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Venom & Vampires: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 198

by Casey Lane

  “Thank you.” Devereux said.

  I didn’t reply just waited for him to come back to his senses. In the next moment I knew he was.

  “Now that the excitement is done let’s go back in and figure out who wanted to either kill your sister or fuck her.”

  I turned and went back to the window. I dropped onto the carpet and noted that although it had only been a few moments we were gone Tyrnca had taken care of the containment for Havoc. I also realized that since I hadn’t heard or sensed it, there didn’t seem to be anyone else in the building affected.

  “Did one of the team closed off the vents to this room so Havoc would not get out?” I asked Tyrnca.

  She glanced at Darrell who was just stirring then at me. “No. They said it hadn’t been necessary. It only affected this room and those of us who saw it.”

  I frowned. That wasn’t how Havoc worked. It didn’t have any controls like that. At least none that I knew of.

  I turned to Nicolette. Although soaked in water she looked beautiful.

  “Who wants to kill you or fuck you?”

  “It’s a long list.” She glanced at Belford and smiled. “Maybe the better question would be who would I want to kill or fuck.”

  I wasn’t falling for that trap. I strode toward her and stared at her.

  “Someone went to a lot of trouble to put Havoc here. And seems like they added something extra and are able to control it. Which isn’t something that is possible. Yet they did, all to get at you. Who is it?”

  “It’s possible to control Havoc. The Siren’s have been since it was created.” Devereux replied.

  I turned to him. Devereux smirked again. I really hated that look.



  He agreed to readily. I knew there was a trap in there somewhere. Staring at him I wondered how a day that had started with my wrapping up a case even though I was sore. Now I had been lead to another that I knew was going to be a pain in the ass. I frowned as I realized something.

  “Why am I not sore anymore?”

  I hadn’t done anything to heal myself yet now I was.

  “Would you believe it’s the healing powers of water?” Devereux said.

  No, no I would not and in that moment I was really tempted to hit him. I resisted but it was a close thing. Really close. Devereux sparked with amusement as if he knew what I wanted to do but didn’t. He really did see too much.

  “Explain.” I said calmly.

  If he smirks at me one more time I’m gonna shoot him. And I would do it too.

  Chapter Three

  Hours later when the explaining was all done I still didn’t have any idea who was after Nicolette. Although that was a problem, there was a bigger issue. That issue made me have to go before my boss. And believe me that is something you didn’t want to do and say you don’t have answers.

  “So let me get this straight. Someone has found a way to use Havoc as a weapon one that can be guided. Yet you don’t know how or who did it.” Merlin—my boss said.

  I opened my mouth.

  He lifted his hand. “Not yet. And this person sent this to Nicolette who is the biggest star of the hottest TV show currently.”

  I didn’t reply since I knew he wasn’t really looking for one. My boss studied me with those silver eyes ringed with Cerulean Blue then lavender. The shrewd look was all cop yet more.

  “As cops were supposed to save the victim.” Merlin leaned forward. “But there is more at stake than that.”

  He didn’t have to say anything further. Merlin was one of the oldest being on this realm and all others. I knew this because so was I. There was a few of us who were of that age. In Merlin’s case I knew him before we were even born. We had been born the same time, grown up together, and our lives had interacted many times. Merlin was sort of known to man before we even came out into the light. They had many stories about him and his feats with the Arthurian legend but that didn’t scratch the surface. There was so much more to him than that. The humans trusted him because of it. It was the same reason they were leery of one of his Triad relationship. Dracula was the stuff that humans revered or feared. So humans had mixed feelings about him. Although they had elected him, the Mayor of New York. There were talks he could be the governor if he chose too. Especially with the Rouge Necromancer Governor who had been behind trying to kill the daughter of the two men and their mate who was a senator. Isis—their third—was a goddess and powerful too. Humans knew of her too and weren’t so bothered by her. If only they knew that the ones they didn’t fear was the ones they should. They were all more than any human knew of. They were the trifecta of power not only politically but magically.

  “Yes.” I studied him. “But I notice you’re not so concerned about there being Siren’s involved.”

  The three siren’s— Devereux, Nicolette, and Tyrnca—had all agreed to let me tell him. Yet he didn’t seem so surprised.

  “My wife is a Siren, so I knew that Tyrnca was one. Also know that the Talon and his people are too.”

  I narrowed my eyes. It was as I suspected when I felt the power from the other three and recognized it from his wife and daughter.

  “And that means Jaxxon too.” I asked although I knew the answer.

  “Yes and no. Yes she is technically a siren but no because her power has not awakened yet.”

  I kept my face blank and I didn’t need to shield since I always was and no one would get to know what I was thinking unless I let them. It was interesting that one of the most powerful man was blind to the fact that his daughter did have her siren powers. I remembered that I’d felt a change in Jaxxon’s power when the stuff with the attempt of her life happened. I’d written it off as her coming into more power from one of her parents. Since I felt the same from her mom I knew it was from her. Since just like I, she didn’t know all what she was made up off until she came into her power I had thought it was just another power coming into maturity.

  “With the way they are feared it isn’t something that is known.” Merlin shrugged. “Now with Talon casting the spell he did so it wasn’t heard or seen unless the Siren chooses to there is no need to hide from those we trust.”

  “Not trusted enough.”

  Merlin smiled. “I hear the rage in there Mischa.”

  That he called me by my name made him know he was making this personal. Merlin rose from behind his desk and came to where I stood. He stopped beside me in touching distance but didn’t touch me. I reached out and he smiled wider then touched my hand. The power rose between us and it was so familiar and comforting. It was a power I knew so well as my own.

  “Brother.” I said softly.

  He cupped my cheeks. “Sister.” He rested his forehead against mine.

  If anyone saw us they would never know we were related much less twins. We looked so different. By human’s standard he looked Native American while I African American. Even our very eye color was different. Not many of the human world knew we were related. Our last name was different because Merlin and his mates had decided to take that name. Many of the other beings didn’t have a surname that was a more of a human thing. So before our coming out to humankind we were just Mischa and Merlin. Brother and Sister. The other beings all knew we were family including Merlin’s mates and my niece. I didn’t just see Jaxxon as just my niece. She was one of my best friends. We didn’t look to far apart in age, so the humans had no idea how old any of us are.

  “I would have told you if I could. I could not for fear of my mate.” Merlin hugged me. “I couldn’t risk her. And it wasn’t my secret to tell.”

  Intellectually I knew that but it still made me upset I hadn’t known. I pushed it aside and focused on other things.

  “I’ll find who is doing this.” I hugged him back and said in his ear. “If they are using Havoc as a weapon against Siren’s; a warning is needed to them.” I thought of his wife and Jaxxon being affected if someone wanted to hurt them. “They said they are im
mune but something else was added to it which stripped away that immunity. So that in itself was dangerous.”

  “Yes.” Merlin nodded. “I’ve already thought of those I care for. I don’t want this to happen to any of them. Jaxxon doesn’t need something like this happening again. My wife doesn’t either.”

  “No they do not.” I vowed that it would not.

  “Come by for dinner tonight.” Merlin said.

  I knew it wasn’t a request but a demand from a brother to sister. I could also feel his wife’s wanting to make amends for keeping secret she was Siren. I nodded then he let me go. He stepped back and the next moment he was again my boss.

  “So what is the plan?”

  I gave him my report, then when I was done I walked out. I waved at his assistant as I left then went down the elevators to my floor. Our unit was in this building. We were already in this building and actually the whole place was ours when they decided to put the Commissioner of Police in the same building. With there now being supernatural beings walking around everyone thought it prudent to have the head of Police in the same building as the elite STIF—Special Tasks Investigations Force—so they would be protected by anything human or supernatural that came after them. That had happened overnight since well with magical beings in construction all you needed was what you wanted and they could do it instantly. It was costly in some ways but efficient. It was the same reason they were moving the Mayor to the top floor. There had been noises that they would for years but resistance saying having both offices of power in same place was dangerous if someone took out both. After the attack at the Mayor’s office that was no longer the case. The Mayor had also been moved to this building and been here for a few days. As for the senator she was also in this building since Washington had also wanted her to be. It was becoming quite a taller and wider building than it was. Personally I thought it was silly. We could protect all of them if needed without them being in the same place. But we let it happen to calm the humans.

  I strode off the elevator onto my floor. The sound of cops working filled me and I relaxed so at home in this setting. I’d always been in some sort of law. When we reported to the Creimun – our version of Congress— we had more freedom. I missed that sometimes but in reality with the human laws there was more accountability. In the old way the Creimun had too much power. Too much power could corrupt. I knew because I was part of it. So had Merlin and the other two and we had influenced the way we became known to human. We were still working on things but for most part it was good.

  I passed the conference room but back tracked when I saw much of the team who had been with me this morning was in the room. I went in.

  “What’s go—“

  I stopped as they parted and I saw Nicolette and Devereux seated at the head of the table but the man in the center had my attention. Then the woman who was by his side.


  Talon Roarke the newly revealed King of the Necromancer’s and his sister Ciara looked at me, and then they smiled simultaneously. They had been triplets but that Rogue Governor had been their brother. They had eliminated him.

  “Mischa.” He smiled. “I can call you Mischa I hope.”

  “Captain Tanner is better.”

  “Ahh…I thought this would be a friendly meeting.” Talon leaned back in his chair.

  Even if I didn’t know he was a king I would from the way he acted—like he was in charge. I couldn’t fault him, since I was the same, since I was usually in charge of any situation.

  “I can be friendly,” I paused. “On occasion.”

  A male laughter came and it awakened something in me. I glanced at Devereux and he was…I cut that line of thought off. I didn’t need any complication and sure as hell not one who had so many secrets. Because I knew there was more to him than him being a Siren. Devereux stared at me and his laughter slowed then stopped. I couldn’t define the look in his eyes and that made me uneasy. I couldn’t deal with that for now so instead I focused on the task at hand.

  “Why are you here King Roarke?”

  “Call me Talon.” He placed his hands palm down on the table. “I feel friendly to you. Especially since…” He cut himself off then said. “After all you are Jaxxon’s best friend and aunt.”

  I lifted an eyebrow not sure why that mattered. I opened my mouth to ask but thought better of it. It was the whole not asking a question about something you weren’t sure you wanted the answer too.

  “I have some information that may help in your investigation.” Talon glanced at his sister. “We both do.”

  “Then tell me.” I went to the table and sat down in the chair at the other end of the table facing him across it.

  My second’s came and sat beside me. It was a power play since he was obviously doing the same.

  Talon sighed. “I didn’t mean it to come across that way. I just wanted some of my family close.” He glanced at his siblings. “There are more of us that weren’t at the press conference. We thought it prudent so they could live their lives without the barriers that come with being the royalty of a race of beings. We saw how humans can be when it comes to that.”

  “Some lose their minds and act like you are a god. Or don’t treat you like well a person.” It was one of many reasons not many knew I was related to Merlin.

  And in turn close to the head of the police but more importantly the King of our kind. I liked it that way. I looked at Devereux and Nicolette and could relate to why they hadn’t come forward.

  “We ask that you and your team keep it private who Nicolette and Devereux are.”

  “Ok.” I said for everyone.

  No one in this building would say to anyone else who they were. Beside it being part of an investigation most of us knew how it was; not wanting to be judged by who we were related too.

  “Thank you.” Talon said. “Havoc isn’t the evil thing that people think it is.” He looked toward the door and a man came in.

  He moved with such grace that I knew he was like Talon someone who was in charge. The man stopped beside Talon’s chair. His deep purple hair that looked almost black framed a face that was captivating. His eyes were the same color. The man glanced at us his face cold.

  “My name is Havoc.”

  I looked at him and waited to see what else he had to say. The man didn’t say anything else. I stared at him then back to Talon.

  “So what if his name is like the plant?” I rolled my eyes. “What does this have to do with the investigation?”

  The man laughed and it had a cruel edge to it. He leapt onto the table then slid down the length. My people, who was on both sides of the table, pulled their weapons and tried to stop him. He pulled a knife from somewhere. I knew good and well he hadn’t come into the building with it since with our security we didn’t allow it. And magically he shouldn’t have been able to since we also controlled that. Havoc blocked every weapon aimed at him and keep coming. That in itself was impressive since they were different weapons both physically and magically. He slid to me and I rose pulling my gun but I waited to see what he would do. Because although he fought back to protect himself he hadn’t injured or bloodied anyone. That in itself was impressive and showed he had control. He stopped just in front of me. Then he just seemed to vanish. It took everything in me not to step back as Havoc sat before us the deep peach color looking so beautiful.

  Everyone went still and quiet. They knew from our on sight briefing what had happened. The plant needed to be registered as a dangerous weapon. We’d not told the humans about it but after today we would need too.

  “You bring this in here with my people.” I stared past the flower to Talon. “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t lock you up.”

  My first thought was to kill him but then there’d be way too much paperwork to explain why I killed a King. Then again if Havoc sprayed I would have an excuse too.

  I won’t spray. That same voice as the man called Havoc came into my mind. Then it said out loud. “Unl
ess provoked.”

  In a blink the man reformed and sat in the center of the table with his legs crossed under him. He looked at me and now his eyes changed. They were peach, purple, red and blue. It was like a multi-petal flower. I kept my gun not pointed at him in case he saw that move as a threat.

  “Good we understand each other.” Havoc studied me then smiled. “Interesting you are not what I expected.”

  “I sure as hell didn’t expect Havoc to be a plant.” I frowned. “Wait how did you get out of containment?”

  “I didn’t.” He frowned. “You have one of my people.”

  “There is a race of Havoc plants.” Belford said in disbelief.

  “Sort of but not exactly.” Tyrnca replied.

  I didn’t dare take my gaze off Havoc. He might transform into a beautiful plant but the man was dangerous. All of these supposed people were. I wondered how many of them there was.

  “You knew of this.” Arnon didn’t sound pleased.

  I wasn’t either. Another secret that we had needed to know.

  “Yes. I grew up with Havoc and his people. They are not as you all think they are.” Tyrnca said. “The plants that everyone talks of that create such chaos are usually a synthetic one. It doesn’t change shape and cannot become another being. It is just a plant. Which is why it doesn’t affect us. Someone many millenniums ago stole some of the essence that is from Havoc and his people to make them. But now they are upping the ante.”

  “Yes they are. They used my name like it is the boggie man.”

  “I think the boggie man beings would take offense to that.” I stated.

  “It’s an earth colloquialism.” He shrugged. “They took my name and for millenniums it was whispered among the beings about it.” He smiled. “I didn’t mind so much.” He sobered. “Until now. Now they have taken one of my people and used it as a weapon.”


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