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Venom & Vampires: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 79

by Casey Lane

  “Sleep well?”

  “Better than I have in a long time.” I lift my head and look at the clock. “Ten.” My head drops back to the pillow. “Dang, I was really tired.”

  Asa doesn’t move to get up, but his hand slides up my arm. It would be so easy to turn over and make love to him right now. Giving in a little, I do roll to face him. The red numbers from the digital clock reflect in his eyes. His stare is intense and it takes my breath away.

  “I really want you, Lisa.”

  Usually I’d come back with some coy comment but humor escapes me, because I want what he wants. Skin against skin. “One more ghost and I’m all yours.” He pushes me to my back, covering my body with his. I spread my legs and he settles between them. God he feels good. His erection presses against me. “You’re not making this easy.”

  “I know.” His mouth captures mine and his hand creeps up my ribs to cup my breast. “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

  His thumb strums my nipple, bringing it to a tight peak. A whimper of desire and angst escapes me. I run my hands down his back and over his tight buns. They’re just as nice to touch as they are to look at. Unable to help myself I grind against him and open my mouth in invitation.

  He accepts and for a few minutes we’re lost in a cloud of sensual caresses and kisses. To my surprise, Asa draws back first. “Listen, if we go much further I’m not going to be able to stop. Good news is you don’t have to worry about disease or getting pregnant.” He grins at me wickedly in the semi-darkness.

  A glimmer of light from the clock glints off the top of his fang. Oh yeah, that’s hot, but he’s right. I’m not sure what kind of shape I’m going to be in, so I’d rather reap this last ghost and then let the chips—or clothes—fall where they may. “Then we’d better stop.” I use my own argument on him, certain the sliver of doubt I place will be enough to give us both the willpower we need to get dressed. “Because if I have to rest for a few days after we make love, I don’t want to worry about Emiko.”

  His body tenses and stares at me. “Do you think… that us being together will be to rough?”

  I squeeze his ass and wrap my legs around his thighs. “If we do it right.”

  A slow smile spreads across his mouth and his body relaxes. “Let’s go reap this bitch.”

  In an instant he’s off the bed and getting dressed. “Uh, okay.” I shove the covers the rest of the way off. “Nothing like a little enthusiasm.”

  The rasp of his zipper hisses through the darkness. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  That spurs on my own efforts to get dressed. Within minutes we’re out the door and back in the tunnels, practically running. “You got the gold?” I huff out.

  “Yep.” He slows to a brisk walk. “Three pieces in case Hal decides to barter.”

  We continue down tunnel after tunnel. “Tell me about Emiko.”

  “Small, Asian, deadly, fully trained as a ninja like three hundred years ago—and if she could die again I’d gladly do the honors.”

  The vehemence in his voice shocks me. “So, we’ve saved the worst for last?”

  He stops suddenly and turns. I almost run into him, but halt just in time. “Don’t let your guard down for a second. Don’t let go of me. And don’t believe the crap she’s going to spew at you. There’s nothing good about Emiko. She’s no innocent soul that needs to be saved. She was a master vampire and did a lot of really bad shit when she was alive.” I open my mouth to ask what, but he holds up a hand. “No, don’t ask. They’re the kind of things that will keep you awake at night. Trust me when I say, you don’t want to know.”

  I inhale. “Okay. I trust you.”

  He nods and takes my hand. “We still have a way to the hangar.”

  From my ride from the landing strip I figure we have to walk at least two miles. Again, the complexity and sheer genius of the tunnels hits me. We travel without talking. Mainly I’m trying not to suck wind like a two pack-a-day smoker, and I wonder what it would be like to have unlimited energy like Asa.

  “So, explain again how a human turns into a vampire.”

  “Why? You thinking of converting?”

  I give an unladylike snort. “No. Just curious.”

  “A human is drained almost to point of death and then given the vampire’s blood.” He says this in the same way he’d explain how to microwave a burrito. “The conversion takes place after they’ve consumed almost half of their maker’s blood.”

  “Oh.” I’m afraid to ask the next question but I forge ahead. “What if a human happens to say… lick a cut you had? Would anything happen?”

  He stopped again and faced me. “What are you asking?”

  I shrug. “I’m just curious. Some stories say it’s addictive.”

  His eyes search my face for a few seconds. “It can be, especially to werewolves and other vampires.”

  “Would a human get any special perks from it?” God, I sound like a junkie, but I’m curious if a little of Asa’s blood will help me in case Emiko is too strong.

  “You planning on draining me?”

  “Yes, but not that way.” I lean in and kiss him. “If you’re lucky.”

  He shakes his head. “Yes, there are—perks, but you don’t need them. If you drank from me and I’ve fed from you, you’d be bound to me for a month. I wouldn’t do that to you unless we had no other choice—like you were hurt badly or something. Besides, you’re the Angel of Death. You’ve got your own mojo.”

  “I didn’t say I wanted to try it.” From the look on his face he doesn’t believe me. I roll my eyes. “Fine, I was thinking if Emiko is too strong then it might help—but that was before you mentioned the binding part.” I already had enough people demanding things from me. Answering to one more wasn’t appealing. Even if it was Asa. “What is the binding all about?”

  “It’s nature’s defense mechanism for vampires. You’d want to protect me and would do anything I wanted, with no regard for yourself. I’d never do that to you—Vivian has taught me a lot about what it means to take someone’s free will. She’s not done it me and I’m grateful for it.” He draws me to him. “You can do this. Without my blood.”

  “I’m glad you have confidence in me.” And I don’t mention how freaked out the idea of losing my free will has made me.

  “I won’t let Emiko hurt you, Lisa.” He starts down the tunnel again.

  I don’t ask how he’s going to do that if he can’t see her. I’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

  We exit the tunnels inside the hangar. The sun is still high in the sky even at this late hour. The place is empty, no planes, no people, but the giant door is open. With nobody around and wolves roaming the area, there’s probably not a reason to lock things up.

  We walk to the edge of the shadows and stop. “I don’t see any ghosts.” I let go of Asa’s hand. “Let me look outside.”

  “No, you have to draw her in here where I can help you.”

  “I’ll be all right. We have to find her first.”

  His lips thin into a tight line. “Don’t go far. If she’s not here we’ll look somewhere else.”

  “I promise.”

  Creeping forward, I scan the parking area. There’s a jet and another black SUV with dark windows, but nothing else. We’re miles from civilization and the tundra stretches beyond the runway in a wavy sea of lichen and scrub. The warm breeze caresses me and makes the tiny buds of the ground cover dance. It’s so quiet it’s eerie, especially since I’m searching for a psycho ghost.

  “Looking for me?”

  I swing around and come face to face with Emiko. She’s a lot smaller than I remembered from the inn when I first arrived, but I know not to let her size fool me. “Yes.” The casual ‘hey, I’m here to reap you’ I used on the other ghosts seems laughable. Power emanates from her and I’m instantly on alert. “If you’re Emiko.”

  She continues to stare at me, not confirming her identity. After a few seconds she says, “You should have left
after Melvyn and Deneishia.”

  I almost feel her gaze stabbing me with its intensity. Everything Asa told me about her is true, and then some. “I take it you’re not going to be cooperative.”


  “Lisa, get back in the hangar,” Asa yells.

  Good idea. I take a step but she blocks my path. “I don’t think so.”

  “Hal.” I want him waiting to take Emiko because I’ll probably not get a second chance. The pink light expands and within seconds the door opens. “Get ready.”

  I don’t look at him but I hear his muttered curse. Dread washes over me. If he’s concerned then I certainly should be way more so. I bolt toward the hangar but before I go three steps I’m lifted off the ground and tossed several feet. I hit the gravel and roll. Pain ricochets through my body. Rolling to my side, I glare at Emiko, trying to catch my breath and not whine. “You.” Gasp. “Did not just do that.”

  “Lisa, are you okay?” Asa’s voice sounds frantic. “Don’t let her touch you!”

  I push to a sitting position and glance at him. He’s pacing along the edge of the shadow and I know he’s going to run out and to try and help if I don’t stop him. My body protests when I ease to a stand. “Yeah, I’m all right.” I hold up a hand. “Do not come out here. I want you whole and healthy for later.”

  Luckily the bitch of a ghost tossed me closer to where he prowled. I back toward him as she stalks me.

  “I wanted Vivian’s pet wolf but had to settle for taking what I wanted from this one.” She flicks her head toward Asa.

  “What do you mean?” I want to keep her talking. Maybe I can get the advantage—somehow. “Taking what?”

  “Don’t listen to her, Lisa. She’s a lying cunt.”

  Normally I hate the C-word, but in this case it’s fitting.

  “You won’t be disappointed, reaper. He’s a good lay. I think he liked it, even though he fought it ‘til the end.”

  That draws me to a stop. Sometimes I’m not the brightest bulb in the string of lights but her meaning is perfectly clear. “You raped him?”

  “Lisa!” Anguish fills Asa’s cry. “Do not listen to her.”

  Emiko shrugs. “I take what I want because I’m more powerful and there’s nothing anybody can do about it.”

  “Really?” I’m super pissed now. Not just irked or angry. A red haze settles over my vision. “Because it looks like somebody took care of you and now it’s my turn.”

  Her fangs extend and she hisses. “I’d like to see you try.”

  I’m suddenly very calm. Rape my temporary vampire boyfriend and think you’re going to get away with it? Oh, I don’t think so. Energy ripples through my body and I dig deep, focusing on what I am—an angel of death.

  I hurl toward the ghost just as she attacks. All my training races back to me. We collide but instead of holding onto her with my hand, I wrap my arms around the ghost and press her against my body. Instead of her possessing me, I take command of her spirit.

  From what seems like a long distance I hear Asa and Hal yelling at me, but I’m completely focused on Emiko. Even though she tries to fight me, her efforts are useless. A part of me I’ve not acknowledge before, the scary part of being Death’s deliverer, pushes through my fear. A black ghostly essence extends from me and wraps around us, making Emiko and me one. I feel her hatred and evil, but I also sense her years of empty existence.

  The blackness flows around us, her screams seemingly locked inside me. I walk to Hal. My mind is not my own. Something beyond Lisa Carron is controlling my actions. A few feet away, the energy holding Emiko disconnects from me. Still encased in the black ghostly shroud, her spirit is whisked into the elevator. Unlike the other ghosts, she descends and within seconds she’s gone.

  I stumble away from Hal, gasping and in a daze. He’s staring at me with an expression I haven’t seen before. Respect? Maybe fear? I don’t want—am unable—to analyze what just happened. Turning, I walk to Asa. “Gold.”

  He drops a coin in my hand. Numbly I return to Hal and toss the payment to him. He catches it, but doesn’t lower his hand. “It seems we are in for very interesting ride, Lisa Carron.” He tucks the gold in his vest pocket. “Very interesting.”

  With that the elevator compresses into a pink line of light and disappears. I stand there for a few seconds, still trying to wrap my head around what I’d just become. Slowly I turn and face Asa. “Well, that’s never happened before.”

  His mouth is hanging open and his body sags at my words. “Holy shit. I don’t think you ever really needed me.”

  My footsteps move toward him. “Oh yes, I really need you.”

  I’m on him in five long strides and throw myself at him. Our mouths lock, devouring each other. After a few breathless seconds, and before I start peeling off his clothes, I pull back. “That’s it right? No more ghosts?”

  He shakes his head. “That’s it.”

  “Then…” I yank on the hem of his shirt. “Let’s get this party started.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I glance warily at the piercing bright light just feet from my shoes. Reluctantly I grab Lisa’s hands. “Hold on there, hot stuff.”

  A puzzled expression crosses her lovely face. “What’s wrong? Change your mind?”

  Desire burns in my chest. “Nope. Not by a long shot.” I motion with my head toward the nearby sunlight. “Although it is difficult to relax when I’m worried I could go up in smoke any second.”

  Lisa barks out a relieved laugh. “Well, when you put it that way…” She glances around the stark hangar. “This place doesn’t exactly look like a good spot for a romantic tryst.”

  I wiggle my eyebrows. “How about my apartment in the hotel basement?”

  “You’re on!” Lisa grabs my hand and races for the ladder hidden in the back storage room. In a flash we’re running through the tunnels, still holding hands and laughing like teenagers. At one point Lisa has to stop to catch her breath, complaining if she runs the whole way she’ll be too tired to have fun.

  Not willing to risk her exhaustion, I give her the choice of a fireman’s carry over my shoulder or a piggyback ride. I hoped she’d go for the fireman’s carry simply so I could smack her tempting ass every now and then. She climbs onto my back and I swear, the heat from her crotch feels like a scorching brand against my back, spurring me to run faster.

  Within minutes we’re crossing the threshold to my bedroom, and I close the door with one foot. With a flick of a switch the bedside lamp comes on, a low glow in the windowless room. Thankfully the Army made me a neat man and I don’t have any dirty clothes or travel mugs strewn about to embarrass me.

  “Holy cow! What a rush!” Lisa laughs as I lower her to the bamboo flooring. Turning to face her I back her up to the door, pressing my body against hers as I reach to lock the door. This would not be a good time for Eric or Pat to come bursting in for a Sons of Anarchy marathon.

  Her face tilts up to mine, eagerness etching her intense gaze and flushed cheeks. I rest one hand on her waist, circling it lightly behind her to snug the sexy woman flush to my hips, and gently cup her cheek with the other hand, savoring the warmth spilling off her skin. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  “I certainly feel that way when you look at me like that.” Her hands slide up and across my chest, reaching my shoulders to pull me closer.

  We lunge together at once, our lips meeting in the middle. The fresh scent of tundra grasses cling to her clothing, as does the lingering aroma of the inn’s exclusive shower gel on her skin. I thrust my tongue inside her mouth, conscious I need to hold back so I don’t scare her with my desperation.

  It’s been months for me. I won’t last long. I’ve been with no one since Emiko—and before her, Joanna. Two very different and not-so-great experiences. One I killed because she was bat shit crazy, and the other, I was a convenient blood snack to save Jon.

  This time I want the woman more than I ever thought possible. I wa
nt Lisa beneath me, I want her on top of me, I want her lush body writhing against mine. My fist clenches in the fabric near her waist and my muscles tense with restraint.

  Slow down, man. You have all night.

  I will feel her hot skin slicked with sweat. I will make her call out my name. I pour my longing into the kiss, knowing by her increased heart rate she’s as turned on as I am.

  The kisses we shared before are nothing compared to the passion in our union now. Before I have a chance to reel in my desires, Lisa pulls at my shirt again. We part for a brief instance while she hauls the material over my head and tosses it away.

  Her hands run over my bare skin, the tips of her fingers brushing my hardened nipples. “Hell. You’ve got to work out, right?”

  A shiver runs through me. I’ll be lucky if the first round lasts two minutes.

  I nod, unwilling to speak when I want my mouth back on hers. As I lean toward her to capture her swollen lips, she halts me with the gentle press of one hand. A small push and a flick of her eyes is all it takes for me to understand she wants us on the big bed behind me.

  I smile and walk backward, trailing my hands along her arms to link fingers and tow her with me. A huge grin spreads across her face and she launches at me, wrapping her legs around my waist as the back of my thighs hit the mattress.

  I sit and relish the heat of her pressed to my lap. My hands skim under her shirt and up her back… her skin feels silky soft. I curve my fingers to allow my short nails to drag along her skin.

  A moan escapes the sexy reaper as arches her back and thrusts her full breasts toward me. Needing no more encouragement, I snuggle my face into the vee of her shirt, kissing every inch of exposed skin I can reach.

  “More…” she whispers, tugging her shirt off to reveal a plain tan bra. “Not exactly sexy, but…” Uncertainty clouds her eyes for a moment and I rush to reassure her.

  “You’re sexy no matter what you’re wearing. How can you not see that?” To emphasize my point I release the bra clasp in the back and slide the fabric off. In a flash I pick her up and switch our positions, pinning her to the bed and cupping her breasts. I settle my hips against her mound, pressing my arousal to her heat while I thumb her rock hard nipples.


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