The Lycan Chronicles

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The Lycan Chronicles Page 37

by Schroeder, Brent

  JD was on the sidelines watching the game closely and when Bill hit the floor, his shorts moved out of place… and JD caught a short glimpse of the blood pump that was installed in his groin, realizing instantly how they were giving off the body heat.

  Sebastian gained control of the ball, tearing down court with it at full speed, holding nothing back. He dribbled right, then left and then down the center, slamming it through the hoop, right in Edward’s face.

  “No more mister nice guy!” Sebastian yelled, trotting up the court. “How ya like me now?”

  “You got lucky, punk!” Edward recoiled. “It won’t happen again!”

  “I see your eyes are burning,” Sebastian called out. “Having a little more trouble guarding me this half?”

  “What the hell is that smell?” the Vampire replied, as his face contorted in disgust.

  “Garlic. Why? Does that bother you?”

  Sebastian flipped up his shirt, letting Edward get a peek at the necklace that was hidden underneath his jersey, as everyone took his or her positions back on the court. The ball went into play, once again and within seconds, Mitch Daniels intercepted it from one of the players, passing it over to Sebastian.

  Moonflower and the other cheerleaders jumped and screamed from the sideline. “Go, baby! Shove that ball down his throat!”

  “Yeah!” Whisper screamed along. “Cram it up his ass!”

  Edward ran past Moonflower, blowing her a kiss, as he went on by; she returned the gesture by flipping him the bird.

  Sebastian moved down the court, hot on his feet, dribbling right and then left, around Edward. He jumped and stuffed the ball into the hoop, as Edward decided to throw his shoulder into him; the ref signaled the foul.

  “I’m coming for you, Edward. Get ready for the walk of shame, loser,” Sebastian said, with a grin. He stepped up to the free throw line to take his shot, putting his arm back and releasing. The ball swooshed through the hoop, touching nothing but net, as the crowd went wild.

  The game carried on, as JD and Nate continued scanning the crowd, to see if they could pick up on anything out of the ordinary. JD did a double-take, when he noticed two hooded figures sitting way up in the top row of bleachers. He tried to see, but he wasn’t sure who it was, or if they were even a threat to anything, ultimately deciding to wait and observe, before making any moves towards them. Little did JD know, that outside of the school, at that very moment, Ouija was waiting, along with his crew of Vampire assassins.

  JD leaned over, letting Nate know about the two suspicious people in the crowd and Nate casually turned to see what he was talking about. “I don’t see anyone, what are you talking about?” he asked, his eyes moving over the heads in the stands.

  After turning and seeing that the two hooded figures were no longer there, JD shot up from his seat and began scanning the crowd in hopes of spotting them. He grabbed Nate and the two of them ran out to the lobby to see if they could catch up, but there was no one there.

  “Where the hell did they go?” JD asked his deputy.

  “I have no fucking idea, I never even got a chance to see ‘em.”

  Play by play, Sebastian helped bring the Wolf Creek Wolves back within winning points. The Black Wings were looking foolish and their anger was beginning to show, more and more, bringing them to the verge of violence… but they were under strict orders, not to attack until instructed. And, for Edward and his team… it was getting harder and harder to hold back.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Skinny Limpkins and Jason Cross made their way from their seats, high up in the bleachers, crossing over to the announcer’s box.

  ‘RAP!’ ‘RAP!’ ‘RAP!’

  The announcer was furious that he was being bothered, abruptly switching off his microphone and throwing it down on the table. “Damn it! I’m trying to work in here, what the hell do you want?”

  He got up and unlocked the door, pushing it open with a hard shove and the emcee immediately threw his hands in the air, finding himself staring down the barrel of an AK-47 that was being aimed by Skinny.

  “Get back to your chair and keep up the good work, or else,” Skinny calmly said to him. “And, pay no attention to what we’re doing, or I’ll blow your fucking brains out. Do we understand each other?”

  “What the hell is going on?” the announcer asked, as he stumbled back into his chair.

  “Just shut up, sit down and keep doing your job,” Skinny demanded, as Jason followed him into the booth, carrying a long black case. “If I have to tell you again, I won’t. I’ll just blow your ugly face off.”

  Skinny kept his AK-47 pointed at the back of the announcer’s head. It was completely unnecessary, but Skinny enjoyed dishing out a good mind-fuck; he got off on it.

  It was getting close to the end of the game, with only a few minutes left to go and Wolf Creek had made a significant comeback. The announcer continued to work the mic, as Jason was opening his case, pulling out a fifty-caliber sniper rifle and fitting it together. He reached back in, retrieving his custom-made, hollowed, silver-tipped, R.I.P rounds, that were specially-designed to penetrate anything, before exploding into multiple pieces of nitrate shrapnel, promising to take out all vital organs. No matter where these bullets hit, the impact would send silver chunks instantly ripping throughout different parts a Lycan’s body.

  “The last round you’ll ever need,” Jason said, admiring one of the bullets that sparkled with an unparalleled radiance.

  After making sure that his gun was fully-loaded, Jason pulled out a another gun… a rivet gun and he began bolting down a metal plate, in order to secure his sniper rifle into a perfect holding position.

  “What the hell are you guys doing?” the emcee asked, switching off his mic.

  “Shut up, old man!” Skinny snapped. “Just keep your mind on the game! And, if you yell for help, the next thing that’ll be coming out of your mouth will be your brain! I wouldn’t suggest testing me!”

  “Alright, alright, just chill out... you guys have bets on the game, or something?”

  “Shut him up!” Jason demanded. “He’s getting on my fucking nerves!”

  Skinny took the butt of his AK-47and smacked the announcer upside the back of his head. “Shut the fuck up, he said!”

  “Jesus! I got it, relax!” the announcer hollered, rubbing the back of his head. “Do you think you can take that barrel and get it out of my ear? I can’t work, if I can’t think straight.”

  “Sure,” Skinny replied, pulling his gun back a few inches. “Anything for a friend. Now stop crying like a little baby and do your job. I won’t be telling you again.”

  Jason looked the crowd over, finding his first set of targets and he decided to start with Sebastian and Moonflower. He wanted to inflict as much suffering on JD as he could and seeing the look on his face after killing Sebastian would be a personal joy. Jason had a flash-suppressor and silencer on his rifle, so they wouldn’t have any idea where the shots were coming from, until it was too late to do anything about it. It would be mass chaos, with all the people running onto the basketball court and he’d be able to discharge enough mayhem into the crowd to take care of his intended targets. Jason was now fully-locked and loaded, just waiting for the game to end.

  JD and Nate had returned to the gym and were back in their seats, as Jason kept his eye locked on his targets, ready to unload from the sniper rifle. The clock was slowly counting down the last few numbers, no one knowing what was happening inside the booth, just a few feet above them.

  “Well, folks,” came over the loudspeakers, as the end of the game was nearing. “It looks like the Wolves have proved themselves this second half, catching back up, with only one point separating them from the Black Wings and only seconds left on the clock! It’s anybody’s game, at this point!”

  The final few seconds ticked down, as the two teams faced off for the win. Chumlee was hot on the court, passing the ball over to Sebastian, who’d been told to keep his temper under cont
rol, until they could figure out what the hell was going on. Sebastian was maintaining and feeling good, but Edward Taylor had really been pushing his buttons the entire game and disrespecting him at every given opportunity. With only a couple seconds left, Sebastian took off, up center court, passing the ball back to Chumlee, who mimicked his every move, setting him up for a score. Chumlee dribbled the ball and he made the final pass back to Sebastian, who was on his way up into the air, legs out and ball palmed; Edward took off at the same time, fouling Sebastian in midair. Unable to take any more, Sebastian grabbed Edward in a headlock, pulling him in, as he stuffed the orange ball through the hoop, putting his head straight through the backboard and bringing the entire system crashing down around them.

  The buzzer rang and the crowd went nuts. The game was over and the Wolf Creek Wolves have won the State Championship, defeating the Black Wings, ninety-nine to one hundred. Following tradition, the winning players lifted Sebastian off of his feet and onto their shoulders, to cut the net from the remaining hoop that had survived the game.

  Up in the booth, Jason took careful aim with his fifty caliber rifle, sure that he could hit, both, Sebastian and Moonflower, before anyone even knew a shot had been fired. Jason had the barrel drawn and he had Sebastian in his sights, ready to pull the trigger.

  Down on the court, Edward was fuming over the loss and his Vampire traits were beginning to take over, in his state of fury. He ignored Jason’s demands to keep control of his emotions and just as Jason was about to unleash a certain death upon Sebastian, Edward ran and leaped through the air, tackling Sebastian off of his teammate’s shoulders.

  “Damn it, Edward!” Jason screamed, down to the court. “You fucked up my shot!”

  The anger had boiled over between the two teams and it appeared that it was going to be a fight to the death, in the middle of the basketball court. Sebastian shook it off and got up, charging, full speed, towards Edward. When Sebastian reached him, he threw the Vampire up against the wall, releasing his rage in a fury of punches, until Chumlee and the referee were able to pull him off. Edward seized the moment and backed away, knowing that death would soon be hailing from above; they were under strict orders, not to attack, until they heard the sounds of gunfire and he knew that Jason would be furious.

  As the fight was being broken up, Skinny and Jason were both preparing to fire upon the crowd, when the door to the announcer’s booth came flying off, hinges and all. Ouija stepped in and took one swipe with his sword and both of Skinny’s arms and his AK-47, went tumbling to the floor. Jason had barely turned around in time to see Ouija swing his blade, once more, sending Skinny’s head rolling to join his other dismembered parts on the floor; he froze in terror, watching the blood dripping from the sword in Ouija’s hand.

  Not another second passed, before Ouija whipped three silver throwing stars through the air, slicing into Jason’s face, stunning him. Jason fell back and reached up to pull one of the stars from his eye, as Ouija was coming over the table, ready to save him the trouble. He pulled back and released his sword, the blade slicing through the air, hacking Jason’s head and hands off, with one single swing.

  The announcer was still sitting in his chair, not having moved an inch and he looked up at Ouija with a set of very wide eyes.

  “What the hell are you looking at?” Ouija barked. “Get on that mic and get back to work.”

  And, with that, Ouija was gone.

  There was a now a huge puddle of goop on the floor where Jason and Skinny once were and the ooze was seeping towards the announcer’s feet. He lifted his shoes off the ground, turning back to his broadcast, but not before reaching into his desk and pulling out a bottle of bourbon. He poured himself a stiff one and downed it, while switching the microphone back on.

  “Final score of the State Championship: The Wolf Creek Wolves, with one hundred and the Black Wings losing by one point, at ninety nine and what a game it was!”

  The emcee poured himself another drink, wondering if he was losing his mind, finally deciding that everything he’d just witnessed was, in fact, all real, as he looked over to Jason’s sniper rifle that was still mounted to the counter, alongside.


  Chapter Fifty-Five

  The excitement bubbled throughout the gymnasium and everyone was gathered together on the basketball court. The referee appeared holding the winning trophy in his arms and he handed it to the Wolf Creek captain of the team: Sebastian Davidson. Everyone cheered, as he raised the shining award into the air, while the school principle was having some difficulties dragging out a cord with a microphone attached to the end.

  “I’d like to thank everyone for coming out and I would like to thank my team members and coach,” Sebastian said to everyone in the gym. “But, I couldn’t have done it without my father… thanks dad!” he shouted, as he held the trophy up once again, while the bleachers erupted in a deafening applause.

  Since he was their maker, Edward and the rest of the Black Wings could feel the death of Jason Cross. Each of them had killed and fed upon a human after being changed, otherwise they would’ve just returned back to their original state… instead, they just remained as leaderless Vampires. Knowing that Jason was gone, meant that there was no more plan-of-action, so the Black Wings all suddenly bared their fangs and they began their assault, attacking the crowd of fans, ripping and tearing into the humans, who were caught completely off guard. Everyone scattered, running in every possible direction, screaming at the top of their lungs.

  The Black Wings’ cheerleaders saw what was happening, sprouting their fangs as well and they began moving in on Moonflower and her girlfriends.

  Moonflower’s friends ran for their lives, but she stayed, right where she was, dropping her pom-poms to the floor. “Bring it on, bitches!” she shouted. Moonflowers fangs suddenly popped out, along with her sharp nails and her eyes began to illuminate, glowing a bright red.

  On the other side of the court, Sebastian ripped off his shirt and he transformed into a towering Lycan, ready to attack the Vampires who were slaughtering the innocent people.

  “You’re going down!” Edward shouted. “You and the entire Pack are finished!”

  Sebastian growled and let out an ear-piercing howl, as he rose up on his hind legs, prepared to slaughter the living dead. He snapped with his teeth, as Edward was running over to a bag hidden, he’d underneath his team’s bench along the sidelines. After reaching in, Edward’s hand reappeared, holding on to a sword made of gleaming silver… and he attacked, charging forward, swinging with everything he had, but Sebastian was much faster and he was able to avoid every swing that Edward threw with the razor-sharp blade.

  “Get him, Sebastian!” Moonflower shouted, before turning back to the cheerleaders who were about to close in on her. “Bring it, you sluts!”

  Being that Moonflower carried Vampire and Werewolf in her bloodline, she moved twice as fast as any of the other Vampire cheerleaders, tearing through, ripping off arms and carving out throats. Moonflower’s strength was relentless and she fought without mercy, reigning in a hail of death, with her long, black hair flowing behind, as her enemies tried desperately to escape her vicious grip.

  As Moonflower was taking care of her business, Chumlee was clashing with Trent Rucker. Chumlee picked the mohawked Vampire up off of his feet and over his head and he threw him headfirst into the wall, smashing his skull into the bricks, leaving behind a smudge of purple hair dye and blood.

  Mitch Daniels saw Sebastian struggling and he came to his rescue, just as Edward was about to hack into his neck with his silver sword. Another Vampire from the Wings, Chris Stark, came out of nowhere and he grabbed Mitch, throwing him to the side like a bag of dirt. Mitch landed and looked up from the ground with bright red, glowing eyes and his teeth suddenly started to grow out, along with all of the hair on his body. His shirt and pants suddenly split apart, under the pressure of his transformation and only seconds later
; he was standing on his hind, Lycan legs.

  Edward and Chris had no idea that they were dealing with a Lycan, as Mitch jumped and ripped Edward’s dead, lifeless Vampire heart out of his chest. The thumping of a heartbeat could still be heard, so Mitch sliced Edward in half, cutting him at the waist with one hard swoop of his claws. A small thumping machine came spilling out of him and went skidding across the floor, as Nate and JD both appeared in time to see, realizing how they’d been faked. The blood from the pumps and any blood that was still swirling around the insides of Edward, was now splashed onto the floor and his remains began to burn up in a huge ball of flames, until it became nothing but a pile of ashes.

  As everyone was still running for the exits, four armed men, dressed in black military-style clothing, blocked them in, pushing the crowd back as they invaded the school, carrying silenced MP5 machine guns, opening fire on everyone. JD and Nate saw that Sebastian and Mitch had things under control, courtside and they moved to take action against the four-armed men. Brad, Wayne and Nate, all acted on instinct, doing what they could to protect the crowd from the hail of gunfire that was being unleashed from the armed attackers, all taking bullets as they did.

  Sebastian was about to move in, when suddenly, the skylight caved in, bringing huge chunks of glass crashing down around him, slicing up a few of the scattering people. Following the shards of broken glass, Ouija swooped down through the hole in the ceiling, landing on the gym floor, on one knee, looking up and around, using his unpatched eye to scan the situation.

  “Who the hell are you?” Sebastian asked the beast, before looking up to the broken skylight. “I swear, if I have to pay for that backboard, you’re paying for that skylight!”

  “I’m here to take your head and straighten your father out, boy!” Ouija answered with a voice full of doom. “Prepare to die!”


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