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Victory Dome

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by A. D. Nance

helped the faithful somehow.” Datar stopped to ponder. “You know, I read that Rainbow Earth many times. And each time I got something fresh out of it. The people of that world were on their own in many ways. They had to think and make decisions based on little or no knowledge, sometimes just a feeling.”

  “A feeling?”

  “You know Eldon, like when something is not balanced inside you, you have a different inclination. But their feelings were called emotions and they were very subtle. It was different for each person.”

  “Wow. With that kind of rainbow diversity, anything could happen.”

  “That is one of the things about that Earth that is so fascinating, as if it’s a real place, is the variety and unpredictable nature of it. Their emotions or feelings had a much greater range than ours. They could even imitate qualities of their god. Their god was said to be all wise, just, or righteous or loving. I see by your face that you do not understand, so I will try to explain. The quality or trait of justice for example, is to do what is right in harmony with the creator’s will. We are beginning to understand and apply this in SSD. Another one is mercy. But love is said to be the greatest. It has more power and is the key to everything. Those two qualities, at least in this space time, have eluded us. But I believe they are real and we have the potential to develop them.” Eldon shook his head and said, “Could such a place really exist?”

  “Very possibly Eldon. The Creator is the one source of everything no matter how different it may be from what we know. The creation has infinite diversity as we know for a fact.”

  “I would like to read that Rainbow Earth.”

  “Unfortunately, it no longer exists. And it is not in any database that I know of.”

  Just then came an announcement on the com: --'Approaching XT-4Housa orbital interface. Come to control room at this time.'—

  They returned to the small and simple round room once again after their hypersleep. What seemed like a few minutes was an 8 hour flight across 2000 light years. This was not considered a long distance for one of these events.

  As they approached, XT-4 Housa looked like many others. But then Eldon noticed the four moons. No, not just four moons but three smaller moons behind the four larger ones, lined up, or rather down toward the planet. So there appeared to be 16 moons altogether. The planet itself appeared bright white. The entire surface was covered from view by some special atmosphere. Ships from all directions were converging on the planet.

  They all followed four illuminated entry paths to the four large moons. When they got near to the moons, a gravity force of some kind took control and brought them in. The ships would just disappear into the large moons. This was possible because they were not really moons, but entry stations or gates. Once inside, they would go through the first phase of entry to the SS Dome. It was an orientation and preliminary information exchange. Eldon had seen this at another SS Dome event, but not to this scale and degree of security. At the end of the first entry phase or moongate, your transport, whatever kind of ship, would be parked as it were, after receiving your pass or ticket. Then each attendee would be placed in a trans-shell, a sort of bubble to move them along to the next moongate. Progress to the second, third and fourth moongates proceeds rapidly for most attendees. Inside each of these are a series of scans and preparations to enter the SS Dome. Each attendee’s body must be prepared from a molecular level. This because the SS Dome has its own space or dimension. It has become more commonly known as SSS (Singular Source Space) or 3S. The appearance on the outside is that the attendees of the event ‘disappear’ for a few solar days. What really happens is that these ones that enter SS Dome are transformed to the SSD space which is really invisible to those in regular space. In the process they become very small in regular space. So small that the entire SS Dome is contained inside a space of a small room inside the planet. Time is slowed or nearly stopped for the insiders, which makes it seem that time is speeded up on the outside. This time effect seems contrary to the physical universe in which larger things measure time in greater spans, smaller things in smaller increments. A galaxy may take many billions of years to rotate if counted in solar years. Nuclear reactions in the atoms of a star happen millions of times in a second. So this slowing of time inside the SS Dome is unique. It is a proof of being at or near the Source, the Creator if you will. All this is made known to the entrants through the moongates. No harm is ever done to the entrants into the SS Dome. The process was enacted by Singsord lords exactly according to instructions as received from an SSD directive. In fact physical health actually improves during the event. Diseases are cured, old wounds healed, and the body and mind are made sound. However, these are just the side benefits when you consider the experience as a whole.

  Reaching the fourth moongate, Eldon along with the others was precompressed and ready to be inserted into the SS Dome. It was somewhat like traveling down to the deepest depths of the ocean. The descent must be gradual to adjust to the extreme pressures. In the fourth gate, as Eldon was waiting in line to be ‘fired’ into the Dome, he could see what was not visible before. Orbiting the host planet were satellites of some kind. They looked like blobs of translucent energy, white and faintly gleaming. Their orbits intersected directly in front of the moongate. When two of these bright blobs met at the same time at that point, a black hole would appear for a split second. It was exactly then that an entrant was fired into the Dome by the fourth gate’s insertion cannon. Now it was Eldon’s turn. He saw the two bright blobs approaching. They met—black hole—Eldon was fired.

  The next thing Eldon experienced was hearing music that was soft and beautiful; then a grand chorus grew from a distant sound to a nearer place; And with the sound of the chorus a faint light appeared; it got larger until it was a galaxy clearly in view. Eldon somehow knew it was the galaxy he lived in. Then he became aware of many other things. No one had told him, but he now knew the names of everyone present. There must have been hundreds of thousands. He looked to his side and Datar was there next to him. They were suspended weightless apparently against the back of a spherical room. It was very hard to tell how large the room was. The galaxy in the center was real, not just a projection of some kind. That is the way it seemed to Eldon. He now realized that he was experiencing at least partially, the so-called atomic revelation that Datar had told him about earlier. It was unique to the SS Domes. This way of imparting information went far beyond the normal physical senses. It was as if every part of the body taking in messages on an atomic level. Your plane of consciousness was expanded so much that it was another form of existence. You no longer were small and alone, but part of a grand living organism, not just an organization. In this state you could not only hear each other’s thoughts, but feel as it were the beat or rhythm of the universe.

  Mere words cannot fully describe the SSD experience. It may be compared to a man who has been blind all his life and now he sees the most beautiful art that he has a part in creating. Or if you can imagine, a person born deaf now hears the most wonderful music that he himself is making. You have the idea.

  The agenda of this historic SS Dome proceeded now. There was news of a thousand plus acts or deeds of the Singsords throughout the known universe. These ranged from the rescue of a small animal to the latest event in the great war against Zuton, an empire in opposition to the natural order of things.

  Gradually, more and more of the Singsords present received their assignments. These were only given to the seasoned members, those with some experience and ‘electaid’ or skill. As a few examples: Aspirene 29 was sent to Beta-Epsilon 6 to help a young Cypressta Academy student to make a good decision regarding his future course. Milton Seq-144 was instrumental in negotiations to end the Trinebulan fighting in the Centarmeg-I region of the galaxy. And M’Ress-Diana 7 was sent to prevent the captain of a rescue vessel in Andromeda AOO71 from being seduced by a shape shifting Vect
ordian bent on causing havoc.

  Another example at this event that I learned about from Datar was outstanding. I will try to tell it as briefly and simply as I can. This happened on Earth, our own home planet. When Michael Lazarus III was sent there to Russia to protect an innocent person, he encountered an unexpected problem.

  The person he was sent to protect had reported a crime to police the day before. He was able to give a good description of the perpetrator to police. Now, the perpetrator of the vile crime was following this person with the intent of killing him. The innocent law-abiding reporter of the crime was now aware that he was being followed by the criminal. He invoked a higher power by saying out loud, “In the name of all that is right, God help me!”

  This person, James T. and his plea was somewhat unusual even for Earth of this timeline. It caught the attention of the Higher Power that makes the assignments for the Singsords. Because of the SS Dome, an agent could be dispatched instantaneously to the place needed.

  This agent, Michael Lazarus III was now approaching the criminal from behind. He saw the man pull a gun-like weapon from

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