Shattered Hearts (Shattered Series Book 2)

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Shattered Hearts (Shattered Series Book 2) Page 5

by Marilyn Williams

  “Hey, come in,” she said, swinging the door open.

  She appeared to be in an unusually upbeat mood.

  “Why are you in such a good mood?”

  “Why do you look like shit?” she retorted.

  “You first.”

  “Three of our much-needed grants were approved,” she said with a little dance.

  “That’s great,” Ramona mumbled.

  “Come here.” Lisa put her arm around Ramona and walked her over towards the bed. “Sit here.” She patted a spot on the bed.

  “I need advice.”


  Ramona explained that she has trouble trusting Xavier’s word when he says he doesn’t care about her past. Especially, when society does.

  “Why do you care? Since when other opinions matter?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s calling the donors all day and getting nowhere. Those people won’t even give me a chance and I think it’s causing me to be suspect anyone that does.”

  “Look, I told you before you exited those prison doors you have to reclaim your tough skin because the world has become crueler than ever.”

  “I know. It’s just that Xavier is someone I’m interested in and when I was honest with him, his response was not what I expected.”

  “What did he say?”

  “That he didn’t care.”

  “Is this someone you’ve known for a long time?”

  Ramona shifted her eyes downward in anticipation of her aunt’s response. “I met him like two or three days ago.”

  “Are you serious? Two days, Ramona?!”

  “I realize how that sounds.”

  Lisa shook her head in disbelief. “It’s your life to do with as you please. Regarding your question, you can only follow your instincts concerning this guy. If he sounded sincere about not caring about your past. Believe him. Believe him until he shows you differently. Move slow, don’t rush into anything too soon.”

  “I will. Thanks for listening.”

  “Anytime.” Lisa gave her niece a quick one-arm hug. “What’s this guy name?”

  “Xavier Powers. I met him through the guy from the club, Julius.”

  “Really?” Lisa sounded surprised. “I didn’t think you would call him.”

  “Blame it on boredom. One day I had nothing to do, so I reached out. I’m glad I did or I wouldn’t have met Xavier. Let me show you a picture of him. I snapped one when he was here the other day.”

  “Sure, let’s see it.”

  “I have it right here on my phone.” Ramona found the picture of Xavier on her Iphone and showed it to her aunt. She couldn’t tell if she approved or not. She had no expression.

  “He’s cute. Now I understand what drew you to him.”

  Ramona narrowed her eyes. What the hell does that mean? “He’s a really nice guy. He even sent roses this morning.”

  “Does this mean it’s over between you and Nick?”

  “Lisa, it’s been over between Nick and I. You’re the one that can’t let go,” said Ramona, walking towards the bedroom door.

  “You wasn’t there!” Lisa shouted. “That man called me daily to check on you. I spoke with him the morning you were set free and he insisted that I tell you he still loved you.”

  She paused before exiting the bedroom and gathered her composure before turning to face Lisa. “I understand you mean well. But, I don’t care.”

  “Urgh! You can be just as stubborn as your father.” Lisa walked over to her, placing both hands on her shoulder. “Look at me and listen.” Ramona did as she was told. “I don’t mean to be in your business. I really don’t but after your arrest Nick become a part of our family. We helped each other to remain strong through a trying time.” Ramona backed away from Lisa, she didn’t want to hear any more. Lisa gently grabbed her wrist. “Hear me out, please.”

  Ramona rolled her eyes. “Go ahead.”

  “I understand you may feel Nick is part of your past and you want to move forward with your life. I get that. But, don’t you think you owe him a chance at real closure. He never got that from you.”

  “Lisa, I don’t want to see him,” she said, almost whining. “I’m over him, please respect my decision.” The look on Lisa’s face was pure disappointed. She didn’t get where all this Nick love was coming from with her.

  “I’ll respect your decision if you answer one question for me.”

  “What is it?”

  “Do you find it odd that the first person you gravitated towards is a guy who looks just like Nick? They could be brothers.”

  Ramona turned away from Lisa and thought about the question. She thought about Xavier’s physical appearance, the way he spoke and his build. She saw no resemblance. “Xavier looks nothing like Nick,” she said, bluntly.

  “The chiseled jawline, dimples, curly black hair, slender muscular build — I would say that describes Nick minus the gray eyes.”

  She waved off her aunt’s observation. “I don’t see it.”

  “You don’t want to see it.”

  Ramona walked out of the room and closed Lisa’s door behind her. She stared down at the picture of Xavier and she saw exactly what Lisa sees. Xavier resembled the man who reminds her of a painful past. One she’s trying hard to move away from. She wants a new love in her life that represents her future. But, was her subconscious telling her something she doesn’t want to admit?


  Kelsey had kept her promise and done all she said she would. She insisted on planning the entire event from start to finish. Ramona advised Lisa of what she and Kelsey were doing, she gave her blessing. “If you think this is best. Take it and run with it. Just tell me when and where I need to show up.” That was all she said. Ramona gave Kelsey a thirty-day deadline, they’re two weeks away.

  “Everyone Rsvp’d, and I reconfirmed with the Parisian Hotel. Everything is a go,” said Kelsey, over the phone. Ramona was on her way to meet with Xavier. They’ve seen each other almost every day for the past three weeks.

  “Every donor will attend? Even Hunter Chase?”

  “Yes, Hunter Chase agreed to attend,”

  “How did you pull that off?” asked Ramona, adjusting her bluetooth in her ear.

  “Oh, I used my charming personality,” she laughed. “Seriously, I reminded him and the others they’ve been behind us since our inception and we are a phenomenal organization that provides an exceptional service to the community. I asked for them to give us one last chance to bring them back on board.”

  “You’re good.”

  “Thanks. All we need is for you to deliver.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “Are you on your way to Xavier’s place?”

  “Yep, I’m about two blocks away.”

  “For someone you thought wasn’t the one, you two are seeing a lot of each other.”

  “We are but I’m not ready for any labels.”

  “Still thinking about that lost love, huh?”

  “I gotta go. I’m pulling into his driveway.” Ramona hung up the phone and turned off the ignition. She hated that she got drunk and spoke of Nick. Although she didn’t mention him by name, just the mere thought of him in that manner bothered her. She reapplied her lipstick and smoothed down her hair before exiting. Xavier was waiting outside his door.

  “Did you hear me drive up?” she asked.

  “I was on the phone and I saw you through the window,” he said, before planting a kiss on her lips. “Rough day?”

  “No, I was discussing last minute event details with Kelsey. Why? Do I look out of sorts?”

  “Kind of. Come in, I have dinner ready for you.” Xavier lived in a quiet residential neighborhood five miles outside downtown. His home was a small three-bedroom house, with an open floor plan. She followed him towards the back of the house. He slid open the patio door and all Ramona could do was smile. “You did all this for me?” He had a table set for two, covered with a white linen tablecloth. There was a bott
le of white wine chilled in ice, red rose petals scattered on the ground, the cedar pergola had clear string lights wrapped around each of the four posts like vines of ivy, and to top it off he had soft jazz music playing on an outdoor speaker. It was spectacular.

  “You deserve a delightful meal underneath the

  stars,” he said.

  “This is too much, Xavier.”

  “No, it’s not. Now sit and I’ll serve dinner.”

  A few moments later he returned holding a plate in each hand, placing one in front of Ramona. “Thank you,” she said, inhaling an aroma so intense it made her stomach growl. “The food looks delicious.” He made seared salmon, steamed asparagus, and brown rice.

  “Thank you,” he said sitting adjacent from her.

  “Would you like a glass of wine?”

  “Yes, please,” she said grinning from ear to ear.

  “What’s with the smile?” he asked.

  “You seem unreal.”

  “I’m not doing anything special. Only treating you how all women deserve to be treated.”

  “Not in my experience. Either I’m second best, taken for granted, or have to fight another woman for my man’s affection,” she said, disgusted.

  “That won’t be your experience with me.”

  “That’s good to know.” Ramona stuff a fork full of rice and salmon into her mouth. “Another skill revealed. The food tastes as good as it looks.”

  “Thank you. Maybe you’ll let me cook for you again. What about tomorrow?”

  “Maybe,” she shrugged. “It depends on my schedule.”

  “We could have lunch together, instead.”

  Ramona placed her fork down on her half empty-plate. “What’s up with you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Xavier, I enjoy my time with you, but we don’t have to spend all of our free time together.”

  He reached over and placed her hands in his. “I want to cook for you, hold you when you’ve had a bad day, simply provide you with the experiences you deserve.”

  Ramona took a deep breath as she tried to absorb the words she heard. “So, what does any of that mean?”

  “It means that I would like for us to date exclusively.”

  She removed her hands from his grasp and took a sip of wine. “I just got my life back. I’m not ready for anything serious.”

  Xavier placed both hands on the table and forcibly pushed his chair away. He did so with such force the table shook. Without a word, he stood and cleared the table. Just as Ramona was about to place her wine glass down, he snatched it from her hand. “What’s your problem?” she asked.

  He wouldn’t look at her, he instead walked into the house. She followed behind him. “Xavier, I’m sorry if that’s not what you wanted to hear. But, I’m not ready to be tied down to one person. I like the way we are now.”

  She watched as he slammed the dirty dishes into the sink causing her to jump from the sound of the plates hitting the steel bottom. “Xavier! Why are you upset?”

  “Do you think I like wasting my time?” It sounded more like an accusation instead of a question.

  “What are you talking about? I thought you agreed to the pace of our relationship.”

  Xavier remained quiet and within an instant, the anger in his eyes dissolved and replaced with a quiet calmness. “Can you stay the night?” he asked. He pulled her closer to him. The whiplash change in attitude confused her.

  “I can’t. I have to be to work early.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the lips. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have reacted that way. You asked for time and I’ll give it to you.”

  Ramona wasted no time getting away from Xavier and his dual personalities. She saw a side of him she never wants to witness again. The entire drive home she thought about if pursuing a relationship is what she really wanted. She didn’t need the drama from him because she had enough of her own.


  Ramona arrived home feeling uneasy about the night’s events. The change in Xavier’s demeanor was bewildering. Although they’ve known each for a short time, she considered herself a good judge of character. He has shown her nothing but patience and kindness. Whatever is going on with him, it was enough to give her second thoughts. She parked her car in the four-car garage. She’s still driving her aunt’s car instead of the one Nick had bought. The black Audi S5 remain parked on the far right end of the garage. Some people would see only a car. Not her, it’s a symbol of a past she doesn’t want to relive. For whatever reason, Lisa refuses to let go of that symbol or the past. Even after several requests to sell, she refused. “You’ll regret it one day.” Is what she had said.

  Ramona opened the interior garage door that led into the kitchen. It was past midnight, and she expected to enter a dark house because Lisa was an early bird. She was always in bed before eleven, no matter what. That’s why it was a shock to find her sitting at the kitchen island typing away on her laptop. “What are doing up?” Ramona asked, placing her purse on the counter. “Kelsey sent me a copy of your speech and I’m nixing it. It’s unnecessary.”

  “The main purpose of the gala was to convince our elite donors to continue to give,” said Ramona.

  “There’s a better way to make that happen without you begging to give us a second chance. I can’t believe you agreed to this.”

  “It’s not your fault these people have turned their backs on you because of me.”

  “And it’s not yours either. Ramona, I don’t have to tell you people will always judge you, past or no past.”

  “I know.”

  “Your job is to simply not care. You did your time and have changed your life around. You are no longer that angry young woman who avenged her father’s death. I know, because I’ve seen the transformation.”

  She appreciated her aunt’s kind words, but it didn’t make her feel any better.

  “Our sole job at the gala is to present the facts. We have longevity, success, and the legacy of your father on our side. That’s all we need.”

  “I don’t know. When I met with Hunter Chase, he believed you have tarnished my father’s legacy.”

  “He’s a prick, ignore him,” smirked Lisa. “I already sent Kelsey my revisions, and I sent you a copy as well.”

  “You’re the boss. I’ll follow your lead.”

  “I realize you and Kelsey have become friends. Just be careful with her.”

  “That’s the second time I’ve gotten the impression that something is not right between you two.”

  Lisa removed her reading glasses and placed them beside her laptop. She let out a long-winded sigh before speaking. “We used to be close at one time. Although she is young, she’s ambitious, and it almost landed her a seat on the board. That’s how much confidence I had in her.”

  “What changed?”

  “Her ambition got the best of her.” Lisa suddenly had a faraway look on her face as if she was recalling a memory. Moments later she placed Ramona’s hand in hers. “You remind me so much of Michael.”

  “Really? How?”

  “It’s the little things. Your smile, stubbornness, but most of all your heart.”

  “My heart? Most would call me heartless.”

  “Those people don’t know you. The ones you let in get a glimpse of it and the love you have to offer.”

  Here we go again. Ramona was counting the seconds until she mentioned Nick. One, two, three…

  “That’s why Nick can’t let go. He knows your heart.”

  There was no winning with Lisa. Her only recourse was to steer the conversation elsewhere. “Do you mind if I change the subject?”

  “Sure, if you’ll agree to think about reaching out to Nick.”

  “You’re relentless!” she laughed. “Can we discuss Rhonda for a minute?”

  “I know you want to reach out to her but you can’t.”

  “It’s not that. I feel guilty about her still serving time and I’m

  Lisa closed her laptop and folded her arms across her chest. “What would you like to do?”

  “For starters, we can hire a real attorney for her.”

  “I understand she’s your friend and you want to do right by her. But, you must remember that you did not force her to do anything, and you certainly did not make her plea guilty.”

  “I know, but…”

  “What I can do is have an attorney review her case and determine if there are grounds for an appeal. I don’t want you to get your hopes up and think we can get her out. The most you can hope for is a reduced sentence.”

  “Anything would be better than thirty years. It’s not fair that she got that much time and I’m out in five and a half.” Ramona frowned. “I guess it’s true when they say there’s a different justice system for the rich.”

  “I’ll do whatever I can for your friend.”

  “Thank you and update me with any progress.”

  “Will do, niece.”


  It was a sunny Saturday afternoon and Ramona just completed a morning of retail therapy. The gala was five days away, and it was the perfect excuse to purchase a new outfit and an expensive pair of shoes. She still hasn’t gotten used to having a bank account with a six-figure account balance. Whoever said money doesn’t equal happiness lied. She never wants to return to the days of insufficient funds, overdrawn checking account, or juggling bills. This life was way better.

  She placed her shopping bags down by the front door and dropped her keys on the entry table. A nice tall glass of Chef Ritz fresh lemonade was what she craved. Ramona proceeded towards the kitchen and when she passed the living room, she thought she saw someone in the living room from the corner of her eyes. She turned around and there was Xavier sitting on the couch watching the television with the volume on mute. “Xavier? What are you doing here?”

  “Hey, baby,” he said standing up. “I’m glad you finally made it home.”

  Ramona glared at him unamused, with her nostrils flaring. “How did you get in here?”


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