The Lycan Chronicles

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The Lycan Chronicles Page 36

by Schroeder, Brent

  “You don’t think Leon knows anything about this,” Nate asked. “Do you?”

  “Not a chance. He might be a Vampire, but he’s not like the rest,” JD said, defending. “Leon’s somehow held onto some of his human morality.”

  “Well, I guess that just proves they don’t believe or trust us, anymore… and that they don’t trust Leon, either,” Nate said.

  “But, at the same time, this might not be the work of the Vampires in England. If I didn’t know better, I would think this has something to do with Skinny Limpkins,” JD said, during his exploration of the gym. “I still want to know who those two hooded Vampires were at the game the other night.”

  “Maybe they’re after the Book of Blood again… you still have it hidden away, right?”

  “Yeah, no one knows where I hid it. Everyone thinks the explosion as the club got it. I can’t believe that grenade did nothing… not even a burnt page. It appears the only things that will survive the end of the world will be the cockroaches… and that damn book.”

  They left the school and hopped back into the police truck, heading back to home base. JD called Sarah, back at the police station, to inform her on their findings and give her further instructions.

  After the call, Sarah hung up the phone and picked up the dispatch mic. “Brad, you out there? Call back.”

  She waited a few seconds, before a response came through.

  “I’m here,” Brad’s voice replied. “What’s up, Sarah? I’m not on duty, just yet.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m on the north side of the county, what can I do for you?”

  “JD wants you to go up to where the Black Wings’ school is and stake it out.”

  “You’re joking, right?” Brad hoped. “What am I supposed to be watching for?”

  “He says the school isn’t even open and he wants you to find out where they come from to practice. Something isn’t right.”

  “Alright,” Brad said back from his end. “I’ll head over and get the directions then. Tell JD, I’m on it.”


  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Under the cover of darkness, the Gulf Stream jet took off from London at midnight, containing six very well-armed Vampire assassin and the pilots have plotted a course that was destined for the United States. All arrangements have been made and the right people have been paid off, allowing the plane to enter the United States airspace without raising any suspicions. Everyone, especially the Department of Homeland Security, has a price and the Vampires had their people extended into all branches of the government. It would be an eighthour flight and the Vampires were going over last-minute preparations and double-checking their equipment. They were all dressed in black skydiving wing-suits and each carrying enough ammo to hold off the Alamo.

  “Everyone locked and loaded for Wolf Creek?” Ouija asked his assembly of five other travelers who’d been sent by the Baron.

  “Yes, sir!” everyone affirmed.

  “Good,” Ouija replied. “I would expect nothing less. JD and Nate are two of the strongest Lycan’s on the planet and his son is showing signs of great strength. Do not underestimate them, or you’ll be dust in the wind.”

  As Ouija spoke, the plane had finally crossed into United States airspace and two armed fighter jets suddenly bore down upon them, appearing from out of nowhere.

  “We have a problem!” one pilot shouted into the intercom. “I don’t think everyone was notified, because these greenhorns aren’t in on the take! If I don’t land, they’ll blow us out of the fucking sky! What do you want me to do?”

  Ouija calmly walked up the center isle of the plane, entering the cockpit. “I’ll handle this.”

  “What do you mean, you’ll handle this?” they both asked.

  “Just open the back hatch and stay on course, no matter what you see,” he ordered. “Got it?”

  “What the hell are you going to do?”

  “What I do best,” Ouija replied. “Kill.”

  Ouija turned towards the rear of the plane and the captain hit the release, opening the back hatch of the plane, where the cargo was stored. He carefully stepped out onto the edge, as the fighter jets swooped dangerously close to the private jet. Instead of using his wings, Ouija relied on the help of his wing-suit, perfectly timing his leap out of the back of the plane and he was immediately slicing through the air, just as the next jet was about to pass.

  The jet pilot couldn’t believe his eyes, when he saw Ouija soaring towards his plane, aiming an MP5 machine gun directly at him. “What the fuck is that?” the pilot screamed into his headset. “Are you seeing this?”

  As Ouija drifted closer, the fighter pilot could see his Vampire smile, fangs reflecting in the moonlight. The pilot could do nothing, as Ouija pulled the trigger, unloading his entire magazine of bullets into the canopy of the fighter jet, shattering the glass and filling the cockpit full of holes. The pilot never had a chance to hit the eject button and his jet began spinning into a nosedive, twisting and tumbling towards the earth that waited below. Ouija had gained great speed in his descent and the other jet was attempting to lock on, when he suddenly sprouted his Vampire wings, throwing off the pilot’s aim.

  Not knowing what in the world he was looking at, the pilot of the jet pulled up and Ouija made his move, landing on the rear of the plane. The pilot felt the weight hit the back of his jet, but he wasn’t sure what was happening and he carried on slicing through the sky, thinking that his plane might have been hit by gunfire. Suddenly, the pilot looked up, to see Ouija staring down upon him… holding a long samurai sword in his grips. Not another moment passed before Ouija drew back and the blade of his sword came crashing through the glass, impaling the pilot, straight through his mouth, stabbing all the way into his body. The pilot slumped over, dead, when Ouija ripped it out and then spread his wings, talking flight to catch back up with his ride to Wolf Creek, just as the second jet began to turn into a nosedive.

  Not even a full minute had passed, between Ouija’s jump and return. Now he was back inside the Gulf Stream jet, shutting the back hatch of the private plane, mission completed. They flew, continuing on course, until finally reaching the airspace above Wolf Creek. The jet circled twice, high above the quiet town of Wolf Creek and the Vampires in the plane got into position, making the final adjustments to their winged flying suits. Ouija had instructed the pilot, to let them know when they were above the Vampire club, that was hidden, deep underground. Suddenly, the back hatch was open again and a red light flashed on the ceiling of the plane’s interior.

  A piercing voice cracked over everyone’s headsets, “We are over the target zone, in five seconds! Prepare for jump, in four!”

  The Vampires were triple-checking their equipment, guns and ammo, as the pilot counted down.

  “Two… one… proceed!”

  A moment later, six fully-armed Vampires were cutting through the cold night, at terminal-velocity, assault rifles ready for action. They opened their wings to soften their landing and Ouija began looking around, noticing that the group was one short.

  “Where’s The Ripper? Anyone see where he landed?” Ouija called out to his comrades.

  No one had any idea and they all shook their heads. Ouija and his small army of Vampires began searching the area, looking for their missing soldier.

  “Stop!” Ouija shouted, cupping his hand to his ear. “What’s that dripping sound?”

  They followed the sound of splashing liquid to the base of a tall tree, looking up to see that their fellow Vampire, The Ripper, was unfortunate enough to have landed on the peak of a tree on his way down from the sky, piercing right through his heart. Everyone stepped back, as the body suddenly blew up in a bright ball of swirling flames, like a star on the top of a Christmas tree.

  The Vampires wasted no more time standing around and they gathered up their gear and began walking through the woods to find the hidden entrance of the Vampi
re club, Thirst, that had long-since been remodeled, after being blown up by JD, five years earlier. They finally arrived at their destination and they began the descent down the ladder.

  Seeing them coming down the ladder, Leon was surprised by Ouija’s unannounced arrival in Wolf Creek. He knew who Ouija was and he knew, without a doubt, why he was in town.

  “Ouija,” Leon said, smiling with politeness. “What are you guys doing here? No one called to let me know you were coming, I find that somewhat insulting,” he stated. “And, what’s with all the weapons? Things have been nice and peaceful around here for quite some time.”

  “I’m here to find out what the hell happened to Terrence and the other missing Vampires, who were sent over here to replace Mason Rockwell.”

  “I already told the Baron,” Leon replied, “I have no idea what’s happened… and I don’t venture outside the club, too often. Since Mason pulled that stunt five years ago, the Vampire Hunters have been keeping tabs on this part of the state. I’m calling England to have a word with the Baron about this, myself.”

  “First off, Leon, who do you think sent us?” Ouija said, his grin a sinister one. “Second, you’re not going to tell JD we’re here,” he demanded. “And, third, we’re going to need shelter from the sun, here in a while… so, do something about it.”

  “That’s not a problem,” Leon responded, not wanting to cause any friction. “We have plenty of room, for you and your crew. Follow me.”

  “Good,” Ouija replied. “And, by the way, Leon, you’re staying with us. Your loyalty is in question and I’m not taking any chance of JD finding out we’re here.”

  “I have served the Baron for decades…” Leon began to argue, but Ouija cut him off.

  “You’ll do as I tell you! I haven’t come all this way for no results,” he said, a bit quieter. “The Baron would not have awakened me from my hundred year nap, for just any old reason. So, you’re going to do exactly what I tell you and like it.”

  Hearing that was enough to confirm Leon’s suspicions and he was beginning to feel threatened; Ouija was only awakened to assassinate, when the Baron felt that someone was a real problem.

  “This way,” Leon directed them. “Let me show you to your private rooms.”

  “We’re right behind you,” Ouija responded, “but first, we’re hungry from our travels.”

  Leon reached behind the bar, pouring a few glasses of blood, passing them across to Ouija and his crew. “This should hold you for a while.”

  Ouija took a sip and made a funny face, smacking his lips. “I don’t know how you drink this shit,” he complained. “I prefer mine fresh and warm… straight from the tap.”

  “Want me to stick it in the microwave for you?” Leon remarked.

  “No thanks, this will make do,” Ouija answered, taking another sip. “But, I must ask you… what is a microwave?”


  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Brad waited for several days, but no one ever returned to the Black Wings’ abandon school; JD figured they must have picked up on their scent. But, JD and the Pack would be ready for them at the championship game, figuring that they were more than likely going to strike then.

  The girls were hanging out by Moonflower’s locker to gossip and discuss the championship game between the Wolf Creek Wolves and the Black Wings that was going to be played later that night.

  “I can’t wait to see that Edward guy,” Tanya squealed. “I think he’s totally hot. I think I’ll console him, after they lose the game tonight.”

  “That guy’s a total asshole,” Moonflower said, as she grabbed a couple books from her locker. “He might be good looking, but he’s rotten to the core, I’m sure of that. There’s just something evil about him.”

  “I’m with Moonflower,” Whisper agreed. “There’s something evil about that whole team. I think you need to stay away from him, Tanya.”

  “Well, it doesn’t hurt to look,” Tanya replied, with a laugh. “Let’s keep it at that,” Whisper said to her. “I can really sense a dark presence, the strongest I’ve ever felt in my entire life,” she said, sounding a little worried. “I still have no idea where it’s coming from, but my skin is literally crawling and I didn’t sleep a wink last night.”

  “Alright, I’ll stay away… damn,” Tanya gave in, with her hands up in the air. “Can’t a girl can’t get a little, without her friends freaking out?”

  The bell rang on that Friday afternoon, sounding the end of the day, with only a mere few hours left before the State Championship Game; the air bubbled with excitement. Everyone at the school was talking about the two undefeated teams and there were banners draped down every hallway announcing the pep rally before the game. The hallways bustled, with kids running to their lockers and grabbing their things, before they pushed and shoved their way out to the buses and cars in the back lot, like stampeding heard of cattle. The day carried on and everyone went about their business of getting ready for an exciting evening, no one knowing what that night was about to bring to the town of Wolf Creek.

  The gym was jam-packed and everyone in Wolf Creek was at the school watching the game. The Wolf Creek Wolves had just appeared, running single-file from their locker room, as the crowd exploded with cheers. The boys did a lap around the gym floor, tossing a basketball to one another, each taking a turn slam-dunking the ball into the hoop, hyping up the crowd even more; the place roared with excitement.

  On the other side of the gym, the Black Wings came running out of the opposite locker room and they made a lap around the gym, while the crowd booed and hissed. The Wings’ cheerleaders waved with their thumbs down at the jeering audience and hissed right back at them, as both centers lined up at middle court.

  The referee stepped up, blew his whistle and tossed the ball into the air, marking the beginning of the game. The Black Wings’ center out-jumped Chumlee and he immediately sent the ball over to Edward Taylor, who caught it and took the ball down court, somehow out-moving Sebastian and slam-dunking the ball, right before his very eyes.

  “In your face!” Edward gloated. “How do ya like that one?” No one has ever been able to do that to Sebastian, but he didn’t give Edward the pleasure of showing his disappointment.

  The announcer spoke into microphone, his voice booming over the gym. “Black Wings score the first two points of the game… and what a game it is going to be, folks!”

  The game moved on and as Sebastian played, it seemed like the members of the Black Wings moved in an almost-identical way. It almost seemed like they knew every step and every play he was about to do. The Wings scored point after point and everyone was in shock at how much the Wolves were being beaten.

  Halftime had finally arrived and all the players made their way into the locker rooms.

  “What the hell is going on?” the coach shouted. “Those guys are kicking your asses and wiping the court with you, out there!”

  “I’m doing everything I know,” Sebastian pleaded. “I can hardly score on Edward… he’s all over me, like flies on shit. I can’t even breathe out there!”

  “I can’t believe this is happening… are they just that good?”

  “As far as I can tell,” Sebastian replied. “But, there’s something strange about them. It’s almost like, I’m playing against five of myself.”

  “Because you are,” Sheriff JD’s voice said, butting into the conversation.

  Everyone turned to see who’d just barged into the locker room.

  “Dad, what the hell does that mean?”

  “Nate and I checked out their school… and there is no school.”

  “What the hell does that mean, then?” the coach was desperate to know.

  “I don’t know, yet,” JD replied, throwing down the pictures of the missing basketball players, as everyone gathered around to have a look.

  “Do any of them look familiar to you?” JD asked the guys.

  The coach picked up a
couple of the pictures. “Holy shit! That’s the team we’re playing, right now!” he shouted. “What the hell is going on, Sheriff?”

  “I would assume they’re Vampires. But, turned by whom, I don’t know for sure… although I do have a pretty good idea,” JD explained. “And, I have a bad feeling, they’re here for more than just to win a championship.”

  “But, I hear a heartbeat… and how are they giving off heat?” Sebastian asked him. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “I don’t know how they’re doing it and I haven’t figured out why. But, whatever their plan is… it’s going down tonight,” JD warned them. “And, don’t worry, all of my deputies are here and ready for anything.”

  Understanding that there was now an even bigger problem out on the court than they originally thought, the boys grouped up to discuss a few plays. After a few words, they broke away from their huddle, all with a refreshed perspective of the game they were about to play.

  As the spectators roared in the stands, both teams spilled back out onto the court, ready for the second half; the Black Wings were up by twenty-five points. The Wolf Creek Wolves were looking bad, but that was all about to change and the crowd of loyal home fans still cheered them on. Sebastian and his teammates now knew what they were playing up against and their new outlook would serve to guide them. The Wolves stood ready; with their heads held high, ready take on this team of Vampires.

  Chumlee and Bill Johnson faced off at center court and Chumlee looked Bill, dead in his face, “We’re onto you… we know who you guys are.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Bill shot back. “We’re going to wipe the court with you guys… and that’s just the beginning.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Chumlee growled back.

  The whistle blew and the ball was back up in the air and both of the centers were instantly up off their feet, reaching for the open ball. This time, Chumlee was able to out-jump the opposition, driving his elbow into Bill’s jaw on his way back down to the court, knocking him to the gym floor.


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