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The Lycan Chronicles

Page 28

by Schroeder, Brent

  The Lycans met back up on the other side of the expansive property and they transformed back into human form to discuss their plan of attack.

  “We need to jump that fence, the next time the guards make their pass. Are you down for that?” JD asked.

  “We’ll have to kill the dogs, before they can start barking,” Nate suggested. “It has to be fast and silent.”

  “Then let’s move quickly and show no mercy,” JD said, the anger rising in his voice.

  “Let’s do it.”

  They transformed and the two Lycan brothers swiftly jumped the barbwire fence, landing quietly on their paws. Their focus was on the first set of targets, taking down the guards and their dogs with great skill, slicing them up, before anyone could yell or bark. The guards were Vampires, so JD and Nate ripped open their chests using their claws, tearing out their hearts, before taking a deep bite into the bloody organs. Both of the guards blew up in a fury of flames and heavy smoke, leaving behind a mess of bubbling, smoldering ooze, from the Sunlife they’d been dipped in.

  Not a moment had passed, after they killed the guards, when four bull mastiffs suddenly lunged at JD, who immediately smacked the first two down, ripping them both in half. Nate quickly grabbed the other two dogs by their necks, instantly snapping them both, before they had a chance to bark, or make any other noises, tossing the limp bodies over the fence and into the woods, when he was through.

  JD and Nate have successfully breached the security of Mason’s estate, without a single gunshot being fired, or any other disruption that might’ve given their presence away. The two Lycans cautiously approached the mansion, following the scent of their families, hoping they were still alive.

  The two head members of the Pack morphed themselves back into human form, behind a row of bushes.

  “Nate, I’m going to smash right through the front door and you can take that front glass window.”

  “And, take no prisoners,” replied Nate, with his eyes fixed on the white mansion in front of him.

  They wasted no more time, both transforming back into huge, muscular Lycans. The two charged the building, smashing through the front doors and window, like a set of bombs, sending splinters of wood and glass every which way. Just as they had expected, about twenty heavily-armed Vampires were waiting, perched high above them on the second floor, taking aim through the railings of the wraparound balcony, that loomed above the main living quarters of Rockwell’s mansion.

  The Vampires all shot at once and the silver began to fly. Nate and JD did what they could to avoid the bullets, bouncing from wall to wall, as the shots ripped the place apart. Chunks of wall and furniture exploded everywhere and Nate was hit a few times, as he charged into the front line of Vampires who were trying to take him down. He howled and shook off the pain, still moving with great speed, his hearts remaining untouched. Together, they plowed through, ripping and clawing, killing almost every assailant that took aim, until there was but one last Vampire left shooting. Nate leapt forward, ripping off the shooter’s arm that continued to fire its weapon, still clutched in the grip of the fingers. The Vampire begged for mercy, but Nate showed none, as the blood spurted from where his arm once was. Nate plunged his claws into the beggar’s chest, ripping his heart out and taking a bite, as the Vampire instantly melted into a puddle of ash and ooze.

  JD was already on his way down a long corridor and he turned a corner, to face two Vampires standing guard outside of the master bedroom. The guards were both waiting on bended knees, their firearms already discharging a hail of silver bullets in JD’s direction. He charged and was hit several times, but it wasn’t enough to stop him from reaching the place where they were and he smashed their heads together, crushing their skulls, their blood splattering all the way up to the ceiling. JD smashed through the thick, wooden double bedroom doors with so much force, it shook the entire mansion,

  After Nate followed JD inside the room, they discovered Wendy and Sarah, handcuffed to the wall, blindfolded and gagged, the men quickly morphed back.

  “Wendy, we’re here, baby!” JD shouted to them.

  “Sarah! Stay calm, we’ll have you cut loose, in a few seconds.”

  “Nate,” JD said. “You’ve been hit more than I have… you better push that silver out. I’ll take care of the women.”

  Nate dropped to the carpet and he began using all of his muscles to push the silver bullets out of his body. As he groaned and winced in agony, one by one, the bloody bullets fell to the white carpet and holy water dripped out of his wounds into a bloody mess in the fibers.

  JD removed the blindfolds and cut them loose. “Where are the kids?”

  “I have no idea,” Wendy answered, with concern in her voice. “They separated us, once we got here… fucking Vampires!”

  “I heard the kids being dragged away, while we were being cuffed,” Sarah frantically said. “I think I heard them go downstairs!”

  “What the hell happened?” JD asked. “How did they get you?”

  “They just came into the house and took us at gun point,” said Wendy. “But, how were they able to get in? They weren’t invited.”

  “I thought our houses were protected from Vampires,” Sarah interjected.

  “They were coated with the Sunlife,” replied JD. “It protects them from sunlight, apparently. And, it seems that the traditional Vampire rules no longer apply, I’m seeing so far. They’ve been able to cure a few of their weaknesses.”

  “You have to find the kids,” Sarah pleaded. “I’m not leaving without them.”

  “You and Wendy stay here with Nate and I’ll sniff them out,” JD told them. “Better yet, Nate, get the women out of here… I’ll handle this.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, get them out of here,” JD said again, “we’ll take out the rest of Mason’s Vampires, tonight.”

  Nate, Wendy and Sarah quickly left, running through the destroyed main area, past the splintered fragments where the entrance doors once hung, as JD transformed, putting his nose to the floor, seeking out the location of the missing children. He moved with grace, on all fours, back down the long hallway and down the staircase. The scent led him to another staircase and he descended into the basement where he found his son and Nate’s daughter, Moonflower, handcuffed to a concrete wall; the prisoners both appeared lifeless.

  JD rushed to Sebastian and lifted his head. He was alive, but his supply of blood had been drained and there were deep bite marks in his neck, the same with Moonflower. JD was furious at the discovery of Mason’s lowdown, dirty trick. He quickly bit into himself, drawing out a full mouth of blood and then he bit into Sebastian’s wrist, releasing the warm blood into his son’s empty veins. The young boy suddenly coughed and howled, as he came back to life. JD hurried, repeating the same actions, releasing more of his own blood into Moonflower’s wrist and she came back to life, kicking and screaming; both of the kids were now part Lycan and Vampire.

  JD had no intentions of mixing the bloodlines between the Vampires and Lycans, but he had no other options. Now, once the children became older and wiser, they would have a blend of supernatural abilities. Sebastian would experience the change of the full moon; Moonflower would not. The Lycanthrope would not affect a female in the same fashion as a male and it would lay dormant in her mixed blood. Although, they would both possess the Vampiric power of mind control, along with the ability to walk in the daylight.

  JD broke both of their chains, freeing the weakened children from the wall and he carried both of them out of the mansion, leaping over the fence and setting them down. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.”

  Turning back and jumping over the fence, JD ran back into the mansion. He grabbed a bottle from the bar, stuffed a rag inside and then began lighting it over a candle. He then threw it against the wall, spraying liquid fire over the thick, plush curtains and within minutes, the entire place was up in flames.

  JD returned to the awaiting children and transformed, human on
ce again, before he slung them both over his shoulders and began jogging away from the burning building, that was once the residence of Mason Rockwell. The fire could be seem for miles and JD turned to have one last look to the thick plumes of smoke that billowed into the sky, out on the outskirts of the town of Wolf Creek, scowling, “I hope that bastard is in there…”


  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Back at the police station, Nate was waiting outside for JD to return with the kids and when he finally did, they all entered the station. Sarah and Wendy rushed to them and hugged them, relieved that they’d been saved. After a quick embrace, the two women hurried to barricade the front door of the station, rolling up the rug and hitting the switch that lifted the silver cross-brace into place.

  The men worked quickly, pulling the iron shutters over all the windows, locking them tight. Sarah opened the gun safe and she passed an AR-15 assault rifle loaded with blessed ammo, over to Wendy. The giant, ultraviolent spotlight was once again, dragged out of a back closet and aimed towards the front windows of the station.

  Nate was looking out a small window, when the black sedans pulled up, parking in the front of the building. The doors opened up and Clyde and his boys stepped out, each carrying weapons cases they’d retrieved from the trunks of their cars… the Hunters had arrived and they came ready to fight.

  Sarah obeyed Nate’s orders and she released the silver brace, unblocking the front door.

  “What’s going on, JD?” asked Clyde. “Nate said for us to meet here, packing as much heat as we could carry. We brought everything.”

  David Moore lit up a smoke, grinning at JD, knowing it was killing time. He’d been waiting patiently for a week already and he was ready for some more action. “So, let’s hear what you got, JD,” he said, slyly.

  “Shut up!” said Clyde, carrying the cases into the station. “I’ll do the asking!”

  “Yeah, David, shut up!” Ross joined in.

  “Don’t you boys even think about starting that shit, right now, or I’ll knock both your heads together, if I have to!” Clyde hollered. “Silence!” He set down the last case, turning to JD. “So, what you got, Sheriff?”

  “I know who’s behind all the murders and bank robberies and why. It’s Mason Rockwell, the mayor of Wolf Creek,” JD explained. “He took our families, but as you can see, we got them back. For now, let’s get locked down and then we’ll discuss how we’re going to handle the situation. Follow me.”

  Everyone piled into the station, that looked more like a fortress than anything. Nanook growled at the un-bathed Hunters, because to him, they smelled like wild animals; Ross growled back.

  “Knock it off, boy and get those weapons out of them cases and make sure they’re locked and loaded,” Clyde directed. “Leave the dog, or whatever it is, alone.”

  “JD,” Sarah called. “Everything’s locked down, tight and Brittney is well-hidden in one of the back cells.”

  “Good. If Mason’s going to make his move, it will more than likely be tonight.”

  “Sarah,” Nate said to his wife. “Whatever happens, don’t leave the security of this station. No matter what you hear going on outside, do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she answered, “but, Wendy and I are going to help… and I don’t want to hear another word of it.”

  Nate was about to argue with her, but Sarah held up her hand to hush him.

  “This is a job for the men,” JD tried explaining. “Taking care of yourself would be a much greater help to us,” he said, turning to the Hunters. “Clyde, you’re up for the fight?”

  “All roads led to this moment in time and we’ve arrived, packed and ready. Right, boys?”

  David and Ross both nodded their heads, taking their minicannons out of their black cases, feeding in the belts of ammo. Ross opened another case, grabbing a 50 caliber Desert Eagle and he handed it over to David. He reached in again and grabbed one for himself and they both tucked them into their holsters, next to the black straps holding the shotguns that were slung over their shoulders.

  There were sounds of engines arriving and Nate opened a small hatch in the front door to take a look outside; Brad, Wayne and Tony were pulling up in front of the station. They jumped out their vehicles and ran up the main steps, each carrying an AR-15 assault rifle and a duffle bag of ammunition. Nate let them in and the deputies entered to see everyone preparing for battle.

  “Glad you guys could make it,” said JD, relieved at the sight. “I have a feeling there will be a show down with the Vampires tonight. We’re all in this, way past the point of no return.”

  “That’s why we brought the big guns,” said Brad, with a grin on his face.

  “I bet ours are bigger than yours,” Clyde sneered.

  “Alright, guys, enough with the pissing contest,” JD interrupted.

  No one spoke for a few moments, as everyone at the station geared up, loading all of their weapons and organizing ammunition.

  “So what’s your plan?” asked Clyde. “So far, I haven’t heard you say anything.”

  “My plan is to kill as many Vampires as I can,” JD answered his question. “Got any better ideas, old man?”

  “That works for me,” Clyde returned. “I just don’t see any, so far.”

  “All this talk of blasting Vampires is making me hungry,” David said.

  “You’ve eaten enough greasy food in the last two days to choke a damn whale!” Ross said, calling out his brother. “And, if you even think of ripping another rancid fart, you won’t have to worry about the Vampires killing you!”

  “Both of you, shut the hell up!” Clyde snipped. “I’m warnin’ ya!”

  David punched Ross in the arm and Ross did the same back.

  “Quit screwing around, you Neanderthals! We’re about to be attacked, I can feel it,” JD said, as he grabbed an AR-15 for himself.

  “Shhhhh,” Wendy said, putting her finger to her lips. “Do you guys hear that?”

  “I can hear their wings, it’s them,” JD whispered loudly. “That sounds like a lot of them, but we can handle it. We must play this offensively, so don’t anyone start shooting, just yet. We’ll let them circle and they can move first… if they can get in. They shouldn’t be able to get in here… the station is built on holy grounds and I’ve never invited Mason or any of his crew in here before.”

  “I don’t think that applies, anymore,” Wendy brought up. “Remember that Mason’s already entered our house and grabbed me and your son. He was most certainly never invited in.”

  “You’re right,” replied JD. “Well, I guess we’re about to find out, for sure.”

  Everyone in the police station stood guard, waiting for the Vampires to attack, with the unsettling sound of wings looming above, frighteningly loud; the protective shutters on the windows were even vibrating at times. Everyone clutched their firearms, ready to unleash a fury of hellfire on anything that dared to enter. JD and Wendy stood guard in front of the cell, where they kept Sebastian and Moonflower. JD waited for when he would have to change and Wendy had armed herself with an AR-15. Everyone else was spread throughout the station, keeping an eye on the other rooms, to watch for anything that might penetrate the perimeter of the building.

  And, then they waited.

  The hours began to pass and everyone was half-asleep when the Vampires eventually began to fly away. The sounds of wings began to diminish, before they completely vanished into the dark, early morning hours. The time passed slowly, but the sun eventually began to rise and the town’s folks were awaking and returning back to moving about their daily lives. A few passing cars could be heard roaming the streets outside and the last Vampire had long-since left the scene. Everyone began emerging from their posts and they met up in main section of the jail, where Nate was unlocking the silver brace from the front door. The women began unlocking the shutters on the windows, to let some light in. It was still a bit dark outside; the su
n had risen, but it was tucked away behind a sky full of gray, snow-letting clouds.

  JD and Nate stepped out to see if they could capture a whiff of the Vampires, but just like JD expected, there weren’t any fresh traces. The air was clean, like no one had been in the area; no smells of anyone familiar or foreign to them.

  “Nothing,” JD said to Nate, who was shaking his head; this worried them both.

  “Hey, smart guy,” Clyde jabbed. “I thought they were going to attack us last night. And, you can’t even pick up a trace?”

  JD shook his head and Clyde stomped his foot on the floor.

  “This is a bunch of bullshit! I’d like to get this over with!” Clyde’s voice boomed. “There’s got to be a better way to handle this.”

  “Hey,” JD said to him, “I figured after burning Mason’s mansion to the ground and taking out all those Vampires, it would’ve been enough to start World War III. But, I guess I was wrong,” he admitted. “And, if you think you can find a better way to smoke him out, you let me know, Clyde.”

  Clyde and his boys began to break down their weapons, as JD stepped outside to think things over… Nate followed. They pushed out the door and stood for a moment at the top of the concrete steps. JD took a deep breath that could be seen in the brisk, cold air. He turned to look down the street and he noticed two black vans with dark, tinted windows barreling down the road. As they got closer, JD suddenly realized that it was the same vans used in the bank robberies.

  “Nate! Get inside and let everyone know, it’s not over!”

  JD ripped his shirt back off and loosened his gun belt, to keep his 44 Magnums in place after his transformation.


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