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Gravity: A Salvation Society Novel

Page 20

by K. L. Jessop

  I growl. “You and your dirty talk.”

  “But it’s true. You were all that mattered. And it was perfect.” She kisses me softly, and I smooth my hands down the soft skin of her body, grasping her ass and giving it a little squeeze, feeling damn lucky to be the guy who had the honor of being her first—the only man to have touched her beautiful body and caress it in the way I’ve always wanted. However, at the same time, it blows my mind that she could have been with anyone, yet she chose me.

  “Have you really not been with anyone because of Asher and the guys knowing who he was?”

  She sighs. “Partly. Some college guys knew him. Others had heard of him and those who had no idea soon learned about him. Dating the Nelson girl became a guy’s life sentence, so they avoided me at all costs. The times I did date was when he was deployed, but when he arrived home it had to stop. One time, I was out with a guy called Josh. It was our third date and we’d just been out to grab some food. As we walked back to campus, he stopped and kissed me. That was our first and last kiss because a little while later he had a phone call. Asher had somehow found out we were dating and told him if he wanted to keep his legs, then he had to let me go.”

  “Jesus, Christ.”

  Although I’m not overly shocked by her brother’s behavior, I’m surprised he would go to that length. “I had no idea about that.”

  “I got used to it after a while. The more guys avoided me, the more I just got my head down and concentrated on work. There was no point looking to date when I could never be dated.”

  “So, you walked around all this time thinking no one wanted you because of who you are, yet you had no idea that I’ve wanted you to be mine all along."

  “I’ve wanted you for so long, but I never thought you’d want me because of who I was. To me I was just your Shortcake—the little girl who used to cling to your leg when you’d come visit my brother. I never thought my dreams of you would become my reality. And now that reality has come true, I’m worried that it’s only a matter of time before he takes it away.”

  I trace my fingers up and down her back, the words spinning around in my head. I want her to be mine. I want her by my side, but I know it’s not going to be plain sailing when it comes to Asher. Not only that, his behavior of late is also concerning. He’s not even called his family or to ask about his dad.

  “I love Asher, Grayson, but sometimes I wonder why he’s so unhinged.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, he’s not the easiest of people at times.”

  She sighs, dropping her head down to my chest. The words that leave her next hit me hard because they epitomize everything I’m trying to figure out.

  “Can you imagine how he’d react if he knew about us?”

  “It’s not going to be a walk in the park. Regardless of the brotherhood he and I share, I’ll never be good enough for you in his eyes.”

  “But it’s not down to him to decide.”

  “But he’ll still never see it that way.” I hold on to her tighter when I feel her shoulders drop. “We’ll figure it out, Nora. I promise you.”

  “We’ll have to. In the meantime, we best make the most of the short time we have together until he’s home.”

  Whenever that will be.

  Guilt claws at my chest from keeping the truth hidden. The words are on the tip of my tongue, wanting to tell her it’s likely going to be a while before he’s home— wanting to tell her that he’s struggling with his mental health but doesn’t see a reason to sort himself out. But I can’t. Because at the same time, Asher is also my best friend and I can’t betray his trust.

  Which makes me fucking torn.

  So instead, I divert the conversation to a topic I know will bring that smile back to her face. “Tell me about turtles. In all the years that I've known you, I've never asked you why you like sea turtles so much. Why is that?"

  I feel her smile against my skin, but she doesn’t move. "I love the way they scoot along the sand before they hit the water. How they look so hard in terms of their shell but are soft overall. How they give this illusion of having a carefree life in the way they move. How they don’t have ears, but they are not deaf. Their—”

  “Wait, what? They don’t have ears?” I ask curiously.

  “Nope. They have thin flaps of skin that cover their internal ear bones. From that they pick up vibration and low sound frequencies.”


  “I love the fact that five out of the seven sea turtle species are right here on Chesapeake soil. And it drives me crazy that too many people take them and the ocean for granted because they can’t see the beauty in it.”

  I could listen to her talk about what she loves all day. Not only does it help me relax, it’s the only time I know for sure she isn’t worrying about her dad.

  “What species is your favorite?”

  “You cannot ask me that.” The words come out in a way that sounds like I insulted her, and it causes a grin to spread across my face.

  “Well, I did, and I want to know.”

  She lifts herself up to look at me, her brows raised, causing my grin to spread wider with her lack of amusement. “Nice to know you’re getting some enjoyment out of this.”

  “Which one, Shortcake? You’re suddenly in a life and death situation, and you can only save one species before it goes extinct. Which would it be?”

  She’s shaking her head, a smile spreading across her lips, and I can tell that I’ve genuinely put her in an impossible situation because she doesn’t have an answer.

  “I don’t like this game anymore,” she deadpans.

  I laugh, holding her hips as she tries to move away from me. “Which one? The Green Sea? The Loggerhead?”

  “I’ll loggerhead you in a minute.” She pushes down on my shoulder and attempts to move away from me, but I grip her hips harder, flipping us over so she falls onto her back with a squeal.

  Caging her in, I grab her arms and pin them above her head, still wanting to know her choice, and giving her a look that informs her I’m still waiting to hear it. “You know I’ll happily wait here all day. I’m just fine with that.”

  “And I’ll happily lay beside you, but that still doesn’t mean I’m going to tell you.”

  “Which one?”

  Shaking her head, she tries shutting me out by closing her eyes. “I can never choose over my babies. And I’m not listening now.”

  Loving her playfulness and wanting it to remain, I dip my head to the soft skin at the side of her breast that looks too tempting before blowing a huge raspberry. The roar of her laughter bounces around the room, and my laugh follows as she tries to wriggle out from under me but has no escape. I do it again, this time on the other side, her hysteria music to my ears.

  “Grayson, stop!”

  “Which one?” I do it again, right before I burst out laughing as she threatens to cut off my dick. “Such harsh words from a little minion.”

  “Asshole,” she chuckles, catching her breath, her blue eyes full of happiness and devilment as she whispers, “You are impossible at times.”

  I hold her stare, and it’s right then that it hits me—a feeling I can’t even rationalize washes over my body like a force of gravity and takes my breath away.

  I need her. Not just now. Not just tomorrow. But forever. Because she is everything that is right in my life. What makes it more magical is that I can see my feelings mirrored in her expression as she stares back at me like she’s understood every sensation I’m feeling.

  Dipping my head, I whisper against her lips before I crash them on hers. “Yeah, and you are irresistible.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I wake to the smell of toast and coffee and roll over to find the other side of the bed empty. A smile graces my lips at the thought of last night, and the aching of my body is a beautiful reminder of how Grayson made me feel. I can’t even rationalize it. It was more than I’d ever expected. We’d talked for hours after, shared experiences t
hat made my heart speed up when I looked at him, and then I was woken in the middle of the night by the whispers of him in my ear. Caresses turned to kisses and kisses turned into him loving my body in the most sensual way.

  Getting out of bed, I put on my panties and grab one of his shirts before heading down the stairs to him. Greeting his two cats that call to me, I pet them, picking up Spyro this time. I find the man himself in the kitchen in only gray sweats, slaving away over the stove, cracking eggs into the frying pan.

  Leaning against the door frame, I take a moment to watch him, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip as he maneuvers himself around the small space. The muscles in his back flex, and his arms that had me pinned to the mattress only hours ago as he brought me to orgasm for the fourth time make my mouth water.

  He’s fucking delightful.

  “Are you going to stand there all morning or are you actually going to come in?” he says without turning.

  I laugh, placing Spyro down, and stepping into the kitchen.

  “How did you know I was here?” I circle my arms around his waist from behind before my hands run up his chest, rising onto my tip toes to kiss his bare shoulder. The warmth of my touch has his skin breaking out in chills, and I can’t help but smile at the effect I have on him.

  “I sensed you. And I can smell you.”

  “That sounds a little creepy.”

  He chuckles, shifting in my hold to face me. “I can smell your hair and your perfume everywhere I go.” Turning us both around, he grabs me by the waist and lifts me up on to the breakfast bar to stand between my legs. His hands trail up my thighs as his eyes fall to my covered body and a grin tugs his lips. “You look good in my shirt.” His mouth comes close to mine as his hands slip up under the material to cup my breasts. “But you look so much better out of it.”

  “I could say the same about your pants.”

  He kisses me briefly, pulling back when I want him to devour me more. “How did you sleep?”

  “Like an exhausted woman on the biggest high,” I grin. “But I missed you when I woke.”

  “Well, a lady has to eat. How do eggs sound?”


  He pecks me on the nose and leaves the space between us, continuing to make breakfast as I watch him.

  “What time do you finish work tonight?”

  “Early. I asked Ryan to cover me so I could spend some time with you.”

  “Do you mind sharing me?”

  He shifts himself from the stove to prepare and bring me a mug of coffee, placing it at the side of me before he resumes his position between my legs. This time his hands snake up my back. “That depends on who I’m sharing you with.”

  “I kinda told Mom I’d be there for dinner. You could come.”

  “Sounds good. But I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep my hands to myself.”

  I grin, linking my arms around his neck. “You’ll just have to try and resist me for a few hours.”

  “I don’t think that’s possible. You’re intoxicating.”

  “Try harder. It’ll be just as challenging for me, too.”

  He shifts me closer toward him, our mouths once again a breath apart. “Well, in that case, I could skip work and be inside you all day instead. Make you come. Make you scream over and over to make up for not being able to touch you tonight.”

  His words cause heat to flood my panties and my desire for him has my body on high alert, but I burst his bubble when I pull back and scrunch my nose up. “I’m meeting Makenna for lunch. I’m sorry.”

  His shoulders drop. “Ugh. What’s a man to do with himself now?”

  “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

  “Is this payback for keeping you sexually frustrated yesterday.”

  I laugh. “No. But when you put it like that, maybe I should make you wait.”

  “We’ll see.”

  I whimper into his kiss as he presses his lips to mine, slipping his tongue into my mouth and kissing me in that slow sensual way that has butterflies swirling in my stomach. We’ve kissed hard. We’ve kissed fast. We’ve kissed in a way that has left us stripped bare and exposed, but when Grayson kisses me slow, it somehow makes everything fall into place, and I crave him more each time.

  “How are you feeling?” he whispers against my skin. “Are you sore?”

  “Only in the best way.” Which is no lie. The aches are like a symbol of everything that happened last night, reminding me that Grayson was the one who took my innocence in a way that made me feel wanted, special—just like I’d always hoped.

  Pulling back, his eyes latch on mine as his arm stretches out and fumbles around with the stove. Once he’s turned everything off, I’m wrapped around his waist and he turns us to head out of the kitchen.

  “What are you doing?” I breathe. “What about breakfast?”

  “We’re about to have it. In bed. Naked.”

  “I’m sorry, can you repeat that again for me, but this time in slow motion,” Makenna questions in a high-pitched whisper.

  I’m surprised people around us haven’t heard her already. We are sitting in Chick’s Oyster bar—the best spot for seafood and the best view as it overlooks the water, only the view I’m getting now over our crab cake sandwiches and sweet potato fries, is of her eyes that are bulging out of her head from my announcement.

  “I slept with Grayson,” I say quietly, a little grin tugging at my lips.

  “If this is some twisted way of saying you literally lay beside him all night and did nothing else then it’s not funny. My lady bits are getting excited for you here, and I don’t wish for you to crush them.”

  I laugh. Sitting forward, I compose myself and look at her dead in the eye. “I, Nora Nelson, had the best night of my life with Grayson Bennett not only lying beside me but moving inside me, too.”

  “Shortcake is no longer a virgin,” she states, wiggling her brows.

  “Cherry’s been popped.”

  A wicked grin breaks free on her face, and she slaps her hand down on the table. “If I were into girls, I’d jump on you myself right now.”

  “I’m happy for you to stay where you are, thanks.”

  “I knew you were different when you walked in here. There was a sex glow about you.”

  “A sex glow? Seriously?”

  “Damn right. I haven’t seen you grin like this in ages.”

  I roll my eyes at her comment and bite into one of my sweet potato fries, smirking at her as she eyes me a little more, a look of glee on her face. Truth is, I haven’t felt this good in ages.

  “So… Tell me more.”

  “What do you mean. I’ve told you all you need to know.”

  “Pfft. Like hell you have. I’ve told you before, you can’t just drop the bomb like that and not give a girl detail. This is Grayson-freaking-Bennett we are talking about. I already know his tongue techniques from our last conversation. What was the sex like? Was it hot? I mean kill me now if it wasn’t.”

  I can answer this in two ways. One, give her as little detail as possible and hope that she takes it or two, be honest and give her the full requirements she is after and get her off my case. I decide to go with the latter. “Full disclosure?”

  “I don’t expect anything less.”

  I literally play out the entire day, from when he teased and tormented me at work to giving me an orgasm on the front of his truck, right before I divulged the night we spent together and all the ways he touched and caressed my body.

  “Holy shit,” she gasps, leaning back in her chair. “I’m wet just thinking about it. God, Nora.”

  I laugh. “I love it when I can make you speechless.”

  “It’s a rare thing, believe me. So, like, what happens now between you two? Are you an official thing? Where does Asher fit into all of this because you do know he’ll freak, right?”

  I sigh, hating that no matter how high Grayson makes me feel, it all falls with a heavy thud at the mention of my brother. “I’m trying
not to think of Asher when it comes to Grayson and me at the moment. In Asher’s eyes, whoever I date is wrong. No one will ever be good enough, and when he finds out that his best friend is sleeping with the miracle girl that can’t be touched, it’s not going to go down too well. That’s what sucks about all of this. When he’s home, we’ll be forever looking over our shoulders.”

  “That’s brothers for ya.”

  “True. But Cullen doesn’t hold you hostage with his stare every time a guy is around you.”

  “No. He practically begs the guy to whisk me away so he can have a break.”

  I smile. “And that’s the difference.”

  “Hey girls. I thought you were in here,” a female voice from behind me says, and I can already tell it’s Makenna’s mom without even looking.

  “Hey, Mom. What are you doing here?” Makenna says, shifting her purse off the seat beside her so Charlie can sit down. I’m once again envious of how stunning she is. The woman screams professionalism, strength, and style. Her long dark hair shines like she’s just walked out of the salon, and her body is damn hot, even after having had two kids.

  “Hey, Nora,” she smiles before she addresses Makenna and takes a seat. “I was on my way to meet your father when I saw your car.”

  “So, you thought you’d come stalk me?”

  “It’s the CIA in me. I can’t help myself. What are you girls up to?”

  “Just catching up. Work has been a little busy.”

  Charlie pinches a sweet potato fry from Makenna’s plate and turns her attention to me.

  “Nora, how’s the family? Is your dad doing better now?”

  “They are both good. Pop is doing okay considering.”

  “Good. We must come around sometime. I’d love to catch up with them both, especially Fiona. Working crazy hours means it’s hard to keep up with each other like we used to.”

  “Yeah, sure. She’d love that. They both would. I’m having dinner with them and Grayson later, so I’ll mention it to them then.”


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