Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3)

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Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3) Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  Hawk and Chains park their bikes in the front of the compound. I’ve never been in this building and I’m not sure what it is. But, I follow my men inside and let them lead me where we’re going. I trust them and I’m sure they have some sort of business here.

  “Pixie, in here?” Chains says, opening a door for what looks like an office.

  Walking in the door, I see it is indeed an office. It just doesn’t look like anyone is occupying the office. No paperwork on the table, no personal items on the desk or bookshelves. There’s nothing here anywhere. I’m thoroughly confused right now.

  “What’s going on, guys?” I ask, looking between Hawk and Chains.

  “Well, I overheard you talkin’ to Hadliegh at the clubhouse. You want to work here and make sure these women, and the children, get what they need. Things they’ll need to get back on their feet and be able to live their lives again. So, I put it up for a vote in church and it was a unanimous vote to have you run the program. The only thing you need to do is come up with a proposal to give to Renegade. He wants to know what programs you want to be implemented, about the counselors, and what all you’ll need to make this happen. This is your new office, Pixie,” Chains tells me.

  I can’t believe they did this. They’re making sure I get to live out my dream and work with people I need and want to help. Helping them will allow me to live out my biggest dream. These men know me so fucking well. Chains heard me talking about it and made it happen. I will never be able to thank them enough for what they’ve given me today.

  “So, other than the proposal, this is all mine? I can get the programs I want to be implemented and make sure the women move on to successful lives?” I ask, not believing this is real.

  “As long as Renegade and the club approve your proposal, you can do what you want here. We’ll help get the programs in place and make sure the women and kids get help. What’s the first thing you think you’re gonna need for here?” Hawk asks, sitting in the chair in front of the desk.

  “I don’t know. Maybe I should meet with the women currently here to see what they need and want. Make sure they have everything in the houses and their kids have what they need. Then I’ll have to make a list of everything we need to get for them and make some phone calls. I don’t even know what all I’m going to have to do here,” I say, letting my imagination run wild with the possibilities.

  “Well, let’s go then. There’s only two women here right now. One is a single mother now. She has a set of twins but I don’t know more about them than that. The other one is a single woman, no kids. They’ve both been here about two months now,” Chains says.

  We leave the bikes where they sit and make our way to the first house. It’s not far from the office building. Hawk knocks on the door and waits for the woman to answer. She answers and I can see bruises on her face and arms. They’re new. Not from someone that’s been in the compound for two months now.

  “C-c-can I help you?” she asks, closing the door so we can barely see her.

  “I’m Cassidy and I’m going to be taking over running the compound. We just wanted to talk to you and make sure everything was okay and that you had everything you need and want. I’m also going to be adding programs to the site and wanted to get your input. Can we come in and talk for a few minutes?” I ask, sensing something is very wrong here.

  “Um, now isn’t a good time,” she says, looking back over her shoulder.

  “You know you can’t have guys in here, right?” I ask, knowing her abuser is more than likely listening to us.

  “There’s no one here but me,” she tries to say.

  “Then you won’t have a problem with us comin’ in for an inspection. That’s part of the contract you signed when you moved in here,” Hawk says.

  I watch as the woman’s face pales at Hawk’s words. She doesn’t want us to go into the house because she’s got a guy here. I’m not sure if it’s the same guy she was originally running from or not, but this isn't gonna happen.

  “You have two choices. The first is you let us in to talk and do an inspection. Or, you don’t let us in and you and the man you got stashed in here leave. He’ll be leaving regardless and you’ll be put on notice. If it happens again, you’ll be asked to leave. We’re not here to bring abusive men around the women that are truly ready to get away and start a new life,” I tell the woman.

  “Then I guess I’m gonna leave. I love him, and we’re not doing anything wrong,” she says, trying to slam the door shut on us.

  “You won’t be shuttin’ the door either. You came here with nothin’ but the clothes on your back and that’s what you’ll be leavin’ with,” Chains says, standing up to his full height. “You’re out now!”

  Chains pushes the door open and walks past the woman. She’s standing there like she can’t believe what he just did. Like he’s in some kind of violation of her rights. Well, here, we control what happens and make sure the women and kids are safe. We can’t do that if men are gonna be coming around. I’m going to have to address this issue now. Not only for the remaining woman staying here, but any new ones we bring in.

  Hawk stays outside the house with me. I’m glad too. We can hear grunts and groaning coming from inside the house and I wonder what’s going on. It’s not long before we watch Chains haul some guy who looks high as hell down the stairs to the door. After waiting for the woman to leave, he pushes the guy through the doorway.

  Hawk and Chains leave me standing on the doorstep as they escort the couple from the compound. They’ll tell Shane not to let them back in no matter what they try to say or do. While I’m waiting, I walk inside the house and I’m astonished at the mess I see before me. It looks like the garbage exploded and now litters every single surface in the living room and kitchen.

  There’s used needles on the floor, holes in the walls, burn marks on the couch, floor, and table. I can see drugs on the table. The program is not about this and I’m not gonna let it turn into something it’s not. It’s too important for me to mess this up.

  This whole place is going to need to be cleaned and worked on before anyone else can move in here. I’m not sure what’s going to need to be done about the drugs and things either. I’m going to have to revamp whatever has been put in place and update the program before I want to bring more women into this. Whatever was going on in this house will not happen again.

  Chains and Hawk meet me outside the house and I tell them about what I saw as we walk to the next person’s house. They’re pissed as hell and are going to bring it up in church. We’ll have to keep an eye out for the couple we just kicked out too. I don’t trust they won’t come back seeking retribution for getting kicked out.

  I knock on the door this time. A young woman answers the door. She looks frazzled and I can hear the sounds of her children inside. One is crying while the other one seems to be running around.

  “Can I help you?” she asks, looking back in the house toward her kids.

  “I’m Cassidy. We just wanted to come in and make sure you have everything you need. And, I’m going to be taking over the program. I want to add different things to help you, and any other women, out. Can we have a few minutes?” I ask, not wanting to bother her.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry. My kids are a little stir-crazy right now,” she tells us, opening the door wider.

  The three of us walk in and I take in the house. There’s little to nothing in here for the three of them. This isn’t gonna work for me. We sit down on the small couch and the little ones instantly attach themselves to their mother's side.

  “Can I ask your name?” I ask, offering a smile.

  “It’s Vanessa. This is Kayla and Tyler.”

  “As I said, I’m Cassidy. This is Hawk and Chains. They’re part of the Phantom Bastards and my ol’ men. We’re here to help you. All you have to do is ask for it,” I tell her. “Now, I think the first order of business is making a list to go to the store for. What do you and the kids need?”

  “Oh, um
, I don’t think we need anything,” she says, clearly not used to anyone offering her help of any kind.

  “That’s nonsense. The club has an account for anyone here,” Chains says. “If you don’t make us a list, we’re just gonna go out and get a bunch of things.”

  Vanessa looks down from us and I can see the tears in her eyes. This is exactly what the program is in place for. To help women like Vanessa and her children. I vow right this second to do everything in my power to get her back on her feet and make sure she remains a part of the club in one form or another.

  “I can’t thank you enough for what you’re already doing. We’ve been getting by,” she says.

  “Okay. Let’s start with a list of groceries you need. We’ll move on to everything else from there. I want to make sure you and the kids are comfortable and have everything you need and want. There’s a lot we can do to help and that’s what we’re here for,” I tell Vanessa.

  Vanessa and I spend the next hour going through everything. When we’ve got a list of everything the kids and her need, I hand it off to Hawk and Chains. They’ve already called Renegade and the girls. The Prospects and them will go shopping to get everything Vanessa needs. I also added some toys for the kids and a few things for Vanessa she wouldn’t dare tell me she wanted.

  While they’re waiting for the girls and Steve to show up, I begin to go over different things Vanessa would like to learn how to do. Or what she needs to learn how to do. She doesn’t have a clue about what to say because she hasn’t ever been given a chance to do things for herself.

  “How about I tell you what I’ve been thinking and you can give me any more ideas you have?” I ask her.

  “Okay. I’m sorry Cassidy. I want to help, I just don’t know what to do or say,” she answers.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about. We’ll help you through this. So, here’s what I’m thinking. I want to add a cooking class, a resource room for helping those that want to learn about computers or going for a degree, babysitters so women can go to the classes, one for getting a job, and one for basic finances. What do you think?” I ask her.

  “That sounds amazing. I’d be up for taking all of those. I’m surprised my poor babies can eat with the way I cook. I tend to burn more than is edible,” she shyly admits.

  “Okay. Well, that’s a start. Someone will be here in a little while with your stuff. I’ll probably be in the office starting tomorrow. If you need anything, please feel free to come in and shout at me. Thank you for your input today,” I tell her, standing up to leave her in peace.

  “Cassidy, thank you. And the club for helping me get away. You don’t know what it means,” Vanessa says, a tear sliding down her cheek.

  “Vanessa, I know more than you think I do. Maybe one day I’ll share my story with you,” I tell her, pulling her in for a hug before leaving her home.

  Chains and Hawk are waiting outside for me. They can tell I’m upset and that I won’t tell them about the conversation I had with Vanessa. That’s one of the first things anyone working here will know. What happens here and any conversation happening between them and anyone living here is completely confidential. Not a word will be said or they’ll be gone.

  Tonight, I’ll work on the proposal and get as much done as I can. I’ll have to make a few calls tomorrow to some counselors. Other than that, I’ll be able to ensure the rest of the programs are put in place. I’ll run them myself if I have to. At least until I can hire someone to take over for me.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  RENEGADE GOT A call from Slim a little while ago. They opened one of the trucks from Jorge. He’s a guy from the cartel Slim’s been working with. From what Renegade says, the truck was loaded with women and children. They were dehydrated, malnourished, dirty, and some were taken to the hospital because of their injuries.

  Chains, Renegade, and I are leaving in a few minutes to go meet Slim. They don’t have room to house all the women so we’re taking them in. I’ve already let Cassidy know so she can be at the office when we get there. We don’t know the exact number or what the condition of these women is, but she’s more than ready to get them taken care of and put in the houses.

  Cass has been spending all of her time at the compound for the last few days. She got the proposal done and turned it into Renegade. He loves it and we all voted to get the programs in place. We’re going to be starting construction on the huge building in the middle of the houses to make different classrooms and add a huge kitchen so the women can learn how to cook and bake. I can’t wait to get it done for them to see the look on Cass’s face. Along with the woman currently living there.

  None of us were there when her stuff was dropped off. But, we did talk to Hadliegh and Callie when they got back. They said she cried and wasn’t going to accept everything they brought in. The girls told her it’s what Cass wanted and it’s what the program is for. Vanessa changed her mind when she saw Grave they said.

  After Vanessa got her things delivered for the kids and her, Cassidy went through all the houses to see what was in them. She made a list of things we needed for them that the club never thought of. The Prospects couldn’t even handle the shopping themselves. It ended up turning into a club event and we were all more than happy to help furnish the houses with essentials. The only thing we didn’t get is groceries. Since we don’t know when women will be moving in, there’s no point in wasting money on food that may not get eaten.

  I’m not sure what Grave was doing helping them out, but I’m not gonna bitch about it. He’s got his own reasons for the things he does and doesn’t do. No one knows his past, and he’s not one to share that kind of information with anyone. He’s very buttoned up about things and none of us are going to push him for information.

  I grab my keys for my bike and make my way out to the front of the clubhouse. Chains and Renegade are already out there. Shane’s the only other one going with us. He’s going to drive the van for the girls while we protect them on the way back. I straddle my girl and we head out.

  We’re meeting Slim in the middle of our towns. So, it’s about an hour or so for each of us. The girls have the longest ride, but there’s nothing we can do about that. Cass will make sure they’re comfortable and settled when we get back.

  Pulling up to the meeting spot, Slim and his guys aren’t here yet. I’m not sure how far out they are, but it doesn’t matter. We’ll wait as long as we have to for them. Just like Cass will. She’s excited to be bringing new girls in. Not just because we’re helping them, but for Vanessa.

  The four of us grab a drink since it’s so hot outside. We’re not going to have too many more days like this, so we’re taking full advantage of today. Renegade and Chains light up a smoke as we all lean back against our bikes to wait. Shane crouches down in front of us as we talk.

  “Cassidy seems to be spending a lot of time at the compound. She really likes being there huh?” Renegade asks.

  “She does spend most of her time there. Honestly, she wanted to stay on at Anarchy Ink, but it’s goin’ to be too much for her to do that. So, we convinced her to just work at the compound. Cass isn’t lookin’ back. It’s somethin’ she’s always wanted to do and we’re makin’ that dream a reality,” Chains says.

  “I’m glad someone like her wants to take it over. We just don’t have the time to do everythin’ that needs to be done there. As far as we’ve always been concerned, keepin’ them safe and makin’ sure they had a roof over their head was always enough. Cassidy’s really opened our eyes about them needin’ more than what we’ve been doin’. We might have to mention this to Slim so they can start doin’ the same thing there,” Renegade answers.

  “I agree,” I say as a van and bikes pull in the vacant lot.

  We wait for them to get off their bikes before walking up and greeting them with man hugs. Slim gives us a rundown of what they found and how many girls were sent to the hospital. Rage immediately fills us as he talks. It takes a lot to
make any of us get sick. To hear that three of them got sick when they saw the girls fills me with rage, murder, and my inner beast begs to be let free on the sick fucks.

  Slim leads us over to the van they brought and I count six girls in there. Some of them don’t even look legal. But, if he’s bringing them to us then I know they’re all at least eighteen. He already told us he got all of the minors home to their families or he’s keeping them. They’ve got Children’s Protection Services involved to help the girls stay with them.

  “I don’t want them kept out here too long. We haven’t heard a word from anyone and we made sure we weren’t followed. But, you can never be too careful. Besides, they really haven’t been comfortable around so many guys. They need to be in the compound you have and get settled in,” Slim tells us.

  “Have they eaten or should we get them some food on the way back?” I ask, looking at the girls in the van.

  “They’ll need to eat. Jennifer tried to get them to eat before we left, but I think they’re too nervous about bein’ moved. Maybe Cass can get them to eat somethin’,” Slim answers.

  “Okay. We’re gonna get goin’ then. Cass is waitin’ and she’s got a lot to go over with them before we get them settled into the houses. We’ll have Shane and Steve pick them somethin’ up and bring it to the compound. Maybe if Cass eats with them it will make a difference,” Renegade tells him.

  It doesn’t take us long to move the girls from Slim’s van to ours. Shane gets in we get on our bikes. We’ll surround the van on the drive back to Shadowville and the compound. Before we pull out, I send Cass a quick message to let her know we’re on our way. I also tell her we’ve got six women so Steve and Bishop can make sure there’s enough food and other essentials in the houses for these women.


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