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The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America

Page 12

by Jim Marrs

  Despite centuries of human experience with healing herbs and vitamins, today’s corporate medicine industry, especially the pharmaceutical giants that can be traced back to the Nazi I. G. Farben complex, has attempted to limit any healing agent to pharmaceuticals. Agents for this suppression of natural healing are the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission.

  Legitimate standardized codes for dietary supplements, such as Codex Alimentarius, require expensive clinical studies, research, tests, and analysis well beyond the financial reach of all but the largest corporations. In other words, a huge mound of personal narratives supporting natural remedies would be useless against a few reports from well-paid corporate scientists. “In working to protect the business interests of vaccine manufacturers [the pharmaceutical corporations], both the FDA and FTC have declared all-out war against any products that might offer consumers options other than vaccines,” said Mike Adams, NaturalNews editor and self-styled “health ranger,” whose articles and books have attracted a worldwide audience of nearly a million people.

  “The FDA’s official position is that there is no such thing as any herb, any plant, any nutrient or any dietary supplement that has any beneficial effect on the human body. Thus, no herb, plant, nutrient or supplement can EVER be approved by the FDA to protect against influenza. As you’ve figured out, the whole game is rigged from the start. Herbs that have anti-viral properties will never be approved as anti-virals. And, frankly, for the people running natural product companies to try to play the ‘FDA game’ is useless. You can never appease tyranny. Trying to ‘conform’ to the requirements of the FDA and FTC is like Jewish prisoners trying to conform to the wishes of Hitler. You’ve been condemned from the start!” said Adams.



  Controversy over the addition of the chemical sodium fluoride to municipal drinking water supplies has raged since the early 1950s. It was a time when Nazi scientists were being settled within the United States under the auspices of Project Paperclip.

  The Reader’s Digest Oxford Complete Wordfinder defines fluoride merely as “any binary compound of fluorine.” But fluorine was defined as a “poisonous pale yellow gaseous element of the halogen group.”

  Charles Eliot Perkins, a prominent U.S. industrial chemist, was sent by the U.S. government to help reconstruct the I. G. Farben chemical plants in Germany at the end of the war. In 1954, he wrote a letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, stating that he had learned that the Nazi regime had used sodium fluoride as a means of “mass control.” “I want to make this very definite and very positive,” Perkins wrote. “The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth…. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty. Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluorine will in time gradually reduce the individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing this area of brain tissue, and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him…. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years’ research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of ‘fluorine.’…Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically.”

  Most people do not realize that fluoride is a key ingredient in Prozac and many other psychotropic drugs. Prozac, whose scientific name is fluoxetine, is 94 percent fluoride.

  Though fluoride purportedly prevents tooth decay, it only has been shown to affect decay in children under twelve. Today, two-thirds of all municipal water and most bottled water in the United States contain sodium fluoride. Fluoride is a poisonous waste product of aluminum manufacture that accumulates in the human body. The use of aluminum cookware has been strongly linked to Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive brain disorder that gradually destroys a person’s memory and ability to learn, reason, and make judgments. A Christian Science Monitor survey in 1954 showed that seventy-nine of the eighty-one Nobel Prize winners in chemistry, medicine, and physiology refused to endorse water fluoridation. Nevertheless, every U.S. Public Health Service surgeon general since the 1950s has supported putting this rat poison ingredient into America’s water supply.

  The experts cannot decide where the truth lies in the fluoride controversy. Virginia dental surgeon and nutritionist Dr. Ted Spencer wrote, “A few years ago, I was asked by the head of our local health department to conduct a review of existing journal research on the toxicity of fluoride with emphasis on its cancer causing potential. I went to the National Medical Library and produced for him some 40 articles on the toxicity of fluoride. When we reviewed them, there was some discrepancy in whether or not fluoride was mutagenic…half of the articles said that it was and half said that it was not. But it cannot be both ways…. We wondered what was wrong.”

  Spencer discovered that fluoride has been banned in European nations such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Austria, France, and the Netherlands. It is especially interesting to note that West Germany banned the use of fluorides in 1971, a time when it was still heavily occupied by Allied soldiers. “Apparently they could no longer silence the German scientists who had proved that fluoridation is a deadly threat to the population,” wrote Eustace Mullins, a former Library of Congress staffer and World War II veteran who wrote numerous books on conspiracy topics including medicine, finance, and politics.

  Despite Europe’s bans, America continues to pursue fluoridating all water supplies and ignoring studies like those of Dr. Dean Burk, the chief chemist emeritus of the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Burk stated, “In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.” Dr. Perry Cohn of the New Jersey Department of Health discovered a correlation between osteosarcoma—a principal childhood cancer—and fluoridation. After creating a 2005 survey in seven New Jersey counties, Cohn found the incidence of osteosarcoma in boys under the age of ten was 4.6 times higher in fluoridated areas than in nonfluoridated areas. The incidence of cancer was 3.5 times higher in the ten to nineteen age group and over twice as high in the twenty to forty-nine age group.

  Studies indicate that every major city using fluoridated water has experienced an increase in the rates of cancer. “Not a fair trade for good looking teeth,” commented Dr. Spencer, adding, “All allopathically-trained dentists are very familiar with the ADA [American Dental Association] and other ‘authoritative’ positions on fluoride. They rarely mention its toxic potential or the few studies revealing increased tooth decay after fluoride use.”

  Spencer also referred to studies that suggest fluoride causes unscheduled DNA synthesis, sister chromatid exchanges, and mutagenic effects on cells. “These terms may not bother some people at all, but they mean that there will be an increase in cancer after the ingestion of fluoride,” Spencer wrote. Although each person must decide for themselves the dangers of fluoride, Spencer did point to several studies with convoluted titles that conjure images of grotesque science experiments: “Sodium Fluoride-induced Chromosome Aberrations in Different Stages of the Cell Cycle,” “Chronic Administration of Aluminum Fluoride or Sodium Fluoride to Rats in Drinking Water: Alterations in Neuronal and Cerebrovascular Integrity,” and “Toxin-Induced Blood Vessel Inclusions Caused by the Chronic Administration of Aluminum and Sodium Fluoride and Their Implications in Dementia.”

  Given the massive amounts of money being paid by the pharmaceutical corporations to the corporate mass media, it is highly doubtful that many Americans will learn of the results of these studies any time soon. The entire history of fluoride in America is one of deceit and conspiracy. In 1946, a Wall Street attorney and former counsel to the Aluminum Company of America (now known by the acronym Alcoa) named Oscar Ewing was appointed by President Truman to head the Federal Security Agency. Ewing became in char
ge of not only the U.S. Public Health Service but also the Social Security Administration and the Office of Education.

  Congressman A. L. Miller, a physician turned Republican politician, accused Ewing of being placed in a highly paid position by Alcoa, a Rockefeller syndicate, to promote fluoridation. Miller stated, “The chief supporter of the fluoridation of water is the U.S. Public Health Service. This is part of Mr. Ewing’s Federal Security Agency. Mr. Ewing is one of the highly paid lawyers for the Aluminum Company of America.”

  Other opponents were less kind. Leaflets handed out in New York City boldly stated, “Rockefeller agents order fluoride-(rat-) poisoning of nation’s water. Water fluoridation is the most important aspect of the cold war that is being waged on us—chemically—from within, by the Rockefeller-Soviet axis. It serves to blunt the intelligence of a people in a manner that no other dope can. Also, it is genocidal in two manners: it causes chemical castration and it causes cancer, thus killing off older folks.

  …This committee [Ewing’s study of fluoride] did no research or investigation on the poisonous effects of water fluoridation. They accepted the falsified data published by the U.S.P.H.S. [U.S. Public Health Service] on the order of boss Oscar Ewing, who had been ‘rewarded’ with $750,000 by fluoride waste producer, Aluminum Co.” Suspiciously, it was also reported that Ewing told fellow senators not to drink fluoridated water.


  IF THE NIGHTMARES OF natural-health advocates come to pass, a sick person soon will have no recourse but to seek professional medical assistance, which may not exist, according to recent reports.

  This nation’s health-care system is in a shambles. Health-care costs are moving beyond 16 percent of gross domestic product and the U.S. health-care system is sometimes 100 percent more expensive than anywhere else, yet Americans do not live as long as citizens in other nations. Every citizen in these countries is covered by a health-care plan, whereas in America, 15 percent of the population—about 47 million people—are uncovered at any given time. Fifty percent of bankruptcies in the United States are due to medical bills, and many workers avoid changing jobs for fear of losing medical coverage, especially when they have preexisting conditions.

  Many factors contribute to the poor state of health care in America, including malpractice anxiety for physicians, which leads to defensive practice. Also at play is the lack of coverage for preventive and mental-health care, which could serve as a prophylactic for expensive emergency care later on. More troubling is the profiteering of insurance and drug companies—a system that rewards physicians for overprescribing drugs. In her book Overtreated: Why Too Much Medicine Is Making Us Sicker and Poorer, Shannon Brownlee explains that a serious part of the health-care issue is the lack of clinical research needed to guide physicians’ decisions. According to Brownlee, up to 80 percent of health decisions involve ambiguity—the variability of diagnosis and available treatments—which leads to unnecessary treatments and costs.

  But don’t blame the doctors for the failures of the American health industry.

  In 2009, the Wall Street Journal reported that an increasing number of doctors, including specialists, were either opting out of Medicare entirely or not accepting patients with Medicare coverage, blaming low reimbursement rates and complaining that the burden of bureaucratic paperwork was not worth the effort. Dr. Michael E. Truman, a Texas family physician in practice for nearly forty years, explained, “Over the past several years, I’ve noticed that reimbursements for services I provide are being cut or staying the same while the cost of business has escalated a great deal. Current reimbursements from Medicare are 35 percent below what most other insurance carriers pay…. I have no idea what they are going to do this year, but if rates are lowered 25 percent, most doctors will start limiting the number of Medicare patients they see because reimbursement is below their cost for doing business. I haven’t seen anything in the new health proposals that will remedy this problem.”

  Truman said most large insurance companies refuse to increase reimbursements to match inflation. “We have very little to say about it except not to see their patients and that means closing our office,” he said. With decreasing reimbursement, doctors will be forced to start seeing forty to fifty patients a day, which means the patients will pay the price. “They will get about five minutes of the doctor’s time. With so little time with the patient, the doctors will be ordering more tests to cover their ass and turning care over to their nurse practitioners.

  “When I went into practice in 1972, we didn’t have any PPO’s or HMO’s. No one stood at our front door and collected part of our fee before the patient ever got in the office. We now have to subsidize big salaries for the insurance CEO’s and who knows who else…. They are getting rich off every doctor in practice today and insurance premiums are going up every year to the point that many of my patients can’t afford their insurance anymore and they are now paying cash. Most of the insurance companies today are nothing but parasites, offering no vitality to medical care, just sapping whatever life is left out of it.”

  With more and more doctors dropping out of insurance plans, soon “there is no guarantee that you will be able to see a physician no matter what coverage you have,” said Marc Siegel, an internist and associate professor of medicine at the NYU Langone Medical Center. “Of course, we’re promised by the Obama administration that universal health care insurance will avoid all these problems. But how is that possible when you consider that the medical turnstiles will be the same as they are now, only they will be clogged with more and more patients? The doctors…will be even more overwhelmed.”

  Deserting doctors may be the least of the health-care problems facing a zombie nation. Analysts estimate that the Obama administration’s proposed universal health-care program may cost upward of $2 trillion over a ten-year period. There is difficulty in even funding existing programs. In a 2009 article for, Mackinac Center for Public Policy associate Tait Trussell warned that “we are totally unprepared fiscally even for existing programs. Neither Social Security nor Medicare is ready for the onslaught of the 78 million Americans who will stop paying into retirement programs, and who instead will begin to draw on benefits government has promised them. The first line of baby boomers began signing up for early retirement under Social Security last year [2008]. Soon the 78-million-person tsunami of seniors will expect to be covered by Medicare.”

  But, just like the FDIC and Social Security, there is no stockpile of funds to fulfill government promises of health care. Payroll taxes supplying trust funds for these programs already are inadequate. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the Obama budget plan will increase federal spending 25 percent faster than revenues during the next ten years. “Incredibly, this is almost modest, dollar-wise, compared to the current unfunded liability for Social Security and Medicare” noted Trussell. “It totals $101.7 trillion in today’s dollars. This is more than seven times the 2008 gross domestic product (GDP), our total economy, according to calculations by the National Center for Policy Analysis. These enormous figures to fund Social Security and Medicare seem too huge to even want to be acknowledged by some policy-makers.”

  In February 2009, John C. Goodman, president of the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis, outlined the coming costs for government programs: “In 2012, Social Security and Medicare will need one out of every ten general income tax dollars to make up for their combined deficits. By 2020, the federal government will need one out of every four income tax dollars to pay for these programs. By 2030, the midpoint of the Baby Boomer retirement years, it will require one of every two income tax dollars. So it is clear that the federal government will be forced either to scale back everything else it’s doing in a drastic way or raise taxes dramatically.”

  Goodman added, “If health-care consumers are allowed to save and spend their own money, and if doctors are allowed to act like entrepreneurs—if we allow the market to work—there is
every reason to believe that health care costs can be prevented from rising faster than our incomes. Otherwise, prepare for the tax tsunami.”

  Is it possible that the globalists foresee this looming tax tsunami only too well and are siphoning every dime out of the U.S. economy before it hits? Such calamity could provide the very excuse they need to gain total control of not only the U.S. economy but also the economies of the nations who support the U.S. dollar.

  Over and beyond the stretched-thin health-care industry and approaching financial chaos, even more medical horrors loom on the horizon.


  The victims of the neurodegenerative/systemic degenerative disease Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Fibromyalgia are ill with a very real physical disease deriving from a sub-viral particle developed from the Brucellosis bacterial toxin.

  —DONALD W. AND WILLIAM L. C. SCOTT, authors of The Brucellosis Triangle

  IN RECENT HORROR MOVIES, tiny microorganisms infect humans and turn them into flesh-eating zombies. Often, the virus has been accidentally loosed from a covert government laboratory. Although it doesn’t seem like a pathogen exists for transforming a normal person into a cannibalistic zombie, there are a number of man-made germs and toxins that have been in development since before World War II that can devastate the human body.


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