Shattered Hearts (Shattered Series Book 2)

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Shattered Hearts (Shattered Series Book 2) Page 6

by Marilyn Williams

  “Your housekeeper let me in. I told her you were expecting me.”

  “Xavier, you can’t pop up…”

  “Listen,” he interrupted and stepped towards her, “last night I was not myself and I want to apologize.”

  “You could have called.”

  “And you wouldn’t have picked up. So, I drove over here to say I’m sorry in person.”

  Ramona rolled her eyes and shook her head with irritation. “Fine, I accept your apology but next time call first.” She invited him to sit poolside with her while they both enjoyed a tall glass of lemonade. Afterward, he suggested they jump into the pool. She changed into a leopard print two-piece. He stripped down to his boxers and leaped in. The couple played by taking turns splashing each other like two school kids. Xavier then lifted himself up and sat on the edge of the pool. Ramona followed and swam towards him, leveraging herself up on his legs. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips. She stared at him and thought of the one thing she would never admit out loud. They lacked sexual chemistry. She enjoyed being with him. He’s attractive, and the sex is adequate but it doesn’t compare to what she’s had before. She knows what passion and love feels like and her feelings for him were nowhere close.

  “What are your plans for the night?” he asked, helping her out the pool.

  “I haven’t thought about it. I guess go over last minute plans for the gala,” she said, drying herself off.


  “I didn’t tell you? It’s a work thing I have to attend.”

  “If it’s gala you’re attending, then I’m sure you need a date.”

  Ramona rubbed the towel through her hair. “No. I’m going with my aunt. We’ll be working.”

  “So this is about your aunt? The one who wants you back with your ex.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “What are you talking about? My ex has nothing to do with this.” She threw the towel on the chair and walked off when Xavier grabbed her by the arm. He grasps her arm so tight that his fingernails dug into her skin.

  “Ow! You’re hurting me.”

  That only made him grasp tighter. “She wants you back with him and you’re listening to her. That’s why you pushed me away last night! Isn’t it?!”

  With her free arm she tried pushing him off of her. “You better get your damn hands off of me and get out of my house!” He held her tighter for another second before releasing her. She watched as he grabbed his clothes and left through the side gate. She ran to the front of the house and watched him drive off. Ramona glanced down at her arm and was thankful there wasn’t any lasting marks. This was the last straw after his behavior today, she had to cut him loose.


  The charity gala at the Parisian Hotel was well underway. The ballroom's decor was spectacular in a coordinating palette of cream, white, and gold. Not the tacky twenty-four karat gold, but more like champagne. Kelsey’s team had outdone themselves. There was a live quartet band, an intimate dance floor, and lots of alcohol. The seating was strategic. Two consistent donors sat at each table with the donors who bowed out. It was an effort to convince them to open their wallets. Because Lisa valued each of her employees they sat in the front at designated VIP tables. The evening began by thanking everyone for attending and assuring them by the end of the evening they would have reconsidered their thoughts of the charity. Next, an emotional short video played highlighting the hard work the charity had done from its inception to present day. It ended with an image of Michael Pennington, along with a quote from a news interview. How can anyone in good conscious fall asleep at night, without helping at least one person in need? Seeing her father up on the screen and watching everyone stand in unison in applause made her both proud and sad. Proud to be his daughter, but heartbroken he wasn’t with her.

  As the evening progressed, it was one emotional testimony after another from recipients who benefited from the charity’s resources. There was one story that tugged at Ramona’s heart causing several tears to cascade down her cheek. It was about a young girl who was diagnosed with a benign spinal cord tumor who had no insurance or access to adequate medical treatment. The Helping Hand stepped in and connected her family with doctors that not only removed the tumor but also provided follow-up care for a year.

  Once the band played and several guests were on the dance floor, Ramona retrieved her compact mirror from her purse to check her face. Her reflection revealed red-stained eyes with smeared makeup, causing her to exit to the ladies’ room. The scent of vanilla invaded her nose as she opened the door to the restroom. To her delight, it was empty; she wanted to be alone and not engage in mindless small talk. The night was more emotional than expected. She hoped the rest of the evening was lighter and filled with fun. With her puff pad in hand, she touched up her face and reapplied her nude shade of lipstick. Not wanting to return to the ballroom she wasted time by checking her phone for any missed messages. There were three from Xavier. All were apologizing for his behavior and begging her to call him. She hadn’t spoken to him since the day he acted an ass at her house. By now, she thought he would’ve caught a clue she needed space but that’s a man for you. As she continued to scroll through her phone, she heard footsteps enter the restroom. There were three steps, then silence. Ramona glanced over her shoulder and there was Hunter Chase turning the lock on the door. She didn’t panic or blink an eye. “What are you doing in here? Are you too drunk to realize you’re in the ladies room?” she asked, approaching him.

  “I know who you are,” he said pointing a finger with one hand. Spilling his drink with the other.

  “Who am I?” she asked, raising a brow.

  “You’re that killer! Except, you didn’t kill anyone only tried.” He stumbled towards her.

  Ramona backed away, but he came closer grabbing a fistful of her curly locks. It was more of an annoying gesture than harmful. “I know all about you, Ramona Vasquez.”

  She slapped his hand away. “Stay away from me!” She pushed him aside, which caused him to fall into one of the bathroom stalls. Before he could stand up she unlocked the restroom’s door, running into three women outside the door who must’ve been trying to get in. “Don’t go in! There’s a drunk man in a stall,” she warned.

  “Oh, my!” The older woman said. “I’ll notify security.”

  “I’ll handle it. My organization is holding a function here, and he’s one of our guests.” All three thanked her and made their way further down the hall to another restroom. Ramona found security but by the time they returned Hunter had disappeared. The night had now turned sour. If Hunter's behavior was any indication, high society was not interested in second chances. Now was a good time to leave. She sent Lisa a quick text explaining her absence and what happened with Hunter. Her aunt responded by asking her not to leave because there’s something she had to see. What was she up to now? Ramona opened the doors to the ballroom, scanned the room for Lisa and that’s when she saw him. Nick. Right before her eyes, standing less than a foot away. She stood motionless as her heart dropped into her stomach. Her breathing had gone from smooth and steady to rapid like someone on the verge of bursting into tears. Her mind was a mixed bowl of emotions. It surprised her. She didn’t know if she should cry, yell, or become overjoyed. They locked eyes as he stepped closer towards her and she remained paralyzed in her motions. Within seconds, he was close enough she could smell his cologne. Her favorite scent, a mix of citrus and sandalwood. He placed his arms around her, holding her in a tight embrace. “Hi, sweetheart. It’s good to see you,” he whispered in her ear. Ramona closed her eyes briefly, inhaling his warm scent and allowing the sound of his voice make her heart skip a beat. She returned his embrace, holding him just as tight with their bodies pressed together. Everyone in the room had disappeared, except the two of them. She no longer heard the band playing or the chatter among the guests. Instead, it was her and Nick in their own bubble. “What are you doing here?” she asked, not able to take her eyes off of him.
Years later, he was just as handsome. Same beautiful chiseled face, same muscular frame, still dressed to impress, there was only one difference. He had a beard. Not the scruffy kind, it was well groomed and fitting.

  “Lisa invited me,” he said, as he pulled away from their embrace. “She mentioned you would be here, and I came hoping to run into you.”

  “Of course, she did,” she scoffed. It delighted Ramona to see him, something she’ll never admit to her aunt. However, she was wrong to blindside her this way.

  “I guess you’re not happy to see me.” He frowned.

  “It’s not that.” She tried hard to hold it together, but she could feel the wetness from the tears forming in her eyes. “Everything about tonight has been unexpected.”

  “Are you referring to me or something else?”

  Ramona nervously placed strands of hair behind her ear. After getting over the shock of seeing him, she suddenly felt a rush of nerves. Instead of answering his question, she diverted her eyes to floor.

  “You look just as beautiful as ever,” he said, breaking the silence.

  “Thank you. You look good too.” This was a man she lived with, loved at one point and the vibe was awkward as hell. She could see in Nick’s face he also sensed the weirdness between them.

  “Well, I realize you have to work the room. So, I won’t keep you. Let me give you my number...”

  “Nick, no,” she interrupted. “It’s great seeing you. It really is, but I don’t think we should keep in touch.”

  “Why not?”

  Ramona fought back the tears in her eyes. “What we had is over. We can’t go back. I’m sorry.” She rushed off leaving Nick where he stood and headed straight for Lisa. “What the hell was that?!” Ramona said through clenched teeth.

  Lisa looked at her wide-eyed and pulled her slightly to the side. “Whatever it is can wait. I’m in the middle of procuring a donation.”

  “I don’t care!”

  Lisa excused herself from the guests and pulled Ramona to a secluded corner. “What has gotten into you?”

  “Oh, we’re playing innocent? I ran into Nick who said you invited him.”

  Lisa smiled slightly with a looked of accomplishment. “How was it? I mean, running into him.”

  “Lisa, you need to wipe that smile off your face because this isn’t remotely funny. Don’t ever blindside me again!” she warned.

  “Whoa! Let’s bring your tone down a notch. I will not apologize. He wanted to see you and even if you won’t admit it you did too. Whatever happens now is out of my hands.”

  “I can’t be here.” Ramona stormed out with Kelsey chasing behind her. “Ramona! Ramona wait up!” was what she heard but didn’t bother turning around. That didn’t stop her, she caught up to Ramona at the hotel’s entrance.

  “Hey, wait! Why are you leaving?” she asked, out of breath.

  “Not now, Kelsey. I’ll see you in the morning.” Ramona requested her car from the young valet. She hoped she didn’t run into anyone else. The last thing she felt like doing was explaining her exit. Lisa betrayed her trust, but she was right. Although, it thrilled her to see Nick, right beneath the happiness were painful memories.

  On her drive home, she replayed their embrace, his voice, and his handsome face over and over in her mind. She almost forgot Hunter had accosted her in the ladies’ room. It definitely turned out to be one unforgettable night.


  The gala was a success. Fifty percent of the donors who initially backed away had changed their minds by the end of the night. Does Kelsey care about any of that? No. There was one thing on her mind and before Ramona could grab a cup of coffee she was in her office. Waiting. “What happened last night? Why did you run off?”

  When she left the gala early Ramona knew that she would be questioned by her but not at nine in the morning. She’ll get the twenty questions over with because if she doesn’t she won’t be able to get rid of her. “I ran into my ex last night,” she blurted.

  “Your ex?”

  “Yes, the one Lisa is in love with.”


  “I’ve never told you but I have an ex that Lisa adores. So, last night she invited him to gala without telling me.”

  Kelsey sat quietly. Her expression was one of someone who confused. Instead of clarifying a word, Ramona took time to read over her emails on her laptop.

  “Is this the guy you were emotional over that day at the bar?”

  “No. I had a few drinks in me but I would remember if I was emotional.”

  “But, you did!” Kelsey said excitedly. “You told me about a guy that got away and you loved him and I said you need to give Xavier a chance instead.”

  “I would remember that.” Ramona has learned in the short time she has known Kelsey that she had a way of twisting the facts. “What we had was over a long time ago. Lisa wants us to be together but that can’t happen.”

  “Why not?”

  “Too much pain.”

  “How did you feel when you saw him? Be honest, what was your first emotion.”

  Ramona knew the answer right away, and she needed someone to talk to about it. Lisa wasn’t an option so that left her nosy co-worker. “I didn’t realize how much I missed him. When we hugged I wanted to kiss him, but I didn’t.”

  “I can tell you mean that.”

  “I do. It’s one of those things where two people love each other but it’s not enough to be together.”

  “Where does this leave Xavier?”

  “We’re taking a break for now.”

  “Can I give you some advice?”

  “Can I stop you?”

  “No,” she laughed. “Take your time and really digest what happened last night. Some of us never get another shot at love.”

  Ramona nodded her head in agreement. “Thanks for listening.”

  Later that day, Lisa summoned Ramona to her office. She hoped this wasn’t another ambush. If so, she was ready to tell her meddling aunt to mind her business for the hundredth time. Ramona didn’t bother to knock when she reached her office. She opened the door and there was Hunter Chase. Sober. “Can you please close the door behind you Ramona?” requested Lisa. She and Hunter were sitting in the meeting area of Lisa’s office. It was a small round table with four chairs. They were sitting across from each. Instead, of sitting dead smack between them. Ramona opted to stand. “You don’t want to sit?” asked Lisa.

  “No. This won’t take long. Did he mention what he did last night?”

  “That’s why he’s here.” Lisa looked over at Hunter. “We had a long chat about how his actions were inappropriate and if it was anyone else, I would’ve reported him to the police.”

  Ramona stood with her arms folded across her chest, she knew exactly where this was going. At the end of the day, it’s about the money.

  “Ms. Vasquez, I’m truly sorry,” said Hunter.

  “Oh, now I’m Ms. Vasquez. Last night I was a killer, isn’t that what you called me?” she asked, angrily.

  “I think we’re getting off track,” said Lisa. “Hunter came to apologize and also present us with a check for one million dollars.

  “Yes, here it is,” he said handing it to Ramona. She snatched it out of his hands. For a second she thought about tearing it into pieces. Lisa must’ve read her mind because she almost tripped trying to get it out of her hands.

  “Hunter, we thank you for your generosity. I need to speak with my niece in private if you don’t mind.”

  Ramona paced the floor, waiting for Hunter to leave. She was fuming at the thought of Lisa kissing that man’s ass for a check. As soon as the door closed, Ramona didn’t hold back. “First, you ambush me with Nick and the following morning you take the side of the man who attacked me in the restroom!”

  “Don’t you think you’re exaggerating a bit,” Lisa said, sitting behind her desk.

  “No! He attacked my character. He called me a killer and grabbed my hair.”

  Lisa exhale
d sharply. “There was no harm done, and he’s sorry.”

  “As long as you get your check, that’s what matters, right?”

  “Oh, grow up, niece! This place can’t run on magical beans. It cost real money to run a charity and pay employees. If I thought for one moment that man harmed you I would’ve reported his ass to the police. But, I know you can handle yourself against someone like him. So, if he wants to clear his conscience by writing us a big fat check, I’ll take it. I think I have proven that I have your back.”

  “I know,” mumbled Ramona. She instantly felt bad for going off on the one person who has stood by her. Deep down her anger was with herself over the reaction to Nick. It had nothing to do with Lisa. “Do you mind if I leave early?”

  “That’s fine. Are we good?”



  The following week Xavier had either texted or called Ramona begging to see her. She had responded once by stating she needed more time to think. She wished he would stop reaching out to her, but she's failed to tell him so. Instead, she’s strung him along as her backup plan. Anyone else would have cut him off long ago because of his aggressive attitude, but not her. She needed him to act as her buffer. A shield or sort to prevent her from acting on the thoughts of the one man who has occupied her mind, Nick Corley. Although, she hadn’t seen or spoken to him since the gala, that hasn’t made her think of him any less. When she fell asleep, she reminisced about the past, on her drive to work she had entertained the thought of being with him again. She’s torn and doesn’t know what to do.

  Ten days of pushing Xavier away brought her to her senses. Ramona realized she could no longer allow thoughts of Nick to screw with her mind. He’s part of her past and there’s no future between them. Xavier is available, and he wants to be with her. There’s no better way to get over a man than in the arms of another. No time like the present. Ramona put on a pair of ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers. She grabbed her phone and purse and headed out the door.


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