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Alien General's Beloved: SciFi Alien Romance (Brion Brides)

Page 23

by Vi Voxley

  "What happened to them?" Worgen asked, his voice completely calm despite the fact Lana had just called him an idiot in a roundabout way.

  She wondered if he caught it. Also, if she was suicidal to talk like that to him.

  "Faren is one of the generals you'll have to face. Gawen is dead."

  "Pity," Worgen said, "he sounded like one of the only reasonable Brions left. His brother is a coward."

  Lana wondered if anyone had ever called the Monster of Briolina that. Or lived to tell the tale if they had. Probably not.

  Worgen questioned her about Briolina's defenses and the generals for a while. Lana told him everything she knew honestly, thinking that there was no harm in that. It's not like Brion generals hid themselves or their victories.

  She was quite sure that if asked, they'd send everyone in the galaxy a memo about what they were up to. Not a very secretive lot, but most certainly capable of defending their own home world.

  If it wasn't for the slight problem of Abysmal.

  "You're not worried about them at all?" her voice was asking.

  "They will be nothing but my trophies once Briolina is mine."

  "Some of them might give you a real fight, General," Lana pointed out.

  "And they will die," Worgen said, rising. "Don't worry your head over that. I will deal with them all. The Monster and the one to slay the hivemind and the grothan. And once Briolina is restored to its glory, I want you by my side."

  Lana felt like she'd been slapped in the face. She noticed too late how close the mad general had come. Stumbling away, her back hit the wall before she could figure a way out.

  "You have a gesha now," she said in a hurry. "Don't you?"

  "Her? No," Worgen said. "I needed someone to inspire my warriors. They will fight better if they believe I am even more powerful. But it's you. I've known all this time."

  This can't be happening. This is all wrong. There can't be overlapping bonds, this doesn't happen!

  "Did you have the recognizing moment?" Lana asked, feeling the warmth of his armor pressing against her, blessedly not on fire at the moment.

  Worgen's mouth drew into a thin line of annoyance.

  "No," he said. "I don't need it when I know it will be you. All of the other women here are empty, pitiful creatures. You are the only one who is worthy of me."

  That would be a lot more flattering if you weren't a psychopath, Lana thought.

  Only even that thought was buried under her entire being rebelling against Worgen's closeness. She'd felt the wrongness before, like Worgen was tainting the room that belonged to her and Corden. But he was taking it a step further. Lana had always found him repulsive, but now she could no longer bear his touch.

  Corden, her mind called, but her true fated wasn't there.

  When Worgen leaned in, Lana slapped him. The next second, she was staring at her hand, her mouth open. It had been a reflex, an instinct to push him away.

  This is the end, she thought. He can't forgive this.

  The hungry smirk on Worgen's lips begged to differ. Lana could not believe her eyes, but the general actually backed away from her. She was breathing heavily, knowing how closely danger had passed her by. She'd nearly called out Corden's name.

  "Good, very good," Worgen said, his voice dropping to a hiss.

  The desire in his black eyes was poison. Lana saw none of the kindness, the caring she'd seen when Corden was looking at her. All Worgen wanted was to possess her, because she answered some standards that he had for his match. Lana wondered what had happened to the girl he'd chosen for his lie.

  "Your gesha," she said. "Your fake gesha, I mean. What did you do to her?"

  "She's alive," Worgen said, "to keep up appearances. Once I have the recognizing moment, I'll get rid of her, of course. There is no need for you to be jealous."

  Lana said nothing to that, mostly because she couldn't. The words that had been so easy before now refused to come. She's alive could have meant absolutely anything. Was Helia in a room of her own, scared and alone? Or was she passed around by the warriors in some communal hall? Or locked in some cage?

  She felt sick, but couldn't let any of it show. Captain Lana Cormac had to be jealous now, but she let silence speak in her stead. Honestly, Lana didn't think she could utter the words herself.

  Worgen laughed, a hollow chortling, moving in again to caress her. His hand made her skin itch and Lana dearly wished she could back away through the wall. She was pressing herself against it as hard as she could, but Worgen had closed the distance between them again.

  When the mad general's gloved hand moved to slide under her clothes, Lana yelped.

  "No!" she cried, pushing him away.

  Worgen didn't even move. His lips were parted, the dark eyes burning with the same hunger as before.

  "You won't let me fight?" Lana asked, putting both hands on the hot armor and pushing.

  Her own strength would not be nearly enough to overcome Worgen, but the gesture was clear enough. He looked at her, curious. Lana's mind was working frantically. She didn't know much about the other Terran geshas. Their letters back to Terra were popular beyond belief on their planet, published and sold out in minutes. Everyone wanted to hear about the lucky girls who got to bang alien hunks, but were surprised to read it wasn't all fun and games.

  Lana had never read any of those letters, feeling like they were on the level of a gossip column and none of her business. An intrusion into private matters. But she had picked up bits and pieces and suddenly remembered Isolde Fenner, the first of them. Thrust into a completely different world, she'd come up with a plan to keep her gerion away.

  She'd given in to the feared Diego Grothan in the end, but that was not the point.

  "You won't let a gesha fight," Lana repeated, forcing confidence into her voice despite being on the edge of panic. "What message do you think that sends? If you won't even let me have my right to resist you, how can it be real? It shows no strength, no true bond. Nothing worthy."

  Everything she was saying was true, but Lana didn't know if Worgen cared. He dismissed so many other Brion traditions and values that this one would be nothing if added to his ever-growing list.

  Theoretically, all geshas were allowed their fighting chance, a period of time when they resisted the bond. It was supposed to show that a couple came together out of their own will. It was also a sign of power for the men, to have the geshas submit to them.

  And against all odds, it seemed to be working. Playing on Worgen's self-importance and pride had been a good idea. Lana finally dared to breathe out when he backed away from her again, nodding slowly. She didn't trust herself to say anything, afraid of breaking the moment.

  "You are right," Worgen said. "A gesha must fight. That is how it should be. You can have your time and after, everyone will know that I won you."

  Lana suppressed the shiver that wanted to go down her spine. She'd won a tiny battle, but made no illusions to herself. Worgen wouldn't be patient with her like other men would be. The time he gave to her was a grace period, nothing more.

  Lana was almost positive that the next time they met, she wouldn't be able to stall him like that. And pushing him away clearly didn't work either.

  The general left and Lana slid to the floor, panting.

  That was how Corden found her a few minutes later. He ran to her, gathering Lana into his arms, holding her while she shivered. Lana could feel his powerful body shake with barely controlled rage, but he waited until she was ready to speak. It took her several tries to explain, but she eventually managed. With every word she said the fire in Corden's eyes blazed more fiercely.

  "I can't meet him again," she whispered at last, "the next time he'll take me with him, I know it. Corden..."

  Her general looked at her seriously.

  "I will not let anything happen to you," he swore. "We will put an end to this. Tomorrow."



  The word gave Lana hope. She knew it could all go wrong in about a thousand ways, but at least it set a date for their rebellion. By that point in the whole mess, she found that any answer was better than the endless waiting. And since Worgen clearly had no intention of letting her go, Lana wanted it all to be over as soon as possible.

  She nodded, letting Corden hold her.

  "All right," she said. "I will do my part."

  "I know you will," the general said, smiling. "I don't doubt that."

  That was comforting to hear, in some ways even better than Lana's own resolve. Brions didn't make exclamations like that for the sake of a romantic gesture. No, Corden really meant it and that left Lana no other choice than to believe in herself as well.

  "My gesha," Corden said then, the word gentle and soft on his lips. "I promise you everything will be okay, but I don't think you can avoid seeing Worgen again. He'll still expect you to welcome him aboard when you call him."

  Lana shuddered in horror, shaking her head.

  "He will take me with him," she whispered. "I know it. I don't want to—"

  "I know," the general said, his deep voice gaining a growling edge. "And trust me, I don't want you anywhere near him. But we can't let him suspect anything until the time is right. You must be brave."

  Easy for you to say, you're not the one who's about to be added to his harem.

  Of course, it was easy for Corden to say. Courage came naturally to Brion warriors, while Lana had to steel her nerves.

  "Yes," she said finally, "I will do it, of course. We can't back away now."

  Corden's hands were strong and sure around her body, caressing her softly.

  "You are afraid," the general said.

  "I am not a Brion," Lana countered, but for some reason his concern made her smile.

  The general lifted her chin up, forcing her to look him in the eyes.

  "Brions fear like everyone else," he said, "it's just different."

  "What do you fear, then?" Lana asked. "I know it isn't Worgen and his men. Not even the Abysmal."

  "No," Corden agreed. "They're just my enemies. All I fear is losing you."

  Lana had no response to that, melting into the kiss the general pulled her up to. Her hands were clawing at his armor, trying to unhook the clasps that held it together. Corden growled deep in his throat, catching her meaning. He didn't ask anything, only gave her what she needed. Lana loved it, loved the touch of his powerful arms and the way he ripped her clothes off, loved him.

  The word came to Lana so suddenly that it startled her, but there it was and she knew it was the truth. No matter how illogical it might have been, she loved him. Not only because he seemed to effortlessly know what she wanted from him, but... because of everything.

  He was the embodiment of all Lana had ever truly wished for. He was her gerion and she was ready to submit to him at last. While the general was very good at removing her clothes, there wasn't much Lana could do about the complicated armor. She just stepped back, giving him room.

  When she slipped a finger into her pussy, Corden halted in his actions. He literally froze, an armguard in one hand, staring at her with burning lust. A feral groan signaled how much he liked what he saw and Lana continued with a grin. She pushed the finger in and out of herself, seeing the way the general's eyes watched her like a hawk.

  "This feels good," she purred, "but nowhere near as good as you."

  That seemed to rip Corden out of his daze. The armor was discarded to the floor as he tore it off with much less care than he had shown her clothes. Lana watched, biting her lip not to moan as his flawless body was revealed to her again. It was only their second time, but she was pretty sure the sight of Corden's sculpted stomach wouldn't get old for a while.

  Probably forever.

  He charged her so quickly Lana barely had time to stop him, lifting her leg up and breaking his approach. Corden snarled, a vicious grin on his lips when Lana's foot touched his chest. She kept him away like that, slowly pushing to show she wouldn't let him touch her yet.

  "I want you to watch," she whispered, "to see how much I want you."

  "Torture," Corden countered hungrily. "I thought you didn't approve of it."

  Lana didn't and she honestly thought it was at least as bad for her. She had added a second finger and was now slicking them in and out of her pussy with ease. Seeing Corden naked, so close to her she could feel the warmth of his body, tore at her resolve. But she forced herself to be strong, wanted to show him exactly how badly she needed his cock.

  Corden stayed in place, but he didn't take his hands off her. He slid them up and down her bare leg, coming teasingly close to her pussy, but pulling back. The general lifted her foot to his shoulder, kissing it.

  The feel of his hot mouth on her skin made Lana shiver and very much regret her attempt to tease him, but it was working. She could see his huge cock grow harder, throbbing in need for her. Lana's pussy was so wet and seeing the proof of his desire for her only made her more ready to take him.

  She wasn't about to tell him that, not wanting to ruin the mood with anything negative, but Lana needed him to take her again. She needed to feel his cock claim every inch of her, to remind and prove to her that she was his and no one else's.

  Corden's hand moved to his cock, stroking it with a force that had to hurt. His eyes were fixed on Lana, traveling over her body, taking in every contour. Lana would have felt exposed, vulnerable, if he didn't so clearly love all of her.

  The general's lips were parted, deep groans escaping his mouth. The hand on his cock moved faster, in rhythm with Lana's fingers. The other reached for her breasts, groping and fondling them.

  "You are absolutely gorgeous," he growled. "I can read everything from your body. I know how wet your pussy is for me, how much you want me inside you. Why do you tease me?"

  That was a good question. The truthful answer was I needed to see if you would wait if I asked you to, but Lana didn't say that.

  "I like seeing you like that," she whispered instead. "Strong and hot and wanting me."

  Corden grinned, pushing past her at last. Lana offered him no resistance, because it was becoming almost unbearable to do so.

  "You can't see that," the general said, spreading her legs and pulling her up into his kneeling lap. "You have no idea how much I want you."

  Lana only got to wrap her hands around his wide shoulders before he pushed two fingers inside her, making her squirm and grind down on them. She hadn't lied. It felt infinitely better when Corden was inside her, even if it was only his fingers.

  The general's hands were so much bigger than hers, stretching her pussy with two digits. He found the rhythm so easily, as if her gerion instinctively knew where to touch her to give Lana the most pleasure. Within seconds, she was moaning shamelessly, rubbing herself against him.

  "By gods, you're hot," Corden murmured, kissing her breasts, pressed against his face now. "I don't ever want to let go of you. I want to fuck you until you scream my name, until you forget everything else in the galaxy for me."

  "Yes," Lana whispered, because it was exactly what she wanted.

  Before, desire had driven her into Corden's arms, but she felt like this time it was right. As if the binding had not really happened yet, because she hadn't been prepared to give in to him.

  Now she was. Lana wanted him with a passion that scared her a little. His body was firm like steel under her fingers, unyielding like Corden himself. To want him was the most natural thing in the world, but to want to be his entirely was new.

  Lana had struggled against that part of the bond the most. As Corden's fingers kept up their merciless rhythm, the general kissing her wildly, Lana felt herself drowning willingly. Brion bonds laid absolute claim, they were never broken. The couple belonged to each other from the moment of their binding, overshadowing all else.

  Lana hadn't known if she really wanted that, if she was prepared to submit herself so completely. A free spirit didn't w
ant to be chained, but now she longed for it. She was grinding her body against Corden's, desperate to be as close to him as possible. The bond was pulling her in, finally convincing her that they were one.

  When one of Corden's fingers came to touch her clit, Lana almost jumped. It felt so good, the pleasure shooting through her in blinding surges. She threw her head back, hearing the general groan as she rode his fingers, already closer than she'd ever been from such simple stimulation.

  "I want you," she breathed. "I need you to fuck me, Corden, please, the way you promised you would. I want to scream your name, I want to be yours. Take me—"

  If she was honest, Lana knew she hadn't been prepared enough. The first time, she'd been so wet and open for him, but had felt every inch of his huge cock and it had hurt. But that was what she wanted, to have Corden's cock pierce her, almost break her. She wanted the pain as well as the pleasure, needed to feel she was his.

  Corden gave in to her plea with obvious relish. The general let her climb off him only long enough to remove her panties. This time Lana wanted to be free to move, to have all obstructing elements out of the way.

  She was breathless and panting when the general laid her down on the sheets and nudged her legs apart. Lana licked her lips, seeing how hard he was, her eyes hungrily tracing the length of his cock. Corden grinned.

  "Is this how you want it?" he asked.

  Lana knew the general referred to her not really being ready, but she couldn't wait a second longer. A fire raged within her, a fire that would consume her if Corden didn't satisfy it.

  "Yes," she sobbed. "Fuck me. I want your cock in me."

  Corden didn't let her repeat that again. He lay down between her legs, holding himself up on his elbows. Lana felt like she was in a cage, trapped under him, surrounded by Corden on all sides. She whimpered when she felt the general press his cock against her slit, and screamed when he pushed inside.

  She'd been right. The pain and pleasure came together, but both were even stronger than they'd been the first time. Lana was more turned on than she could ever remember being, so wet she'd been sure it would go easier, but Corden still hurt.


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