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The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America

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by Jim Marrs

  history of, 61–66

  money for faith and debt, 56–57

  ownership of, 67–68, 71

  usury and, 55–56

  Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 75, 98, 99

  Fein, Oliver, 336

  FEMA. See Federal Emergency Management Agency

  Ferguson, Thomas, 123

  Fernandez, Jose, 315

  Fiat, 232

  “fiat” money, 58, 61

  fibromyalgia, 112, 114

  Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 197

  Fields, W. C., 355

  financial crisis of 2008, 2–3, 10, 17, 29–35

  before the crash, 37–40

  foreign trade and bonds, 22–24

  financial panics, 64

  Financial Stability Board (FSB), 69–71, 345–46

  Financial Stability Forum (FSF), 69–70

  Financial Stability Improvement Act of 2009, 78–79

  fire ants, 2

  firearms, 381–88

  Firearms Freedom Act, 362

  Fire Congress Meetup Groups, 352

  First Amendment, 285, 312, 324–25

  First Bank of the United States, 61

  First National Bank of New York, 64, 72

  FISA Amendments Act of 2008, 325

  Fischer, George, 129

  Fishbein, Morris, 128–29

  Fitts, Alan O., 236

  Fitts, Catherine Austin, 15–16, 51, 121–22

  Fitzgerald, Brian Thomas, 93

  Fitzgerald, Dennis G., 245

  Flagg, James Montgomery, 351

  “flexians,” 14

  Flexner, Abraham, 202

  Fluent, 289

  flu fears, 182–86

  fluoridated water, 100–103

  flu vaccines, 176–83

  adjuvants and squalene, 169–76

  Folsom, James, 130–32

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 89–90, 94, 95, 99, 130–32, 137, 144–47, 171, 172, 376

  food contamination, 85–86

  Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) of 1938, 89

  food industry, 82–99

  Codex Alimentarius, 96–99

  false claims and recalls, 84–86

  genetically modified foods, 90–95

  growth hormones, 86–88

  rise of the FDA, 88–90

  Smart Choices Program, 83–84

  Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996, 89

  food recalls, 85–86

  food standards, 96–99

  Foord, Alvin, 129

  forced sterilization, 155

  Ford, Gerald R., 119, 178–79

  Ford, Henry, 56

  Ford Foundation, 201

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978, 282–83, 287

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), 282–83

  Foreign Relations Committee Authorization Act, 182

  Forfeiture Endangers American Rights (FEAR), 374–75

  forfeiture laws, 245–46, 374–75

  Fort Chaffee, 256–57

  Fort Detrick, 109, 110, 114

  Fourth Amendment, 218, 285

  fractional banking, 58

  Frank, Barney, 78, 80

  Franklin, Benjamin, 60

  Franks, Oliver, 141

  Freddie Mac, 36, 37–39, 42–43, 51, 366

  Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 53, 77, 81, 305, 323

  freedom of the press, 323–29

  free trade, 371–72

  foreign trade and bonds, 22–24

  Frenkel, Jacob, 74

  Freud, Sigmund, 166

  Friedman, Milton, 18

  Froot Loops, 83–84

  Frye, Jocelyn C., 235

  full-body scanners, 309–12

  Gadhafi, Mu’ammar, 237

  Gajdusek, Carleton, 110

  Galton, Francis, 158

  Gardiner, John, 202

  Garrett, Scott, 82

  Garrick, Scott and Cassandra, 270

  Garry, Robert F., 171

  Garza, Felipe, 266

  Gates, Bill, 125

  Gates, Frederick T., 200–201

  Gates, Robert, 204, 231

  Gatto, John Taylor, 195, 196

  Geithner, Timothy, 9, 29–32, 39–40, 78, 231, 232

  gene patents, 91

  General Accounting Office (GAO), 75, 77, 78

  General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 98

  General Education Board (GEB), 198, 199–201

  General Motors (GM), 30

  General Services Administration (GSA), 303

  Generation Investment Management, 248

  Generation M (report), 193–94

  genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in foods, 90–95

  Genoa, 279

  George III, king of England, 60

  Gerberding, Julie, 169

  German, Mike, 244

  German Society for Racial Hygiene, 159

  Geyman, John, 337–38

  Gibbs, David N., 203–4

  Gibbs, Nancy, 229–30

  Gilead Sciences, 146

  Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 120

  Gladney, Kenneth, 240

  Glass, Carter, 65

  Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, 26, 28, 39

  GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), 133, 140–41, 168, 172

  Glazebrook, Josh, 289

  global currency, 23, 74

  globalization (globalists), 14, 22

  global warming, 247–51

  GMAC Financial Services, 40

  Goethe, Charles M., 159

  gold, 52–55, 58

  “Gold and Economic Freedom” (Greenspan), 52–53

  Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. (GATA), 53–55

  golden parachutes, 36–37

  Goldman Sachs, 30, 33, 37, 39, 41, 70

  Goldwater, Barry, 56, 232–33

  Goldwater Institute, 191, 334

  Gonzales, Alberto, 285, 307

  Good, Steven, 42

  “Good Club,” 125

  Goodlad, John, 202

  Goodman, Jennifer R., 236

  Goodman, John C., 106, 337

  GOOOH (Get Out of Our House), 351

  Gordon, Regine, 226–27

  Gore, Al, 248–49

  Gosney, Paul, 159

  government camps, 253–59

  government-dictated news, 212–13

  GPS tracking devices, 295–97

  Gramm, Phil, 27–28

  Gramm, Wendy Lee, 26–27

  Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, 27–28

  Granger, Kay, 34

  Granholm, Jennifer, 365

  Granick, Jennifer, 300

  Graves, Boyd, 124

  Grayson, Alan, 80

  Great Depression, 17, 24, 54, 58

  Green, George, 353–54

  greenhouse gases, 250

  Greenspan, Alan, 27, 28, 52–53, 67, 231

  Greenwald, Glenn, 218–19

  Greider, William, 56–58

  Griffin, G. Edward, 55–56, 58–59, 66, 74, 121

  Grigg, William Norman, 120, 262

  Grimes-Miles, Ingrid, 236–37

  Gross, Adrian, 144

  Ground Truth, The (Farmer), 370

  Groves, Robert, 240

  growth-hormone-treated foods, 86–88, 90

  G-20 London Summit (2009), 69–70

  G-20 protests, 224–25

  Guantanamo Bay detention camp, 253–55

  Guernsey Experiment, 346–48

  Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), 173, 179

  Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956 (Solzhenitsyn), 381–82

  Gulf War syndrome, 116–18, 170–72

  guns, 381–88

  Gurman, Sadie, 225

  Haass, Richard, 232

  Hachey, Wayne, 180

  Hall, G. Stanley, 202

  Hall, Melissa, 225

  Halliburton, 255

  Hamas, 237

  Hambali, Yasir al-, 213–14

  Hamilton, Alexander, 60–61

  Hamilton, Lee, 370

  Hammell, Joh
n, 97, 98

  Hammond, Matthew, 265

  Hanafin, Bob, 274–75

  Hanni, Kate, 309

  Hannity, Sean, 34

  Harlow, John, 125

  Harper, Mark J., 126

  Harriman, Mary Averell, 158

  Harriman, W. Averell, 14–15, 158

  Harris, Bev, 357

  Harris, Eric, 152

  Harris, Leslie, 300

  Hastings, Alcee, 258

  Hatch Act of 1939, 275

  hate-crime laws, 277–78, 372

  Havelock, Ronald, 202

  Hayden, Katharine S., 270

  Hayden, Kelley, 332

  Hayden, Michael, 283

  Hayes, Arthur Hull, 146

  Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), 85

  Healey, David, 134

  health-care system, 103–7, 334–38, 363, 376

  health insurance, 104–5, 336–38

  Health Medicine Forum, 335

  Healy, David, 166

  Hegel, Georg W. F., 197

  Heimbold, Charles, Jr., 137

  Help America Vote Act of 2002, 356

  hemp, 373–74

  heparin, 183

  hepatitis B vaccine, 113–14, 123

  herbal supplements, 96–99

  heroin, 187, 188

  Hewitt, Karen, 130

  Hightower, Jim, 83–84

  Hilleman, Maurice, 112

  Hilton, Michael, 262

  Hinnen, Todd, 287

  Hitler, Adolf, 14, 15, 73, 141, 154–55, 160, 197, 215–16, 379–80

  Hitler Youth, 228, 238

  HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 113, 123, 124, 178, 183

  Holbrooke, Richard, 232

  Holder, Eric, 316

  Holdren, John, 120–21, 246–47

  Hollingsworth, Doneen, 181

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 158

  Holmes, Steven A., 38

  Homeland Security, Department of (DHS), 222–23, 255, 256, 263, 270, 302–6

  no-fly lists, 306–10

  security abuses, 312–14

  Homeland Security Act of 2002, 272, 302, 306

  home mortgages. See mortgages homeschooling, 331–34

  H1N1 influenza virus. See swine flu

  Honig, Doug, 317

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 302, 306

  Horowitz, Len G., 107–8, 112, 125

  House, Edward Mandell, 66

  Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 241

  housing starts, 41–42

  How Capitalism Saved America and Hamilton’s Curse (DiLorenzo), 359–60

  How to Survive the Crisis and Prosper in the Process (Schoon), 48

  How Would a Patriot Act? (Greenwald), 218–19

  Hoxsey, Harry, 129

  Hughes, Denis M., 67

  human gene patents, 91

  Human Rights Campaign, 278

  Hurd, Maude, 240

  Hussein, Saddam, 114–16

  Huxley, Aldous, 132–33

  Hyde, Henry, 246

  ID (identification) cards, 290–97

  I. F. Stone’s Weekly, 328

  I. G. Farben, 99, 100, 108, 143, 185

  IGF-1 growth hormone, 95

  Illuminati, 14

  Immelt, Jeffrey R., 67

  immigration, 237, 265, 271–72, 277

  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 255

  implanted ID chips, 291–97

  improprieties and death, 42–43

  income inequality, 42, 44–46

  Inconvenient Truth, An (documentary), 248

  individualism (individuality), 11–13, 203

  IndyMac, 25, 33

  inflation, 24, 50, 57, 68, 76

  influenza. See avian flu; flu fears; flu vaccines; swine flu

  Informants and Undercover Investigations (Fitzgerald), 245

  Information Awareness Office (IAO), 279–80

  In-Q-Tel Inc., 204

  Institute for Cooperation in Space, 250

  Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), 279

  interest, 55–56, 69

  interest rates, 52, 57, 340

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 75, 233, 301, 361, 367

  International Congress of Eugenics, 158–59

  International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977, 55

  International Federation of Eugenics Societies, 159

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), 34

  Internet Eyes, 318

  Iran-Contra affair, 304–5

  Iraq war, 13, 179, 213, 222, 230, 261, 265, 324

  Isaac, William M., 47–48

  Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), 237

  Israel, 59, 237

  iWATCH, 244

  Jackson, Andrew, 62

  Jackson, Deilia A., 236

  Jackson Medical Society, 176–78

  Japanese American internment, during World War II, 253, 280

  Japanese biological warfare, 109

  Jarvis, Kristen E., 236

  Jefferson, Thomas, 1, 60–62, 199, 334, 381

  Jeffrey, Terence P., 272

  Jekyll Island Hunt Club, 63–64, 65

  Jesus, 55

  Jiminez, Joe, 294

  Johnson, Cheryl, 310–11

  Johnson, Jennifer J., 81

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 15, 46, 298, 323

  Johnson, Milbank, 129

  Johnson, Robert, 308

  Johnston, Camille Y., 235

  Jones, Alex, 262

  Jones, James L., 125, 229, 231

  Joyner, James, 303

  JP Morgan Chase, 37, 40–41, 67

  Kalambuka, Angeyo, 123

  Kallet, Arthur, 88

  Kansas City Pandemic of 1921, 176–78

  Kaufmann, Fritz, 154

  Kazman, Sam, 249

  KBR, Inc., 255

  Kellermann, David, 42–43

  Kendall, Arthur I., 129

  Kennedy, Edward, 307

  Kennedy, John F., 15, 62, 258, 322, 355, 370, 382

  Kennedy, Patrick F., 308–9

  Kentucky Medicaid, 183–84


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