The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America

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The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America Page 44

by Jim Marrs

  The public ammo consumption has caused problems for law enforcement officers. Arizona sheriff Darren White expressed concern that ammunition shortages caused by the public’s buying could curtail police training. He complained that ammunition for his own sidearm had been on back order for nearly three months. “I’ve never seen it like this in my more than two decades of law enforcement,” said White.

  Possibly in an effort to keep ammunition out of the public’s hands, the Pentagon, under orders from the Obama administration, in 2009 sent letters to the nation’s ammunition retailers stating that it would no longer sell spent shell casing brass and would instead reduce expended ammunition to scrap metal, virtually useless to ammunition reloaders. Normally, these spent shells are recast by manufacturers and resold to law enforcement agencies, gun shops, and other retail outlets. Curtis Shipley, owner of the ammunition manufacturer Georgia Arms, said, “The distressing part of it was that the government was going to lose money. They were going to lose $2 a pound and accomplish nothing. We felt like it was just an option to bring in ammunition control rather than gun control.”

  The Defense Department directive, however, was rescinded about ten days later following a deluge of letters, calls, and e-mails from irate gun owners and manufacturers. “Upon review, the Defense Logistics Agency has determined the cartridge cases could be appropriately placed in a category of government property allowing for their release for sale,” stated the Pentagon in a statement in March 2009.

  “It just restores my faith that the system works,” said a relieved Shipley. “If enough people are motivated and say ‘Hey, that is wrong,’ the system does still work.”

  The system can work if the zombies of modern America refuse to remain in a dazed and drugged state. They can make the system work by seeking alternative sources of news and information and then acting on such information. Most important, they can regain their freedom and sovereignty by seeking a government that goes beyond mere lip service and provides a true democratic republic. Otherwise the nation could slip into collapse and chaos, perhaps even revolution.

  To avert such a future, the American public must gain control over their country. National politicians no longer refer to the “Republic,” because modern America has ceased to be one. Today, it is the American empire and like Rome and Hitler’s Third Reich, it has spread its corporate and military tentacles throughout the world. Political and corporate leadership continually swap roles, creating a merger of the state and industry—the very definition of fascism. This change to socialist fascism—whether from the right or left—has been engineered by the globalist elite who hold monopolies over basic resources, energy, pharmaceuticals, transportation, and telecommunications, including the news media.

  It appears that the “New World Order” is really just the “Old World Order,” a continuing game of the wealthy minority against the working majority confounded by debt, a controlled mass media, and political confabulation. Today, thanks to amazing media technology, the game is packaged with modern advertising slickness—new names, logos, and slogans. But it still remains a matter of the haves lording over the have-nots.

  These self-styled globalists are now attempting to subdue the American population through a maze of government policies, drugs, a dumbed-down education system, and a controlled corporate mass media. Mergers and leveraged takeovers have concentrated corporate power into fewer and fewer hands. The weakening of the national economy and corporate downsizing have placed undue stress on workers, resulting in the gradual destruction of the nuclear family. Even the fields of religion, education, and entertainment are being used to transform whole generations of formerly free Americans into cowed and subservient zombies in a system increasingly under the control of the globalist elite.

  The current socialist fascism in America is the way it is simply because somewhere, someone wants it that way. If no one truly wanted the problems that beset the nation, they wouldn’t be there. These problems have been created, or excoriated, by globalists—many of them not even Americans—and their secret societies in the hope of molding the entire world into a few competing socialist blocs. They view the United States as the biggest stumbling block to their plans. This is due to America’s tradition of individual freedom, its Constitution that guarantees such freedom, and the fact that so many Americans possess firearms to protect their freedom. But true freedom is a transient quality. It must be continually nurtured by a people unified in their dedication to liberty. Americans must seek common ground if the nation is to progress and prosper. America still has millions of competent workers and an abundance of natural resources. If these assets were put to proper use, a unified America could once again become a shining beacon of liberty, justice, and production. And the formula for unity is quite simple—men and women of good intention and faith all should just agree to disagree but do so without being disagreeable. They must approach disagreements in a thoughtful and considerate manner. A return to civility is long overdue.

  To prevent such thoughtful unity, the globalist fascists have attempted to break the United States into divisions of race, sex, age, generation, and culture. They pit bureaucrats, politicians, academics, corporate leaders, and the public against one another in an agenda of divide and conquer. They maintain control in a society fragmented by combative ideologies and philosophies as well as competing corporate interests by using their corporate mass media assets to degrade the popular culture, downgrade the education process, permit acceptance of a steady flow of illegal immigrants, and divide the population over peripheral issues such as party politics, abortion, sexual relationships, stem-cell research, so-called hate crimes, and the like.

  These globalist fascists scoff at the concepts of true individual freedom and multicultural egalitarianism, for they have no faith in the innate goodness of humankind or its ability for self-government. They have no real faith in a god and use religious ideals and concepts merely as another tool for social control. These globalists see their agenda for worldwide socialism as the only means of maintaining their power and control, the only way in their view to maintain the purity of their race and class. They are in it for the long haul. The owners of the multinational corporations with their membership in secretive societies and their well-paid administrators know their goals will not be achieved overnight, although since the attacks of 9/11 they seemed to have redoubled their efforts.

  The struggle against such steadfast will to power and its attendant control will not be easy. All areas of society will require sacrifice and change. Lifestyles will have to be altered. But it can be done—hopefully before the United States falls into depression, anarchy, and then a police state. New energy sources and technologies are on the horizon. Technological breakthroughs await only the change of attitude on the part of conventional politics, commerce, and finance. An aroused public could push this attitude change along.

  Though seldom reported in the corporate-controlled mass media, there is a rising consciousness well under way in the public mind. Informed consumers are beginning to realize they can improve their health by changing their diet and seeking alternative health remedies. Individuals are taking the initiative by listening to voices outside the mainstream media; writing their representatives and local news media; taking part in peaceful demonstrations; and conducting study groups and book review discussions in their homes. They can also vote with their spending habits. If enough people refuse to buy a certain product—whether it’s a brand of car, gasoline, or some federal policy proposal—it can force a change of direction in the corporate controllers, who, after all, must respond to the bottom line.

  Many Americans are hopeful. They sincerely believe the system can be changed nonviolently and will begin to work for the benefit of all citizens. But just in case, they retain the right to hold on to their guns. It’s not as if America has never experienced a revolution before.

  If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest
for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

  —SAMUEL ADAMS, Founding Father and revolutionary



  “Zombie” demeanor from psychiatric drugs: adderall_stimulant_treatment_for_adhd.html

  Zombie ants:

  Zombie banks:

  Largest single increase in debt: politicalhotsheet/entry5355738.shtml

  A trillion dollar bills to the sun and back:

  Obama administration raises deficit projection: Read

  U.S. assets less debt:


  Economic Decline

  $5 trillion of wealth evaporated:

  One in eight mortgages in default: mortgage_defaults_hitting_reco.html

  Foreclosures by 2012:

  Adults and children on food stamps:

  Unemployment figure second highest since WWII:

  Economic collapse like Argentina:

  Loss of income tax revenues:

  Massive federal loans for jobless:

  No pauper funerals in Indiana:

  Public housing demolition in Atlanta:

  Reverting paved road to gravel in Michigan:

  Family-owned businesses closed their doors:

  Peter Schiff on increase in household debt despite savings:

  Socialism and Loss of Individuality

  Lenin on subservience to the State:;,9171,729546,00.html

  Lenin’s globalist quotes:

  Paul Craig Roberts on how a private individual had no need for forms:

  Norman Thomas on “liberalism”:

  “We Are All Socialists Now”: Cover, Newsweek, February 16, 2009

  New World Order

  Adolf Hitler on New World Order:

  Globalists as “flexians”:

  U.S. capitalists funded Bolsheviks: Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2000), pp. 192–193

  U.S. capitalists funded Nazis: Jim Marrs, The Rise of the Fourth Reich (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2008), pp. 25–32

  Nick Rockefeller quote:

  Catherine Austin Fitts on global financial coup d’état:

  Walter Cronkite on America’s ruling class: (August 28, 2009)

  Dissension in the Ranks

  Dissension at the University of Chicago:

  Paul Krugman on failure of economists and Ben Bernanke quote:



  Foreign trade and bonds

  Easy credit “forces” permanently altered:

  Grand Net bonds inflow drop:

  Weimar territory lies ahead: Ibid.

  Dollar losing status as world currency:

  China may default on derivatives:

  Peter Schiff on Chinese not buying Treasury debt:

  Liars’ Loans

  William K. Black on “liars’ loans”:

  Black on pig in a poke: Ibid.

  Bush administration refused to replace five hundred agents: Black, op. cit.

  Gramm and Deregulation

  Brooksley Born on opaque market:

  Phil Gramm as meltdown culprit:;; 0,28804,1877351_1877350,00.html

  CFTC prevented from asking questions: Born, op. cit.

  Black on Swiss bank UBS: Black, op. cit.

  AIG execs failed to return bonuses from taxpayer bailout:

  All people who have failed: Black, op. cit.

  Overwhelmed by regulation quotes by Bill Moyers and William K. Black:

  Colonial BancGroup fails:

  Robert Auerbach and Fed banks: idUSN0756271320090407

  They think Americans are a bunch of cowards:

  Downsizing America

  CFR explains the president’s agenda for Paulson: what_the_boss_wants_from_hank_paulson.html

  Henry Paulson on safe banking system:

  Paulson’s face: 0,31682,1861543_1865103,00.html

  Scandal of such proportions due to relatively few: Black, op. cit.

  Martin D. Weiss on three government reports and insanity:

  Conspiracy theorists are right:

  Representative Kay Granger’s comments:

  Debt Slaves

  Obama on a multiplier effect:

  Stimulus Package

  A spiraling public debt crisis:

  Charles Millard and PBGC: pbgc_refuses_testify.reut/index.htm

  Before the Crash

  Franklin Raines on home ownership expansion:

  Steven Holmes on Fannie Mae risk:

  Larry Summers convinces Bill Clinton:


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