Be safe. I’ll see you soon. Love you,” she says.

  “Love you too,” I tell her, pulling her in for another kiss.

  “I love you, Pixie,” Hawk tells her.

  We’ve been at the Domestic Violence compound for almost two hours now. Hawk has gone through her computer to ensure it's secure and has everything on it she needs. I’ve made a run to the store to get everything she needs.

  I picked up three large filing cabinets, folders, pens and notebooks, printer paper, a new printer with a fax machine, and a ton of other office supplies. When I was at the store, I also grabbed some things to hang on the wall for decoration. The office needs to seem cozy and welcoming if she’s going to be meeting victims in there.

  By the time I get back, Hawk is just finishing up with the computer. He helps me unload everything and set it up so we can head back to the clubhouse. The only thing we need to get in here is a few chairs to put in front of her desk for others to sit in while they’re talking. I’ve ordered them and they’ll be here tomorrow sometime. One of the Prospects will make sure they get put in here.

  “Ready to get back?” I ask Hawk.

  “Yeah. Let’s get back to our woman,” he answers.

  We get back on our bikes and make the rounds through the compound for the few women here before heading back to the clubhouse. Everyone is there, just sitting down to eat when we walk through the door. Cass motions for us to sit down as she walks back in the kitchen. Returning a few minutes later, she brings Hawk and I our plates before sitting down. Hadliegh sets a plate down for Cass before walking over to the table with her man.

  “You okay, Cass?” Hawk asks.

  “Yeah. Just tired,” she answers.

  “We’ll head home as soon as we’re done eatin’,” I tell her.

  “No, I need to help clean the kitchen. Then we can go home,” she insists.

  “That’s what the house bunnies are here for. They can clean up tonight. We’re goin’ home and you’re goin’ to bed. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

  “What’s goin’ on?” she asks, her curiosity shining from her eyes.

  “You’ll have to wait and see. I think you’ll really love it though,” Hawk says.

  We eat the rest of our meal in silence, each lost in our own thoughts. I hope I made the right decision to take this to the club. That Cass will be happier if she’s doing something she’s always longed to do. Working with domestic violence victims will give her a sense of purpose and the feeling she’s been trying to capture; helping someone in need when they don’t see a way out themselves.

  Once we’re done eating, we sit for just a few minutes talking to everyone. Not a single member lets on about what we talked about. I can tell they want to though. Psycho will tell Hadliegh about it because we all know how close the three ol’ ladies in the club are. It will be a challenge to make sure she doesn’t spill the beans about it before we share the news.

  Cass will also have to be prepared to do the hard work getting this up and running. We gave the women and small families a safe haven to get away to. But, I’m sure Cass will make the program thrive with just a few ideas I heard her talking about earlier. Not everyone is willing to put the time in or ensure these women get more than just a safe place to lay and heal.

  Finally, we make our way home. Cass is exhausted and I’m surprised she stayed awake on the short ride home. We get her into bed and climb in next to her. She’s out before either one of us slips into the bed next to her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I WAKE UP before the guys this morning. Instead of lying in bed and ogling my men, I get up and head to the kitchen. I’m going to make sure they have a good breakfast to start their day. Turning my phone on, I pull up my playlist and put on Addicted by Saving Abel. Pulling out all the ingredients, I begin to make eggs, pancakes, toast, hash browns, and bacon.

  I’m getting the plates ready once I’ve cooked all the food. The last thing I have to do is get their coffee ready. As it begins to brew, the smell hits me and I have to run to the bathroom. I lose the contents of my stomach, which isn’t much. By
the time I make it back to the kitchen, Hawk and Chains are at the table waiting for me.

  “You okay, Pixie?” Chains asks, pulling out my chair for me.

  “Yeah. Just an upset stomach this morning,” I tell them.

  We sit and eat our breakfast in silence. The men finish their meal and grab some more as I push my food around on the plate in front of me. I’m not fooling the guys and I know this. However, I can’t eat right now with my stomach still upset.

  “Why aren’t you eatin’?” Hawk asks.

  “I just don’t feel good. I’ll be okay,” I tell them, taking care of my plate.

  “Are you feelin’ good enough to go for a ride in a little bit?” Chain asks, rubbing my back.

  “Yeah. Just give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready to go,” I tell them, walking from the kitchen.

  Making my way into the bedroom, I grab some clothes and go into the bathroom for a shower. I take my time and let the hot water soothe my body and stomach. Once I’ve finished washing up, I get out and quickly get dressed before meeting Hawk and Chains in the living room.

  They’re already dressed and ready to head out as I put on the new boots. Once we get outside, I try once again to get them to tell me where we’re going. They’re having none of it though.

  “It’s a surprise,” Chains says on a smile. “We just have to stop at the compound first.”

  “Okay. Whatever you guys want to do,” I tell them.

  I climb on behind Chains and we waste no time heading out to the compound. It’s one place I always love going even though most people would think it’s depressing. Not me. I want to help the women and children there. Show them how much better their lives can be when they know someone is willing to help them out and point them in the right direction. That someone is willing to spend time with them and listen to what they truly want out of their new life.

  As soon as we pull into the compound, I have a feeling of peace wash over me. This is where I’m meant to be. The one place where I can be myself and let these women know someone has been in their shoes and knows what they’re going through. Show them there’s a better life out there for them. They just have to want it and go use the resources they have. Well, if I could get some of the programs in place I’ve been thinking about.


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