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Elicitation (The Training of Eileen)

Page 2

by William Vitelli

  “How dare you! Let me go! This instant!”

  The feeling of pressure vanished. “Nurse, please make a notation that the subject is highly resistant to anal penetration even with a single finger.”

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Eileen roared. “I demand you release me at once!”

  The doctor gazed at her, unperturbed, and stroked his chin. “What do I think I’m doing? Hmm. Has Anthony told you why he sent you to me?”

  She craned her head forward and glared at him.

  “No?” He smiled. “No matter. I have a very…” He paused for a moment. “…specialized practice.” His gloved hands slid over her inner thighs. “I train sex slaves.”

  “What? Is that some kind of sick joke?”

  “Oh, no. No joke at all. Your fiancé brought you here so that I can evaluate your potential and develop a training program for you. He is independently wealthy, as you already know, so there is no need for you to work outside the home. He has…another job in mind for you. One besides just an ordinary housewife.” His thumb pressed between the folds of her pussy lips. “Hmm. Make a notation that the subject appears quite agitated and upset at this point in the exam, and is lubricating much more heavily than before.”

  “You’re insane!” She twisted to look at the nurse. “He’s insane! Help me! Call the police!”

  Samantha stared back at her, a strange, faraway look in her eyes. Her cheeks flushed, and as Eileen watched in horror, one hand crept up her body and fondled her breast through her uniform. Oh, my God, this is a nightmare! This is turning her on!

  Icy panic gripped her. She twisted and strained wildly against the straps. The doctor watched her with a benevolent smile.

  “Let me go!”

  “I am not finished with your evaluation yet.” He rose from the chair and looked down at her. “I need to see how your body responds before I can recommend a program for you. Nurse, if you would, please…”

  Samantha set down the clipboard and stepped to the table. With a single quick motion, she tore the paper gown open, exposing Eileen completely. Two more quick motions and the gown lay in shreds on the floor. Eileen shrieked.

  “You may scream, if you like,” the doctor said mildly. “Did you notice how thick the door to this room was? This particular room is entirely soundproofed. I do all my initial evaluations here.”

  He crossed to one side of the examining room, and drew a long white curtain from the wall. “Now, you will not be permitted to watch the next part of the examination.” He pulled it across a track in the ceiling, until it divided the room in half. The curtain hung directly over Eileen at mid-torso, draping across her body, preventing her from seeing him. She heard the sound of a zipper, followed closely by a rustle. Warm hands touched her thighs.

  His voice drifted through the curtain. “I am now going to begin my initial evaluation of the subject’s response to undesired forcible sexual penetration.” His hands moved up her thighs.

  “No!” She felt something press against her between her legs. “No, you can’t do this! Those are just fantasies! They’re not real! Stop!”

  In one smooth thrust, the doctor impaled her deeply. She screamed and threw herself violently against the straps. The nurse moaned.

  He took her roughly, violating her with a barrage of hard, deep thrusts. She screamed and twisted; tears poured from her eyes. “No! No! Stop!”

  His calm voice floated through the curtain. “Nurse, are the subject’s nipples erect?”

  Samantha stood over her and leaned forward. Eileen saw with a sickening sensation that the nurse was flush with sexual arousal; her nipples stood prominently against the starched white uniform. She reached down and slid her hands over Eileen’s breasts. Eileen screamed again and tried to will herself to sink down through the table, away from the humiliating touch.

  “Yes, Doctor.” The nurse’s hands groped and fondled her. “The subject’s nipples are very hard. I think she likes this.”

  “No!” Eileen shrieked. “No! Please! Please, please…” Her voice dissolved into sobs.

  On the other side of the curtain, the doctor thrust harder into her. “Nurse, please clamp the subject’s nipples.”

  Samantha withdrew two small objects from her pocket and leaned over again. Eileen felt something bite into her nipples, and screamed again. Fresh tears flowed. “Please! Please, you’re hurting me!”

  “Yes,” the nurse moaned. Her hands caressed her captive’s breasts, stroked her shoulders. “And you look so beautiful this way.” Her fingers combed through Eileen’s long black hair.

  Eileen thrashed and cried, long sobs wracking her body. The doctor used her roughly, violently; his fingers dug into her thighs. Fire radiated from her nipples, spread through her body. The tingle returned, urgent, became a burning need, coiled deep inside her.

  Then, something within her exploded. The violation, the pain, her humiliation and shame, that strange butterfly feeling inside her—it all became too much, and in the instant when she could no longer bear it, it changed, became something new. Her screams changed, too, and wave after wave of agonizing, excruciating ecstasy slammed through her. She arched her back off the table, enslaved by the grip of the most intense orgasm she had ever known.

  When it was over, he withdrew from her. She lay naked and sweaty, bound to the table, whimpering softly. Her body shook.

  He drew back the curtain and removed the harsh metal clips from her nipples. New pain spiked through her breasts, drawing out a sharp gasp.

  “Nurse, please make a notation that the subject reached orgasm from unwanted forcible sex.”

  Samantha drew her hand away from her breast, panting, on the edge of an orgasm of her own. She picked up the clipboard, forced herself back into composure. “Yes, Doctor.”

  He turned to stand near her head, and with one foot, activated a control that lowered the head of the table. He held his foot on the switch until her head was considerably lower than her feet. “Initial questioning of the subject suggested a strong aversion to oral-genital sexual congress. I will now evaluate the subject’s response to forcible oral sex.”

  Eileen turned her head away, whimpering. “No,” she sobbed plaintively. “Please…”

  He placed two fingers on her cheek and gently turned her head toward him. She did not resist; the will to fight seemed gone from her, burned away by the shame of her orgasm. He pressed his gloved thumb into her mouth. Eileen tried to twist away from the invasion, but her strength had left her. He pushed the pad of his thumb against her bottom teeth. She tasted latex. Her mouth opened.

  “Good,” he said. “Just like that.” He stood over her and raised the dripping head of his cock to her lips. “Hold still.”

  He thrust his hips forward. His erection plowed into her mouth. She gagged and choked, overwhelmed by its width, by the heavy, musky taste of her own fluids, by the round head at the back of her throat. He withdrew very slowly, then just as slowly pressed back in, forcing the length of his rigid cock into her mouth until she choked again.

  She sputtered and tried to turn aside. He grabbed her chin tightly and pressed her head down against the table, then slowly, relentlessly, forced his cock deeper. Her struggles grew more frantic. She gagged as her throat worked against the invasion.

  He slipped partway out, allowing her to catch her breath. Tears streamed down her face; she tried to protest, the words muffled and indistinct. He pushed in again, slowly, until she choked once more. He held his cock there, at the back of her throat, as she struggled and wept.

  After a long moment, he withdrew partly again. His grip tightened on her chin, and he began to move in steady, rhythmic strokes, each just a little too deep. She gagged and coughed at every stroke. The nurse watched with rapt attention, hands sliding over her body, touching herself openly, flush with arousal. Samantha’s obvious sexual excitement deepened Eileen’s shame. She squeezed her eyes closed and whimpered around the shaft violating her throat.

  The doctor gr
unted once, the only outward sign of his climax. His cock throbbed and pulsed, and suddenly Eileen’s mouth was filled with thick, hot, salty goo. She gagged anew, stomach heaving. He held her head tightly and forced his way deeper into her mouth. His cock twitched at the back of her throat, spurting a torrent warm creamy semen. Her throat worked automatically, and she blanched, sickened by the knowledge of what she had just swallowed.

  The cock in her mouth continued to gush. She sputtered and cried as he raped her mouth, filled it completely with his ejaculate. Then, finally, he withdrew, his shaft already softening. She made a wet gurgling noise. White come oozed from the corners of her lips, flowed down her cheeks. She coughed and wept hot tears of shame and disgust.

  The doctor pulled up his pants and re-buttoned his lab jacket. He smoothed his clothes down and turned toward the nurse. “I am now ready to construct a preliminary program. If you please?”

  She nodded, poised her pen over the clipboard as he pulled up the chair and seated himself. He leaned back and folded his arms. “My preliminary analysis is that this subject is suitable for training as a sex slave, though there are outstanding factors that suggest this will be a challenging case.”

  His voice was calmly professional, betraying no sign of the way he had just violated her right there on the exam table. Eileen sniffled and shuddered. How? How can you do this to me, and be so calm about it?

  The nurse wrote quickly as he dictated. “The subject is highly resistant to basic sexual acts and appears to have emotional barriers which might interfere with her new role. These barriers will require nontrivial effort to defeat. A normal course of training will likely be insufficient for this subject. It is my understanding that the subject will soon be taking an extended honeymoon; this period will likely be most critical in developing both the attitudes and the skills necessary for her role as a sexual slave.”

  Something in his voice, in the way he said these words so calmly, made her breath constrict. Her role as a sexual slave… He was serious, he meant it. He was talking about enslaving her, as casually as he might talk about the weather. The subject. She was just the subject, not even a person, merely an object. An object for sexual use. Her belly tingled.

  He glanced over at the naked woman strapped to the examining table. “The subject reached orgasm from unwanted forcible sex. After this orgasm, the subject became significantly more pliable. While my normal recommendations for the training of a new sex slave involve orgasm denial, which can help create a state of arousal that assists in furtherance of the training, in this particular case the subject should be brought to orgasm as a regular part of her training activities, so as to keep the subject more compliant.”

  She squirmed and whimpered at the words. So as to keep the subject more compliant… He was recommending that her fiancé, the man she loved, rape her! Repeatedly!

  The tingle grew stronger.

  “The subject shows heavy resistance to oral and anal use. In this case, the resistance to anal use is complicated by the development of the subject’s sphincter muscles, which will preclude a conventional regimen of anal training.

  “I am recommending an initial two-week course of very heavy sexual training, to be carried out while the subject and her owner are out of the country for their honeymoon. During this period, I recommend a minimum of three training sessions per day. During each session, the subject should be brought to orgasm. Each session should also include forcible oral penetration, preferably with ejaculation in the subject’s mouth, as well as anal probing. The purpose of this part of the training will be to habituate the subject to physical sexual acts.” He paused. “Nurse, include a set of seven anal probes, from size 0 to size 6, in this subject’s training kit. These probes should be used over the period of the subject’s initial training to acclimate her to anal penetration.”

  Forcible oral penetration, preferably with ejaculation in the subject’s mouth, as well as anal probing. The words horrified her, repulsed her, and the tingle became a raging fire. Heat spread through her body, and the muscles of her vagina contracted sharply. She arched her back and screamed as the feelings consumed her, pain and humiliation and objectification wrapped around and entwined within something else.

  “Nurse, please make a note that the subject experienced a spontaneous orgasm while listening to the proposed training regimen.” She smiled. Her pen scratched across the clipboard.

  He rose from the chair, stripped off his gloves. “I will write you a new birth control prescription. The new prescription will prevent you from having a normal cycle, in order to improve your availability for sexual use.”

  Eileen looked at him in horror. “You…what?”

  He ignored the question. “I need to prepare for the afternoon’s last patient. Ms. Bowes, I will leave you to take a sample of the subject’s blood, enter the subject’s training program into the computer, and administer the subject’s medication. Also, please schedule another appointment for evaluation and adjustment of the training program upon the subject’s return from her honeymoon in two weeks. Thank you.”

  He left; the thick, heavy door closed behind him. The nurse turned and smiled at Eileen. “Well, it’s just you and me now. How’s that?” She moved to the counter. “Let’s get you properly drugged here.” A tearing sound, the cool wetness of an alcohol pad on the inside of her arm, then a sharp, sudden sting. Eileen flinched and turned just in time to see her move away, an empty hypodermic needle in her hand.

  “What…what did…”

  “Don’t worry. It’s just a mild sedative, with a little something to suppress your memories. In a little while, you won’t be able to remember what happened here. We don’t want to spoil the surprise on your wedding night, right?” She smiled down at Eileen. Her hands brushed Eileen’s face.

  “You know,” she said thoughtfully, “right now, I can do anything I want to you.” Her fingertips ran lightly down Eileen’s neck, caressed her shoulder. “Normally, I’m not supposed to interact with the patients in any way that might interfere with their training. But you…” Her fingers traced the curve of Eileen’s breast. “Soon you won’t remember a thing. I could do whatever I liked, and I wouldn’t get in trouble for it.”

  Eileen quivered, too spent to cry. “Please,” she said hoarsely. Her vision swam; she felt lightheaded, disconnected. “Please don’t hurt me.”

  Samantha laughed. “I’m not going to do anything to you. That can wait for later.” Her fingers stroked Eileen’s skin softly. “I just wanted you to know that I could.”

  Her voice seemed to fade as she spoke. A heavy fog rolled in over Eileen’s mind. She struggled to focus on what the nurse was saying; she felt that there was something wrong, something she should be doing, but she couldn’t seem to quite grasp what it was. Everything felt far away, detached, as though it were happening to someone else. The woman became a dim presence, somewhere on the periphery of Eileen’s awareness. Something soft and wet touched her face; what was it? A towel, that’s what it was. The woman was washing her face.

  The fog thickened. The woman was still talking, her voice indistinct, unintelligible. She barely noticed the sharp sting when the nurse drew a vial of blood from her arm. Even when the woman unstrapped her from the table and helped her dress, she could not focus. As she stood, the room shifted around her; the nurse put a hand on her back to steady her. “That’s it. Take your time, sweetmeat. You’re going to be woozy for a while.”

  She led Eileen out of the examination room and down the hall to the waiting room, helped her sit in a chair. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.” She left her patient, moved to the glass partition. “Meredith, can you do me a favor and type up this patient’s training program? Also, set up a return visit in two weeks. I need to go put her kit together.”

  The receptionist smiled brightly and opened her appointment book. Samantha disappeared back behind the door. Eileen sat alone, trying to recall where she was. Was there something she should be doing? Someone had told her to w
ait; that’s what it was. She was waiting for something.

  She heard people talking in the distance. Something to do with her? She felt that it was, but she was not sure what, or how.

  She felt like she must have dozed for a moment; the next thing she knew, the nurse—what was her name again?—was standing beside her with a compact leather case, a little smaller than a briefcase, but thicker. “Here you go. Take this.” She pushed it into Eileen’s hands; Eileen stared at it blankly. “Give it to your fiancée. And here’s your reminder card for your next appointment.”

  Eileen shook her head, but the cobwebs wouldn’t clear. She took the case and the card mechanically. Behind her, she heard the front door open. What was she waiting for?

  “Ah, there she is,” a voice called out. A familiar voice… She furrowed her brow; the shadows lifted slightly. Anthony! That’s what it was! She was waiting for Anthony to come and pick her up.

  He hugged her briefly, kissed her on the forehead. “So how did it go? Did she give you any trouble?”

  The nurse laughed. “No trouble, but you’re going to have a lot of work to do with this one. She’s not going to be an easy subject.” Something about the word “subject” reminded Eileen of something that made her uncomfortable. What was it? She had the feeling she’d heard that word used that way, if she could just clear the fog from her head.

  “Her preliminary report is in the case, along with some additional items you’ll find useful. The doctor would like to see her when you get back from your honeymoon for a follow-up evaluation.”


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