Shattered Hearts (Shattered Series Book 2)

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Shattered Hearts (Shattered Series Book 2) Page 7

by Marilyn Williams

  The closer she drove to his house the more nervous she became. Although, he’s apologized for grabbing her they hadn’t had a real conversation about it. “Hey, what are you doing?” she said into her bluetooth.


  “Who else would it be? Are you busy, I was thinking of stopping by.”

  “No, I’m not busy at all,” he said excitedly. “How long until you here?”

  “I’m a few blocks away.”

  Ten minutes later, he was standing at his door waiting for her with a grin on his face. “I know I’ve been distant, lately. I had a lot to think about.” explained Ramona.

  He placed his arms around her. “I should have never allowed my anger to get the best of me. Once again, I apologize,” replied Xavier.

  “Apology accepted. But, you can never behave that way again or I’m done.”


  She followed him inside. “Would you like something to drink?” he asked, as Ramona sat down on his plush tan sectional in the living room. “No, I’m fine.”

  “Give me a sec to grab a beer. I’ll be right back.”

  She watched as he walked off into the kitchen and thought to herself if she was doing the right thing. He wasn’t all bad. It’s like he had two sides to his personality. There’s the sweet, easy to talk to, and generous side. Then there’s the side who can’t control his anger.

  “What made you come over?” asked Xavier, who returned with a Heineken in hand.

  “Last time we saw each other we never discussed what initially caused the discord between us. You had suggested that we put a label on our relationship and I didn’t want to.”

  “And now?”

  She paused and watched him take a sip of his beer. Damn, he resembles Nick! However, the one glaring difference between them was Xavier was unattached and carried no baggage she had to compete with.

  “Hello… Ramona,” he said waving his hand in her face, disrupting her thoughts.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll be right back.” She abruptly ran to the bathroom down the hall, shutting the door behind her. She couldn’t tell him what he wanted to hear because once she agreed to move forward with Xavier, she’s closing the door on Nick.

  “Honey, are you okay?” he asked, knocking on the door.

  “Yeah, I’ll be out in a sec.” She stared at her reflection in the mirror and took a deep breath. She smoothed down her hair before opening the bathroom door. He was standing in the hall waiting on her.

  “I’m sorry…”

  “Stop,” he said, placing his hand on her shoulder. “You’re reacting to what happened at your house. I scared you and now you’re having second thoughts about us. As you should. I behaved poorly and it’ll take time for you feel comfortable around me again.”

  “I’m glad you understand,” she said with a faint smile. He led her back to the sofa in the living room. Xavier placed his beer down on the coffee table and scooted closer to her. “We don’t have to have a heavy commitment. For now, we’ll go with the flow and if either one of us wants a change, we can do it without hard feelings.”

  “You’re okay with that?”

  “I’m okay with anything that keeps you in my life.” He put his arm around her, pulling her into an embrace. Ramona lifted her head upward and planted a kiss on his lips. “Why don’t we take this into the bedroom,” he suggested between kisses. She shook her head in agreement and he didn’t hesitate to lead her into his room. They sensually kissed each other as they removed the other’s clothing. Naked, he picked her up and placed her on the bed. Ramona had no regrets about her decision. She and Nick had their chance, and it’s now over. Her thoughts were only on Xavier as he made love to her.

  As she laid in his arms, a peaceful calm came over her. No longer was her mind consumed with memories of the past. Instead, she felt excitement for what the future held. “Hey, I have to get going,” she said, sliding into her jeans.


  “I have an early morning staff meeting.”

  “I’ll walk you out.”

  “Wait a minute,” smiled Ramona. “This is usually the point where you ask me to spend the night?”

  “I want to, but I’ve resisted the urge. I promised no pressure, and I mean it.”

  He walked her to her car. “I’ll call you before I go to bed,” she said, kissing him goodbye.

  “Okay, drive safely.”

  Ramona arrived home to find an unfamiliar sports car parked in front of the house. She didn’t think twice about it because Lisa always had guests over. After parking in the garage, she walked towards the front door instead of entering through the kitchen. It was more likely Lisa and her guest would be in the kitchen than near the front door. Her aunt loved to show off her cooking skills whenever she had someone over.

  She walked the path alongside the driveway that led to the front door. She glanced over at the sports car that sat yards away from the home’s entrance. It was a black Mercedes convertible with a red leather interior. Nice car! Ramona inserted the key into the keyhole before she could turn to unlock the door someone on the other side opened it. “Nick! What are you doing here?” she asked, startled. Lisa was standing right behind him. She avoided eye contact with Ramona.

  “I came here to see you and before you blame Lisa she had nothing to do with it.” He stepped a side and opened the door wider. “I’ll give you guys a moment to talk,” said Lisa walking away.

  “Hold up! Is this your doing?” asked Ramona, closing the door behind her.

  “No. He came over two hours ago. I told him you weren’t here, he insisted on waiting.”

  “It true,” he said, flashing his dimples that drove her crazy. Lisa said goodnight and retreat upstairs.

  “Let’s talk outside,” Ramona suggested.

  He followed her to the porch. “Before you dig into me about just showing up. I had to see you.”

  “Why? I told you at the gala we shouldn’t keep in touch.”

  “You did. But, I haven’t stop thinking about you since that night,” he said, reaching for her hand. She stepped backward. There had to be an appropriate amount of distance between them. It was necessary for her to remain strong. That means no touching, hugging, or inhaling his scent.

  “I only want to talk. Just a chance to catch-up.”

  “Five minutes. I have an early morning.”

  “Five minutes it is. Well, how have you been?”

  “Fine, it’s good to be home.”

  “Lisa told me you’re doing well working with her. That’s great.”

  “I like it. Something different. What about you? Are you still working as a business consultant?”

  “I’m in a completely different industry.”

  “Really? What’s your new passion?” she asked, feeling more relaxed.

  “Commercial real estate. I’m a property developer.”

  “Real estate? That doesn’t sound like you.”

  “I’m not a real estate agent; I develop properties. More specifically, I rehab old or abandon buildings and turn them into condos or an office building. It’s been very lucrative.”

  Ramona nodded her head in an approving manner. “Sounds interesting. Speaking of condos, do you still have yours downtown?”

  Nick shook his head no. “I sold it after the divorce and bought a house. It’s not as big as this.” Pointing towards Ramona’s home. “It’s enough for me since I’m a bachelor.”

  Was that his way of letting me know he’s single? “So, no girlfriend? Or wife number two?”

  “Nope. What about you?”

  “Huh?” Trying to evade the question.

  “You heard me. Are you dating anyone?”

  “Yes,” she admitted. Nick shifted his eyes away from her with a pained look upon his face. It wasn’t the answer he wanted, but she had to be honest.

  “I’m not surprised. I only hope you’re happy.”

  “I am.”

  Nick reached into his wallet and ret
rieved a business card. “I won’t show up here again. I only needed to know you’re okay. Here’s my card.” He placed it into her hand. “It has both my office and cell number on it. I want you to call me if you ever need anything.” Still holding onto her hand, he stared into her eyes. “I know you’ve moved on. But, I can’t lie and say I’m happy for you. You have my heart and I will always be here for you.” He stepped forward and kissed her on the cheek. Without saying another word, Ramona watched as he got into his car and drove off.


  “When you said this place was out of the way you weren’t kidding,” said Kelsey.

  Ramona and Kelsey were meeting at a small family-style restaurant on the North side of town. “I found this place by accident. You have to try their baked chicken breast, very juicy and delicious.”

  “That’s an excellent way to distract me from my nerves. I don’t know why I allowed you talk me into a blind date.”

  “It’s not a blind date, so relax. Julius is really sweet, and I thought you two would get along.”

  “So, you said he’s a graphic designer, right?” asked Kelsey, checking her face with her mirror.

  “Yes, he moved here from Atlanta and he works with Xavier.”

  “How are you two? I mean you haven’t mentioned your lost love lately, so I assumed you didn’t take my advice.”

  “You mean your advice about another shot at love?”

  “Of course.”

  “I wallowed in memories and seriously considered going down that road. Thankfully, I came to my senses and stuck it out with Xavier.”

  “Good. How do I look?” Kelsey faced Ramona and gave a toothy grin. “Do I have lipstick on my teeth?”

  “No, and you look great. Relax.”

  Ten minutes later the hostess ushered Julius to their table. He was grinning from ear to ear. Ramona hadn’t told him that Kelsey would join them. “Hi Mona,” he said, eyeing Kelsey the entire time.

  “Julius, long time no see.” She stood up to hug him. “This is my friend Kelsey.”

  “Hi,” smiled Kelsey.

  Over dinner, Kelsey and Julius took over the conversation. It was as if Ramona was invisible. She knew they would hit it off because of their similarities. In appearance, personality, and their apparent love for superheroes. One day Kelsey shared that she loved superhero comic books, and it reminded her of Julius. Only because the two times they had gone out, he wore a Superman t-shirt.

  “How’s the job going, Julius? Still loving it?”

  “Love is an understatement. The best decision I made was to move to Houston. I work with some of the best people.”

  “Like Xavier?”


  “Xavier Powers. Remember, you introduced us the night you invited me to meet your co-workers.”

  Julius shook his head no. “Mona, I don’t know who you’re speaking of?”

  “You’re joking, right?”


  Ramona looked over at Kelsey in hopes she could shed light on what was happening, but knew she couldn’t. She then remembered she had pictures of Xavier on her phone. “I have a picture of him. Let me show you.” Ramona placed her phone in front of him with a picture of Xavier from the day after she had met him. “Okay, I remembered him. Cheyenne was interested in him.”

  Ramona let out a breath. “For a minute there I thought you were implying he doesn’t work with you.”

  Julius took a swig of his beer and place the bottle on the table. “I remember him from that night. But, he doesn’t work with me or the company.”

  “I’m pretty sure your company has many divisions. He could work in another department,” said Kelsey.

  “It’s a small office and I know almost everyone. That night before you arrived Cheyenne invited him and the other guy he was with to our table. He and his friend were already at the club before we arrived. I can see how you thought we all worked together.”

  Ramona stared at the picture of Xavier wondering why he lied. “I thought you all worked together because he told me he did. I know what he said.” Just then Ramona’s phone rung. It was Xavier. “Excuse me guys, I’ll take this outside.” Ramona answered the phone before it went to voicemail. “Hold on. I need to get somewhere quieter.” Ramona walked to her parked car on the side of the building. She wanted complete privacy when she spoke with him. “Hello, Xavier. I can talk now.”

  “Where are you?” he asked

  “I’m out with Kelsey and your co-worker Julius.” Ramona remained silent to see how he would respond.

  “Are you having fun?”

  “I thought I would bring them together because I knew they would hit it off.”

  “At least he won’t be sniffing after you anymore.”

  “We settled that ages ago. He’s aware we can only be friends.”

  “Anyway, are you coming by? Or can I come to you?”

  “Not today. I’m leaving here soon. By the time I get home, I’ll be pretty tired. What if I call you before I go to bed?”

  “So you rather hang out with them instead of spending time with me?” he asked in an accusatory tone.

  “That’s not what I said at all.”

  “Then come over.”

  “I said no! I have to go. I’ll call you later.”

  She exited her car and couldn’t wait to get back to the table with Kelsey and Julius. “Ramona?!” said a female voice.

  Ramona turned around and looked at the short petite blond behind her. She looked familiar but not enough to place her face. “It’s me, Amber,” she said excitedly. There was only one Amber she has ever known, and that was when she lived with her grandmother. “Amber Porter?” Ramona asked cautiously.

  “Yes!” she screamed and ran over to give Ramona a hug. “I was next door getting takeout. Wow! It’s been how many years?”

  “Since we were fifteen. I’m surprised you recognized me.”

  “You still look the same. Older but your face hasn’t changed much.”

  “You have. I barely recognize you with the blond hair. I remember you as a brunette.”

  “Yeah, I prefer it this way. So, how have you been? We last saw each other right before your grandma passed. One day you were there and the next you were gone.”

  “Where do I begin? I ran away after my grandmother died. I stayed with friends until I was sent to detention for three years.”

  “With that crowd we ran with I’m not surprised you ended up in a little trouble.”

  “That’s so true,” sighed Ramona. “I have friends waiting for me inside. I would love to catch up. I’ll give you my number and we’ll hook up soon.”

  “Alright.” The ladies exchanged numbers and Ramona headed back inside the bar.

  “Was that him?” asked Kelsey, before Ramona could to sit down. “Yeah and I told him I was here with his co-worker, Julius.”


  “And nothing. He moved the conversation along.”

  “Why didn’t you call him out on his lies?” asked Julius.

  “I will. Now is not the time.”

  Ramona stayed for another hour. Kelsey and Julius left together to go to a club. She had sent Ramona a text thanking her for introducing her to such a great guy. When she arrived home, she heard voices coming from the upstairs game room. It was the room closest to the stairs that included a pool table, television, and reclining chairs. Ramona never used it, she wasn’t much of a pool player. One voice she heard was clearly Lisa’s. The other one she recognized but hoped she was wrong. She raced upstairs, whipped around the corner to the first door on the left. When she entered, it shocked her to see Lisa and Xavier playing pool. Xavier’s back was to the door, so he didn’t notice her. Lisa saw her right away. “Hi. Your friend took me up on a game of pool,” she said.

  Xavier turned and faced Ramona with a smile on his face.

  “He mentioned that he played and I challenged him. He’s not bad, but I‘m kicking his butt.”

  “Lisa, do
you mind if I talk to Xavier alone, please?” asked Ramona, never taking her eyes off of him. They both waited until Lisa exited the room before speaking. He opened his mouth but she beat him to the punch. “What the hell are you doing here?” Her purse swayed in her trembling hands. She was so angry she wanted to knock him upside his head with it. He better had a good explanation for being in her home.

  Xavier stepped closer towards her with his arms out. Like he was waiting for an embrace. “I came to see you.”

  Ramona backed away. “But, I told you I would call. We already had a conversation about you popping up here. You can’t just show up at my home anytime you please.”

  “Why not?” he asked narrowing his eyes. “Something going on over here you don’t want me to know about?”

  “No, and it’s none of your business what I do in my home. You have no right questioning me?”

  “You’re overreacting, baby. After we hung up, I thought I would surprise you by coming over. We could hang out and watch a movie.”

  “I don’t think so.” Ramona shook her head in disbelief. This was beyond ridiculous. He promised he wouldn’t do this again, but here they are again. “You need to leave.”

  “I’m not going anywhere!” he said, raising his voice. His tone startled her, she backed further away from him, but he grabbed her arm, pulling her into an unwanted embrace. She wasn’t in the mood for any cuddling, kissing, or anything else. She only wanted him away from her. “Move, get off of me!” Ramona pushed him away. “Can you please leave?”

  “Leave? I drove all this way and you can’t spend time with me?”

  “I’m serious, Xavier. I told you I was tired when we spoke earlier.”

  He pulled her towards him and kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll leave.” He grabbed his phone off the edge of the pool table. He placed his thumb underneath Ramona’s chin, lifting her head upward. “I get that you’re tired. But, the next time I make a forty-minute drive to your house I expect you to receive me properly.” She pushed his hand away and watched him as he left. Surprisingly, she’s become used to his attitude. He had more mood swings than a female. After he left, she showered and changed into her pajamas. It was only seven at night, but she was dead tired. In the mood for a snack, she planned to raid the kitchen and retreat to her bedroom.


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