The Lycan Chronicles

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The Lycan Chronicles Page 38

by Schroeder, Brent

  Drawing his razor of a sword made of pure silver, Ouija began stomping forward and Sebastian leapt out of the way, just as Ouija swung his sword, missing him by only a hair. The monstrous Vampire immediately went into a spin; raising his sword back up and bringing it back down with tremendous force. But, Sebastian moved with incredible speed, barely slipping out from underneath the blade; Ouija had finally met a worthy opponent.

  The four armed intruders, who’d pushed their way into the school, stood blocking all of the exits and they began to opened fire, blasting on anyone standing in their way, without a shred of mercy given. JD and Nate both took a few bullets, as they tried to shield their wives, but there were just too many fragments slicing through the air and Sarah and Wendy were both hit; their blood was already beginning to run together, forming a crimson puddle on the floor of the gymnasium.

  JD and Nate both took cover underneath the bleachers, to repair their wounds and expel the bits of silver from their bodies. They howled and writhed in pain, as they pushed with their muscle, foam and spit running from their mouths, as they twisted on the floor from the overwhelming pain. One after another, each bullet popped out and fell to the wooden floor, still smoking red-hot, both of them in tremendous agony. Once the bullets were gone, they quickly recovered and the animal rage inside began to pulsate; they were desperate to kill and were needed to protect… JD pointed to the broken skylight and Nate returned with a nod.

  The other Pack members took as many bullets as they could take, trying to protect the terrorized people, as everyone looked for a way to escape the building. Bullets could be heard slicing through air and the floors of the lobby and gym were already cluttering up with bodies. Things were appearing grim, when all of a sudden; JD and Nate emerged from the shadows. They swiftly moved in on the men who were firing MP5s, from two of the blocked exits, taking them out with ease, as the frenzied crowd began to stampede towards the newly opened exits.

  JD and Nate quickly snapped to it, rushing towards the remaining assailants who were unremittingly firing off, non-stop, round after round, of sizzling-hot, silver-laced bullets. JD let out a quick howl to alert Nate, letting him know that a Vampire was drawing down upon him from behind, but before Nate could react, Leon suddenly appeared, grabbing the attacker by the head, twisting his neck until it snapped with a sickening ‘crunch.’ Blood shot from the Vampire’s chest, spraying everywhere, as Leon rammed a wooden stake through and the body burst into a swirl of licking flames.

  Leon looked over to where JD and Nate both stood, “I told you I’d have your back.”

  The fourth Vampire took aim with his MP5 and he hit the trigger, opening fire on JD, just missing him. As the Vampire unloaded bullet after bullet, the coach snuck up from behind, cracking a fire extinguisher over his skull. The Vampire was sent crashing to the floor, sliding on his back, looking up and aiming a 9mm at the coach’s chest. “You shouldn’t have done that!” he shouted, before unloading the entire clip, killing the coach, dead, before he even hit the floor. With his problem solved, the Vampire quickly dropped the magazine and put in a new one, ready to go for another round.

  Nate charged at the shooter, running on all four paws, bearing down on him down at full speed and they both went crashing through a brick wall and into the locker room, cement and dust flying everywhere. The Vampire lost his gun and Nate straddled his chest, ripping into him with his claws and tearing his heart out.

  A couple members of the Black Wings, Chris Stark and Trent Rucker, came charging towards the locker room, when Chumlee stepped in their way, blocking their path with his extra-large frame.

  “You’ll have to get by me, losers,” Chumlee said, crossing his arms, “and, that’s not going to happen.”

  Like his father, Brad, Chumlee carried the Lycan traits in his blood and he instantly transformed into an eight-foot Werewolf, weighing close to five hundred pounds. Standing on his muscular hind legs, Chumlee reached out snapped off a couple pieces of railing from the bleacher stairs, letting out a howl that rattled the entire building.

  Chris and Trent stood in their tracks, unphased by Chumlee’s transformation and they moved to attack.

  “I didn’t like being thrown against that wall, fat boy!” Chris shouted, as they both charged.

  Chumlee swung both metal pipes, after they came closer, catching each one of them upside the head and knocking them to the gym floor. Before they could crawl back up, Chumlee drove the metal poles through each of their chests, pinning them to the floor, as long spurts of their blood shot from the hollow pipes. The Black Wings’ center, Bill Johnson, jumped in to save them, but Sebastian stepped in his path, slicing his head off, with one slash of his claws, sending it skidding across the gym floor.

  Trent and Chris slowly pried themselves loose, as their blood gushed from the metal pipes hanging out of their chests, but Sebastian was on them, before they could move, ripping both of their hearts out. Ouija waited for Sebastian to finish before taking a few more swings at him and Sebastian dodged every one, until he was pushed back against a wall. Ouija drew back once more to deliver the swing that would chop Sebastian’s head off, when Moonflower dove at him from the side, throwing his massive frame off balance. Undeterred by Moonflower’s shove, Ouija turned his attention over, grabbing her by the throat and shaking her in the air, as he squeezed his fist. “Wait your turn!” he growled in her face, as her eyes bulged from their sockets.

  Things were beginning to seem hopeless when, suddenly, two heavy-set men, who’d been sitting in the bleachers the entire ordeal, finally stood up. They’d been watching from their seats, while everyone stampeded towards the exits, before they decided to exposed themselves… and for good reason. The two large men dropped their trench coats and tipped back their hats; the Moore brothers were there and ready for war. David and his brother, Ross, both lifted the mini-cannons they’d brought, hidden underneath their long coats and they descended onto the basketball court, bullets blazing away from the rotating barrels, searching for the Vampires who so dared to battle.

  Ouija heard the explosive weapons being fired, turning to see what was happening, still grasping Moonflower by the throat with a solid grip, her face turning blue.

  “Eat death, bloodsucker!” David yelled, as they both unloaded from their guns, instantly firing off thousands of bullets. Ouija let go and Moonflower fell to the floor, managing to crawl to her feet, as Sebastian led her to cover. As soon as Moonflower was clear, the Moore brothers rained down, like fire and brimstone, dicing up Ouija into more pieces than a jigsaw puzzle, ending the Vampire assassin’s reputation and existence. The living legend was laid to rest in pieces, spread across Wolf Creek High School gymnasium floor.

  Bentley Chase and Edward Taylor decided that they were no match for the arms of Ross and David Moore and they were trying to escape with the few remaining people that were jammed up in the exits.

  “Over there, David!” Ross said, pointing at the remaining Vampires, who were desperately trying to find a different way out of the building. The undead players both spread their wings and they flew into the air, heading straight for the broken skylight that Ouija had dropped down from.

  “I don’t think so!” David shouted, taking aim. “To hell with you two… it’s judgment day!”

  The brothers sent a fleet of bullets, cutting the Vampires down in mid-flight before they had a chance to make the escape and they burst into flames, their ashes and dust gently snowing down.

  Sebastian came running with Moonflower, over to where JD was kneeling over Wendy. “Dad, is she going to be alright?”

  Sarah was lying next to Wendy, both of them alive, but bleeding everywhere and barely hanging on. Nate was looking over his wife’s wounds, counting a few bullet holes. Wendy was in just as bad of shape and it appeared that neither of them was going to make it; both of their eyes were glazing over from the extreme loss of blood.

  “Sebastian! Moonflower!” JD called on the teenagers. “It’s up to you two to save them!

  “How? Tell us what to do!” Sebastian asked hurriedly, kneeling next to JD.

  “Give me your wrist… you too, Moonflower,” JD instructed, as he reached for the bowie knife inside his belt. “Hold still,” he said, cutting open both of their wrists. “My blood, alone, won’t be enough to save them, but your hybrid blood will. Hurry and drip into their mouths… before they fade away.”

  Sebastian and Moonflower both did as they were told. They got down on their knees and raised their arms above the two dying women, letting their blood drip into Wendy and Sarah’s mouth.

  “Now, step back and let us take it from here. We have to move quickly, if this is going to work, Nate.”

  “I know what to do,” he said back to him.

  Both men began digging their fingers, deep into the bullets holes, trying to remove the silver bullets that were lodged inside of Sarah and Wendy, a couple of them hidden pretty far underneath their flesh; both JD and Nate worked feverishly. Nate took JD’s bowie knife and he sliced Sarah’s stomach wide-open. He reached in and moved her intestines and organs around, trying to locate the hidden bullet fragments. JD took the knife back from Nate, doing the same for Wendy… and luckily, most of the fragments were easily removed.

  After the surgery was performed and all of the silver was removed, everyone stepped back and waited. JD and Nate stood, looking down at their mutilated wives who were laying motionless on the floor in front of them… and no one said a word.

  Sebastian was holding onto Moonflower, as she cried, with her face buried deep in his chest, as the other members of the Pack were returning back to the gym.

  “The school’s clear,” Brad said in a low voice.

  “How are they?” Wayne asked.

  “I’m not sure,” JD said, shaking his head. He turned to walk away, not able to bear the sight of his broken wife, as everyone stood in silence, taking in all of the destruction, through the smoke and dust that was settling around them.

  “JD, wait!” Tony shouted. “Look!”

  JD stopped and turned around. He looked at his wife’s motionless body, noticing that the incision from the knife was slowly beginning to close up from both sides and that the bullet holes were no longer bleeding.

  Nate was on his knees looking over Sarah. It seemed that her bullet holes were beginning to close up and the cut in her stomach began to heal, as well.

  Everyone there jumped back, as Wendy and Sarah both jolted up, gasping for air… alive, once again. They both let out a scream of surprise, as being reborn can be quite an experience.

  “What the hell happened?” Wendy asked, rubbing her face with her hands.

  “What am I doing on the floor?” Sarah said from the floor, looking up at everyone. “Did we win?”

  Everyone was so happy and relieved, moving in for hugs, to celebrate for a short moment, joyous that everyone in their circle had made it through the event in one piece. Their joy soon turned to dread, as they started calculating the mess that was all around them. The school was littered with dozens upon dozens of bodies that were shot up by the Vampire’s gunfire.

  “What the hell just happened here?” JD asked, scanning the carnage before them.

  Among the blood and body parts were scattered across the floor, everyone left standing, stood in silence, exchanging wide-eyed looks, covered, from head to toe, with human and Vampire blood.

  “I have no idea,” Nate answered him. “What a fucking mess! What happened to those guys with the hoods, I didn’t see them in all this….”

  “They’re both dead,” boomed over the loudspeaker. “It was Skinny Limpkins and his sidekick, Jason Cross,” the announcer’s voice could be heard, followed by a blast of feedback, before he climbed out of the booth, making his way down from the bleachers.

  “What? Jason Cross?” JD asked him. “How do you know?”

  “Because those two assholes held me hostage up in my booth… that’s how,” he answered, sounding pissed as could be. “That motherfucker with the eye patch, killed ‘em, right in front of me. Those two assholes were about to shoot you guys, but I guess he wanted you for himself. That Jason kid was all burned up… looked like a real mess.”

  “Thanks for clearing that up,” replied JD.

  “Sure thing,” the announcer said, heading for the door. “I’ve had enough excitement for one evening, I’m out of here. I think I might need to change my shorts.”

  There were a few laughs, but they quickly faded, everyone realizing how close they were to losing their lives.

  “It sure was nice to see you boys,” JD said to the Moore brothers, walking over to shake hands with them. “Thanks for the backup.”

  “No problem, JD,” David replied. “You’re going to, at least, buy us dinner now, right? I could go for another forty ounce steak, right about now!”

  “How can you even think of eating at a time like this,” JD asked him, amazed. “Seriously?”

  “There’s enough meat laying around for you right here, David,” Ross told him. “Eat up.”

  “How did you know to come here?” JD wanted to know, getting back to the subject.

  “We’ve been trying to track down Skinny,” David answered. “So, we thought we’d hang close to Wolf Creek to see if he would maybe reappear.”

  “Well, thanks,” JD replied. “Don’t you think you could’ve shared that information with me? Gave us a heads up, maybe?”

  Before they could give him an answer, Jerry Davich appeared, with absolutely no expression on his face, whatsoever. “I see nothing is out of the ordinary, this fine evening,” he said, looking around at the mess. “Now, just how the hell am I supposed to spin this one? You’re really making my job much harder than it should be, you know? You’ve turned me, from a reporter, into a world-class liar… I could’ve worked for the Bush administration.”

  “I was thinking the same thing, Jerry,” JD replied, before turning to Nate. “What the hell are we going to do with all these bodies? This mess is beyond belief.”

  “I haven’t got a clue,” Nate answered.

  “What the hell happened, anyways?” Jerry asked.

  “Right now, that’s only a guess,” JD answered the reporter. “But, it looks like the Vampires in England are not very happy with us.”

  “From the information we received,” David said, “they didn’t believe the story about Terrance Armstrong being killed by Vampire Hunters, since we were in Michigan cleaning out a nest of ghouls at the same time.”

  “Does this place have insurance?” Jerry asked, suddenly wishing he hadn’t. “Why don’t you just burn it to the ground?”

  “That’s actually a wonderful idea, Jerry,” JD expressed. “Get some gas and kerosene from the auto shop and douse everything really good… you’re a great help for once, Davich. Thanks!”

  “Hey!” Jerry hollered. “I was only joking… you guys actually want me to spin that story…” he stuttered. “Alright, that is it… this is the last cover-up. After this, I quit and I’m getting the fuck out of this fucked-up town. I have had enough Vampires and Werewolves to last the rest of my lifetime… God only knows what else will show up.”


  Chapter Fifty-Six

  ‘Extremely Poor Losers,’ the headlines read. The story in the paper went on to describe, what appeared to be, another Columbinestyle shooting, by students of a rival school after losing the championship game. Sheriff John Davidson now found himself in front of a fresh batch of microphones, taking a sip of bottled water, before addressing the crowd of reporters who were surrounding him on every side. People had traveled far and wide, to come hear what the strange situation was in the town of Wolf Creek.

  JD removed his black cowboy hat and began speaking, “Quiet, please… everyone, there will be no questions. I am going to give you a short statement, as to what we know, the investigation is still ongoing.”

  The crowd became quiet, as JD delivered the information: “The
Wolf Creek basketball team was hosting the State Championship, here, on their home court and the visiting team, from Knightstown, lost the game. A short time after the game was over, the members of the losing team, the Black Wings, blocked the exits and opened fire on the crowd of spectators with automatic machine guns…”

  “What caused the fire that burned the gym to the ground?” one of the reporters interrupted.

  JD ignored the question, but was already coming to that part of the story. “When they ran out of ammunition, they threw homemade gasoline bombs, causing the fire that brought the building down. There were significant injuries and ninety people lost their lives,” he stated to the restless crowd. “That is all, for now. We will report any new findings, as the investigation unfolds. Thank you.”

  Across the ocean, Alnwick Castle had just received word of the events in Wolf Creek, finding out that Baron’s special weapon, Ouija, was dead. The Baron was outraged, slamming his fists on the council table, as he screamed, “Ouija is dead and we still do not have the Book of Blood! The Lycans have proven to be more than just a problem!”

  The Baron continued, as he paced the floor. “We will not speak of this, until I can think of another way….”

  “Forget Wolf Creek,” Maximilian interrupted.

  The council members murmured amongst themselves, when the Baron slammed his fists again. “Enough! What I say is law and right now, I demand SILENCE! Meeting adjourned!”

  Seven heavily-armed men were boarding a private jet at the Indianapolis International Airport, in the dead of the night, pointed in the direction of the land called England, carrying enough weapons and ammo to take down the entire continent of Europe. The men made their way across the tarmac, heading for the steps that led up into the airplane, for they would soon be flying out of the United States and into the home country of Vampire Baron Valvasor and his unearthly associates. They would be meeting with one of JD’s connections, the arrangement already having been set up for when they landed.


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