Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3)

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Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3) Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  When we pull up to the compound a half-hour later, Cass is waiting outside for us. She wants to be the first person these women see and have them know they won’t be surrounded by men. My heart fills with more love for this woman than I ever thought possible as she takes the needs of those around her into account more than herself.

  Parking my bike, I walk over and plant a kiss on her lips before heading into the office. Even if I’m not inside with her while she’s talking to the women, they need somewhere to eat and I can grab a table and some chairs for them to sit in.

  I find what I need in the storage room. Shane helps me get the table set up with the chairs as Cass brings the girls in. She lets them know to sit at the table and she’ll be with each of them as she can. I watch her take one woman into her office and shut the door. Our ol’ lady believes in keeping everything private and it’s what the women deserve.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  WE’VE BEEN AT the compound for an hour. Cassidy has met with half the women and they’re all sitting at the table eating the burgers and fries Shane and Steve ran out to get for us all. Renegade is the only one that’s left. He went back to the clubhouse to give the rest of the guys the rundown on the girls we picked up.

  Shane and Steve are getting ready to head out to the store for groceries while Hadliegh and Callie run out to grab clothes for the women. I suggested we get a bunch of things in different sizes, but there’s no way to know what sizes they’ll need or what they manage to bring with them. So, right now, we’re not gonna do that.

  Maybe once the renovations are done, we can start putting clothes and other items in one of the storage rooms. That way we don’t have to go out all the time to the store. Things will already be here for the kids and women. If not clothes, then other essentials. I’ll have to mention it to Cass when she’s not busy.

  As she comes out to get one of the other girls, I see the look on her face. She’s not exhausted going through everything with these women, she’s ultimately glowing. Her face is plastered with a bright smile as she greets every woman to make them feel as at ease as possible. There’s no hint of anything else on her mind as she comes in and out of her office. No, it’s all about these six women right now.

  Hawk is out with Renegade searching for Diablo, so I’m at the compound with Cass. Shortly after taking the last girl in her office, she calls me in. I’m not sure what’s going on right now, I shouldn’t be in here with them. This is a private meeting between them.

  “What’s goin’ on Pixie?” I ask, confused.

  “Well, Cindy here has some information I think the club would like to know. I asked her if I could bring you in for this portion and then you’ll leave,” Cass explains.

  “Okay. I’ll listen to whatever you think I need to know,” I say, looking at Cindy.

  “Well, I overheard the guys talking before we got loaded up in the truck. They had a buyer for us, one for the entire lot of us. It’s a guy named Diablo. He’s got some beef with someone around here and isn’t willing to do his normal activities or something like that. I’m not sure of all the details, but that’s what stuck out the most,” Cindy says.

  “Do you know where this Diablo person is?” I ask, sitting up straighter in my chair and trying to keep my voice even.

  “No. That was never talked about. I just know he is trying to figure out different ways to get women because he’s already sold a few and the men are starting to come after him,” she tells me.

  “Thank you, Cindy. You have nothin’ to worry about here. We’ll make sure you’re protected and have everythin’ you need. If you see anythin’ strange or remember anythin’ else, have Cass call one of us and we’ll get right over here to talk to you,” I tell her, standing up from the chair and kissing Cass before going out with the rest of the women.

  After making sure none of them need anything right now, I walk outside to call Renegade. He needs to know this information for a few different reasons. The first one is because Diablo is definitely in the skin trade. Two, we need round the clock protection here for the women. If there’s already buyers out there waiting on them, they’re going to be pissed if they find out where the women and kids are now.

  “Chains, what’s goin’ on?” Renegade asks as he answers his phone.

  “I think we need to call church. Just got information from one of the girls,” I tell him.


  “Buyers. More importantly, one buyer,” I tell him.

  “Church in two hours. Does that give Cass enough time to get finished up and show the girls where they’ll be stayin’?” he asks.

  “I’ll let her know the timetable. She can go over everythin’ with them tomorrow. They’re all gettin’ tired anyway,” I answer him.

  Walking back in the building, I see Cass leading Cindy out of her office. Pulling her to the side, I let her know about church and that she has two hours to finish up here. Cass wants to say something to me, it’s written all over her face. Instead, she gives me a kiss and turns to the next girl. She must see how important this is to the club. And to the protection of the girls we now have with us.

  Cass made sure to get what she needed from the last two girls, show them the houses, and make sure they’re comfortable for the night in less than two hours. Each woman has the number for the clubhouse and her cell phone number in case they need anything throughout the night. The look on my ol’ ladies face right now shows just how far she’s come in a few days.

  Confidence is radiating from her as she talks to the women. She becomes animated as she talks about the new programs she’s getting ready to start implementing. It’s a side of Cass we’ve never had the chance to see before— one I want to see every day for the rest of our lives.

  I pull into the clubhouse and Steve closes the gate behind us. It looks like we’re the last ones here tonight. Hopefully I’m not too late.

  Cass and I walk inside to see Callie sitting at a table alone. Hadliegh must not be here tonight. So, I leave Cassidy with her and make my way into church. I’m the last one in and it’s not like they could start without me because I’m the one with the information. I quickly take my seat and Renegade calls order to church.

  “We’re here tonight because I got a call from Chains a little while ago. He’s got some information from one of the girls tonight. The floor’s yours,” Renegade says.

  “Pixie called me in shortly after takin’ one of the women into her office. The woman, Cindy, heard and interestin’ conversation. Jorge was sellin’ the women and girls to Diablo. Apparently, he told them he’s got some beef with someone and can’t do business as usual. He’s already sold some of them and we’ve now got them. So, we know for sure he’s in the skin trade. And he’s goin’ to be comin’ after them because we took his payday. Or he’ll be sendin’ these men to us,” I say, looking around the table at my brothers.

  “Does she know where Diablo is?” Grave asks.

  “No. They never mentioned it while near the girls. I told her to make sure she told us if she remembers anythin’ else or sees anythin’ strange,” I answer.

  “Okay. So, we know the girls should’ve gone to him. That means he’s gotta be in the area somewhere. We need to keep our eyes peeled. And I want extra security at the compound around the clock. We’ll need to get more Prospects. But not from here. I won’t take a chance of gettin’ a mole from Diablo. Does anyone know of anyone we can bring in?” Renegade asks the table.

  “I might know some from when I served. I’ll have to look them up and talk to them about it before I let you know for sure,” Grave says.

  “Same with me,” Psycho says. “I’ll make the calls when we get out of here.”

  Renegade calls church as we all begin to think about who we can bring into Prospect for the club. Depending on the number of Prospects we bring in, we’ll be able to keep more than one Prospect at the compound while still having some around here.

  Hawk and I walk out to the common r
oom and find Cass sitting where I left her. She’s got her head lying on the top of the table and I can tell she’s falling asleep. We need to get her home so she can get some sleep. Her body needs to adjust to all of the running around she’s been doing and the work she’s done at the compound.

  “Come on, Pixie. Time to go home,” I tell her, picking her up in my arms to carry outside. “Can you ride the bike?”

  “Yeah. I’m sorry I’m so tired. I’m still not feeling all that great,” she says.

  “Nothin’ to be sorry about, Pixie,” Hawk tells her. “We’ll get you home in bed and you can go back to sleep. I want you to make a doctor’s appointment though. You haven’t felt good for a few days now. With all the workin’ you’ve been doin’, I want to make sure you’re okay.”


  We quickly make the journey home and get our little Pixie into bed. She’s asleep before her head hits the pillow. Hell, she doesn’t even bother getting undressed. So, I take her boots and jeans off while Hawk gets her shirt off. We’re like fucking heaters and she won’t be comfortable fully dressed all night long. Hawk and I climb in the bed next to her and fall asleep just as quickly as Cassidy.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  WAKING UP THIS morning, I didn’t make it very far before I have to run to the bathroom. Chains comes in as I finish getting sick. Again. There’s a worried look on his face and I know both men are worried about me. I usually don’t get sick and I’ve been throwing up for over a week now.

  “Pixie, you need to get to the doctor. I don’t like this,” he tells me.

  “I know. I’ll call for an appointment in a little bit. I just want to lay back down for a few minutes so I can try to get my stomach to settle down,” I tell him.

  “You go back to bed and I’ll bring you in some toast,” he says, walking me back to our room.

  Chains tucks me back into bed before leaving me alone in the room. I can hear Hawk and him talking in the kitchen, but I can’t make out the words. I’m sure he’s telling Hawk about me getting sick again. They’ve been keeping track of when I’m getting sick and when I’m not.

  They think I have the flu or something like that and don’t want me working. It’s not the flu. I’m pretty sure I know what’s wrong with me and I don’t know what they’re going to think about it. This is the same way I was when I got pregnant by Craig. First thing in the morning and certain smells make me run to the bathroom. It’s nothing women around the world have been going through since the beginning of time. I’m fine and I’m not gonna let this stop me or slow me down when it comes to the compound.

  My original goal was to work at Anarchy Ink and the compound. Instead, my men talked me into only working at the compound. I’m glad they did. Even if I feel like I’m letting Ink down. He’s been really good to me and now I’ve left. Hadliegh’s only working part-time at the shop so Ink has a lot to do besides tattooing now. I hate it.

  I’ve been toying with the idea of Vanessa taking over the job. She’s a very smart woman and I know she’d do a great job working there. The only concern I have is how scared and timid she is still. Some of the men going in the shop can be scary and Ink isn’t always in the best of moods. Especially lately. I’m just not sure what’s going on with him.

  “Here you go, Pixie,” Chains says as Hawk and he walk in with my toast.

  Each man climbs into bed with me. They sit up against the headboard as I sit up slightly to eat. Well, nibble on my toast. They’re watching me eat to make sure I finish it before I have to run to the bathroom again. It’s unnerving, but I know it’s just how they are. It’s what makes me fall in love with them a little more every day and what drives me crazy at the same time.

  “What are your plans today?” Hawk asks.

  “I’m going to call the doctor for an appointment and then I’m going to the compound. I need to check on the girls and make sure they’re all settling in. Plus, I want to check on the construction,” I answer after swallowing a bite of toast.

  “We’ll be there workin’ today. If you need anythin’ just come get us,” Chains says.

  “Okay. I want to make sure the files are okay too. I don’t know if they’re complete and I need to make sure they are before the counselors come in to meet with them,” I tell them.

  “I don’t want you workin’ too hard until we know what’s wrong with you. But, I know you won’t stay home in bed either. Not when you’re tryin’ to get this program up and runnin’,” Chains says, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

  “I’ll be fine,” I tell them.

  For the next half hour, I lay in bed with Hawk and Chains wrapped around me. We don’t talk about anything; we simply relax in bed until it’s time to get up and get around for the day. Before Hawk goes to take his shower, he hands my phone to me so I can make an appointment with the doctor.

  Chains sits with me as I make one for a half-hour from then. They have to get to work and can’t go with me, so I’ll be going alone. I’m perfectly okay with that. If I get the news I think I’m going to be getting today, I want to be alone to process it before I let them in on the surprise. Call me selfish, but I want to have this to myself for a little bit.

  After taking my shower and getting ready to head out for the day, I kiss my men goodbye so they can get to work at the compound. Shane is waiting for me outside and I give him a small wave before getting in my car. We head to the doctor’s office and I check-in for my appointment.

  The nurse gives me a stack of paperwork to fill out since I’m a new patient and I sit down with the clipboard and pen. I’ve barely finished it when a nurse is calling for me to go back. She takes my height and weight before telling me to go in to leave a sample.

  I’m sitting in the chair when the doctor comes in. She’s a younger woman with a sympathetic face. But, she’s not giving anything away as far as the results from my urine sample go. Instead, she goes about asking me questions and checking my heart, lungs, eyes, and ears.

  “Well, Cassidy, it looks like you’re pregnant. Congratulations!” she says, looking down at my chart in her hands.


  “You don’t seem surprised by that news,” she says, looking at me.

  “I felt the same way I did when I got pregnant before. I ended up losing the baby, but the feeling is still the same. I’ve been exhausted, getting sick, and certain smells bother my stomach,” I answer her.

  “I see. You’ll have to get in with an obstetrician and they can provide an ultrasound to see how far along you are,” she says. “For now, I’ll get you started on a prenatal vitamin.”

  The doctor gives me the script and sends me on my way. I walk out of the office to find Shane sitting next to my car on his bike. He’s got his phone out and is paying attention to it until I get up close to him. When he looks up at me, I can see the stress and worry covering his face.

  “Everything okay?” I ask as I stop next to him.

  “Yeah. Just talkin’ to my girl. She’s upset because I had to cancel plans,” he tells me.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll head to the compound. Why don’t you go see her?” I ask, not sure what else he has going on today.

  “I’m good. We’ve been havin’ problems for a while. She doesn’t want me in the club and I’m not leavin’ for her. I guess it’s better now to end it over prolongin’ the inevitable,” he says, sounding defeated.

  My heart aches for the young man getting on his bike. But, he’s made his decision and I hope he finds what he’s looking for. Shane deserves it. I may not know him very well, but I know enough to see how big his heart is and how much he wants to be a member of the Phantom Bastards. It’s why he busts his ass for them.

  “I have to make one more stop before heading to the compound,” I tell him. “I have to pick up a prescription.”

  “Okay. I’ll follow you there and wait outside while you’re in there,” he answers.

  The drive to the pharmacy doesn’t take very long.
Nothing in Shadowville takes long to get to and it’s part of what I love about living here. As I enter the pharmacy, I look around to make sure no one from the club is here. After dropping off my script and finding out it will only take a few minutes to fill, I look around.

  I head down the baby aisle and look at all of the little toys and other baby items. Stopping at a selection of onesies, I look through them. I’ve always wanted to break the news about a baby in a cute way and an idea forms in my head.

  Grabbing a plain white onesie, a gift bag, and some tissue paper, I make my way to the pharmacy counter. I can print out an iron-on decal at the office and get an iron from one of the girls. I’ll make the onesie and then give it to the guys once it’s done. I don’t want to wait to share the news with them. Excitement is already filling my body as I think of a little boy who looks just like his daddies or a little girl with my hair and all of the love in the world.

  I’ve been at the compound for a few hours. Hawk and Chains came over to have lunch with me in the office. They brought cheeseburger and fries from Corrinth’s diner. I’m drinking water while the guys have a cold soda.

  We’re almost done with lunch when I pull the bag containing the gift for the guys out. They look at me before Hawk grabs the bag and pulls the tissue paper out. Chains scoots over closer to him and waits to see what he pulls out of the small gift bag.

  As he lifts the onesie out of the bag, he lifts his eyes to me before looking at Chains. Hawk unfolds the onesie where I’ve put words on it. The onesie says:

  Future member or Princess of the Phantom Bastards MC.

  The two men who own my heart look at me with emotion filling their eyes. Chains is the first one up and over to me. He scoops me up from the chair and holds me to his chest, peppering kisses all over my face. Hawk doesn’t wait for his turn this time. He takes me from Chains’ arms and swings me around in a circle before kissing me soundly.


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