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Page 18

by Rebecca Sharp

  My teeth sank into her lower lip, lust jolting through me at her shocked whimper, as my hands cupped her tits. I wanted to fuck them too—their swollen, soft weight. I wanted to come all over them, cover them with my desire and then trail it down right over the hot as fuck bump of her stomach.

  At one point I wondered if it was normal to find a pregnant woman so fucking hot. But then I realized I didn’t give a shit if I was normal—not when it came to her. I wanted her. I wanted to own every inch of her tiny body to the point where it didn’t matter what fucker gave her that baby, the only thing her body knew was that each and every inch of it, inside and out, belonged to me.

  “Ash.” She moaned as I pinched her nipple, my other hand cursing my own shirt for being too long on her that I had to go searching for the waist of her shorts.

  Panting, my mouth nipped down to her neck, latching on to the smooth joint between her neck and shoulder and sucking.

  “I know, sweetheart, I got you,” I grunted as my fingers pushed under the edge of her panties.

  I just reached the slippery edge of her pussy when I heard it—the gravel of the road crunching under the weight of a car.

  “Ash?” Her eyes were panicked when I pulled back. With only adrenaline to smother my desire, I righted her shorts and shirt. Slowly peeling her off of the wall to find a streak of pale blue paint along the back of my shirt along with a light smudge on her cheek where I held her.

  I didn’t even need to hear the voices outside to know that it was Mick and Miles pulling down the drive—the roar of their truck was unmistakable. What I was surprised to see was Eli come through the door first, his brow furrowing as he looked back and forth between Taylor and me.

  God, she was so adorable when she turned cherry-red.

  With a murmured greeting, she sidestepped the three men who looked like giants compared to her and bee-lined for the house.

  “Did we interrupt something?” Eli raised a brow, now seeing the smudged paint on the wall.

  “No shit,” Miles laughed. “We just cockblocked A-man from christening the new place.”

  I grunted. “Shut up, Miles.”

  “Looks like you did a number on the wall. Seriously. Hope we didn’t interrupt too soon.”

  “Miles, give it a rest,” Mick chided, walking past his brother toward the deck that was going to be finished today.

  Eli just shook his head and followed the level-headed brother outside.

  I stood stock-still, my eyes still trained on the door where Taylor had disappeared through as my body still buzzing with adrenaline and desire. I’m sure it was clear from the look on my face that it had definitely been too soon.

  “Hey.” Miles walked up to me until we were almost shoulder to shoulder, clapped a hand on my back and leaned in. “We’re gonna be out back for a little cuttin’ some boards. It’s gonna be loud. You probably shouldn’t help with your chef-hands and all.” He shifted just a hair closer. “You probably should put those hands to better use finishing what you started with your baby mama.”

  And with another pat of his hand, he was gone.

  My heart thudded the way he referred to Taylor.


  Pregnant. Not pregnant. Deserving or not.

  She was mine.


  Taylor jumped as the door shut behind me.

  “W-what are you doing?” she stammered, backing up until she ran into the couch.

  “Finishing what I started.” My growl echoed as I came for her. Her cheeks were still flushed from outside. If I were a betting man, I’d swear that five more minutes and I would have walked in to find her with her hand down her own pants where mine was about to be.

  “Ash… But… They’re right outside. What if—”

  I swallowed her objection. It was potent and sweet, and I found that I thoroughly fucking enjoyed making her want me more than she wanted to act properly.

  “What if they see me making sure I didn’t leave my girl aching?” I cupped her ass and yanked her hard against my front. “What if they know that I’m in here making sure my girl is taken care of?” Biting along her jawline, I searched for her ear. When I licked along the rim, her legs buckled and she collapsed against me.

  “Yeah…” she murmured. “That…”

  I grinned as I kissed down her neck.

  “Good. They should know. They should know that you are my priority. Every fucking second. Not them. Not the restaurant. Only you.”

  Her clothes were off within a minute—not because I needed to rush to get back to work, but because I couldn’t take another fucking second where I couldn’t see her.

  My fingers sunk into the soft flesh of her waist and spun her, pulling that delicious little ass right up against my dick. With her head tipped back on my shoulder, my lips ate at her neck, swallowing down her moans that vibrated the skin underneath.

  Fuck, she was so perfect.

  Both hands filled with her breasts, squeezing and needing until she was grinding back against me begging for more.

  I thought I’d feel guilty for leaving the guys out there, working on my business—my dream—without me. But as soon as I saw her… touched her… I knew that dream wasn’t going to mean shit without her in it.

  One hand drifted to her stomach.

  Without them in it.

  My teeth dug into her shoulder as my fingers slipped into her dripping pussy. My body fucking screamed to know how wet I made her—how wet she was wanting me.

  Every moan, every rock of her hips reminded me that this was all mine—that no one but me had given her this and it made me possessive and hard as fuck.

  “Bend,” I growled against her shoulder.

  Shuddering, she tipped forward, presenting me with that sweet little ass of hers—something I’d have to work her up to claiming—and her glistening pussy, all puffy and pink, shining with need.

  I took half a step back, not trusting myself to be so close. Vibrating, I trusted one finger to her body, pushing inside her entrance. She whimpered in time with the way her body squeezed around mine, driving me insane with lust.

  My palm slid up the soft skin of her back and tangled in her short hair, tugging on it so that she was forced to arch back.

  “So fucking tiny, Tay,” I growled, pushing a second finger inside against her whimper. “Christ, I don’t know how you’re going to get a baby—” I broke off with a silent curse. Probably not the best time to tell how that I think her cunt was too small to pop a baby through it.

  She rocked back against me, her desire running down onto the back of my hands as I pushed my fingers in and out of her. Moving slightly to the side allowed one cheek of her ass to bump against my angry cock with each sway.

  “Ash… more… I need…” I loved when she wanted me so bad she couldn’t fucking speak. When all that propriety that had been ingrained in her from the womb melted like snow under the California sun.

  “What, baby? Tell me what you need.”

  I released her hair so that I could grab one of her swollen tits that hung in front of her. Fuck, I wanted to suck on it, but not now.

  “You need this?” I taunted, my voice deepening to that place where desire ruled, as my two fingers curled inside her, searching and finding her G-spot.

  She let out a yelp as her knees buckled. A tight smile tugged at the tense muscles of my face, feeling the way her pussy tightened and gushed around me.

  “Ash?” Her head tilted to me, the most maddening mix of concern and desire mingled on it.

  “They can’t hear you, sweetheart,” I roughly assured her, pushing my fingers back into her and pressing on that sweet spot again.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned, and it was like fucking music to my ears.

  There was no restraint left in her. She arched into my palm as I pulled at her nipple while her hips savagely ground back against my hand, demanding more.

  So, I gave it to her.

  Three fingers suctioned inside of her, stretching those to
rturously tight muscles.

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck my fingers.” Her skin prickled with my words. God, she was so responsive. Every touch. Every taste. Every word… her body ate it up and gave it back to me ten-fold.

  She was so wet, I couldn’t stop myself from shoving a fourth finger into her, not when her cum drenched my hand and ran down the inside of her thigh.

  “You feel me inside you, Tay?” I growled, my hand slapping against her skin as I moved faster. “Your tiny little pussy has four of my fingers in her and fuck do I want to feel you come.”

  And then I twisted them right against her front wall and sent her soaring.

  “Oh God, Ash!” she screamed as her orgasm destroyed her.

  “Christ,” I swore as my free arm wrapped underneath her torso to hold her weight as her legs gave out.

  Meanwhile, I saw red as her pussy savagely strangled my fingers that were buried inside it, riding out the waves.

  I held her, kissing all up and down her back, reminding my dick with every movement that this was not about us.

  When her shaking subsided into deep, heavy breaths, I slowly slid my fingers out of her, watching as her tight little hole closed up behind me before I took my discarded tee and gently cleaned her.

  “Holy shit,” I murmured as I pulled her up and turned her so that she could sit on the armrest of the couch.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked with a voice that still trembled weakly from her climax.

  Softly pressing my lips to hers, I uttered, “Not a fucking thing, sweetheart. Just don’t think I’ll ever get over the experience of making you come. It’s like the fucking heavens open up every time.”

  “I think… you’re blaspheming,” she murmured lightly.

  “I think… as long as I make you feel like that, you don’t care.” I gave her one more hard kiss, my grin still in place before I stood. “Fuck,” I swore, my jeans digging murderously into my hard cock.

  My eyes clamped shut as I tried to rein in both the pain and the goddamn crippling need.


  Get outside.

  “I’m gonna head back out—” I broke off with a hiss as she reached out and put her hand over the bulge in the front of my pants. “Tay…”

  “I want you,” she whispered and whether she intentionally licked her lips or not, my nuts seized up aching to be tasted.

  “Taylor.” I groaned her name again as I felt her undo the waist of my work jeans, the pull and release of the fabric almost enough to send me over the edge.

  “Do you not want me to?” she demanded, indignation flared in her eyes as she tugged, forcing me to step closer to her, putting my dick right at mouth-level.

  I bent down, gripping her chin between my fingers.

  “You have no idea how bad I want to fuck your mouth, beautiful,” I growled. “Every time you lick your damn lips all I think about is them wrapped around my cock and that tongue tasting my cum. Are you sure you want that?”

  Her response was to tug my pants down, letting them drop to my ankles as one small fist gripped my dick. I watched the almost imperceptible flicker in her eyes when she realized that her hand couldn’t close all the way around my width. Meanwhile, my teeth clenched so hard I thought my jaw might break as her fingers firmly felt along my length.

  When her thumb brushed over the tip, I hissed and reared back, my gaze locking around her small hand fisting my erection. I pressed my palm to her cheek before running it back into her hair, the soft waves burying my fingers.

  “You sure?” I rasped, seeing stars from my restraint.

  A string of expletives escaped me as she leaned forward and licked over my tip.

  Guess that was a yes.

  Once Taylor Hastings set her mind to something, that was the end of it. And right now, she set her mind on sucking my dick. Hell if I was going to waste any more time debating.

  Her mouth tortured me. Not in the experienced way, in fact, the complete opposite. From the second her mouth closed hesitantly over the purpled tip of my cock, I knew she’d never done this before—the thought making me swell even larger.

  I didn’t want to rush her. Maybe another day when I wasn’t so fucking insane with the need to come I’d let her tongue spend quality time with the very end of my dick, but today wasn’t that day. Gently pushing on the back of her head, I groaned in encouragement as she took more of me into her mouth.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. All of it,” I growled, watching the way her eyes widened up at me as I kept feeding her my length. My body seized when I bumped the back of her throat. “Fuck, you feel so good, Tay.”

  She moaned around me and I knew I wasn’t going to last long. I fought the urge to close my eyes because I’d fucking dreamed of this sight so many goddamn times, I wasn’t going to waste it.

  I was frozen—glued to her perfect pert mouth—I watched my cock slide back out all wet and red from her lips. Yeah, she’d never done this before, but she wanted it—she wanted me to lose control—and fuck if that didn’t make up for her inexperience and then some.

  The sucking and slurping noises from her mouth, feeling them against my dick made it impossible for me to hold on any longer. My grip tightened as soon as she took me all the way back in, my cock rubbing against her throat.

  “Swallow,” I demanded harshly, my voice losing the last thread of stability.

  Her eyes told me she had no idea how she was supposed to swallow with me stuffed in her mouth, but she tried. And the trying was what I needed.

  A shout ripped from my chest and even though my eyes were open, my vision went black as I came, the hot jets of my release shooting down the back of her throat. I tried to pull back a little, for her sake, but her hands locked into my thighs forcing me still.

  My whole body shook with the force of my release, now held back for too many fucking days. She didn’t have to do this. She could have let me pull out. Instead, her mouth became a vise around my pulsing cock until every last drop was drained. I felt my pulse skip every time she swallowed, reminders that I could easily want more of this. And more right now.

  Finally, as my fingers gently rubbed against the back of her head, did she loosen her hold. I groaned because it was fucking torture to slide my dick out from inside her warm mouth.

  “Wow… That was… wow,” she whispered, and I couldn’t hold back a moan, seeing her lips so red and swollen. Glistening with her spit and my cum. Fuck if I wasn’t ready to go again at the sight.

  “Yeah, you can say that again, sweetheart.” I chuckled roughly.

  My eyes flicked to her as she stood, ready to reach for her if she was still unsteady. I squeezed my dick a little harder as I wiped it off—a warning for it to calm the hell down—seeing her standing there like a petite, pregnant nymph.

  God, I was going insane.

  “You okay?” I asked, my hand reaching out to her stomach before I could stop myself.

  I didn’t even think if this was okay for the baby. I mean, I’d never heard of giving head as being a problem, but I hadn’t really hung around pregnant women too much before now, especially given my old favorite pastime. Head might be okay, but alcohol definitely wasn’t.

  “Yeah.” I heard the small smile in her voice, but I couldn’t look away from her stomach. Even in just a few weeks, I could see how it grew—especially on someone as small as she was. Still, underneath my hand, it looked small.

  I didn’t know why I couldn’t pull away. It wasn’t like the baby was moving. It wasn’t like I could feel anything underneath the firm softness of her stomach. And still, I felt something—something that wouldn’t let me let go.

  It was only when goosebumps covered her skin and I realized she’d gotten a chill, that I pulled back with a mumbled apology and looked up at her.

  Another mistake.

  Her eyes were swollen with desire—and not just the plain ‘I’m horny’ kind, but the kind that said whatever I’d just felt, she’d felt it, too. It was desire that ran deeper, th
at spread into every cell and every emotion and claimed a piece for itself; it was desire that demanded more than joining two bodies—it wanted both souls, too.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” I instructed gruffly as I took a half-step back.

  She stood there watching me—staring at my cock like she was hungry for it again.

  She flinched, her eyes flicking to the floor and then to her clothes, bending down to clasp them to her chest. “Sorry.”

  When she stood, I was in front of her again, my lips diving down for hers. She immediately sighed into me and I knew that stare was just the beginning.

  “Don’t apologize.” I tipped her chin up to meet my gaze. “Just I’ll never make it back out there if you keep looking at me like that.”

  “Oh.” She sighed. “And you have to make it back out there?”

  A mythical sound escaped me—half laugh, half groan—as I rested my forehead on hers. “Yeah, Pixie, I do.”

  “Okay,” she said, her voice dragging with disappointment until it ended with a small laugh of disbelief. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s going on. I feel so…” Her blush deepened. “I think… I think my hormones are a little out of whack.”

  “Tay, trust me. I want nothing more than to stay here and keep you naked until all your hormones are satisfied… until it would be legal for me to tattoo ‘USDA Organic, No hormones’ on your perfect ass, but I gotta get out there; it’s my business, my dream.”

  That brought a smile to her face and she nodded. As much as I could see how her body, betrayed by her hard nipples, disagreed, Taylor knew how important this was. And I hoped she knew how much I would make it up to her later.

  “I think maybe I’ll go to Roasters early then. I promised Eve I’d teach her and Jules how to make my apple fritters.”

  With a nod, I pulled my keys from my pocket and handed them to her. “I’ll catch a ride into town with Eli and meet you there so we can ride home together.” She nodded and I added, “See you later.”

  Waiting until she was back in the bedroom before I opened the front door, I mentally kicked myself for giving in to her. Not that I didn’t want to, but there was damn sure going to be a conversation before I fucked her. Because from there, there was no turning back. Not out of obligation or responsibility. No, after what just happened, having her would be like signing up for an incurable addiction. No therapy, no drugs, no woman would ever make me right again after being with her. Which meant she needed to be damn sure she wanted me without those hormone-colored lenses on.


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